PAGE IsX: THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1925 !( r ~ t 11,11 Wh64__ t " Jill b 1 ............... .......3i ' _ _,_ .. ' ,. r - - - _ ILLINI HOLD EDGE 1N PAST RECUROS Have Won Five Out of Eight Meets Against Varsity Tnack Tceam Dual CLOSE SCORE EXPECTED Michigans Varsity track team will Meet Its strongest rivals for Confer- ence honors when it stacks up with the Illinois squad this Saturday at Urbana. In the eight years that Michigan has met the Sucker aggregation on the cinders the latter have won five of the dual meets. Last year they handed the Maize and Blue trackmen on, of the worst beatings that Coach Farrell's men have ever suffered at the hands of any Big Ten school, leaving them on the short end of a 106-29 score. Tbis year however the meet will be closely contested throughout and a clo0e finish is expected. The Wolver- ines will have their first chance at HIagiy Gill's squad since the decisive triming they received last year and they will go into the meet with de- termination to wipe out the stain of last year's defeat. It is predicted that the meet will be ;decided by a small margin of points, ten at the most, and before the loss of Brooker and Hicks Mich- igap had the edge on the Urbana squad. However now that both these stars are out every man on the squad will have to do his utmost as it is theiecond and third places that will decide the winner of the meet. In.the hundred the Wolverines have lu bard and Wittman and it is not probable that Bud Evans the Sucker dashunan can come through ahead of Hubbard. Evans has done 9 4-5 seconds in the century this season ancd will probably give Hubbard a good race. It is improbable that Wittman can beat the Illinois star and he will probably finish third. Illinois is exceptionally strong in the hurdles and in the Iowa meet last week they slammed in both the 220 yard, low and 120 yard high hurdle events. Dan Kinsey, Olympic champ- ion has done 15 seconds on several occasions this year in the high oChances TrightERM Iflfl Madison, Wis, May 13.-Never be- fore has Wisconsin known sucha turnout for spring football as has responded to Coach Little's call for gridiron candidates this year. Right TnIIHs lSquad To Enc1ionter w1estern- Eiea r Picked By Slaughter And now the liadger gridiron machine is ers In Eighth ilch i hof Steele to (Iasli This as far advanced as it usually is in soi iAiternoon the middle of the fall season, and all signs point to a championship season LINEUP UNCHANGFD MATERIAL PROMISING next fall Michigan's Varsity tennis team, After holding two fast scrimmages which has won six of the seven i! i he last two days, the spring foot- HICH SCH OL M I[Imatches played thus far this sealson, ball canid~ates will again lineup at i Opposes the University of Oklahoma net men at 3 o'clock this afternoon 1 4:30 o'clock this afternoon on South on the courts at Ferry Field. The Ferry field to play in the final Michigan team has had a strenuous s crinmage of the week. 1BOOK D NEX WEEKweek-end, having defeated Iowa, I11--1 Farold Steele and Edliff Slaughter, inois and Ch'icago in succession., both members of last year's Varsity Prep Athletes To Gaher For Twenty Today's lineup will probably con-leleven and now members of Coach ifth Annual Outdoor sist of the same men who so easily Yost's staff of grid coaches, will pick Classicdefeated the above teams from the various members of Jerome, Capt Crane Krickbaum the squad. Each coach picks two RECORDS EXCELLENT ant Vose, playing in the order elevens, one of which plays the first -- named. Jerome and Klickbauln twenty minute period and the last Michigan will be host the week end showed up exceptionally well against I quarter. Substitutions will be made of May 22, 23 to a number of mid- Chicago and ought to do some good at frequent intervals in order to give West high schools which have teams work today, while Capt. Crane an( eacH man an opportunity to gain ex- entered in the twenty-fifth annual Vose may always be depenied upon I ierience in actual play. Interscholastic to be held by the uni- to exhibit some fine playing. Provid- Next week will conclude the great- versity. ed Oklahcma brings a five-iaan team 1est of sring practice seasons at the This meet has come to be regard- a fifth Michigan man, probably El_ University. Several scrimmages are ed as one of the classics of the West iota, will play. planned for the final week's program. and competition runs unusually high. I The Wolverines have a fine record As there are no big athletic events IDurig the course of some twenty- so far this season and ought to *in- 'takiig place on Ferry field next five meets a number of enviable rec- ish well up in the standing. Opening week it will be possible to hold more ords have been established. The the regular season by blanking the srciinnagiLes than have been played record in the 100 yard (ash is 9 4-5 Michigan State college racqueteers at this week. It. was planned to give the seconds, tying the National Inter- Lansing, by a 7-0 score, the Maize men <,n opportunity to hold a scrim- scholastic record; in the 120. yard and Blue players continued their vie. mage Friday but on account of the high hurdles competing athletes have I torious stride, likewise blanking baseball game here with Minnesota Lung up. a mark of 15 4-5 seconds, Marquette and Indiana by 4-0 and it was postponed. while 24 2-5 seconds is the mark in 6-0 scores respectively. In the Mar- I Judgiiig from the performances of the 220 yard low hurdles. .uette match only the singles were then men in the few practices that In the mile the Interscholastic run off, lue to a downpour of rain. Have been held, many new men will record is 4:33 1-5, while the record Dropping out of form for the next be given consideration when the Var- in the 440 yard lash is: 50 2-5. The match, the Wolverines bowed to the sity squad is selected next fall. Many record for the 220 yard dash is 21 2-5 Ohio State net men, when they were men from the reserves and the fresh- for both the Michigan and National forced to take a bitter 6-1 defeat. Not Imat an elevens have developed into Var- Interscholastic meets. The record in discouraged by this mishap, the Mich-jsity material. Sammy Babcock, for- the half-mile run is 1:56, an enviable igan team came back strong, taking iner Detroit high school flash', and record for even collegiate perform- their next three matches easily. Iowa pilot of the freshman eleven, Garber, Iers. The half-mile relay race also. was vanquished 5-2, Illinois was cf the 1927 freshman team, and Hoff- has been run in fast times, four men nosed out in a close match by a 4-3 I man, of last year's reserves, all bid covering the distance in 1:33 1-5 score, and Chicago bowed to the Wol- strong for the quarterback position. seconds. The shot put record is 50 verines last Monday, by a score of Miller, who played a splendid game feet, 4 inches, while 12 feet, 5 inches 4-2. for the Bities Tuesday, is a brilliant is the highest height in the pole A busy schedule is still ahead for open field runner and will warrant vault. The high jump record is 6IV ichigan, since the team must leave' waibching. Haskins, former Oklaho- feet 7l 1-4 inches, while some husky Friday afternoon for Ithaca, where it ma high school star athlete, is an ac- high school youth has a mark Of 130 will encouiter the Cornell net stars. curate passer and good runner. Cow- feet in the discus. The javelin On May 21-23 the Western Conference ell, a numeral winner of the 1928 throw, which was only recently added tournament will be held at Chicago, frestma leam, has also lerformed to the list of events, has been hurled and on May 25,° the Wolverines em- well iii the past scrimmages. 155 feet, 4 inches, while the broad bark for Evanston to meet North- Wit h the graduation of Slaughter, jump record is 23 feet, 5 inches. The western. The season will close on Steele, and Miller, Coach Yost faces aecord in the hammer throw is 170 May 30, when Wisconsin plays here. the problem of bolstering the line. feet, three inches. If the Maize and Blue team continues Norton, Tanaroli, Baer, and Gabler Last. year 45 schools entered en- its victorious stride, and the Ohio are all husky tackle candidates who itored t th on n to t mat Mich,_may be able to fill the vacancies Thr~ee Teams Loom As BestIKASMURERIN Bets For 1925 Golf Cro TITLE BOUT IN EUROP All the conference golf teams have Conference match remaining on their improved their calibre of lay this schedule. The Ann Arbor team will Now York; May 13.-Jack Kearns, swinig into a(ctaiO Oin the Windy City manager of Jack Dempsey, stated to- year over former years and as a re- links June 12. 'T'here is a. match to day that neither he nor Dempsey had sult the race is exceptionally close, take plice with the Detroit college matde any definite plans regarding a Dual meets have been run off this greensmen May 23 in Ann Arbor, but bout for the champion in Europe year an although they aid to line up this is not regarded as a conference this sunmer. the probable Winners, they have no tourney. Michigan's true chances. to Kearns said that if a sufficiently definite bearing on the future Con- cop the honors this season will be attractive offer were made, it was ference champions. known Saturday, when the quartet I probable that D)empsey would fight At the present date Michigan, return from its five-day trip. some Eiropean boxer at D)eauville as Illinois and Chicago have perfect j_ _- a step towards his getting into con- records for the season. Purdue has FR dition for his sera.) Labor Day, when one defeat on its ledger, a 11-10 score he will meet (aibbons, Tunney, or with Chicago. Ohio State was beaten NEW YOR TOIU EEL F I Wills. Charlie Weinert is also a pos- by the Wolverines in the first match ui sibility if he should beat Wills when of the season. Northwestern has now0OUD M ETI T Iib the two meet. lost three Conference matches and____________ has a very poor representative team this year. Indiana has also suffered New York, May 13.-(Special)- a defeat at the hands of the Illini. New York is to have its first outdoor oday On June 17, the Conference golfers will meet at Chicago and there the track meet at night this season, a- final status of the competing teams cording to plans revealed today at I Louisville, Ky., May 13. (Special) will be determined. At present the I local Amateur Athletic union head- Jockey J. Breuning is expected to Maroons possess the team champion- quarters. Two meets will be held un- 1 arrive here in time to give Quatrain, ship and Mode Holdsworth, Michi- 1 der the artificial illumniation of huge the favorite for the Kentucky Derby gan's captain, is the individual title arc lights, if present plans materia- Saturday, his flaal workout before holder of the Big Ten. Mode should lize. the classic. come through again at Chicago, if he The Finnish-American A. C. plans Quatrain is still the choice for the keeps shooting at his present rate. to hold the first meet and the Knights race, although Kentucky Cardinal, Both Michigan and Illinois bid fair of Columbus has decided to hold the Frank Croissant's $50,000 colt, Stop to displace the Maroons as the team other neet, and is at present carry- Along, and Captain Hlal are among champs. These two contending teams ing out negotiations for the imnipor-i the mounts who are e-pected to show will compete in a dual meet today tation of several European athletic well Saturday. i'rince Iha1 did the and this should have a bearing on the stars. The- meets will be held in the full Derby distance in 2:05 1-5 yes- final outcome. Yankee stadium in June and July. terday. j} 5 U t ' 1 Y J ,, , r t When the Wolverines return from their trip, encountering the Illini to- day and the Purple at Lafayette to- morrow, there will be but one regular Patronize These Advertisers hurdles and Merigoldl distance in :15 2-5 this In the field events more material than events. Brownell is a best vaulter in the C Kimmel and Shively ,b has done the season. r Illinois has in the track; t present the onference and oth do better ot. Sweeney one 23 feet 6 i than 43 feet in thes and Fell have both inches in the broad and Stuttle has. a mu 9 inche( in the javelin Desides these stars number of men who On'to place secohd an various events ant[ a expected next Saturda Coach Farrell plan 25 men to Urbana o ks yet he has not d sonnel of the squad. s( di M~,U" IULUiee eams, riee were from in- i jumip .this year diana, five from Illinois, two from ark of 180 feet Texas, one from Kansas, three from n throw. Ohio, and one from Cedar Rapids, Illinois has a Iowa, while the rest were Michigan can be counted teams. Of these 45 teams entered, d third in the the points of the meet were divided close battle is among 26 different aggregations. ay. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, won the meet 1 s to take about with 118 points, while Wichita Falls, n Saturday but Texas and Detroit Northwestern ecided the per- were tied for second with 15 points I each. 1P)ronizo Dily Advertisers - it - - no n A . ai: ,e eamII oses One Mach , tci gan will make a strong bid for prnemn- well. ier honors in the Conference. Illinois is expected to defeat the ILuckcyes oil match will be of great importance in Saturday and the outcome of phis '1the Big Ten tennis circles. oo4 e f Men AliIn tnlcand° I.C LB "ct n p.ty s.- Aa v. im I . l)aily Advertisers All Campus Swimming Meet The date of the all canpus swim- ming meet has been definitely set for 8 o'clock this evening. En- tries can, be made either at the Intra- mural office or at the Union at the time of the meet. The events will include a . 25 yard free style, back stroke; 220 yard free style and a free style, back stroke, and breast stroke, 220 yard free style and a facu:y div e. READ TIlE QLASSIFIED ADS, ' llllll illl a ll illlill illililli lt llltII IF YOU WISH TO - SMOKE OR GET SOME REFRESHMENTS BETWEEN DANCES This is the place for you and your partner to drop in. Delightful soda re- I - freshments or smokes to ~tsuit the iost particular taste. II F U M I D 0R I . ==_ --- -- . =----- a a '' _.aA :.--z.. ppttiS ' Featuring Fine Tobaccos at; Moderate Prices A Ques tion Has°Been Raised THE unusually low price at which we are selling from our stock of clothes during the current Pre-Vacation Sale has made a number of men doubt the truthfulness of the statements made in our announcement last Tuesday. We repeat again for the benefit of such doubters that the clothes on sale compose our regular spring and summer line, no garment from which has ever before been sold below fifty dollars. There is still a nice selection to choose from although we have sold more suits in the last two days than we disposed of during the entire year 1923. $52.50 to $75.00 Values Now only $35.00 .E 1-%=M~r-1- E INVITE your inspection of Detroit's most distinctive cigar store-the Book-Cadillac Humidor. Located at Michigan Avenue and Shelby Street, the Humidor specializes in the Book-Cadillac brand of clear Havana cigars, the high grade Book-Cadillac cigarettes, and Book-Cadillac smoking tobaccos. Our cigars are kept in fine condition through a cabinet constructed entirely of Cuban cedar-temperature and humidity being automatically controlled. 6 py5 Soo loo I - ~ .~ .' ' I I I I It I 1 I I I I