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May 16, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-16

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VOL. XXXV. No. 168





Michigan Has Riig Inning in Fourth,
Scoring Five Runs; Teams Meet
Again Today
By Carl E. Ohilmeher
Steady pitching by Harlan Walter
coupled with timely hitting, and four
erors on the part of the opposition
gave Michigan's Varsity baseball
team the first game of the Minnesota
series yesterday afternoon at Ferry
field, by aascore of 9-4.
In winning his third Conference
victory of the season, Walter held
the Gophers to six hits, bringing his
total performance for the year to
17 hits in 30 innings. Although not
as effective as in his earlier per-
formances, the Michigan hurler was
not in danger at any part of the
game until the ninth inning when a
triple, two singles, and a base on
balls combined to allow three runs
to cross the plate.
Michigan's attack was featured by
hunting which seined to catch the
Minnesota infield totally unprepared.
In the sixth inning especially the
bunt attack was effective, when the
bases were filled on successive safe
taps by Froemke, Haggerty, and
Ryrholm. Coleman's infield hit and
Pucklewartz' sacrifice fly scored two
runs in this frame.
Michigan's scoring started in the
opening inning, when Haggerty
crossed the plate. Giles beat out a
hit to third base to start the game,
and went to second on Froemke's
sacrifice. Haggerty was safe on
Mason's error, Giles going to third.
The little second baseman was picked
off the bag, however, on a snap
throw by Racey. Haggerty ran to
second unmolested, after which Ryr-
holm walked and the bases were
loaded on Coleman's hit. When
Pucklewartz drew a pass, Haggerty
was forced across the rubber with
the first run.
The fourth was the big Wolverine
inning. Ten men batted, and five
runs were scored. , Coleman and
Pucklewartz started the fireworks by
hitting safely in succession. Wilson
worked Emerson for a pass and the
sacks were filled. Cherry's hit scored I
Coleman and Pucklewartz, Wilson
going to third. Walter then doubled
to right, clearing the sacks. Giles
beat out a bunt and went to second
when Emerson threw into right field
attempting to catch him at first,
Walter scoring from second. Froem-
ke followed up by bunting again,
and Racey threw wild, leaving the
hitter on first and Giles on third,
Haggerty popped to Hall, and Giles
was nailed at home, Smith to Racey
on Ryrholm's drive. Coleman, bat-
ting for the second time in the inn-
ing, struck out, retiring the side.
Minnesota's scoring started in the
fifth, when Ascher, the first m'an up,
lived up to his reputation by driving
one of Walter's pitches into left cen-
ter for a home run. It was the first
earned run to be made off Walter
this year.
Clark took up the pitching for the
losers at the start of the fifth. Puckle-
wartz greeted him by beating out a
hit to Hall. Wilson fanned, and

Pucklewartz went to second on the!
last strike. Cherry walked, and Wal-
ter was safe and Puckewartz scored
when Mason threw the ball away.
(Cherry was caught at second on the
same play, an attempted double kill-
ing. In the next frame three succes-
ive safe bunts, Coleman's hit and
Pucklewartz' sacrifice fly scored
two more runs, ending the Michigan
scoring for the day.

1Action Toward TNIV Constitution C
BY 8-4 SCOR Debt Payment JCTIDFor Engineers
Paris, May 15.-(By A.P.)-The cab- Representatives of the various en-
Iinet today approved the suggestion Uf FiiiIH LI 091Ugineering societies will meet Wed-
IIN TH C made by both Finance Minister Cail-I nesday to discuss a new engineering
laux and Foreign Minister Briand that 1-council constitution, which if ap-
the way be prepared for a settlement j IAIDs 1T' 1E CUE STS OF HONOR proved by trne organizations' con-
--- of French war debts, and directed AT MINNESOTA GAME THISS cerned will provide a society repre-
these two ministers to study the whole AFTERNOON1senting the entire engineering coI-E
iuesionwitha vew o th int)tuion--- lege. At the present time copies of REJOICING TE)IPERED BY
WITHOUT SERVICES OF of early negotiations the planned constitution are in the SAiNESS AS IPOTS BURN
TWO STARS This official adhesion to the pri- H. H. RICE TO TALK hands of the several departmental so-
ciple calling for the settlement of the --- cieties for consideration. Pots of all kinds-black
SUCKERS CONFIDENT debt problem in the near future, con- Banquet Will Start At 5:30 O'clock; The new council as planned would buttoned, yellow and red but-
firmed reports current during the past Prcf. A. L. Cross Will Act act as a link between the classes of toned pots--all added fuel to
few weeks that the new French govern- the engineering college and the six the traditional Cap Night fire
Reinke Expected To Have Hard Race ment would not allow tis clouI to As T4oastniwster societies. Representing as it does the last night.
hP ; wkouldh n o an llowuhislonger. t~entire engineering college, it will be Hundreds of elated freshmen
To Wi k rVaulto IuFor the third time, Fathers' Day to that college what the Student threw their mutilated headgear
will be celebrated here today, the Council is to the University at large. into the growing flames and
(S T il practice having been started three The new council is intended to re- watched the gray cloth turn
pecial to sheoDaiy)place the old Engineering society black and crumble. Cheers in
Urbana, Ill., May 15.-Two mighty yasgo1 hUnn...which has long since ceased to be ac- all tones greeted the whirling
track teams awaited here tonight Entertainment of the visiting dads tive. caps as they disappeared in the
their contest tomorrow morning. The began yesterday when many of them Membership in the council will in- heart of the fire.
Wolverines, led by the veteran Steve U LI I UU RIattended the Minnesota game at Fer- clude the presidents of the Ameri- Not all, however, were over-
arry field in the afternoon and the Cap can institute of civil engineers, the joyed at the parting. More than
Farrell, arrived here toght after aAmerican institute of electrical en- one pot was thrown to its fin-
day's time trip from And Arbor. The Psychology Is Topic For Discussion Night ceremonies in the evening. : the American society of ish reluctantly. Some deeply
squad was given the once-over by At Final Session Of Taylor This morning arrangements have m
m echanical engineers, the American moved, slipped their pots back
trainer Staadts and( Coach Farrell Society been made for the fathers to play golf society of chemical engineers, Quar- into their pockets to be pre-
andl put to bed in preparation for its - at all of the links about the city. This terdeck, the Aeronautical society, and served forever,
strnuous tet toorrto morig YOAKUM TO READ PAPER afternoon, the second baseball game the presidents of the engineering
strenuous test tomorrow morning' will be played with Minnesota at classes.
,The crafty Harry Gill, coach of the ~~- Ferry field and one stub of the
Illini team, put his team through a Industrial psychology will be the IFather'stickets admit the Three Recee
I Inustialpsyholgy illbecheiathr's ick swilladith
l topic for discussion at the final ses- 'bearer to this game. Coast Guard
light workout this afternoon and to- In f the Taylor society, to be held
night was confident that Michigan for the (lads will e the banquet ld E xpects R uLnr
would get another trouncing, similar at 10 o'clock this morning in the which will be held at 5:30 o'clock in
to that administered by the Suckers Union. This organization which has the iiain assembly hall of thie Union. Ship s' R etu nFrom o C
last year at Urbana. Although Eddie been holding a three-day convention The committee in charge of arrange- Retur
Mieher and Hughes, two of the most here under the auspices of the Uni- Iments for the banquet urges that all Washington, May 15.-(By A. P.)-
valuable men on the squad are still versity is composed of executives, men and their sons who expect to at- New York, May 15. - New York's In the East room of the White House
on the sick list, the rest of the team management engineers, and others i- tend the dinner be present at 5:0 rum fleet, driven from its anchorage
is in good shape and with the Wol-. terested in. promoting administrative o'clock sharp in order that the pro-' off Sandy Hook by the relentless seige I President Coolidge late today pre-
vene squad weakened by the ab- policies and methods of management grai may be finished and the best of the coast guard is preparing to re- sented medals awarded by the Roose-
sence of Brooker and hicks, the Ill-I necessary to meet changing industrial part of the evening left for other turn to its old position within a few volt Memorial association to Governor
ini are confident of turning the trick. conditiois- activities. days, coast guardsmen attached to the Pinchot of Pennsylvania, George Bird
A number of great matches will be At the session this morning Prof. H1. HIT. Rice, vice president of the cutt S d the Ya
put on in the meet if past perform- Clarence S. Yoakum, of the business General Motors Co., formerly presi- today when they put ii at Staten Is-
ances are a criterion. The most in- administration school, will read a dent of the Cadillac Motor Car Co. of;la tha Berry of Georgia. The awards are
teresting of all promises to be the Ipaper on "Experimental Psychology Detroit will give the principal ad- Information slipping through from made annually for distinguished
battle between Wittinan of Michigan in Personal Management. A discus-! dress at the banquet. FieldinIg H the few ships that still are playing a service in any of 10 fields of endeavor.
and Evans of Illinois in the 220 yard Sion following the reading of the pa- Yost, director of intercollegiate ath- waiting game with the dry'navy, the A
dash. Ponzer of Illinois may be able per will be led by five prominent pro- letics will also a aeis the assemled guardsnmen said, th tedthat therl Addressing Governor Pinchot, who
to give Reinke a good fight in the fessors and management executives. dads., c ved th edaloisn rvien l
half mile and in a niumber of other! This is the t hird of the Taylor so- Prof. Arthur Lyon Cross of the his- turn of the fleet, many ships of which behalf of conservation, President Cool-
events ile points will be closely con- ciety's continuing series of studes in ory department will act as toastma I scattered yesterday, is scheduled for ide declared that "no American who Is
testeIn osnts o the evnsy hon- industrial psychology. These studies ter tdtheadinner. The other speakers Monday. Most of the ships that left, familiar with the movement inaug-
sth.vIprstedehfomtthew-eer-l t ra dthey said, were off ampton Roads or ugrated by such men as John Muir,
ever there are outstanding stars who have proceeded ronm the general to- are Prof. W. ). Henderson of the ex- said r pto rd rd ABwers andSecretary
are Cxpected to win without undue ward the particular, the first in April,tm d Thomas Ca iled for Canadian ports to replenish oe, and ecrer
SuchbeatheC a ricgul a s, bAprcil, e~ ra e ttheir supplies. sJps pa- by Pre idN t o seedltefr thepo sredr
difficulty. Such will be the case in 1924, at Cambridge, Mass., beig c- anaugh, '271L. president of the Union.nI John W. Noenlter tponsred
the broad jump, the 100-yard dash, cerned with the nature of industrial After the banquet, those who wish There are 40 government ships p vation of ue forests, our water power
the hurdles, the javelin throw, the psychology, and the second in De- to attend the Majestic theater will be trolling ruin row with 19 in reserve,nan four ire at eson
pole vault, and the weight events. cember, 1924, at New York, with the admitted to the show by one of the ready to keep tigh( the blockade. he justice of this award "
Hubbard of Michigan should win I importance in industry of psychology. stubs on their tickets. Due to the Il presenti g the medal to Mr.
time 100-yard dash while his teammate This third paper will make a more fact that a benefit show is being giveni IGermanAuth rt Inpentn the edal to
detailedinquiryconcernngwtheeela-sbythemmateri;a rnellan editor and publisher who
Wittman should fight it out with 1detailed inquiry concerning the ela- by the Arcade theater, the manage-y was honored for his work in promot-
Evans, and Yarnell of the Illini f tionship of experimental psychology ment requests as many as possible to Delivers AddreSS ing outdoor life, the President recall-
second. On past for and personnel problems with emphasis go to thie Majestic. If any of theinotdorif, ed that he had been with General Cus-
Weotma n as astod performances on the classification and interpreta- fathers care to use the Union swim- On COltoZd Forse the ackenHithGseand ltCs-f
Wittmnan has a good edge on both of tio fpronldt.migpo uig tersa hi ___ en in the Black Hills and with Col-
the Indians. The 220 yard dlash1to fpronldt-mngpo uigtersa hi onel Ludlow in the Yellowstone, and
should also be a race between Witt- All meetings which the society has tickets will also admit them to the Prof. Herbert Freundlich, of the n lived among theIndians and that his
man and Bud Evans. el have been - tank. Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Kerlin, study of the language and customs of
The half mile race should be a thistidringte inveto atten03spoke last night on "The State of 'the Blackfoot tribe of Indians of
track meet all by itself. The mighty This arnoog te niers o tte Aggregation and Form of Colloidal which he is a member are considered
Reinke, rated as the foremost middle society annd other attendants at the LParticles," in the chemistry amphi- authoritative.
distance runner of the country will mesting anii attend athe s Michiat-theatre. The address dealt mainly
be pitted against Ponzer of Illinois, ( Mnesota b gaime as guest with the application of collodidal
who also rates high in Western track Univesity athletic associatioi.I t ysiology,smedicine, s and T T
circles. Reinke ran the half in 1:54 n est tltcascain industrial processes. Lantern slides BE I
at the Drake relays, during the course were employed to illustrate the Iec-
of a record breaking two-mile relay n1 Oficers for the yer 1926 were tune.
race, and made 1:54 4-5 against tme L Lelected by the University Chamber of Three states of colloidal formation CaleUUIr Isbso e
Buckeyes last week. Ponzer does Comece at its annual baniquet held were stressed by Professor Freund-
better than 1:58 consistency. Frey-o Thursday ight at tie Union. . P. lich in his lecture, the crystalline More than fifty men will compete in
j UorfR iII I Briggs, '26, vas chosen to act as sae h mrhu tt n h
berg of Michigan, who has unofficiali L1 res, B. M els, t, vic state, the amorphous state and are the preliminary tryouts for the Var-
times of 1:55, at the Drake relays, Im mss .d
t ~~~~~~~~~president, Francis B. Case,26, sere-siydbtntemo.ehlda9
and 1:55 4-5 for the Ohio meet, may Elections in the School of Religion s coagulated molecules of certain salt sity debating team to.be held at 9
be able to beat Ponzer out of second I will take place at the Union this a- ry an A. J. Chroow i, 26, treas solutions, and are important to mod- o'clok this morning In room 302
place provided he is in top form. ternoon following a dinner to he urr _ern industry, especially in soap and Mason hall. Tryouts for the woman's
Warner of Illinois, and Hornberger given for the present staff and visit- S dye-stuff making. team have been postponed until
and Jung of Michigan, are the prob- ing professors. Professor Case of Ticket Sale For Professor Freundlich, speaking here Wednesday Fifteen men will be se-
able place winners in the mile run. I the School of Divinity of Chicago, Fr under the auspices of the Michigan
All three of these men run the dis- who will be on Michigan's School of Freshm an Spring section of the American Chemical lected from those competing today to
tance close to the 4:32 mark. Religion staff the second semester society, is a national authority on form the class from which the Var-
Hubbard of Pichigan is expected 'Cof next year, and Presidet Paul of ry ontinued colloidal research and has spent many 'sity teams will be picked.
to take the broad jump handily while I the College of 'Missions of Minneapo-ofoo years studying this subject. He ras Each candidate will deliver a five
Northrup of Michigan, Sweeney, Fell, lis will attend the meeting. Sale of tickets for the informalwritten several books covering his re- mInute talk on the question, "Re-
and Wallace of Illinois will fight for Dinner will be served at the Union spring party of the freshman class search work, the most important of solved, that the proposed Child Labor
ff _nd WlaeoIlioswlfgtfrI in:wl..eve.the..«rn,,atofie rehIncassrhwrtems m ratosovdthth rpsdCidLb

the remaining places. All of the Ill- in the evening Members of various will be contimnued frommi 2 to 5 at the which is "apillancemie," wnmcn is Amenment to tne national constFtu-
inois jumpers have nmade better timan departments amid visitoirs interested Union. The party is to be given Fri- used as a stanidard authority on col- tion be adopted by the United States."
23 feet in competititon this year and iin tie work of te school will speak. day, May 22, at the new Masonic loids. le has also published many Men entered in the trials will meet
Northrup has made 23 feet 9 1-2 A dinner is also being planned for Temple. The ticket sale is now open treatises i German periodicals on at 8:45 oclock to draw lots for the
inches. The pole vault should go to wives of the members of the execu- to the student body. colloidal research. order of speaking.
Dean Brownell of Illinois who has l tive and advisory boards. The party will mark the final


Frayer, Yost and 3Iurfin Represent
Faculty and Regents on
Evenng Program
With the burning of hundreds of lit-
tle gray caps in the huge bon-fire at
Sleepy Hollow last night, the "verdant
freshmen" left forever the standing of
first year men, and became the sopho-
more class of 1928. For the twentieth
time, Cap Night, one of Michigan's
oldest traditions,, was celebrated at the
Hollow, and with this event all class-
es of the University advanced a rank.
At 7:30 o'clock the Varsity band
ushered the classes into the natural
amphitheater where the wood was
piled high for the mighty fire which
received the headgear of the first year
men at the conclusion of the cere-
monies. The program was opened
with the singing of the Victors.
Alfred B. Connable, '25, master of
ceremonies, ascended the speaker's
tower and after paying tribute to the
freshman class which was soon to
pass on, introduced William D. Roes-
ser, '25, retiring business-manager of
The Daily ,who was the student speak-
er for the annual event.
Roesser spoke of the loyalty that
was due the University from the en-
tire student body. He also urged all
students to enter into some activity,
on the campus, whether it be athlet-
ics, publications, or any of the other
varied forms of activity from which
the student can derive great benefit.
Following the talk by Roesser, the
band struck up the tune of "Varsity"
and the assemblage again joined in
singing another of Michigan's tra-
ditional songs.
Prof. William A. Frayer, of the his-
tory department, the representative
of the faculty on the program, spoke
of Ae athletic situation of the Uni-
Fielding H. Yost, Director of Inter-
collegiate Athletics, who was next
introduced, presented the "M" blank-
ets to the graduating athletes who
have earned two letters in one sport.
The 19 seniors who received the
awards were: James K. Brooker,
George Haggerty, Herbert F. Steger,
George C. Diliman, Carlton Lind-
strom, Walter Kunow, Phillip E.
Marion, James K. Miller, Ferdinand
A. Rockwell, William B. Giles, Jerry
Benson, D. E. MacEllven, Charles A.
Reinke, Lester G. Wittman, Dehart
Hubbard, Howell White, M. J. Holds-
worth, William W. Kerr, and William
D. Roesser.
The final speaker was James 0.
Murfin, 'giXL, of the Board of Regents,
who spoke for the alumni. In his
talk he told of loyalty to the Univer-
sity, saying that there are other fine
institutions, but that there is only one
Michigan. He also spoke of the fac-
ulty stating that its purpose is not
only to teach a subject, to give the
students an idea, but to teach them
how to think. He concluded his talk
by saying that if he were a Methodist,
minister and were preaching a ser-
mon he would take as his text, "Be a
Gentleman and a Scholar," adding
that a gentleman can do lots of things
a mucker can not, and furthermore
that a gentleman can do many more
things and get away with it.
The ceremonies were concluded
With the traditional singing of
"Where, Oh Where Are The Verdant
Freshmen?" after which the year-
lings formed in line for the snake
dance past the fire, tossing their caps
into the flames.


I ""-, ",- "-"


been making 13 feet for the last two
years. Phil Northrup of Michigan
will probably fight for second place
with Hunsely and Barnes of Illinois,
both of whom clear 12 feet 6 inches.j
The javelin throw will have only
one man of great ability entered,
that being Phil Northrup, one of the
greatest all-around athletes in Mich-

Minnesota pushed over three1
icounters in the ninth when Waltert
'eased up. Racey, the first man ati
bat, flied to Foote. Smith singled off9
Walter's glove. Mason got a three'
lase hit, scoring Smith, when Cole-
man barely missed capturing his longj
drive. Hall walked, then went to
third while Mason scored as Cherry
threw wild. Emerson also drew a

igan history. Hle has done 193 feet
11. 3-8 inches, more than 20 feet bet-
ter than the best mark of Stuttle of
Chuck Munz and Dick Doyle of
Michigan should be able to take the
first two places in the shot put, both


gathering of the class of '28 for the lIMurfin Puzzled By Proposal
present school year, and it is ex- Illinois
Golf Team Beats pected that more than 200 couples o N.ta
Purdue 14 To 10 vill e preset.I For New tadum At Mchigan No
A local florist assisted by members
of the class is arranging the decor- ~UrbanaI
Lafayette, Ind., May 15.----The ations. Ted Rhodes' seven piece i When asked his opinion regarding; "I have been gathering statistics furnished o
University of Michigan golf team orchestra will play from 9 to 1. the proposed construction of a new regarding a stadium for some timq Ifurnis
defeated Purdue, 14 to 10, in a Tickets will be issued today; pro- stadium for the University, the plan and in fact am doing my best to in- scoring an o
Western Conference match here f grams will be ready the night of the of which is now with the Board of vestigate the problem from every an- Notre Dame
today. party. Regents for approval, Regent James gle before definitely determining my Cre y.
--__________1___________0. Murfin, who delivered the princi- position." by Crowley.
New York, May 15. - Commodity ,navy ii le pal address at the Cap Night cere- Judge Murfin in conclusion stated
prices have declined steadily since the avi g emonies last night, remarked that it is'nB
c that he will not vote in favor of the
beginning of the year and are now 4.4 M akes 290 M ile a problem over which he has been stadium proposition if the latter will
per cent lower than on Jan. 1. meditating for the past six monthssmat ropoytintf the ter
Trip in 7 ours I without as yet arriving at any defi: materially interfere with the othrcampus.
_______________________---__ Inite conclusion. Ivtlneso h aps
L u ater aLakeurst, N. , May 15-Tme navy "There are so many things which The Board of Regents was expect- AMI
h dirigible Los Angeles returned to the need consideration that I hardly ed to vote on the stadium project at Philadelpl
flying field at 6:34 o'clock tonight af- know what to say," Judge Murfin re- its last meeting, but due to the fact New York
ter a flight over New Jersey, Penn- marked. "For instance, there is the that two members were ill and two Washingt
sylvania, and Delaware with 30 guests proposed Women's League building, others were out of town, action was Boston 7,
o nfSeretav of the Navy Curtis Wil- and the appaling debt of the Union postponed. Because the Senate Coun-

s Swamps
tre Dame 12-1
1., May 15.-Notre Dame
position for the University
nine here today, the Ilhini
verwhelming 12-1 victory.
's only run was registered

pass, and Stephens, running for him, of them being good for 44 feet. Kim-
:stole second. Foote had the third mel and Shiveley of Illinois have both
:strike called on him while arguing done 43 ft. 6 inches. Doyle, Munz, and
with Umpire Green, but Guzy singled Schravesand should score a slam for
through short and Hall scored. Wal- i Michigan in the discus throw -and the
ter put an end to the game when he 'Hawkins, MacAffree combination
struck out Ascher. should be good for first and second
in the hammer throw.,

hia 8, Detroit 7.
6, Chicago 5.
on 12, St. Louis 7.
Cleveland 10.

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