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February 15, 1925 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-15

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1 '


., r Att Thelhe ason ;an d !ii'H; o
wvhich patrons r )''lio i
otfrday for the Irthei b' .i
enggmn.Te tertainers offers a program~ of Ii
latest popular Selc t ion S ill yr +z ;)1
song, and. one of the ieniblers ; ci.
tributes an entertain ing c eeni ri
dance. 'The feature m nl ;11'i) 1)
"The iCity That Nov(*' Sloop';." 's')
first' scene is in a sal oohit.n Tb
B~owery' in 19.0-the (lays 01flg i,
pomnpadours, and wasp vxisl i. !
er O'Day runs a e(SI itnthis ,KY jii
burt realizing that tier smal (ill gl);I e
*should not be raised in <)1h;~
mosphere she Manesaraneo'
have the child ad'opted b-: s '(
lady. The girl re ~ws o ;, o'uoo
member of the yormnger ,ofj i 'l ,
eventually fails iato tO 'S ,l of
11,xscrupulous iforli. e 11I aec 'i

.; I.
'I 'I
I' +I. ;

! ily, andl Kinogratts complete tho
scrreen l rratni. On the stage The Curches
At Cl£<n and i hxon orchestra will pre-;
a! I Iew ~pram i. r :" . , ( (ontinnued from Page eleven)
"H ow (Can Christians Control an li-
The11,1erll liuunce a Pagan Press?'' will be the7
floid a i tai 1rewill ibe pr1esented I11 ;c for (discssionf.
I 1 e r't hroum gh T hu rsiI-h -
<it7,'. t' t7lu4ling''is a Story o1f ' *,- { o-k '.i 's P5lftiI(TaJI 'Iiirb
ll S'IE i3"take 10r1Onltl 811(1 nn Centecrs 5,ei 1O 1 41017 srmo°- 1G 1 e (1-
0- d.")l i.!co 211 (i( i;m 'l ( . It has a v:}e r. Kt ^ !.""? f"1 :.ill i L('.rn . Tei Slt Cti .t
ui:t o; bye Wen un ll ' ,wom~l b ut .c::: : 'ia-.Ehs , ai 10:0 o'clock will ii-
't11 pti l 1 hL riole is ia l a by "Thund- j12a ito I V ircced the 11:30 o'clok
iw' er''the grent 10)11cC 00g. Numrous j erson. "Many Serios but Few ?
u~ ntl nl Sllit.ltoiIs ocdui' and are nmad" t. uihn' stl 1 tCto il
e- IOl i at~ar4ing by thre swiftness ofiC1101Which will be given in Eng
fl e a ct il wh llic2s nmoteid tihrou ghout 11. hestdet cubwil ee a
I: h. h' ] (I 1 '. P i' it Ul( hi' T hl a s n e5, t e en 5:30 awll i l 7:30t
> fiea i t u.S. T e pcure w i h i l e p r o a e b t e n 5 3 n : 0! ctt (d w ith "Black Lightecning" is0>o ockl for the social ho r, supper
2E2 11:0 I h~aaelisix red Pi a1 t coedyj ' - l isusio.-
f"Tlhe I o t]lag Or]0 l.'' the J story
1 -ha!,1 a us ,;<"nltl calI helme theoreja vena-
i i m f , 4 1 , f c l ( n n n ew l j it O V ,11 l , t h e n u c Y 1 l i~ tr a ni.'L fl t er a m "1 i '1 'Cei( ( . A . N e lm ille l m w i l l t r o r i g s r m n .Tl i
tofia brilply',,sin exist oce. In 18'7 o em 7igsron.TeEg
vl 'ycn ' iofy begins they wotl(l j-r , ' ilish setarviceat 10 o'ckil be fol-i
liv~d 1 2 'Ile lt' ts 11 u, ,but fifty I ~ '''d i o rltrbyte srie i
1 IP 21c t1(!y ii sit idly inl thell'lux- r ij_4 ATk(=r C an.1 The sermon toic will be'
Ronald Cflaric. -ad ori Keyo ..,. ....ie*-in-------s ''wAll Tht Happens Really for our,
lob M i~ern IPOC li~llCI'1113e t?'' he Young People's (discus-
i iS tiI 11 rcal mid8 ]i, 11)2gncl. Jl0\X'Cva eaibeetoisry ih 'd I1 11(" Olin rII r r ss ii ib'1 .0,l i 1 i0)11
(Vai Biberstores li~lad Ii~t bitaouior -will be held at te Church
_tr7c 151c Ii!vw) ita iucs thrust them in a in~g Davis, ''The Burgulara"'*.Topic off n 1;, ai' P.te ii ( S 5' Krrh-Biair the ~~a 0ocok
? 1 ntPf iXhtrll &iIa(O~ lll I ! u., 111c cmly pro- ile Day, an(1 News rels wilIl be11 tPh ' . ...of " 'r1' 0 '.Ol"'l" E ll e-
sentel. Friday an1d Satulrday' "i lrI?7 +'!1 951,".;. 9i s a iEl dt'rllr'e andl
ciu iuuoii'. WalaceIlery Trinit y Ihglsh l Liltilran hirelI:
Sea Nawke" which is said to he 1.11 ' rwlilg ''Exuses' wil beatlltoie foetil
best pictur'e of the yea , is ill e] n , Kes J> aa spor Ia~:~ li I rather likble' Ecss ilb h oi o h
return eggmn. Test oy b', rte 2 jIiV'5I)P' niel Olii )Yli ser~nmn. Te Stdent supper
raeurnSanatini islroaby 1anha ']tlnt(2sh', 018l.la oyd 10i llieina ad ellowshi p hour tit5:30 mwil be'
. R~~anaeSaanithescpreenabl aClilarf 'ilA~s1 ,i) (t ('' P I e te thn usalfollowed by tie Student forum. Floyd
lrluy>andth sceenverin cn 'ill~~eri) t lt seii~c tan sua.iner, Dorothy Kieffer, and Ralph
ta< h aeclofladaan:lfaco1'e _iS('t'ien c effects i1n ti l I' lers will Have charge of tie meet-
/ ,, adventures. Thie cst is well cilp.;(.a1 b U. with : sixteenth century n.ndwlseaonEcesfo -
''"am lieiv oeSeil eto.sinAIl1il Si'llsges an bn i te Pittsburg Convention of the L-
M8lto Sill plays te part of (-~'l-,2t{eS uCa r .t taiifll. tieran Student Association."_
" r Yom F F. .
s~ I -
Ise Dressier in James Crtze's E= Mirro utensils are made of pure,. thick metal,
he. City T'ft. Nctver Sleeps toughened and hardened ky ro!Ung a, Znd rc-
tection for a couple of young lovers,= rolling under tons of pressure. T1his makes A pure opaque white lin, in
the r'ilu tem fghin sirt ndthem unusually stron-,g', AIc su sanial. It triple coat of enamel with blue
Isiiu lj 1 i1)~hanYt hot hAfttically and!. gives them a gassy-hard polid e(d surfi c i-at black beads and ears.-
- ________ esiy m'llanivclan Volrath White is unquesion-
opt°1in attheAreae teate fr Iably pure and not srpassed in
lire ly ri'5i the First National Pic- C-bauty duablty Orpriy
tll'l' "A Thifi in lParaiise," featuring _;
lDormis Kenc ryon, Aileen Pringle and .
itonald Coleman. Ronald Coiem~an,
fime young Eilglish <actom' who has been-
gainllin steady-popularity in his re- e
cetpictulres, tes tileprole of.a C
d erelict ivh liezalS the 0p)oitlnity yto ,~J ..'1 ~v.. ~ .J
i mlU'llqid(e as another man11 in a last!
e'hn't to gaini success and respect. Main near Weshington Washinton near Main
I;"e sory is an adaptation of Leon--
aril 72'eicef's novel "Tihe Worldlings " 2 -
anti 1the atno rn e r m tedvs lllllllll~tlillll1111R1i~~@1i.tion ranges tlIllroum tile dives __________________{___________F41t.10111k~x'
in ll(esourth sea islands to tihe exclu-
hive soctial colonies of San F;rancisco
an uD )el M\ont e, bringing in such
scenes as aill undersea battle between
a1 eian and( a shark, another betweene
I We 111011 for a pearl, a polo match-
londes versus hbrunettes--all attiredl
ilm bathing stits, and a midnight elop-
nu'nt illanl airplane. Doris Kenyon
Plays the pat of tie girl ColemanI
loves, wliile Aileen Pringie gives al

Reverend E. C. Stellhorn will do-i
liver another' of time series of sernmons
on time third commandment this morn-
in1g. Tile subject will be "Sabbath.
Sins." The stadents will meet at 5:30
o'clock for time supp~er anid social
hioura. w hjch will b e VolIc wed Iby time
.discussion foruhiour'.

Zioni LlItlI(rl (Churchl

European Tours
For College Men and Women
64 Daye
$395. and up
College credit up to S8-heurs
if desired
For full par ticulars addr.a
Tours Diviston

Chfiropoidist Ortihope~dis't i -
707 N. University eve Inane 26 524''Re a heW n d
I For the Past, Present and Future


*r /


338 Maynard



Do You Know

v.,.. _
!' i
} i
t :


This Law?

Rica.rdo Cortez and Loui
Paramnount Picture I/l

until finally an .ot-iginl t'rn brii-
about a surprising2 and11saatisl'yimmc
denoueument. Among time mii'u)al
1)layem's Richmam'do ('oatio, L ouise
Dresser, Kathem'yn Williamms, andt Vir'-
ginia Lee Corind o Ill) rai ;'< orthv ,
W'ork. James Craze(ire'Cs lie paro
duction with his ulsual skillI m1(1l mlv
resulting good teffects. A1Xiom'nmid
Conmedy "Dirty Bands,'' New Aesop
Fable, and iHinogranms will he shown.
"Open All ,Nv ,glit" .begins T!,ll1'sSl U
for a thre iday 'run. , it is falon 'omm
the recently publlishedlI '-oitncim icOs
of Continental adlvemnturels of th:e senmot<
title~, and" givesi an op;poi hwilty to
screen time International Six Dl-
Bicycle Race- for the first time ill a
feature picture. The story dleals withl
the s'earch ofda beauntiful soieoty woum-
an--Viola D~ana--or advei re to
break the mmonotonmy 01'her 1too) civi-
lized home life. Sit' times o1' limo
courtesy and indifference of lar sophil-
isticated husband, Adolph lvienjoi, anul
thinks she has found romanco' in a
chlampion lbicycle ridier. Jiowce'i%'
friend husband d iscov'ers be r inflat fa_
tion anmd decides to pla~y ('ave tmail
himself. Time scene is laid in Paris
andl the action takes plahce iii, twolt


Advfertising may not be one
of the. exact sciences like-
mathematics or physics, bu t
it has its laws, and the adver-
tiser that takes advantage of
these laws received the great-
est vale on his inveustment
in advcrtisin(,

four hours, making t 1'11(ly a holvel ,- eha 11Cteral lien of' time lurasian girl.
p~ictur'e. '"Step Fiast" a1.('bristle ('0111- 1mmn additicin tie first: of a series of tli;

dMMM Aft
comagiv "
lassis Wo "m
A& Asib

kc f l

The Black-tipped Lacquer-red Classic
Handsome to Own-Hard to Lose
Jewel-Smooth Point Guaranteed 25 Yeat
FOR an even start this Fall with your
..classmates-a little aheada of some,
and as well equipped as any.-take along
the $7 Over-size Duofold or $5 Lady
Duofold or sturdy Duofold Jr..
Every theme you write, every test
you take, every lecture you note down,
will gain the speed and clearness of this
25-year jewel-smooth point.
A pen you can lend without a tremor
because no style of writing can distort
its point. The Pen with the Press-But-
ton Filler, capped inside the barrel--out
of sight - out of harm's way. The pen
with the Duo-Sleeve Cap-an extra
sleeve for an Ink -Tight seal. Its strong
*Gold Girdle was $1I extra-now no
charge, due to large production.
Whichever you say-flashing plain
black--or lacquer-red, black-tipped -
-- though we recommend the color, for it
makes this a hard pen to lose. At all
good pen counters.
Manufacturers also of Parker Duaolbd Pczcils
to match the pen, $3.50
Factory and General Offices, JANESVILLE, WI .
Red: nd illack
,,,. ci,. 'r-,dI.Mark.

t i





The first law - E:SNT - The
effectiveness (E) of your ad'.
is directly proportional. to
the product of the number
of students (S) who read it,
the number (N) of times they
read it, and the time (T)
they spend in reading it.
When you advertise in the"
daily the value of ;(S) is
about 15,000, and consists of
students, faculty and towns-


people. (N)

is determined

by the number of issues you
advertise in, (T) depends on
how busy the student is.

11IIIIIIIIIIS 111111 111111

If I

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