THURSD Y, MAY 14, 1925 TEMCIA AL THE MICHIGAN DAILY ww.rm.w.n w wsea +n 1 #wiwtYY Mw'^MMl~ A9NNOUNCE SUMMER~ PHARMACORE Six Subjets Will he Offered U~nder -Suapervisiont of C. (C. 4over anid L. It. Walgner STUDY DRUG LAWS Six courses in chemistry and phar- mcacy will be offered by the College of Pharmacy dluring the Summer session, practically all the work to be under the supervision of Prof. C. C.. C lover and L. Ri..-Vagner. The two ehemistry (courses will treat food- and drug analysis, and will involve laboratory inetlio(1s, federal and state foo(1 and, drug, laws, and the prosecutions for violation. The course will Also include laboratory work upon co mmercial articles such-,as alcoholic bevop:ag,r11favoring cxtrats,_olecoiiar- fgarine, adulterants, and preservatives. .Vour courses will be oli'ered dealing exclusively with pharmacy. In. the course in pharmaeeutical and chemnical calculationls, thoro.ugh drill will be giv- en in the arithmetic of pharmacy, in- volving use of weights and measures, specific gravities, percentage solutions, molecular andl atomric weights and . thermometric equivalents. Study in. pliarmnacopoeial testing andI drug assaying will cover the Iat-j est accepted methods for the accurate assay of alkaloids, gilucosidIes, neutral principles, and other gal enical pre- pa rations. The two other courses wilt deal with study of the United Stages ptharmiaco- p~oeia and the national formula ry, and with 'manufacturing pharmacy.ii Steel Cars Sacc . O Passengers l T he ~LiCredo hhl, av v od i 11the< muatter'.''- ro all prsof Ileeofir.]Jh fthere vwould be too):)many candidtes. T. 1M. ( . ~.Vm uv.N' 11ca i>e of the irti iiiof litaililae; u Jabms x e u C II~'ii1 gels his1pelj7, nn, ivedimiiMthisfuthe Ie MtUMoG;,+"as2merely nolid by v r ors L 3 I I Toiday's question: Do you 1pprove of the systeiPM xWhich :equili e:a i man !1to not I i 1 sI H, ii t eni per- $ Wtnre mis dd : The Union. :moo of Ithe 2iidflaite tool, 1for ex- 1111)0, th ere arie about j400enirolled;l A a ; dinr is atiu ing ,largelyi . h:'ent'a. T'l'rel'oie, it is jquite 11n iii lossiblt'thingp',to 1- oTthe mneessary ton perl'cisil . (ie io orthte otlier sch'h sare not. iat.eresleAMin tin jgs 'ts01 l11 . t 1 . 10 i, ' KNo ;thaw of thle t', w of 's 0 1 eI iX r:.Itx aic' not in-- fI.}'h'1 !iin Mle campu~is elet ions mill it infico Ii to see re Ithenecessary I t irher ot' signers; 'mn I tie oiier t4 I iiOns, hmrP( oer, are u, e. as a nlalttei' 1o ourse and i110 iii n;ifyvthe Nill of flhe vote's.,' F';. witheliee, ;'2e. -_Too.0 many ii 7qjii'tit ins wiI t v (N.i reading hut lm since this is the accepted1 I ---- - ~'5l ~ 1 i ~Xiel T 1 i l At ~~~h') Ic (lte . , c eili ~i115 h ilSii. ("oer~xa ofl coin~' l it I,i,'and ui.i-~ Ih0 k my VI r i's it e l \i Ai l wxvill lhe halt, atI, alke - - - - I~v \ sim n12 bto'!2, are Is3Obo51 lao I rp ,,] Iriet UI. ae !iztho r ,o ion0)1 2o el arji t ,Isn m1{i i'(ls 1(t 'S S/ 11:1i ye (efl i 1 ;i'. "d ft) at ti i st(te hi*a w rack and ie'ttl ts fIn I x Steel-T coaches and Imlllnls-saved <1>~ l'i'" a a ' ii t i 1) v. lie" V11 1o . V . iiiiimet i.; i fthe ('hel a- peake and Ohio railway, bound front C'neinmoa tltd ', MiIam(2a) te iic e Qli K 'l1egne was killed, an,! the Ii retman probably will (lie. Ihe cvz se of h 'd-rdIm! . sali, I~;. ,ta it may hia e ibeent the j work of a fanatic:. "Ili. 1111t (ioi le 4Ii ' 't e( t':~i"h~,S Ite. ' X' v, '' (if i et er 't' i . II' f 't, IeNt ;NI 1" ;y."a C Odn oit) aI tli majorilyv of :s mh'nIs ironiAnn %nr- i t~l e g m s 1n i n I i 'r 1111 l :, ti s ae1 'sth2(icltS xviltlaeyi't'pi'e.;nt'iitin Ml1Ie it in ' 'I ' S '\i c . a ' i' e l i i . b e t o c li e -a,- I Owen Speaks Ont Telephione Costs C. S. (ven, fund~amental plant en- gineer of the Michligan B1e1llrTole- phone11 company, yesterday gave an add1(1ress to those stud ents interested in the telephone industry on "Cost Studies." This lecture' was one of the series now bleing given under thle ausp~ices of the Michigan B~ell Te-,le- phon01e Company to acquant p~rospec- tiv eO(mp~loyees with the problems to be met in their work. Mr. Owens will give another lecture to be an-' nounced at a later date. A 'study of the c'osts andI cost dif- ficult ies met by the telephone c~orn- p)any 'and otlier large corporations was presented, and Mr. Owen (dis- cus , ed the major problems encoun- I er,,d in financing necessary proj ects in modern industry. ,t t r ry r { -OW t v ,ate L 'i A x ' ^ f er ; f rra,'{ TiM STORY 0 TN 0V 4 'KK tnT . S E b } Y k , . 1, I, .a' F ! i F f -a WALLAC BEERY In Anothe FA Both ? Needed, -3tOsT i ll ]2> ii: k ;1 _.., =: , - i, i ', u {,y! 1 '' i . .. 1 i P+' i 1 :Yrt ' ;"', y - ; 1, ,'/. r ,i : ] u -,i ,, . ;' f ; ',; ;a I ° -' I f, f 1 = 1 F } R ! .t: ,'. ;r :,. 7 -pp, ' ,#1'7 ' ¢{ I ter.' r. l 1V'~ Kit 4~flQ ~ 25c 2:00 ~:30 I "-olA ,'" B'cleing TrIse 'O-I d Adage- C >r 4A' + , E" sYYr-' 'f- . +a '' ' :'" ' " ..,,. ' 4 C , , '- d M jR, y yJ °y ' 1" .. ,. Q,~y,....__, .,. ViUF ~TIS'HE SP4ICE OF LIFE II 4Y°, d a 'l 4t }% : "1