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May 16, 1925 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-16

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SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1925



pop I 'I

Mrs. 0. D. Oliphant, of Trenton,
NeOw Jersey, national president of the
t~American Legion Auxiliary and a wo-
man nationally known because of her
v~rsatility is the sponsor and organ-
izjer for -the Woman's Council for
' ational .Defense as Peace Insurance.
The new council is the first in his-'
tory' undertaken by women for na-
tional defense as peace insurance and
the meeting held in Washington re-
cently was brought about largely
through the efforts of Mrs. Oliphant
< on behalf of the American Legion
Auxiliary. President Coolidge in ad-
dressing the women's council for
tpeace, said :
' Whe~n T learned1 tha~t thewomen



Rose Color Suit
Worn ,On Links

Vacation Time In
Y. IV. C. A. Camps
EAppeal To Women
3Women of today apparently (d0 not
considler men essential to the suc-
cess of a vacation. According to last
year's statistics, over 98,000 women
chose "1"" camps for an Adamless
As to the types of young women
represented among these vacationists
the occupations reported by last
year's registration at Camp Maqua,
near Poland, Maine, showed a wide
[variation. Stenographers took first
l place with teaching and secretarial
work tied as secondl. Bookkeepers
and college students followed, while
there were two or three nurses, in-
terior dlecorators, lib~rarians, and~ in-
surance agents. Guests at this single

i .
,y '!
. a i
' {i
'Y i
- Si
i ;
S i
' ' I

of: the American Legion had arranged} camp registeredt from 12 ~saes.
a c~lfeenceof he atioal omens ~ ~ ' This survey of attendance at only
patriotic organizations, I felt anea-oefthcmpclrysowte
net:eir:t>ee:te, ndt diversified appeal of camp life to all
thank them. That desire was based girls and young women," said Misst
*pconsideration, first, of who they.' s4....# hazel Allen, national camp director,
are; second, of whom they represent,f .anthatedceigrwgevy
and third, of the purpose for which year.~_____________________
they are assembled .. .We are on the . .'
way to hetter things. Your conferences
represents one of those influences C (OS]TMES PLAN NED
for progress, with reason and con-j ;~, r FOR LANTERN NIITI
sideration, to which we must look ' ..}...t. ^ _
for advice and guidance. Your leaders Uniforms for the Lantern
are}tobecogratulted.". 1 Night aides will consist of
Mrs. Oliphant was elected national }White knickers, white sok
president of the American Legion ings, and for the seniors blue
Auxiliary at the' St. Paul national sweaters, for the juniors yellow
convention last September. Her ]at- sweaters, for the sophomores
est undertaking is a two monthsr red sweaters, for the freshmen
speaking tour through the south- , white tailored shirts with green
western, part of the country in the r. ands andl ties.
interest of the American Legion en-?Y( The complete program for
dowvment fund project for the fie (l ay andi Lantern Night
Orphaned children and disabled vet- including details of" the fresh-
erans of the world war. man pageant anal pictures of the(1
A si of soft rose .against: the green ! omnorrow.
Elect Faculty__
1 the golf lI iks makies a lpret ty--.--.____._- -__.
Officers Cub - Officr s ture , you can r uar ilyse. hi tIM R a h ~ n d
Iand s portsmasnlikec suit is, built of bal- d
th fiesFc lyfor the com ing year for brg a-nro e c l r
theFacltyWomen's club were elect -___________n__os__olor
ed at the combined luncheon and j_________________
business meeting held recently at the:
Ann Arboit Golf club. Following are
the. results: MVirs. Shirley Smith,: Speci1al R'eduction
president; Mrs. William Frayer, vice-I
president; Mrs.. Arthur Alton, secre- 0n
tary; Mrs. Ormun Boston, treasurer. ITim..:..1 iin..

Landladies Declare Ban Against !Foreign Students"
First Co-Ed On Michigan Campus Guests At Picnic! NOTICES
IMembers of the world fellowship'
When we look at the large numbers for the women's issue of the inlander I committee of the Y. W. C. A. are en-1
of Coedls who are at present attend-,.iii 1896, twenty five years after the l tertaining the foreign women on theI The bus which will accommodate
ing the un1iversity it is almost impos- i first woman came to Michigan. "In t apswtI incspe pte hs tedn h nvriyGrs
Bible to believe that not so very the next few years after 1889 the wihapciIupru h'toe tedn h nvriyGrs
river at 4 :30 o'clock Saturday. This; Glee club formal in Ypsilanti will
many years ago women camne to., numbers of girls increased slowly pincwl upatteana as leave from the Union at 8:30 o'clock
Michigan for the first time. One though surely, for it took brave,.pini wllsuponnteinnalhos
'might perhaps, think that the en- hearts to be co-eds in those days. I party. tigt
trance of the co-edl at Michigan would The landladies refused to admit Beryl Schafer, '25, is general chair- .AA.h1ewlbeedat93
be heralded with shouts of joy. ItE them to boardinghos.Sme f man, and Beata Wagner, '25, and Mariao'oc ths mrig Al wme
would 1be rather natural to think that ;them felt that their reputations inIj Van Ossenbrugger, '25, will have charge tsigt g r sedt eta
men world welcome bright clothes :Ann Arbor would be jeoprodized so of the refreshments. Esther Mahaffe, I Barbour gymnasium.
and feminine smiles where there had! strong was the feeling against womenX 25, will provide, the transportation,,
never been any women. But it most in the university. Even certain and Dora Dodge, '25, is chairman of the1 eerasfrteFeha ae
certainly wa s not the case. The re-, church doors were closed to the bra-i entertainment committee. anehforsMondty, areashfollows:e4
ception committee which greeted zen co-ed. One girl paid for a pew anffro'Mck nalforo, 4:30-fo Crstal
:vlniss Stock~vell, the first :Michigan sin a church, but throughout the year ocok-algon :0 rsa
woma wa a ong(loblehueot'no embr o th cogreatin sokealmighty members or tile supreme grout, 4:45- Mirror group, 5-- Skip
jeering mien who formied on eitherl to her, and the minister gave scath- 1 C htsol hytk uhagop -angop :5Mte
side of the diargenal down to State ling sermons on the invasion of halls I step complete ostracization from; Goose, 5:15-Waltz group. The Waltz
hoi osa~Ms tc-'flann ywmn campus society would result. Need-1 and Dawngruswlmetith
streot, o onennea sern Sonic of the professors were kind ' less to say this horrible threat was, gyminasiumin op and thewilrm et remaining groupe
the amu of he ongline of mnen. to the women in their classes, still never carried out and in spite of the in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
;However Miss Stockwell was wholly others refused to recognize their Muintensedoppositionttheyco-ed pros
unconscious that the reception was; presence in classes at all. Some wo- peenlhsbcneadfnt i- Mmesdaai oit ilhl
in eIhonrandwaledsernel menwer neerperittd o rcit tture on the Michigan campus. an open meeting at 4 o'clock Wednes-
dtown the aisle of crestfallen men (during the entire semester. Many of1(pawilbprsneathstmey
who turned shyln e-faced away. the women who were contemplating LR.ead the XW ant iAds the members of the society. The play
M arie Louisa Hiall WValker writes entering were advised by the more + selected is'"Maker of Dreams."
r s
(tk r rS port Hat s
r- -
I i- a
I-r -- "-i. wa
. 3 rs ose $4.60= in Felts, Ribbon
Today only ! Thiree pairs of r _g ;w ~T~IT
ful fs~rond exdlchos,-ndPeanutSta
w- t.we k a
j revularly $1.50, for $4.00. .
Inrxcl c.7 in ne nt~in=W hite and colorsa-
zltnu o, c R.Cflpal, notching,-aa-
a -k ndv--t. Sze 82 -
b tl r~~,ldlVU ~.-w-
ill(,, 1. 1 1:tu, t cal,
ZjijC, jU~iD an, Raichaorchid,-- a
jq 115 East Liberty Street

AIUIC V Nigi - - - SUc to
GARRCK ets Ma, -S~cto $1.4O
Sat. Mat.- - S~c to $2.00
The Miry' ep Oi.y sIAmuerica
«Able's Irish Rose"

1 r Iimed PisL
Popular Price Hat Shop
333 South Main St.


Summer Styles
at Their,
Best Will Be
2:30 to 3:30

This Afternfoonl

"Not s~nce L
Nom dica has 4a
Stow~ied by a
S ence as fell tc
rence Tibbet t
F'ord in Boito
ar~ts tihe Lite
d (ate of Febrmn
VI E Mr. flallest
j~ Spain. IHe Sl
j arce~la, at
inl opera. Si
S South Ameri
the Chicago
Opera Compal
Ahr21cag Civic
M1Iss ITEl ska
leber of lutro
panics for s
co ig 1.), r

N mlollllll I I I I I OWANNUFMOM

a -itor e)
Lhe dlays of Lillian
mi American heard
sof appilauise be-
\'letropolit an audi-
o the lot, of Law-
:inl the part of
;s 'Falstaff, re-
'rary Digest under
ary 7, 1925.

Six of the Artists
who are to appear
on programs of the

Hill Auditorium
Ann Arbor
.,1A Y
20, 21,9 22,v 23

Miss M~eisle is the possessor
of one of the most beautiful and
opulent voices to be heard to-
dlay. ,She has been with the
Chicago Civic Opera Company
since' 1923, making her debut in,
the important role of Erda in

. . . ... . . . -s. .1...rr rrr rrrrae, .: . , .v. . .irrr, .ti . . . . , . ,r. sr y srr.,rr .r..r. .s .svr.. r .r .:a..r^., .

You'll want to see the crispi)little
Tub Silks and Fresh Prints.-so
joyfully stylish and so app~ropriate
to summery days-just the thing
to wear to the May Festival next
week. As the mannikins promnen-
ade in these cheery frocks it will
be _a delightful task to decide which
you wan~ta
'Twill be a pretty sight to see the
lovely chiffons and flowered geor'-
gettes as they are worn by manni-
kins who will promenade to the
accompaniment of p~opular music
tomorrow afternoon. And how at-
tractive you will find the embroid-
ered tub silk dresses called Fran-
clue Frocks! Priced

As your thoughts turn toward your
vacation trip you realize the neces-
sity of a dark silk for traveling -
nothing could be more suited to
that need! And a lighter one for
social occasions -or a printed
cm epe, too, you'll wiant. Make your
selection as the frocks are shown
at the Samnmer Fashion Revule.
M~any are featured at
L oveliest of all are the silk: frocks
suited to the most elaborate of
soc'ial occasions! Dark silk, lav-
ishly trimmed, beautiful in quality
and charming in style. Adapted to
every summertime need -always
rea dy to comia forth from your
Irtnk and grace ain affai~r given ini
your honmor ! l'hey will a ppear to--
niorrt)w at .$3950

ter was horn in
aug frequently in
id later went to
he made his debut
ince then hie has
<at success in Italy,
ca., and with bo0th
and Metropolitan

Mr.' Morgan, the young Welsh
tenor, has 'been described as
"Evan Williams 'of this genera-#
tion." Since coming to America
he has appeared in practically
all of. the music centers of the
East and Middle West in ora-
torio and recital. H~is engage-
ments have been veritable tri-
um phs.


Six Concerts

-Four Days

Fashion's Favorite
Summer Hfats at $6.50
Hats to crown the costume effectively-light ones to match dainty frocks.
darker ones for wear with the wran)-tailored or flower trimmed-becoming
in line and effect will be shown from the popular priced HIat Shoppe where
Milady finds a chic Hat at only $6.50.

ember of the Clhi-
Opera Company.
has been a niem-
opean opera coin-
sevcral years, and
c,rino in filma nrimn

Course Tickets on Sale Up to May 11lth
$5, $5.50, $6, $7
(If Festival Coupon from Choral Union ticket is returned,
deducrt $3 fro~m these prices.) Address orders to II

Mr. .Elman is so well known
to the public through his records
and many concert appearances

i t ,


i I

it I

1 11


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