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May 13, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-13

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I - _________________ -".''--' _____________ - __________ -

Published every morning except Monday
sluxrig the Universitu year .by the Board in
Control of Student b~cstiOne.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Aqsociated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republicatio'a of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lishied therein.
Rntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of' postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.5~o; by mail,
Offices:, Ana. Arbor Press Building, May-
card Street.
Telephonie 4925
Editor. ,.... ,.......John G. Garlioghouse
News Editor........Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor...... .. ... Manning Homsewort h
Night. Editors
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P1. H enry lhredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thai
rdwin C. Mack
Sports Editor.......,William Ii. Stoneman
Sunday Editor...,...... Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor ........ ..... Verena Moran
Telegraph .Editor. ..,William 3. Walthoiyr
Gertrude Bailey 'Marion Meyer
Louise B~arley Helen Morrow
Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohlmacher
Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian
"Smith II. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson
Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker
Willard B3. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps
Valentine L[Davies Helen S. Ramsay
Robert T. DcVore Marie Reed
Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson
Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum
Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal
James W. Fernamberg Frederick H: Shillito
Catherine Fitch. Wilton A. Simpson
L oseph 0. Gartner J]anet Sinclair
Leonard Hall D avid C. Vokes
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner
Thomas V. Koykka Marion Walker
Marnod Kubik C handler Whipple
Elizabeth Liebermann
Telephone 21I4
!Advertising .... . . . ........ . ... E. L. Dunne
Advertising ...... ........... . . R. C. Winter
Advertising ....................H. A. Marks
Advertising......... ........ B. W. Parker
Accounts.............. ....H. M. Rockwell
Circulation................John Conlin
Publication . ......... .:... ...... R. D. Martin
P., W. Arnold K. F. Mast
W. F. Ardussi' F. E. Mosher
I. M. Alving TH. L. Newmnann
W. C. Bauer 'T. 1). Olmstead
Irving Berman R. m. Prentiss
Rudolph . Bostelmnan WV. C. Pusch
Ccorge P. Bugbee F. Ra ne
13. Caplan .3. Ra
IT, F. Clark 11. E. Sandberg
3C. Consroe F. K. Schoenfeld
F. R. Dentz R. A. Sorge
George! Cf. Johnson A. S. Simons
0. A. Jose? Jr. M. Al. Smith
K K. Klein I. 3. Winenian;
V.L. 'Mullins
WEDNESDAY, MAY 13,:1025-' 1
Night Editor --NORMAN R. THALI
Today we decide the fate of na-
tions. Today we determine the future
of our civilization. Today we elect
those who 'ar'e to dead . the student

A nonymous communications will be
disregarded. T'he ijau s of comimuni-
cants will, however, be regardled as
confidential nrc.n request


Be~cause of our attitude before 1917,
if for no other reason, we should can-
cel the debt of France. In a recent
atrticle in The D~aily, because of herf
at titudle towardl France, I characteriz-I
ed ,this country as "The Shylock
among the nations." I (do not think
that this judgment was too harsh. j
i --Williamn Herbert Hobbs.


---- _ a



To the Editor:
The attack upon Prance in your
editorial~ this morning-- not the first
hby anv Ir 1V'In (-ilfli l('l,, ]TnI t ask in1

Seniors! Order your
Personal Cards Now

usieto that friendly nationi that I
you grant me the space for reply. 0 lE[D KULL
Thsreply must of necessity be aimn-
edl quite as much at a somewhat gen-j
eral attitude of the American press;ItIG1xI
andl even more at the officialI attit udejL TE L
of our Administration. My p)osition
on this question should 1be weighed Just to showv the young peoplel
with consideration of the fact that I they're not so hot, we p~resent Secre-1
have always been a Republican and tary Pro Tern Panurge's account of
that I strongly supported Coolidge in the last meeting of Denizens, from
his campaign. Our p)olicy toward which we were unfortunately absent.,
France may be justly characterized It was, I may say, the only meeting j
as peculiarly short-sighted, unjust, of the organization I have ever missed.
ungrateful, and if persisted in, likely I only missed this one because it was'
to lead to very upleasant interna- illegally (unconstitutionally, I should'
tional relations which can in no way say) summoned. 'There was noI
promote that peaceful solution of the quorum.
international muddle which the Ad- The rest is Panurge's.
inimstration professes so strongly to lI
favor. Denizens.
France has consistently promised Deien.ntionlhonorar'~v Thiimnr

The following piersons were elected(1
to nmembershiip in Comedy Club at the i
gpring try-outs held in New berry hallsj
sMonday and Tuesday afternoon: f
Marion Leland, '26; Helen Kocher,
'28; Otto Koch, '27; Carl Bauer, '28;
.James K. Martin, '26E; and ThomasI
IDenton, '28.
The last program in the series ofi
Students' recitals off eredI by advanced
Jpupils of the University School ofj
Music will be given Thursday evening
at eight o'clock inl the School of Mu1-
sic auditorium. The concert will in-
clude the following numbers:
Mazurka, Op. 24, No. 1........ Chopin
Prelude, 0. 28, No. 15.......... Chopin
I John St. Peter
Concerto, 1) minor ...... Wieniawski
Gert rude Friedrich
Will o' the Wisp.......Jensen


-o pa her war ent o Ainricaprn-Catherine Bubrer1
to py hr wa det toAmeica ro-society, met Monday evening, May I1, Modh........Shmn
vided' the even greater debt gularan- 11925, at the chapter room. Reading of i Di ednGeair. Scum'
teed to her undler the Treaty of tier- the minutes of the previous meeting, Willard Spanagel
sailesis ~ail hr. o eeryne a-and of the constitution, andl considera- Prelude and Fugue, in D
milar iththe situa tion it is well to fodbsns a ipne
mknaow thtwithbout the R1 earat t nooodbuiessasdsJ;lsd minor.............Bach
kontaith.La Cathedral englout ie.IDebiussy
France is unable to assume the burden ThSoitpasdotecnier
of her war deblt without, fallingtoth [eSctyasd to the cosde-Jaick Conkclint
ation of new business. Congratula-1 Wbere&'ryou walk, from
position of a weak and helpless na- dn eeetne yteSceyt
tin"ee xeddbyteScit o 'Seinld'.........I laidel
lion which must inevitably liecoiiethle . Wasingtoni for his rec~ent. coul1s Serenade................. To't
vassal state of her ol1( enemy, Ger- d' ctit. A rising vote of deplorance Tihl~k
many.- On 'this question aRlargeoole-
meiit of he Ameria reete-rs ~taken condemning the deplorably The Wren ............. .... i
ignorant or venal, persists in repre- 1.Mtingamjmuerdtemplorarily ow- The AnswerLt... .t..z".,.....Terry
sentingFrance as unwilling to assume I ng to intrusion of non-member who Glio' oteIlte
Goliog sCake Walk....Debussy
burdens of taxation equal to those* of was "summarily dismissed." I Opal Coote
other* debt-ridden states; thiough I 13r. Murchison moved (Panurge see-jAeiainmtsb Anl ri'e
eve beorethedefate ta prgra Iondl) that the members present be ap- iand Pauline Kaise'r.
of 1924, France was hearing thepone an uficlbdyhvg *
joitcantnofca boyhvn(greatest tax burden of any large constitutent powers to act as attorney i iEMAVVS''IA -
state. The policy of Poincare to still] for the Members in absentia. Motion { HI ; 'B .' 0r-r
further increase the tax accomplishedf carried.P;
his downfall and brought ill the make- The body sitting adjudged itself-
shift policies of FIlerriot. The French legally empowered to piroceed with
people from thIis ladlical-Socialist , the election of new members. It was
regime have now learned their hitter the sense of the Society, in view of
lesson, and the new P ain leve Mlinis- thne heterodox stemn regardling
try is demanding what is in reality :Denizens recently issued by Cand.
the rejected taxation p~olicy of Poin- V+alIentine, that he should be kept on
care. pins and needles for a time. The bu si-
The financial situat ion in France to- ness surrounding the name of Gaudl.
day has perhaps never been b~etter ex- Valentinme, therefore, is stricken froni.;.
pressed then by Sir Ceorge Paish the publ-ic minutes. " .
!when in his recent aodress at. Ann j Tbe problem of effecting a greater
IArbor he declared that it would not ec'onomy of time for the consideration
surprise hiin to hear at. any moment of D~enizen's enterprises was br'ought
of the utter bankruptcy of 1F rnce; up. B3r. Murchison held a~t first that
and he realized that this would shake an amarendmnent of the rules of closure
the entire civilized world to its faunz-; was the sole means of improving upon
dations and wold produce even in 'tlhe present deplorable state of affairs. # ::
this country the wors t panic that. it Later, however, swayed by the force- .
has ever known. Is it. not astounding f fill argumients of B3r. Panurge, lie held
that under these circumstances the with the "laissez faire" doctrine of

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body to happiness and prosperity dur-1 American President has been almost 11 on. Br. Adam Smith averring that Scott, Henri, biass-baritone; horn1
ing the coming year. daily giving out, either through his thle new m'emibers should be left toz in C'oatesville, Plennsylvania, April ti, j
Some have become overimpressed responsible minister or ambassadorsI grapple with their own problems in I.1876; frel ednbsowt h
w ith th seriot~ rie or through inriire 1lre:,e, rlingt.bassoi witilow nthe
oro heocsin thogInprdpesrprs i-teronwy Manhattami , ('hicago, and letropolitan
wit te sriusnssof heoccsin-ter taunts, nagging threats, and other i"Ilowecer," c:oncludd Br. I4lurchi- Opera Companies, singing onl a concert
even to the extent of forming compli- obstructions thrown in the way of son, "I feel it my duty to call atten- tour with Caruso in 1908); like Morgan
catedl political machines and oiling France-,-acts which make Germany tion to tile fact that the ever-increas-! Kingston and Orville I larold somee- I
them well; alas too well. They have fairly jubilant, but which inspim'e inu ing comiplexity of our civilization has itimes in vaudeville (luring off-seasons;
swallowed whole the old axiom: me, I am bound to say, ai depression made time precious..Some radical adcsinthreailymnroe
"United we stand, divided we fall." and a sense of shiame such as I have? means of effecting anl economny of time of Alvise Badoero, one of the heads
Stil ohes hve dotedthepa- sldo flt.rfhs eelng i ehp must be made." Br. Panurge moved of the State Inquisition, in. "La Gio-
sive, devil-maareattitude, failing;
regste, rteyhvacop shared, for whenm Sir Georg.,e Paish Murchison secondl) that the length conda," the sixth concert of the Fes-
toreitrorithyhv cop, expressed a hope that America would of the meetings in the future be less- tival.**A
lished that important act assuming! cancel the war debt of France, there 1 ened but that their number be in-I:.w
an air of complete indifference con- I was instant and loudl applause Such creased. Passed unanimously. " , ,,, ,,, I'llF PIA SS*IN~ 01OF'i'h lll tBIID
cerning the outcome. as was heard at no other time during "BrothersDenzn shud be:FL
Nesheeene e azen shoulrthdhi a dresLO0 R B .CIC
{ proud," asserted Br. Murchison in a As the final number of tihe Play
future of campums activities, which The terrible sacrifices of. France in I eulogy of Br. (and acting chairman Prodluction. course Professor I-ollister'
after all *constitute an important. part the war were in a very true ses r en aug,"ohv mogi rsnigJrm .Jrm'
oif ourm university life. Most of them made for civilization itself; as we I its members one who (oes not fear time''The Passing of the 'Third Floor
amencsaya h nyncn ftardily acknowledged in our own lat e, slings and arrows of adversity; who Back" tomorrow evening at eight
student Organization, though they have action and by th~e declarations, of1 does not hesitate to face the most dif- o'lc nInvri al ie"h
not, of course, .the importance ac- President Wilson after we were in the 1liculIt tasks with a smile; one whose Servant In the Iloise,", the st o'y cen-
corded t l cnf in , the minds of some war. Our contribution to the generzal1 keen analytical mind can cut through t ers upon a Chirist, theme, time King-
immiiu niiuls result, even if we weme to ('ancel the Ithie Gordian knot of circumstance.. dom-of-God-on-eam'th inflmmience wvrought
The moral is.~ take a normal inter- loans to France, would indeed be Brs. . I give you Br. (and acting in an hEnglish boarding-house by the
'est in the 'elections; let yourself be paltry by comparison. I chairman pro tenm.) Panuirge." necessamy Stranger, and for umanyj
guided by reason, not by your fra-' There is, however, a still moure im- (Cheers.) years servinmg a s a stamring vehicle
ternity or organization; and, most portant reason why we should c (anc~el IA.mrising vote of thaniks was taken. for Sir Forbes-Robertson. Noman
important of all, elect those who have the debt. The terribile exhaustion and 3r. Panumrge in attempting to reply re- Johnson will take the F+orlbes-IRobert- 3
by WORK (not politics) shown the frightful wreckage which resultedj tired in confusion suffering hot-box of son part in the Present lefrac
themselves to be deserving of high from the War, were due to its piro~- the peroration.pefracI
honor7. longation through four terrib~le years,[ The meeting adjournedI with a ren- ITihe complete cast will be as fol-
during which the daily expensyes ; (lit ion of the Denizens' anthem, lows:
IlWNC 1LIVETHlE REPUIC i mounted by leaps and bounds. Had'IPanua~g'e, Acting Chairmni Pro Temn Mrs. Sharpe ......Ludemia Williams,
P' rit-elect Pauml von IMinden- Britain damred ill an early stage to iimi- Sworn to and subtscribedl before meI Stasjia.........lorence Nelson;
burg,. who was inaugurated as the pose rigorously the blockade upon the (tIis elevenmth, da~y of May, 1,924. Miss Kite......... Geraldine Knight
hweadlof fthe German republic yester- Central Powers, they would have beeni (Seal) Iturellison 11abiw. Mrs. Tompkins .....Khat heryn Clarke
day, demonstmrate(. a spirit during his, str-angled into surrender long before ! l'(1tflmn1ihIssilolI expires Jalne 15, Mrs. Percival de Hooley.......
trimnphal emitry into Berlin the day the end came. It was the attitude {t 1925.........................LuaBel1osm
befor'e t hat speaks well for thme future of the American Admnini;,tm'atiom which ;-______- __-- !Vivian ............ Frieda Bank
of the n~ationu mnder~ his guidance. caused Britain time greatest concermi if the'student.s voting foi, the S. C.1Majom- T'ompkins....hlpRw
Althl.igli tlhe ('olors of the former1 lest America should be brought: into 1 A. 1hrestdene3' accept thme suggestion m Chrmistoph~lerm' eunxy. Alfred Brownig
(leruman rionarclmy-med, whtean the war upon thle side of her enemies. on, the ballot, a good dozen votes joc rgt.....Gog ihpg
m'ack- wecre overwhelmingly in the I have dwelt briefly rep)0in the subect oumlht, to ride thme victorious candidate;HryLa'tom. ore1ipa
mter t ,zly amnong tihe waving masses of in my "World War anti Its ('onse- into oiffice. Thme Stranger.....ormian Johnson
t'ags ilch lined thie route fronm thej quen es" (Chapter Xl I) bult the P'age, -- ________- I.Tape Sanmuelsi . . ..Jacobi J. Rosenthal
riwystation to the chiancellor's memoeirs have now rmadIe very ('lear 'I DO N'T FORGET TO VOTE TODAY.I The~ Balidman .......... Milton Green
pala-(e, thei vet er'amield marshal rode Ito us that the .policy of Sir Eldward,' . ***
under ftme black, red and gold banner IGrey, the British Mini'It or of State, Ii "°1UAI{lE 1_II I" E"l
of the cmpbi i:. ( ifo Forignfirt.dl,, Xwas throughou1 The Union has a first mort- IA.A. NMilnes''M"ake--Believe" w~ill
(ol) i (eit with all of hsis former' determined by this (con18,knt meance gage on the building in the i be 17m'CSemteCIi{Fridaiy and St uerday{
t~ttneu.ledclrdt h rw from America, and with time active co- aoutf$2,00oin dmeIenhg.My1 mm 16atigm
, ,, nf:, lie delaredntAthegcrod which00thecbankstite-.I O'lo('in t a ,itch A' 6,- I tgh chol
which gttathered at H-anover just as he operation of thme Amemricanm Amruha,. ~i
wslaigfrBri:"I will cn dor lie suibordinatedl everyhig to th . "ftise to renew. In some way1 audlitorim as time anmi ima Senmiomr play.
tire to dlo my duty. I know only jabisolut e necessity of mainmtaining enough money to pay off this 1I;The p~lay, mnder time(direction of Mtrs.,
u mty an aveums I romse pecalfriendly relat ionms with tim is c'ount ry;. mortgageniust be raised by that '[11),i tWS(ttamtsymlhn
considertation for' the poor and nmiser- Some of the sacrifices lie imade, amnd r tie. Teo ncm hc the order of "Peter Pi~an'': even Milne
.._ , will. do this i ha. whriM, i

-. .

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