WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1925 TIJE MIC141CAN DAILY PAGM rIVII { i YI WEDNSDAY MA 3 12 AG UTE IHGA AL N i BND, T0 P'LI FOR, LANTERNCEREM-ONYi T11lIwV and 1Blue Harmers lWlDecorate ' Palmer Field at Traditional Affair Of Unli1ersity Women rTO FORM BLOCK 44M), According to the tradition, the music will be played by the Varsity band for the Lantern Night process-1 ioni which will take place at 81 o'clock, Tucsday, in Palmer field. All University women are expected to take part in the ceremony which. 1 like Cap Night for the men, marks the symbolical advance from the pun- ior to senior class, from sophomore to junior and freshm~an to sophomore.I As the darkness deepens the lantern] procession will finish with a block "M" formed in the center of the field. The Michigan ceremony together = with the freshman pageant which precedes it, surpasses in beauty the Scorresponding ceremonies of Welles- f ley and Vassar, according to Dr. Mar- 1 garet Bell of the p~hysical education I d. a~partment. o I~fedwl The decoration o tefil wl consist of yellow and blue banners. The~ patrons for the affair will be en-' tertained by various sororities at they picnic supper for all University wo- men which will, be held at the field at 5:30 o'clock. The patrons are as follows: Presi- dent Alfred H. Lloyd and Mrs. Lloyd, Dean Jean Hamilton, Dr. Margaret Pell, Dr. Johni Sundwall and Mrs.I SUndwall, Dean John Effinger and Trs. Effinger, Dean Mortimer Cooley Hiumphreys and Mrs. Humpnhreys, Calls Her Beauty Inspirings --lery member is urged o ottend as tin- portant business matters will be set- L~~[At Gymnasium! O'ItIESied I j The schedule for today's rehearsals T*1E PI itures shoving the various ath- 1 for the Freshman pageant is as fol- S ei ciiisin -________ the__wome--flows: 4 o'clock, the ball group; 4:46, have paricipatdthis ,year aeon tild Pan and Dryads; 5:15, the skips 10 CVIIC I hteClcksforatebalpatc ill be'O held- jP''''Ol10 oietIav ind (isplay in Barbour gymnasiumtoa.gup l~I f'r Lasi Function of Year Any women who wish these pictures1 the freshmen and juniors, and at 6 o'- l~i egefor memory books may leave orders i~A~ The followving :nterhouse baseball. ____at the athletic office. Many requests ;.n ale fel. a re will be played at ,4 o'clock. to- PR VD A Sfor such pictures have been received inPamr ied day in Palmer field:. Westminster vs. ! PROVIDE CARS b~ly Miss Ethel McCormick from sum-1,ApaOirnI;DetDlaDla j finer camps and other colleges who ; Members of the University Girlsvs.lphasOmicrour,Dla Delta Deta i \lore than 100 women havc signed wish to learn of the activities of Gee cu n rsha i lota vs. Adelia Cheever, Outlaws vs. up for the Women's League picnic Michigan. The display includes pic- club, who are planning to attend the IZone5 at Whitmore Lake on Thursday of tures from hockey, riding, skifing and spring formal must bring their fee of ____ this week. 'trucks will leave Bar- 1 other sports. $ 2.50 to the next meeting of the Glee 011adnwm besothW.A _OldandnewmembersoftheW._A.. hour gymnasium at 5 o'clock andj club.j A. executive boara will meet at 5 o'- every one is req uestedi to be there (' lock today at Barbour gymnasium to promptly as there will be no delay in 1.sample Ceremony There aril be a special meeting of g ntersrn inc strig.Pci grounds have been; For Rich HeiressI Kappa Phi at 4:45 o'clock. Thursday ___________________ reserved, and according to the coms- ,afternoon at Wesley hall. Imittee everything is in order. Sports I ! -I - SOPHOMORE MEETINd will include swimming, boating, base- No undue pomp and ceremony will Today is the last day to play off the 1 )ail, anil other games. Each womanI attend the wedding of Abby Rocke- lfirst rounds in the tennis tournament. I There will, be a nieetiig of .wil bring; her own supper and coffee1 feller' and David M. Milton, Jr., to- Second round games should be com: all so;iiomor