PAGE F'otm
FRTT)AY, MAY 15, 192r-
- ~ -
Published every morning except Monday
during the Universit year by the Board in
Control of Student ublieations.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
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Editor.............John G. Garlitghouse
News Editor..........Robert G. Ramsay
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Night Editors
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore
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Women's Editor.............Verena Moran
Telegraph Editor...William J. Walthour
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W. L. Mullins
more of the vessels which have been
rusting and rotting at anchor since
the close Foof the hswar. decare tat ewROLLS ~ M UoSI C
Mr. Ford has declared that he will e //AND
purchase 400 of the government craft,
if the shipping board will offer them GONE AGAIN D R A M A
at what he termed a reasonable price._
In explaining this statement, he stat- Yesterday we found the column
ed that he would purchase them only YhTONIGHTI: The Ann Arbor P]
for junk as the Ford industries would we couldn't find the day before. Be-ct P
have no use for more than from ten side it was lying part of another col- in their Workshop at 5:1) ('cloc
to thirty of them, which would have umn, so we have decided to leave ;t * *
to be reconditioned and equipped with there another day to see if something "TH E PASSIN ' OF TIIE TII11W1
oil burners. else wouldn't turn up, like rabbits 1LOOR BACK"
If the shipping board has decided or something, but our lazier nature A review, by Robert Henderson.
that it will continue to sell these ves- oresomettu I have in mind two plays revolv
sels for scrapping or any other pur- prevailed. around the influence of an idealist
pose with the sole condition that the So here it is and if you don't like a varied household....
buyer be an American, it is probable it you know what you can do. In one he brings about the di
that no better proposition will be The announcement of. next year's lusionment of a prosaic artisan
found than the one which is being Humor Editor made in this morning's .d'
offered by Mr. Ford. The board at Daily was merely tentative. The com- ruin of his wife, the death of t
least has the satisfaction that there petition is still going on. It is now, child, and the blasting of his c
will be no danger of the ships ever I mean to say, just warming up. The faith. He is stupid and blind,i
appearing later under a foreign flag, climax will come in about a week. possible, irritating, impractical
as it has thought might happen if Denizens elections will be announced meddlesome--doomed to be the et
they had been purchased by foreign i after this competition is closed. nal thirteenth at table.sculine y.
interests. * * * C. A. madonna, a chaste father-c
However, if Mr. O'Connor still re- CAUSA LATET VIS ES NOTISSIMA fesfsor full of Christian proverbs
tains any hopes that his plan for the The cause of this column is hidden the mission of art, the beauty of
payment of a monthly bonus to Amer- (thank God) but the results will be God's chilluns and the virtue of
ican seamen in. order to insure the well known if the inestimable Cowles God's slaveys. le joins in pithy 1
operation of the vessels by American [deigns to publish it. The only rea- trimony the necessary lovers,
shipowners will be accepted by Con- I son for the Latin (we think it is!) scrapes off Miss Kite's Winx a
gress, the move will defeat his pri- beginning, is to feel the public. If rouge, he converts a Jew's "sil
mary aim. Supposing that he is will- Washington speaks French, we will mine" into a more probable da
ing to give up this idea, at least for speak Latin. Sic semnper tyrannis! farm, and most marvelous of all,
in t udesinsinuates a landlady into giving t,
the 400 ships which Mr. Ford is ready her parties for herzborders.
to buy, the government's experience The annual free feed for the hard p Tiesore r brders.
Seniors! Order your
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FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1925
Night Editor-ROBERT T. DE VORE
The 'campus electionsa
are over.
Four years ago we might have said
that we are about to go "back to
normalcy." Four score and ten years
ago we might have said "To the vic-f
tors belong the spoils." But what
shall we say today?
Within the next two weeks the
newly elected officers will announceC
their committee appointments. There
may be evidences of Campaign prom-r
-ses in some of them. And whether
the campus likes it or not, the old
spoils system may prevail.
There may be, as there probably
h'ave been during the last twenty-
four hours, cries of "politics, poli-
tics." People will find fault with the
new officers, their committees, andr
everything connected with them. Peo-
ple like to do that.
But while these people are com-
plaining, how many of them will re-
member that, not so long ago, they
were asked to take the first step to-
ward eliminating politics on the cam-
pus, asked to place campus offices on
a business-like basis. How many of
them will remember how, just a few
weeks ago, they failed to support the
Union amendment which was the first
step toward putting campus poition=
on a basis of- merit, instead of "pull,"
When the amendment was propos-
ed, the campus at large did not even
bother to vote, instead giving a com-
paratively small group of men, who
thought that somebody was trying to
"put something over on them," the
opportunity of defeating the amend-
with the automobile manufacturer in working publications boys will be
the Muscle Shoals affair should lead handed out at the Union tonight (pro-
him to close the deal as soon as poa- vided this is published on Wednes-
sible. 1 day). A few appointments are on the
schedule, but more disappointments.
There are several factions in the The august Board in Control has
United States and Canada which do e arranged for the funeral of Chimes.
Unied taes ndCanda hih d iAs we rush to press, no mourners
not seem to be willing to abide by the IA
have been located. The Daily has
decision of the supreme court and I asobe e rtwhiTe Dapoyehaso
absorbed the erstwhile exponent of
Secretary of War Weeks that Chicago
shall be allowed to divert 8,500 cubic campus opinion. Pretty soon The,
feet of water per second through her Daily will be all the student publi-
drainage canal for the limited period cations. Chimes is, gone-Gargoyle
drfive yearsna fter theied prtindwill cease to function if we get much
or five years, after which a contin- better at writing humor-the tele-
ually decreasing amount of water phone company has successfully dis-
shall be taken until a minimum ot posed of the usefulness of the Stu-
about 4,000 cubic feet per second shall dent Directory-and as for the 'En-
have been reached. These interests sian, it might as well be a picture
are meeting at the present time in supplement of The Daily. E pluribus
Cleveland to consider what means can unum
be taken to stop what they term the unum.
"water steal." HENDERSON AND DAVIES (it used
During the recent investigations of to be Music and Drama)
he problem of sewage disposal in Tonight: Plityzkolijst will exercise
Chicago, it was discovered that it his lungs and consummate his vocal
would take that city almost twenty setting-up exercises at Hill audi-
years to install a new and adequate orium.
system to take the place of the di- -Tomorrow: The Chelsea little the-
version of water from the Great atre movement will move.
Lakes. It was also stated that the! * * *
health of the people of the city would THE MAY FESTIVAL-348.
be seriously endangered if the flow of
water was to be cut off entirely.
It was with the best interests of the
people of Chicago in mind that the
final settlement was made. Admitting
that the diversion over the 4,167 cubic!
feet per second maximum has been
illegal, it was readily seen that care
had to be taken not only in giving.
justice to the Great Lakes intrests
but also in showing mercy to the peo-
ple of Chicago, who are in no way to
blame for the illegal act.
If those who are now meeting in
Cleveland under the direction of At-
torney General Andrew B. Dougherty{
of Michigan intend to abide by the
program which has already been'
started by Chicago to cut down on the
diversion of water as rapidly as pos-
sible they are to be commended. Seen Htugnepap, Draheir, plain and
in any other light, their contemplated fancy diver: born in Manistee (United
campaign to prove the diversion of States) in 1902 or thereabouts. The
any water at all to be illegal should natatorial artiste of the genus flam-
be discouraged. . ingigibus, who will be exhibit A of'
the approaching revival of convivial
Members of at least three campus music. He recently created a sensa-
factions ought to be well qualified ! tion when lie received a fifteen min-
for places in the state or national ute period of applause during one of
legislatures in the future after their his parabolic plunges. The audience
experience with the election. ,was exhausted when he came up. No
-- ---------- encore was necessary. His perform-
ance is especially ominent in Wool-
( worth's "Souvenir from Kresge." In
EDITORIAL COMMENT the picture he is reaching high G,
which is just outside of the picture,
R1PPFCVXAT1V FUCTIN to the upper left.
most profound tragedy since Shakes-
peare; the other is an easy succes-
sioi of platitudes between a Mr.
Godly Beside Himself and the chance
victims of a London lodging-house.
The one is Henrik Ilbsen's "The Wildj
Duck"; the other is Jerome K.
Jerome's "The Passing of the Third
Floor Back ."
Mr. Hollister's production of this
very second play was excellent
-in his manner--at many points,
and the character work of Ludema
Williams, Frieda Bank, Florence Nel-
son, and Kathryn Clarke was con-
vincing, highly talented. Norman
Johnson as the Christ in Blue Denim
however, was very bad, not neces-
sarily in his own right, but chiefly
because the part simply defies any
adequate treatment. - I have even
seen as fine an actor as Pedro de
Cordoba flounder as helplessly. Evi-
dently the only possible technique
for such a characterization is to ring
in an al fresco bass-baritone, theI
plaster smile of a sweet Raphael,
and the pawing handclasp of a show-
But beyond the penny pathos of its
theme the measured popularity
aruosed by "The Passing of the Third
Floor Back" absolutely baffles des-
cription. Even if the thesis were
anything but sheers broiiesEdgar
G-uest, even if its shallowness were
hidden by the grateful art of a
Forbes-Robertson, the play would
have absolutely no action other than
a series of patly sentimental dia-
logues filled with a certain heavy
humor. If a man in real life were to
start prattling as this parlor Jesus
does in Mr. Jerome's scene, anyone,,
even the local Janies Morell, would
jumpoon his soft aphorisms, nelo-
dramatically kick him into the nickel-
odeon street.
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A review, by Kenneth Wickware.
Last night the- Ann Arbor Play-
makers presented in their Playshop
on Spring street two one 'act plays:
"Whole-Heartedly to Clotho," written
and directed by Paul Osborn and Wal-
ter Donnelly of the Rhetoric depart-
ment, and "The Prince Wants a Cher-
ry Pie," written b yePauline Benedict
Fisher and directed by Mrs. A. D.
Moore. These productions, which will
be repeated tonight and Saturday
night, comprise the second entertain-
ment of their third season.
The first play, which is really a
dramatic sketch rather than a play at
all, is strictly in the modern manner.
It is concerned with a woman, a poet,
and a successful writer. Thme latter
is extremely disconcerting, and shat-
ters a dream or two. Ruth von Bach
Scherer as Jean Prior is as confidenti-
ally charming as ever. Ludlow Barnes
as Bobby Summers the poet, does a
difficult part well. He manages to
achieve just the right proportion of
wistfulness, naivete, and idealistic
"The Prince Wants a Cherry Pie"
is a pure fantasy, presented in an un-
usually clever setting, which is not
the least virtue of the piece. Whether
or not a pie can be fashioned out of
marschino cherries, rather than the
ordinary variety, may not be the most
excellent dramatic material, but it
proves sufficiently entertaining. Mimi,
a maid, and the Prime Minister of the
Kingdom of Pastrypot, in the persons;
of Beth Hibarger and Richard Morrow
Steiner, contrive to quite run off with
the interest in the odd affair.
The Playmakers, as a "little the-
ater" organization, cannot be judged
by ordinary dramatic standards as are
applied to the professional companies.
The Playshop is quite frankly a la-
boratory for play-writing and play-
production, and as such must receive
special consideration. Limited stage
and seating facilities offer serious dif-
ficulties in the way of technical mat-
-The Oklahoma Daily.
* * *
ment. The campus did not recognize Eight of the twenty office's which are by St. Patrick (not Valentine)
the real purpose of the amendment, scheduled to be filled in the student Imagine an apothecated rhinoceros,
and as a consequence the situation election Tuesday have been won by surrounded by its young.... Sweet
remained unchanged, and will remain default, either because one or more of essence of moonbeams with sublime,
so until some such action as the pro- the candidates for the posts have superb, scintillating, sensational, and
posed amendment is taken. been found ineligible, or because only I sentimental cherubs in the right wing
The Union amendment, in some one person filed for the office. .... Primitive passions struggling for j
form or other, will probably come up The only office for which there are expression purposely, apologetically
again. If it does, it is to be hoped a fair number of eligible candidates ..beautiful.. beautiful.. beautiful....
that it will be seen in its true form, is the presidency of the junior class, beautiful............etc., ad infinitum.
and will be passed,-as the first real There are only five men in this race, A hairy ape approaches from the
step toward the elimination of cam- since two others have been found in- southwest (applause)...... He stag--.
pus politics. eligible. gers; he falls; he is carried off. (Loud
But when eight of twenty offices are applause-the audience thinks he is
filled by default, it appears as though drunk.) It was all symbolical, iri-
FOR SCRAP-OR TRADEIstudent government is something of descent in its evangility....magnifi-
A short time ago Chairman T. V. joke. Surely for each post there ise, preponderous, exquisite....cur-
O'Connor, of the United States ship- -more than one person capable of fill- tain.
ping board made public a plan by ing the position. * * *
which he proposed to accomplish the [ Choice of student officers is sup- Having concluded this renaissance
transfer of the government's twelve- posed to be selective, but in this cam- of humor at Michigan (no, kind folk,j
hundred steel ships into the hands of naign it has reached the noint almost I it n+ hm on+ c1,-f1not
Florsheim Styles now$8-
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