WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1925 ,,.MWGA ALYPG T~E 'll ',L MICHIGAN DAILY 1.1u iS]. l GERMlAN EDUCATORl TO SPEAK FRIDAY Ma 9ghty Dry P rada ottles UpBootleg Ficef Prof. Freundjilich, of T be Illielrit Ttstlliile is liak 'r . IS PROMINENT AUTIOR Prof. Herbert Freundlich, assist- ;ant director of tihe Kaiser Wilhelm lustitute in Blerlin xvi speak oil "The 'Stal o o Aggregation and the' Formn of Colloidal P aricles'' at 8 o'clock FEn- (ty in thie ('hliclIai plitlheater'.Ilie is; brought here by I he I ijiversit y of M jli !;(-i sfl on ovi I be Amneican t iie-wicll 5Icie; y ,:n ll i iappear l'on II tir la!st. prograi-i of the year. I c<',:;sOf-I F'etd lich is 01n0 of th1e Ot&,ta dting authIorities. in c'olloidlal thefll i;t ry, and has writt en many ar-j G i ; lu;oI i !; 5siib1jd(1xwh iclh have ap- lerdin Cei'nan scientific j6urn1a:. fI Se has also writlten somfe books an I's t nil jus and onie of t hese, "Kapli1- l archenne" is used as a standard au- tliority in the studly of colloidlal chemistry although it has never been tranlsatedl from the German. The object of his visit to this coun- try is to attend the Third National CINATES FOR HONPRS CU011RSE TO FILENA[ !] t1" I tt)onsr, cours'"e ill English Ii I tera-- tui 71So _ ~nUitsbnit Itheir 111*111'Sto the l s t t(' of the Eu gii sh1: de 1)1'talent. l,":' 1 P'It h v, MAly 1 iiScord jug4to P~rol'. t.1' J. till of' the ,English depa rtItteI!I. Thus far 1 "tudenlts 11':V bo it'i Iit edas (caltdid!l (,'5 for ad- 11"llol Ilileid ill thle tcour(' se liclnit'ed o 10 ;tt elts, to be chlosenll ollowinig 8I P(rl Q0D'I illt 0 vVie\ withIilmemifbers5 or the +;n ;ti 1 faculty. 'VIll( inter- ' hWwill be;il il Fridlay of Ili)we t:,t~ colliltlle ntil 01' "' i We- he 4:1 , (I flxi xvt eek. flI')re t~ita 1,100 poo~hl(' viewed the itntertnationial collection of modern 3;pal ill; gs shit I)Wi 'Iti lu iii Senlorial 1,a~l uender the auspices of thte Ann 'xrhort'art. as sociation. More titan 300 town sl:peolile, ancti 1ajppox imfately ' ;< tst mintIs visited the gstllery with- il; £ r et ldays. IDue to the tinexpect.- ed ly large :dt eid'auce, tile association has found it: necessary to pirepare a second edit ion of the exhibition c ata- logue consis;ting of 400 copies. '['he canv'~ases Wvill remain on dis- Screeii S 'tri4 l nCZiey ' i' fign lP i iictaLi t I ' ;i 'img ""°"" 6 r , S ..-.-... ,., ...... .a..... , .-.. -. ,. ql8T TlM 128TODAYX U'ofMA!llt ColEg, e -1 All Spe--t oet ,AAbMk Drll 0111(181u htievc . "I ilVe'oplerlte flo or iV of 10711;0 ew\% rkh foot the bootleg leA tclt C'olloid Symposiunm at which he will b)e the guest of honor, it beinig .he custom of the symposium to invite one of the outstanding chemists in thie ld to at tend as a guest of hona- or each year. After the convention, which will be heldt in Junte, the Ger- man professor in itends to stay at. I iMinveSota university , andl deliver a course of lectures. SPANSH CLUB TO ELECT NEW BICERS TONT Electioni of next year's officer s of L a -ociedad IlisIpanica will b~e heldI at 7 :X0 o'clock tonight at tile union. 'Pbie candidates for President are L. C. Plartley, '26, and John Jay, '25; lul' vice president, Mildred Burch, '27, GrPi vlevo Speers, .'26, and Mille MVoorman, '2GEd; for secretary, Mar- imn Kubik, '27, Audrey Albert, '26,I adMargaret Clemens, '26; for tra:surer, 1t. 1M. Sinclair, '27, c. 'P. hoee, '27, and M. 11. Levy, '27. Following the election Prof'. Charles P:. Wagner of tihe Romance laqnguages diepartment will addressR file ;ociety. Prof esor Wagnbr willf probably discuss Spanish gypsy folk- ire music. Several Spanish songs will be sung by Angeline Wilson, 27, who will be accomlpanlied on the 1 iano by her sister Gwendolyn. Plan,, fi He annutial picnic of the soc'iety \ill be isciussed 'also. The date has; :i1 m:Aly beent anntouncedl to be rTlls- (l'iy, May 19. SpIng Eet .1il l 13 -oar I in (conitrol of Student out 5(1( t hl('12 muhltii Ijb 1, 2tS' e ss I o W II (1ircu isv S It el's ba1e ieihioohet(1 , itt['Itl tt of''uIti xe QV,-;Fick 52155'el,' " ik itlll',ihubI lolur e 't o in I teo ... n 110 ' i i I I I i i I j I' i i s trOt au n soall iou ('N{n C\ it~jlt n' 11'. :- , i. .'i3"; ):E I: ei the initel('duil h !.i8e of alievil f), ito it l ;id ''h)u 'eism>'n&h ink?; of Prot.'. Iol'S .ATM. \Veiley ofthe (?t.Is':il 01itt0.tY tir ~ ti 11.0Ci-Iosr ('' tthing eSsutry for tile t ,clt o t h the lea'-- ;'1 1;''i i ' te Vlit''ii 1t-h ''i trerit nway he r'aise+t iti , tne !'()-it Lu]'il ('ili tOV 1'ix i be presented to It;e1 Or \0iey at Stheiii it 5,'' itt i-ooie. 248,1)1s1 v2pit, next imfli. i: ;P io ai~u *' mbli,w Th a i its o ,o'e o \i i r ;" tli. itll ! ii :.: ti ) (, :I fry' I11 ui, ,..z: r'TI ie At is by Vety - ivc;;, ji i)Lt1 't b 1 )011i~ it : l T o dzte, 12 rei C ha" $ 11 .jl{?{.} t; EIn tOhm°,.a ';''% t ild hOL can t ,i 2it Qo for h'4' I, turd. All1i di Sno kexe a * 1~ #1-- -. - ~ ., UI~! 5 0k0 '-1~O4 lt y11't 1K1o tt',a ohs ,''atd '"Inia amit t I llay itere unttil May 24. S~i'io-,'ill l:ii aud(ito~riuiml.-- .2<-t mt uilt the zlihioriitin fl 01\\'t- AIppliations Due L .i l)- I:21II,. n tt:iyr on'fipn -All unrgcorraduate students of thej I '' slit ihosier'y Al ills, 1In(., mesliterary college who are candidlates si mmi ; ii er Ne in ninterfor schtoiai' hlips5 are requested to have to'!, intoom 2, slnivers;ity ii'uil , all tihe necessary information tuned :31) 1 a i' na nn~i n'hih I 4 in by May 15. This date is the dead-I 0 oioeisi htpalib f(;s from I lhe 'r line, according to Prof. FLI P. Thiemee ire illint it te of i'llIsh .unIl in i Al- of the Romance languages depart- i rtli:i AnoriaIll.m;wnt, andI those appl icationis returned, cr < . I £ al> i Is nofte r thlrat (Mhzte w ill receive no coil- ' i~' r lnis sicore: u l tl2 tt' > ' tl' a w itch, P o fessor Tlem e cis the head. is 'islsl misit1'rt' 0 ~. t'feso' ~ also stted lthat 8 0eIII 1'001it 21,2, Aug0 l lill,' Peosetsor t Oil r, , ,.IL1.( y, lci o'114'~ all aw ards would b trcly based o Sil I o:itm' ~ ll, lii.,itln' -scholarship and need. -- s~tis ilt'estetlIImmmr vetil:,l ~i :'1, nt11 , 'niversit y hall. (C'iarltilob, N,.C(., May 12. ----Earl; ii'- Xit11111i'ii' IiI ebo ~ v 1w ii t>~('001) W on hrtif' alinumal 2a0 n il UU" em \ ohie' te~>; t I 'auij. t. teii~li(' Crl'E.tlnx' ot (8 altie-- i 11..to0 i~beo t; IA loday oilC Ill' lofle1' Gl.oriaSason' IN 9 A PartTunt f 1 l e The is celeb'ated of all g'eafe t of all Swanson triumphs. t'i'c ixlay:; IyS _IAVth lined In Pails ;and t'he lecau.- spots ol lF'ance on su:ecd a(u- r: r scale. XWith a distinguished cast. r 4) ill~i~ S 2 i I':A'rtlw All I dB ' IE -Il 'I'R ' ('u o' i':aAc' F - Fl le 1'!2i 1, 111-i 11 ; Cit :nlt i t'-(; I. ilt'(il't fs li (11h' o~ i,1atl- fh i1-Teat nude~' the imll, 'so~2a ' Inity. Speeol. 'cs (I'1 - :1"'ol by-l°'. I ~1.1(- re1,nci' E.Me Pr'ab No' man F. P h' \lio afl'air. Set e"';ll ,1, ,.e oh' xaczl dtle t*i5 ii~ 1l~ 1 l e i t i l it 0 a Is~i it 014 A Itt 11 10.1-4lIt'l 'vt s ini i'aumu !< ' '. .2 t 3C I t 21 I'd; e }I hi listif 'lli(yla siilil. 4' -? I 4 !'li11' S it' liag 1~i '2,'ii i i 1 - I i 1'! '~4~ )~tIS.O l -UEj 6SI'E a aL FXTR_1a--f_ PEc A SAI ESMEN WAN'I [I vta x Novo l t. 1!ay 13-Sprint;Elections. jiDeuville, France, May 1t,' 2. 1 it pmr 1J3' y13-Senior Sing. I eeliert, lot lj( 1lI' s I May 10--Cap Nght. Par is Joun al'Ikaad cb'I - 1>y1-13Fahr' we nl ittefmn u mnei b -a l. i t 13;iy 15.16-Minnesota vs. Michigan- Deauville, Simuday- was electedl t il h'Iaseball. o1' Ihe \\ateriag, place. May 20-'I)-Senior Banquet and Senior ~Sing. P'n(tJu, N.... M y 1:' S t., ilhy '20, 21, 22 23-May Festival, shigi, He iP.)(Ite s e .11.3y 2--Senior Ball. s~iimg zOx nI!, b. 1 .t'. libx Mla y .._-Frosli Spring Party. IN3-22-Last day for payment of (16i- VX'O1 A F X It S SCIt I I$1 1 plorn4 fees.- - ----' 23-Ontdloor Intersc~holadlic - -- -' ~t rackc uteet. Iay27-.lap;:nese All-Stars vs. mic h- - flxvm- 2, Q9 -Interscholastic Tennis 2Wmy 2t)--:x amIinaiti om sbegin.7r i L i ,;3'2WW)--Wisconsin VS. Michiganr."' 1 Pra'ck me('et. flrty 34o----owij, vs. Michigan-base-b 3 :'Ni--Wsconlsin -s. Michigan - iiv 131, 1 1--Alumni meet in Detroit. 4in,1--Ohlio State vsr..MAichigan---- . i'12--SoirCasDy hancbalA I till5 It to' ~ t e; {f I :'t' , t t' t :i ' U If i- 9 ; to-C3-; t '-s *1 V tr :1:~2oA tcinsait si (4A lnct1IiI F( 1 1 1 it 'Viltu:,iiei' iiebsattle iI1I~ ].i la, n t'\Ct't'll'iOt oi3(f1li tiuntys (t :a 11~I21e 3;no'sitth io'r Sa11o' ;Organiizat itn for eapablI aandt reliable youing menl, p'efer'ably gr'aduates in business admlitnistration. in I stil' Ii: I ~Prac:ti(cal mid thtoroutgh tra iniing anti 1! 1110 h'~,c~ah Iit gati the developmenit for greiater' and bligger I :Iitt..tintgs ini the world of businiess. Spe-. --~~-~inc~' iii nfaalI cxhl l i u t incrll aSi2i('S-,:service Ii connionLu is iiltittaits I'roti o le('au- «ttllSY'' i'1"Al, the lMaga'zieo (f 1Bust- is- t l--'t' 04niipin l nes -115. St t Glct (iy ealrings-. Liber'al at Alttitnil l~:hl. ~Win coiit . Posit ions perltln- 'ii IiIi ~ tt' I-tiii;I om' i((11 etgoodl men for u'smmner work. z5 1 iit l'rt' ha t 1..iei--'sal s;ctil ;1 es- 0W]i'to at orateto I . Strauss and '14IS ( Au All U n iiei'sity Or'ganiizitioni) PROGRAM INTACT i ... _..._ __.__.. ._. j 4tb'=>.'9r{! i i: i'c Si+Bfat rn r. u=i4 rr: 7r rr: s? c,. s -x-. I: A. 11'. Shiaw Company "A ~ ~ T V'O~~I,'' JITEI1 'I41.1'Ct)(ass Street, t ia go. LAST TIMES TONIGHT r n.. Bresv -In- A'dedOAtraction Stage Stage" F HiCvillde Fllies Firsl TimielEver IHcardl in Ann Arlbor And Thet A rc Great---Hear Them VOMINC 1THUIRS1DAY ftumaw ,. miWAI2ERBAXTER MARY BRIAN. DOUGLAS 'k-<" ,.) FAIRBANKS JR. < ADOLPH ZOKIOR ' ~'cAn IRVIN WILLAT PRODUCTION {j 9araMounz 9tdue ~+ " ./'a'. ii ' af' . .-- l y ? a, n G St1'N D17 90, in the Sh'ade IHaving Guests tooCepNight? , r F 4 ,et j t yy n y ! ; f ' ' e .., nk r J -S. w , -.,;' ;r, - You Wrild r Ai 1),1. istet-piece .+ .IL -' . & Co. ' Frjom ithe I vitof J I-"'lj H AMIM'V1 - lii M1 COLLEEN t pro ..[_yy .1 ki