PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1_025 A PAGE TWO ThURSDAY, MAY 14, 1925 p STUDENTS A9TTENDk NUTRITION EXHIBIT! Demcmt" raf ions for Overwe~ilht anidI ('n drwelg'ht 1Ver o in v en in Various Menus RUSSELL WILL SPEAK Demlonsi ra.ions ofl I e pos"Ale combinations, one for overweight peo-1 ple, one for thiose of naormal weight, and a third for t hose of: less than the normal,--for each of nine meals, fea- tured the Nut rition,-xhiit ait. Barbour gymnasium which enids toda5y. More than 1,500 people vi sited the g ymnas- ium yesterday, and heard talks by Dr,. Howard B. Lewvis, who spoke on "Iron in the Diet,'" and by Miss Mary Sweeni- ey, who spoke twice on "Utiderwei;ht." Today's progr-a i includes a alk1 by Dr. E. P. Iiu,-rsel1 on "F~eediiig Norm al ' Infants," a. t 4 olock , a food (l'oii- stration at 5 o'clock, and l Ia ks atl. othi 5: 30 and 7 :30 o'look, by Fir. Iiel en Mitchell, on ''An iniaINut ri tion Exper- iments." Ohio State Head reesident's Report Stresses Lack Of St+eudent Dormitories H1onored By French' ' Te Rev.lDr. William O0 Thompson, president I of Ohio State university, Col- uni))us,' is of of five c'andildates for niodleral or of the general assembly of the P resbyterian church. The election will be held in Columbus, May 21.. "The University can hardly ignore lfor women, and asked thle Deans to completely how its studlents are}dlapprove the Ipropotsal, which wasf housed," according to the annual, re-I oreI "This would involve constant in- port of the President of the Univer- s) o fIhehue hc d I sity to the Board of Regents. "It is a sti ml~'nt roomers, mnatte by agents of matter that has such implortant bear-' -,.o (I''dolo studenits, and The forma- ing upon their Heal th, mnoralk,con I tion Ofl ail "a pproved list'' of houses duc an suces i th t +s-rorr 1wh=r e conditions are satisfactory. dutan uces nIhe(t8-O 1i ie: s>t attnts would then be allowed1 that to be indifferent. would 1)0 a ' n om nyi rue p great nilstake,'' the report ('0111 - rte nvrit. Ti nes. vi,,ouiid, of course, involve an additioni ",A very important. factor in thle t a ugtt rvd o h n housing situation Is the lack of dor- 't i uiolt rvd o h n mnitories. For men the I uiversity 51 i 2Ih ieetsafo h had owned none at all uplto the 1i tuneen1 o udrtk hi dI whenthegif oftheLawers (111)t iOnaul work. whenthegiftof he awyes' lub "The Rgfeait s, however, when the provided quarters tor' some of Owe matter was placed before themn at students in the Law school. The theirJ liiicmelecting, were not ready thiree larger andl two smaller (lo1aai- ; etestp eln ta hne toris fo womn hve ben gvenof policy, and possibly legal complica- privately to the IUiversity. Out of 1(:n>w:ere conniectedl with it which state funds nothing has been pr Ovid- , a o ws obrn lou1tti edl in this line, although at other , h eotcnlds the state educational instit ut iohsm eterprtcnlds they exist. "'These circumstances have. de- L Iansing, May 13.-A special meet-I veloped a, system oi lodging for prac-j ing of the state administrative board tically all the msire students and for3 was scheduled for today to consider i all but abouit 300 of the womein which t 1runk: line highway construction and i depeds ponthe ratrniy, ti{'C~'to draft, at. least a, preliminary 1925 rority, andl the rooming house to Care; building program. for the ineeds of 'the college body. About-,600 students live inl fraternity Patronize IDaily Advertisers - it houses and about 400 in sororities. j1) "i Aviv. ".: - f : r ?. j' : > . is :::l ;tit; MYt .. :; . ,, r.. . SENIOR ENSINEERS ELECT Meca. se To Close May 3j0 ]K5 PA MI UMPEShoIAdealersand clothiers of l+,e ciyhaetke=heii ati a . JToseph A,1.arkovich, '25F, was elect- iiotinc'ed that they' will observe D 1ecor- ed Aumn seretry fr te 125 ng-at ion day, May :;0, this year and wNill (lose all (day, according to informatin inedn mglca ss at I neetimng of the class givein out ait the Chamibe'r of Co)]i- held yesterday. At that timne June 12: nerce. was sa the d ate of thle annual sell- Ofidials of the chamher further askc ,,ter f ;.gJineriag banquet. Alt hougrh jno Ihat, as far as possible, all other mer0- woilil X ill the all owed to attend the chant s in the city will follow th1is ex- hianqu(et, 1-t h ahers of thle engineers aitple. Some of the stores, it is stat- will lbe ext emded an inv\itation w oit- ed, wvill remain open later than usual tend. Arrangem nents for the banquet Friday night, Maiy 29, while others are Tein,- made iunmder t1lie di ret ion ot will close at the regular hours. The- jKurt It~. lieveil, '251ic, and Alfred M. different stores are adlvised to secure W!)io e,251(ca rds annotuicing their intent ions andl' rilie corIllit teeoll seumioir enginieers to0 notify lie public accordlingly. ' aniouiiicdiiieis 5 alid imivit ations also anim1ouneed that t houinv'itat ion., would Pauis , May 13-A censors hip has' be( obitainiabile on Monday. be