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May 15, 1925 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-15

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FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1925

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1 The following singles matches must i
olverines Given SmallAdvantageIbe played off by Friday, May 15, and VI hg '
o ver Illini In Advance FRESH-11 AN TENNIS the scores turned into the office be- A
Predictions fore5:30 o'clock: Johnson 21817 vs.
The freshman tennis team Cannon 4148; Swintz 6317 vs. Jac
WITTMAN LEADS TEAM las been cut to allow more time I 9417; Charter 6674 vs. Steinhaur 6183. FIN
to be given to the men who The following must be played offi
Coach Steve Farrell, Manager Her- have shown marked ability. The by Monday, May 18. and have their ichiga
rick and 25 members of the Varsti following men have been ire- scores in by 5:301'loc o e ame went dow
yc andamemers taineon6thessquad:gStephained on the squad: Stephens, a - 'smostoblr
track team will leave at 8:30 o'clock ! Langehorn, Small, Lazarus, Se- L. Eisenberg 4752 vs. Norton 21237. s e
this morning, by bus from the field gal, Marshal, / Toevs, Phelps, The following doubles matches
house for Milan where they will make Wilcox, Spicer, Maloney, Stein, must be played off and the scores
train connections for Urbana to Felix, Vedder, M a c D o w e1, turned in at the office by 5:30 o '- the Wolve
tackle Coach Gill's Illinois track .Davis, Brandice, Nathan, Dan- clock, Friday. May 15, or they wil: terry ie
men who the Maize and Blue have nin, Marsh, and Codner. be dropped from the tournamen the keen
not defeated in a dual meet in the j Paul Jerome, Coach Merrick and Sack vs. Cannon and
last 20 years.. Donahue 4148; Greenbaum and plart-i match is
Since Captain Brooker has been out ner 3936 vs. Stein and Levy 3540; jatches,t
of competition, the captaincy of the iWright and Schoettle 9817 vs. Norton decide the
team has been rotated among the En id Pr a dksaao6071. IThe d
seniors on the team. Last Saturday IOmposed
Hubbard acted as the leader of the Leads B lues To OTTal-aR tracK meetwlo Krckbar
team, and tomorrow it is Les Wittt The all-campus track meet will be he order
man, who will lead the Wolverines, .held at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon at !visitingt
in an effort to win their first meet Ferry field. The events will be 100 Brandenb
from the Suckers, and to avenge last yard dash, 440, 880, and one mile runs Oklahon
year's overwhelming defeat. Oklahoma had a big day yesterday broad jump, high jump, shot put, 22singles n
If Hicks and Brooker were still in on the tennis courts and also on the low hurdles and 120 high hurdles. therough
the competition, the Wolverines gridiron. Enid, Oklahoma, the home The nterfraternitn meet : will be through
would be asured of victory, but with town of Bus Haskins and Marty Gar- i held tomorrow morning at 9:30 0'-'Brandenbi
these two sterling performers out of ber, can well be proud of its repre- clock. The list o n wil e 1u0 th ' fl
harness, the meet will be in doubt sentatives on the Michigan spring yrdasho un 2 100s ph
from start to finish, it being freely football squad by virtue of their wvork broad jump, high jump, shot put, 220 submit to
predicted that the twotteams will be on the gridiron yesterday in the ow hurdles and 120 high hurdles. Royer, th
separated by less than 10 points at third scrimmage of the week which'
the end of the fray. I ended with a 13-6 score in favor of Tg nnis hoairte
The following men will be taken on Slaughter's Blues. s The following tennis yatdhesyistset,
the trip: Captain Wittman, Hubbard, Baer, star tackle of the Blues, should be played off by Saturday eve cubed to
Voelker, Feinsinger, Hernstein, Rein- netted the first touchdown for thei Greenspang82,; Fernandez 3146 vs excellent t
ke, Freyberg, Briggs, Hornberger, victors early in the game when he Maloney902 3Segal 3540 vs. Wilcox er, he was
Jung, Callahan, Mason, Walk, Hulse, recovered a fumble and ran 15 yards;s
to crss te gol lie. ;21737; Marshall 3657 vs. Sims 9442;: pace. Voc
Lasser, Weeks, Burgewin, Northrup, to cross the goal line. Small 7973 vs. Thomas 8217; Lazarus sition for
Huff, Hawkins, McCaffree, Doyle, Garber, former Culver military 5671 vs. Wolfenden 3818. before the
Munz, Schravesand, and Roth'. academy star athlete, evened up the Doubles-Stein and Felix 3642 vs man, the
If the Wolverine tracksters are in count in the next period by returning Vedder and Koch 7022; Phelps and 6-4.
form, they should take ten first a punt 60 yards for a touchdown. Boland 21917 vs. Wolfenden and 011 Keen co
places. Hubbard, who has not been Garber played a fighting game 3818. play in t
beaten in the century this year, throughout the scrimmage and Fraternity-Theta Xi vs. Sigma Al- ing one In.
should again break the tape. first. proved a serious menace to the op- pha Mu; Delta Upsilon vs. Beta Theta ter employ
Feinsinger seems the class of the posing forward wall at all times. Pi; Phi Mu Alpha vs. Phi Sigma Del- gy, finally
quarter milers. Reinke will take the The winning score was made late ta. Mead and
half mile run with ease. Callahan in the final period when Haskins 6-, 6-4 a
should take the two mile event. carried the ball from his own 45 READ TILE CLASSIFIE A ), caime out
Munz will add another five points in yard line through the entire defensel
the shot put. Michigan should take of the Reds, placing the ball over the -
a grand slam in the discus event, line before he could be brought down.
with Doyle taking first place. Weeks Besides his brilliant field running,
will take first in the high jump, if he the Oklahoma flash displayed great
clears six feet. Hubbard is an ac-, ability in punting and forward pass-
knowledged first in his favorite ing.
event, the broad jump, and Hawkins, Both Garber and Haskins have you go out to dinner make it a p
of football fame will add the final played a consistently fine game in all the Chinese Gardens. You hav
five points to the Maize and Blue of the workouts, and are considered Chinese r Aou av
total, by taking first in the hammer bright hopes for the Varsity next fall. either the Chinese or American ix
throw. There will be no scrimmage today, that will surprise you. Remer
but the men are to report early so orchestra plays every evening fr-
Columbus, O., May 14.-Six Ohio that the practice may be concluded,
State varsity athletes were among in time for the baseball game.

IDMA WINNER Name Officials
InBig Ten Meet
Columbus, Ohio, May 14.-Vernon
C. Ward, secretary of the graduate

'dullis Tea~m Beats
Wecr Series of maust

Varsity j

managing committee of the Western
Conference, which has charge of the
Big Ten track and field meet to be
held at Columbus, O., on June 5 and
6, yesterday announced that Charles
A. Dean, chairman of the athletic
committee of the Illinois Athletic
Club, will again be referee of thel

Urbana, Ill., May 12.-EntriesI
for the University of Illinois
state interscholastic track meet
to be held tomororw morning
have been made by 170 high
schools represented by 1,117
ahtletes. Enlarged facilities at
the stadium will enable the
handling of the huge field and
also of the Michigan-Illinois
track meet at the same time. j
Read the Want Ads,

Finn To Run In
Two More Raccs
New York, May 14.-Paavo Nurini
of Finland. the world's greatest run-
ner, may appear in action on two
occasions before he sails for Finland
on May 28. Nurmi plans to try for
a new one mile track record at the
Harvard stadium, Cambridge, Mass.,
on May 22, and to meet Allan Helff-
rich of the New York A. C., former
Penn State college intercollegiate and
A. A. U. champion, in a half mile race
on one of New York's cinder paths.


n's Varsity tennis teamni games. John J. McHugh, the well
-n into defeat in one of the known eastern starter, will fire thel
osely contested tennis pistol, while the other officials will
ver seen in Ann Arbor yes- be the same men who have served
ternoon, when the Univer. in the various capacities for years.
:lahoma racqueteers handed
rines a 4-2 defeat on the
ld courts. Ani evidence of BASEBALI CAPTAINS
competition throughout the Michigan-DillmaU, ss.
the fact that, in all the Illinois-Simonich, lb.
three sets were required to Indiana-Niness, rf.
winners. Iowa-Scantlebury, ss.
olverine team was again Minnesota-Christgau, c.
of Jerome, Capt. Crane, Northwestern-iChristman, ss.
to and Vose who played in Ohio State-Miller, p.
named. The order of the Purdue-Hall, ss.
team was Royer, Mead, ( Wisconsin-Ellingson, ss. ?
urg, and Boardman.
xa won three of the four
tatches, Krickbaum being
Michigan man to come concluding doubles match of the day,
a victor. He defeated when Brandenburg and Royer of Ok-
urg 4-6, 6-3, 7-5, in one of lahoma vanquished Kridkbaum and
est matches of the after- Vose, 6-2, 5-7 and 6-0.
ay. Jerome was forced to Leaving Ann Arbor this afternoon,
the superior playing of the Varsity team will go to Ithaca,
number one man for Okla- N. Y., where they encounter the Cor-
final scores being 5-7, 6-4, nell net men in a match tomorrow af-
king his opponent in the ternoon. This will afford tennis en-
Capt. Crane finally suc- thusiasts an opportunity to see how
Mead of Oklahoma, 0-6, 6-3, one of the best teams in the Big Ten
sough Crane displayed some circles ranks with one of the best
tennis in the first encount- teams of the East. The Michigan
unable to keep up the team will be made up of the same
ise, playing the anchor po- four men who opposed Oklahoma yes-
the Wolverines, had to bow terday, with the addition of Elliott
steady playing of Board- as a fifth man.
match ending 3-6, 6-4, and
Urbana, Ill., May 14.-Gilbert J.
ompetition also marked the Roberts, center on the University of
he doubles, each team tak- Illinois football team and a member
atch. Jerome and Crane, af- of the senior class, today was award-
ying their last bit of ener- ed the University of Illinois confer-
took their match from ence for proficiency in athletes and
Boardman of Oklahoma by scholarship. His scholarship average
nd 6-3 scores. The visitors for his entire college career is 4.76,
on top, however, in the (five being perfect.
oint to come to
e the choice of

Patronize Daily Advertisers -


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the 1c5 elected to Sphinx, senior mens
honor society, for next year. Election
to the organization is one of the
highest honors a Buckeye student can
Two junior engineers, J. W. Bren-
nan and F. W. Atkinson, were initiat-
ed Wednesday by Quarterdeck, senior
marine engineering society. Follow-
ing the initiation on the campus in
the afternoon, a banquet was held in
the Union.



Members of the boxing team
team that took part in the box-
ing show can9 get their medals
by calling for them at the In-
tramural office.
Freshman group basketball
champions can also get their
medlals at the same office.

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