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May 15, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-15

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MAY 1 5 1925


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VOL. XXXV. No. 167






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Program Includes, Baseball flames,
Swim in Pool, and Banquet on
Saturday Night
Although tomorrow will mark the
celebration for Father's Day proper,
many parents are expected to arrive
in Ann Arbor today for the week end
festivities in their honor. Fathers
who arrive this morning will have an
opportunity to visit classes with
their sons, and this afternoon the
baseball game with Minnesota is ex-
pected to draw a large crowd o-f the
Tonight the fathers will be guests
of honor at the Cap Night ceremonies
at Sleepy Hollow. Tomorrow morn-
ing the Union will furnish guides to
escort the dads about the campus,
and the Union swimming pool will be
open for their use also. In addition,
arrangements have been made for the
men to play golf at the various golf
and country clubs about Ann Arbor.{
Tomorow afternoon the second
game with Minnesota at Ferry Field
will be played, and the Fathers' Day
tickets include admission to this
game. At 5:30 o'clock tomorrow
night the main event of the program,
the banquet at the Union, will be
held. It is expected that- more than
500 fathers and sons will be present
at this banquet. This will be the
third annual dinner of the kind to be
held by the Union. After the ban-
quet is over, the men may go to the
theatres, their tickets admitting
them to the Majestic or Arcade also,
or they may spend the evening with
their sons in some other way. A
number of fraternities are giving
house parties in honor of the visiting
H. H. Rice, vice president of the
General Motors Co., formerly presi-
dent of'the Cadillac Motor Car Co., of
Detroit, will be the main speaker on
the program at the banquet tomorrow
night. Prof. Arthur Lyons Cross of
the history department, will act as
toastmaster, and Fielding H. Yost, di-
rector of intercollegiate athletics,
will also give a speech. Prof. W. D.
Henderson of the extension depart-
ment, will talk, and Thomas Cava-
naugh, '27L, president of the Union
will give a short address.
The tickets' for the banquet will be
sold at Graham's book stores at both
ends of the diagonal until noon today,
and they may also be secured at the
main desk in the Union. The tickets
are priced at $1.50, and besides ad-
mitting the bearer to the banquet,
they also admit him to the baseball
game tomorow afternoon, to the
Union swimming pool, and to the
Majestic or Arcade theaters to-
morrow night after the banquet.
Mathematics Head
Resigns Position
Prof. Alexander Ziwet, former head.
of the mathematical department of
the engineering college, has resigned
his position after a continued service
of 37 years.- In appreciation of his
long service, Prof. Water B. Ford of
the mathematical department of the
literary college, presented a testi-
monial to Professr Ziwet from the
Mathematical club at a recent meet-
ing of this organization.
OurWeaher Man

More than 3000 persons attended in diet. She also showed how the
the Nutrition exhibit in Barbour same principles could be used in the
gymnasium which closed last night feeding of human beings and achieve
following an address by Dr. P. L. the same results.
Marsh of the internal medicine de- The program for the final day of
partment of the medical school, on the exhibit was a very complete one,
"Overweight." -Dr. Marsh is an au- beginning at 4 o'clock in th-e after-
thority on his subject, and his talk noon and continuing until 9:30 at
contained many valuable suggestions ! night. Dr. E. P. Russell spoke at 4
to those interested in reduction. o'clock on "Feeding Normal Infants,"
Immediately preceding Dr. Marsh's which proved instructive to the eighty
talk, Dr. Helen Mitchell of the Battle mothers who attended and quizzed
Creek sanitarium, gave an illustrated Dr. Russell on pertinent questions re-
lecture on "Animal Nutrition Exper- garding the feeding of their children.
ineuts." The slides which Dr. Mitch- Following this discussion was a food
ell used to illustrate her talk showed demonstration which showed the
some of the actual results which proper method for preparing certain
she has been able to obtain on foods in order to preserve their
various animals by means of changes proper vitamine content.


j T
G~opher Baseballers Will Play First
Gaimes of Series at 4 :05 O'clock
On Ferry Field
Coach Ray Fisher's Varsity base-
ball team will hook up with Minne-
sota in the first game of a two-day
series at 4:05 o'clock this afternoon
at Ferry field.
The two tilts with the Gophers will
determine to a great extent Michi-
gan's final chances for the Confer-,
ence championship, as the Wolver-
ines have had an even break to date,
winning twice and losing the same
number of times. With five more Big
Ten games ahead of them, after the
series this week end, Fisher's pro-
teges stand as good a chance as any
of the other contestants in the race,j
and if they run true to their poten-
tialities, should win the flag.
The Varsity nine will face its op-
ponents today without the services of
Captain Doc Dillinan who will be on
the bench with the injured hand thats
has kept him out of the lineup since.
the Illinois game here. Although1

ashingtonMay 14.-(By A. w.)
Members of the Shipping Board were
for the most part in a mood little in-
clined toward a policy of wholesale
scrapping of ships tonight as they
awaited the return of Chairman
O'Connor from Detroit and Buffalo
with details of his conversation with
Henry Ford concerning his purchase
of 400 of the Board's ships. Mr.
O'Connor is expected here tomorrow.
Several commissioners expressed
themselves frankly as opposed to any
policy of scrapping, while others said
the question should be inquired into
thoroughly before any such policy
was embarked upon. President
Palmer of the Fleet corporation, indi-
cated that he thought some ships
might be scrapped since the Merchant
Marine and Naval reserve needs have
been cared for, and the belief was
general that if any of the 900 ships
tied up should be scrapped, they
would be for the most part the' 300
idle steel lakers.
Two Sessions, Open to The Public,
Will Be Held in the Union
This Morning
Four sessions will be held today
as the program for the second day of
the annual meeting of the Taylor
society which is being held here un-
der the auspices of the University.

Cap Night Speaker





May Present New Version of League
and Reasons for Past and
Present Opposition

Herbert Freundlich, German Clhemist, I
Will Address Assemblage I
In Amphitheatre


A new version of the League of
Nations and the reason for past and
present opposition may be introduced
to the audience which Senator Wil-
liam E. Borah of Idaho, chairman of
the Foreign Relations committee, will
address at 4:10 o'clock Monday in
Hill auditorium. Acting President
Alfred H. Lloyd will introduce the
speaker who concludes the oratorical
association's program for the year.
Magazines which favored Senator
Borah's staunch denunciation of the
League have commended him as hav-
ing done as much, if not more, than
any other senator to kill the League
of nations. The Senator, although an
active opponent of the League in its
present form, does not oppose all
international conferences only those
which he regards as "political med-
dlesomeness and entanglement," in
which category he places the present
status of the League.
In- an address on the Oratorical
program a month ago, Newton D.
Baker, former secretary of war,
voicing his approbation of the
League, advocated that the United
States not only follow in the foot-
steps of the nations of the world
seeking world peace through the
me(Aini of the League, but lead them.
Mr. Baker expressed satisfaction that
the students would not only hear his
views on the League but those of
Senator Borah as well.
There will be an admission charge
of $1 to those not holding season
tickets. The Oratorical League was
forced to secure an afternoon engage-
ment, as Senator Borah was unable to
arrange an appearance at a later

Prof. Herbert Freundlich of the
Kaiser Wilhelm institute in Berlin,
wil speak on "The State of Aggrega-'
tion ancl Form of Colloidal Particles"
at 8 o'clock tonight in the Chemical
The German Professor is interested
in the application of colloidal chem-
istry to the science of physiology and
medicine, and also its application to
industrial processes, and his talk will
be mainly on these aspects of the
He has written many books cover-
ing his research work, the best'
known of these being "Kapillar-
chemie" which is used as a standard
auithnrity nn llnidnlh rnar B a

James O. Murfin, '96L,, who will de-
liver the principle address at the an-
nual ceremonies tonight, the feature
of which is the burning of the fresh-
man pots.

there is a bare chance that he
get into the game, Coach Fisherc
not care to put him back on the f
prematurely for if the bad 1
should be broken open again,


Varsity leader would be out of the
game for another long stretch.
Rtyrlilm at Short
Norrie Ryrholm will hold down the
shortstop position left vacant by Dill-
man. Although he started the sea-


Approval of a new engineering
council constitution was voted last
night at a meeting of the student
chapter of the American society of
civil engineers. The new council, if
favored by the other engineering so-
cieties, will include representatives
from all the societies and the presi-
dents of the engineering classes. The

auinura.on coiiiu a ren .Tie son in the outfield, Ryrholm is an
sides his books, he has published infielder by calling, having been
more than fifty scientific treatises in shifted to the pasture due to his hard
varidus'German publications on the hitting and to the smooth work of
same subject. Most of these have'the teho hold do th
been either on the phenomena of ab- ner defense. Steger will take over
sorption, or have concerned with, Ryrleolfn's place in the outfield.
jellies or emulsions. Dutch Wilson will be on first as
Professor Freundlich has been in his bad leg is almost totally healed.
this country for the past month He has been taking matters easy for1
touring and lecturing at the princi- the bast few days, and will be in
pal cities. He will have spoken in shape for the remainder of the
23 different cities before his tour is s
completed the first part of .June. s eg
In June he will be the guest of rlan Walter who has scored
honor. at the Third National Colloid .
horat. thThid Natonal (ohlid shutouts over Wisconsin and North-
Vimposium whiichiis to he held in hi eao wlFtk
Minneapolis under he auspices of western so far this season will take
Minneapolis under the auspices of ovrtepthn i oa' ae
Minnesota university. After the sym- Walter has worked 21 Innings since
posium le ill stay and deliver a the start of the season, and has notj
corTse of lectuires there. allowed an earned run. to cross the
plate. In the M. S. C. contest three
runs Nwere scored against im sduring
TRIALS his. stay on the mound, but miscues
contributed to allow the counters to
TOlBE. IrinTHOORRO i be scored. In the 21 frames he has
IU IIUIIIIUI worked, Walter has allowed but 11
I hits and has struck out 22 men. If
Tryouts for the inter-collegiate de- he is right he should add another
bating class from which the Central victory to his string today.
league team for men and the Mich- Red Cherry will receive Walter.
igan-Ohio team for women will be se- Baker is still troubled with an in-
lected next fall, are to be held at 9 jured finger sustained some time agot
.'clock tomorrow for the former and in the M. S. C. tilt.
at 2 o'clock for the latter in room 302 Giles and Haggerty will round outj
Mason hall. All candidates are re- the infield, while Coleman, Puckle-
quested to communicate with G. E. wartz, and Bachman or Froemke will
Densmore who is in charge of the hold down the gardens.
class. Guzy Will Open
"Resolved that the proposed Child Pete Guzy, diminutive Gopher
Labor amendment to the National hurler, will probably oppose the Wol-
Constitution should be adopted by the verines in the opener. He has won
United States," is the question upon two Conference games this season. If
which candidates wll be required to l h- is in form he will give Michigan
speak for five minutes, presenting trouble. He has been something of
either side. Approximately fifteen an in-and-outer this season, but has
men and fifteen women .will be chos- stuff. Captain Cristgau, who hasI
en from the class from which the two been on the sidelines with injuries
Varsity teams will be picked. for some time, will be back in har-
-- ness today. He is a heavy hitter and
Tokio, May 14.-It is reliably r- a strong defensive catcher.
ported that the Japanese legation at Coach Fisher will start Pete Jab-
Pekin will be raised to an embas.ty" lonowski tomorrow. Although he
within a month. took a bad trimming at WisconsinI
during the two innings he pitched,
Jab showed his usual form in prac-
im an spr1ngtice this week. His curve is break-
nan Sprlng ing as well as usual, and hesuld
)n General Sale be able to live up to his former

Two sessions will be held at 10
o'clock this morning in the Union,
one meeting dealing with office man-
agement and the other on the auto-
mobile industry. All meetings of the
organization are open, and anyone
interested is invited to attend.
W. 11. Leffingwell, president of the
Leffingwell-Ream company of New
York city, will read a paper this
morning on the "Present State of the
Art of Office Management," follow-
ing which a discussion will be led by
two prominent management execu-
tives. The author of this paper has
examined and rated many offices,
large and small, during the past two
years, and he will show which
phases of office management he finds
of high order and which phases sus-
ceptible of improvement.
At the same time, another session
will be held in the Union, at which
L. J. Purdy, production supervisor of
the Oakland niotor car company of
Pontiac, will read a paper on "Pro-
duction Control in Automobile" Man-
ufacture." This discussion will be di-
rected by several automobile manu-
facture officials.
This afternoon a third meeting
will be held at which two papers will
be read, one on "Frequency of
Change of Model," and the other,
"Should Manufacturers Make Their
Own Accessories?." These papers will
involve two of the outstanding prob-
lems of policy in the automobile in-
dustry. Two addresses will be given
on the tendencies affecting methods
of management in the automobile in-
dustry at the session at 8 o'clock to-
night, which will be held in the
Natural Science auditorium instead
of the Union.
The final meeting of the society will
be held tomorrow morning at the
Union. In the afternoon the mem-
bers of the society and other attend-
ants at the meetings will be the
guests of the University Athletic as-
sociation, at the Michigan-Minnesota
ball game.
I _________
America Should
Join World Court

Union Publishes
List Of Members
Owing Payments
In an attempt to induce some of the
10,000 members of the Union who are
delinquent in paying up their life
membership dues, the Union has had
printed the entire list of names of
the subscribers who are overdue. The'
list has been posted on a large board
in the main lobby of-the building. }
The entire indebtedness of the
Union amounts to $330,000, $200,000
of which is in the form of a first
mortgage on the building. The
banks which hold this mortgage will
not renew it this year, and as it be-
comes due in August, sufficient
money must be paid in by that time
to raise the mortgage. It is with this,
in view that officials of the Union
have published the names of delin-
quent subscribers.
Since the list of names was posted
yesterday, 177 men have brought
their payments to date, and it is ex-
pected that a large number of men.
iil pay up their dues.
Beside the list of names, another
list of reasons men give for not hav
} ing paid up their dues is placed.
Some of the most quaint of these
alibis are these: "he signed but did
not think he had to pay," "he will not
pay because he does not get a life
membership for $50 when his sub-}
scription is more than 5 years past
1due," "he won't pay because the Un-
ion does not cut his hair for noth-
ing," "he is angry at the Union be-
cause he did not get football tickets
on the 50 yard line," "he won't pay
because he is not allowed to take his
dog in the dining room."
Offer Fellowships
In Social Science
Ten research assistantships in the
general field of social science are'
offered for next year by the Univer-
sity of North Carolina institute for
research in social science. The as-
sistantships are open to students who
have had one or more years of work
in a graduate school of good stand-
ing. The applicants accepted will
receive a yearly stipend of $1500 and
expenses to make a study of prob-
lems arising out of state and region-
al conditions.
Buenos Aires, May 14.-The Argen-
tine government issued a decree per-
mitting the exportation of gold.

Band Will Lead Students in March
From Campus; Frayer To
Speak for Faculty'
Cap Night, the traditional event
when freshmen toss their pots and
toques into the huge bon fire, will be
celebrated tonight when the annual
ceremonies will be held at Sleepy Hol-
low. The entire student body will
assemble on the campus at the desig-
nated places, and at 7:15 o'clock the
Varsity band will begin the march
from Barbour gymnasium, followed by
the seniors garbed in their Caps and
Gowns and the other classes proceed-
ing in order.
All seniors will meet in front of
Barbour gymnasium, and the juniors
will assemble directly west of the
medical building. Sophomores will
form in line between the Chemistry
and Natural Science buildings, while
all freshmen will gather in front of
the library. The line of march will
be from Barbour gymnasium to
Twelfth street, on to Huron, east on
Huron to Glen street, then north to
Ann and east to the Hollow.
All classes will sit as units at the
Hollow, in the same places as in pre-
vious years. Signs will be posted to
indicate the seating arrangement.
Athletes who are to be awarded "M"
blankets are requested to sit near the
speaker's stand.
Cheers by the assembly and several
selections by the band will mark the
beginning of the ceremonies after
which Alfred B. Connable, '25, master
of ceremonies, will introduce William
D. Roesser, '25, retiring business man-
ager of The Daily, who will speak for
the students. Prof. William A. Frayer,
of the history department, the faculty
speaker, will then address the as-
Following the talk by Professor
Frayer, Fielding H. Yost, Director of
Intercollegiate athletics, will award
"M" blankets to the graduating ath-
letes. Only senior athletes- who have
won two letters in one sport, and who
will graduate in June will be given the
awards. The 17 seniors who will re-
ceive blankets are: Georg S. Hag-
garty, Walter Kunow, Phillip E.
Marion, James K. Miller, Ferdinand
A. Rockwell, Herbert F. Steger,
George C. Dillman, William B. Giles,
Jerry S. Benson, James K. Brooker,
D. E. MacEllven, Charles A. Reinke,
Lester G. Wittman, Howell S. White,
M. J. Holdsworth, William W. Kerr,
and Carlton Lindstrom.
Following the award of the blank-
ets James O. Murfin, '96L of the
Board of Regents, will deliver the
address from the alumni to the
students. The bonfire will be set fire
to, and the entire student body will
sing the traditional "Where, Oh
Where Are The Verdant Freshmen?",
each class rising as the correspond-
ing verse of the song is sung.
Upon the completion of the singing
the freshmen will form in a snake
dance, and as they dance around the
fire will toss their little grey caps
into the flames, thus signifying the
passing of another freshman class
into the ranks of the sophomores.
Following the ceremonies, a free
movie will be shown in Hill auditor-
ium through the courtesy of the Ma-
jestic and Arcade theaters. The
name of the picture has not been
given out as the Xilne has just recent-
ly been released and this is its first
showing. The doors to the auditor-
ium will open at 9 o'clock, and the'
show will begin at 9:30 o'clock.
Philadelphia 4, Detroit 2.
Boston 3, Cleveland 4.

New York 0, Chicago 1.
Washington 5, St. Louis 3.
Pittsburgh 7, Boston 1.
Cinninnti Mo rVnrl



new constitution will replace that of
a former joint engineering society
which has been dissolved.
Officers for next year were elected
at the meeting. Curt H. Will, '26E,
will succeed H. A. Sheridan, '25, as
president of the organization. Other
officers elected at the meeting were
W. L. Metcalf, '26E, vice-president,
W. V. Owen, '26E, secretary, and L.
H1. Fitts, '26E, treasurer.
Tickets For Fresh
Party Now (
Ticket sale for the Freshman spring
party to be held May 22 at the new
Masonic Temple will be continued
from 2 to 5 today at the Union. The
sale is now open to the general stu-
dent body. Tickets are given only on!
receipt of $2, and programs will be
ready the night of the party.
Terminating the class events of


-forecasts continued
risinig temperature.

fair weather,

Amos Junior is about to take the

Chaperones chosen from the uni-
versity faculty are to be announced {
at a later date.
The ballroom of the new Templej
will be transferred into a veritable
summer garden the night of the party.
Palms and cut flowers will conceal
the corners of the room, while the
1 orchestra platform will be banked
by ferns and newly trimmed flowerl

The Summer Michigan Daily I
offers students who expect to
attend Summer School all of the
advantages and experience I
which are found in The Mich-
igan Daily, and also the oppor-
tunity for faster advancement.
Both the editorial and business

Says Owen Young
New York, May 14.-(By A. P.)-
I America should join a world court,
to "get the practical processes of
peaceful decisions operating while the
world is trying for peace," Owen D.
Young, the first administrator of the
Dawes Reparations plan, said at the
annual dinner of the National Insti-
I tute of Social Sciences today.
The experiment of the Dawes plan,
he said, which had not attempted to
reply to the ultimate question "how
I much can and will Germany pay?"
but merely sought to accomplish two
beginning steps, stablizing Germany'sj
currency and balancing her budget,I
!teaches valuable lessons, applicable!
. 4 i to- i in a I t

I All students will assemble on
I the campus at 7:15 o'clock. I
I Members of the Varsity band and
1 the Student Council are request-
I ed to meet at Barbour gym- 1
I nasium.
I Where the classes meet. 1
I Seniors-In front of Barbour C
I vmnansim Wea r Can and I

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