PA IV F'OmI THE rMICI GAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 12, 19 25 ___ .. ....w....,. ., Published every morning except Monday during the Uiniversity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republicationi of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Thiud Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, =4.00. Offices: Arn Arbor Press 'Building, May. Gard Street. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 492 MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER Editor ...,,,....John G. Garlitghose News Editor........... Robert G. Ramay City Editrtj..........Manning 1woseworth Night Editors George W. Davs Harold A. Moore Thomas P. henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr. Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal 1vdwin C. Mack Sports Editor....... William H. Stoneman Sunday Editcr.w........ Robert S. Mansfield Women's ditor .............Verena Moran Telegraph Editor.William J. Walthour Assistants Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer Louise Barley Hielen Morrow Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohmacher Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian Smith II. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson Stanley C. Crighton Margaret Parker Willard 13. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps Valentine L. Davies HIeln S. Ramsay Robert TI. DeVore Marie Reed Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson Paul A. ~lliott Simon F. Rosenbaumh Gneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal Janes W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito }atherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson Joseph 0. Gartner Janet Sinclair Leonard Hall ' IDavid C. Vokes Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner Thomas V. oykka Marion Walker Mariod Kubik Chandler Whipple Elizabeth Lieernann BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21:14 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER Advertising....... ............r. L. Dune Advertising................ ..... R. C. Winter Advertising... .................. H. A. Marks Advertising................. B. W. Parker Accounts.................... H. M. Rockwell Circulation.................... John Conlin Publication.....................R. D. Martin Assistants P. W. Arnold K. F. Mast W. F. Ardussi F. E. Mosher 1. M. Alving H. L. Newnann W. C. Bauer T. D. Olmstead Irving Berman R. M. Prentiss Rudolph Bostelman W. C. Pusch George P. Bugbee F. ). Rauner B. Caplan t J .D. Ryan. H. F. Clark M. E. Sandberg J. C. Con sroe F. K. Schoenfeld F. R. Dentz R. A. Sorge George C. Johnson A. S. Simons 0. A. Jose Jr. M. M. Smith K. K. Klein I. . Wineman l W. L. NMullins TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1925 Night Editor-TI-OS. P. HENRY, JR.. BO)OTLEGGING~ There are those who argue that be-I cause a law is frequently broken it should be repealed, or at least made ineffective. Such has been held toI apply to the much maligned and mnuch disobeyed Eighteenth Amend- nitent, ind[ to other unpopular aneas- ures whiich have been thought to limit the rights of the individual. On this basis our immigration laws may be deemed unsuccessful, and t therefore the subject for a reversal of policy. If we are to believe the re- port of newspaper investigators thou- sands of; aliens are being "bootlegged"I into the United States every year in diret defiance of existing legal reg- ulations. It is reported that inl Euaropean cities there are agents who sayr to prospective "Americans" ",Don't let the American immigra-. tion. law worry you. I can get you in for 1500, and once you're there you are perfectly safe. You can get a lab and earn that much in three months." Scandalous as this is both from the standlpoint of this nation and from the inisguidIed foreigners it would hardly he considered sufficient grounds ol which to repeal the immni- gration lain. The immediate reaction of those who are interested in the future Welfare of the Ameican stock v. ould be to insist on more compre- murderer. In spite of the admitted Your editorial writer evidently feelIs-- cleverness of Mr. D~arrow as a crim- that rich American collectors should inal lawyer, the very foundations of not "squan(Ier" their fortunes on N 1m u s i c America's system of justice are being books or 'pictures which are "cen- AN1U seriously threatened when it is pos- tures old." I' wonder whether hie re- ~~A sible for one man continually to alizes that Giovanni dIi Medici was l RM thwart the right. nothing more than a fifteenth century, It is no wonder that a nan who has ilierpont Morgan? I wonder whether-- been so successful in out witting jus- he appreciates the fact that Cosimo di TIOiOI'IPS !I111,K A1W-C0 tice is unwilling to quit. doing so as :Ic dici was only a sixteenth century When on-, takes at week-end long as there is any money in sight;l Richard Croker, the boss of Tammany, glance over things of the tlheatre'C in but the amazing thing is that he is not; hall? Evidently he does not know' barred from the courts and fronm legal thiat the treasures which hundreds of city the size of (Chiec go, one canl bar practice. But then, it always has thousands of Americans travel to ly hope to head one's remarks bett. been saidl that, money could buy any-' Europe. every year to see are simply than "Hlere andlT'here," or soneithii ti g i h ntd S ae, v n t h ol ci n a eb h ey p o sv g e successful evasion of the law. Ise who today he derides as "mai- To digest and sinmplify, I ant goii acs. to set down that- -.HEY KNOW Nt--1 Were it not for the mania: of co~l-Carwoi lyn n'Ii Ameria isYou Are'' in the t wo-a-flay just no, Ameicaissynonymous with gold, letting, I wonder whether there would, told me that shre will stay in Vauid according to several F14rench news- be any art or culture in the world. yuvile for some w~eelhs to conoe, beir paper's which expressed the belief, It, is an open question, b)ut : noind booked through mid-suntuer alread following Ambassador Hioughton's; not like to argue the affirn, Live. '1o Gene M\arkey,, who has w ritten Vb speech in London, that it. would take the rich collector the world owes an first play in "Righit You Are," said I more than a second *World warto stop( incalc.ulable debt, and nowhere is that once mistook mte for an a('tor. Al, NewYok bnkrs ndothr ommr-more evident than in the great unive r- the way he says, ... one of th; cial interests in the United States itie of the United States. The thine ilk!" 11-or that I amt going to uncovi from making the best plossible bair-j which raises certain of our univer., I thec scandal thatd he wat('hes It gains they can. They objected not j sies to places of real distinction inI sketch evetry inight fromt the wings'. only to the attemptedl intimidation nix I the world of reality is the great gifts IrTeddly Hudson, who is "Betty" the adldress but also to the lack of'llmade by these very men whom your j "Be Yourself," was quite confidenti any praise for France, whom they dle-. editorial writer apparently sneers at.I on all subjects; and drank water i -' , Clare to be worthy of some credit for meichigan itself is known all over the i the most amiable (deceit. keeping peace it Europe (luring the world in a way that dozens of other Leslie HIoward, who is starring wit past few years. middle western universities are not Katherine Cornell'in "'t'he Gen I ia The Echo (Ie Paris observedl: known. What is it that makes Mich-, at the Selwyn, gave his opinion lbN "As o te fnancal nence, igan standi out in the world, above Michael Arlen's book, "P~iracy" is of ''A s stoath cefancialoufrends e, these others who are also well sup- of the best. things that heas bet lays ago it was employedl against.stpeloacrai hwfrEnis a. a s, Seniors! Order your Personal Cards Now GRAHAM'S BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK ... tVMAI E ' ,T; ELL MANN'S°ME We Also doE Iligh Class Work In CLEANING AND ItEBLOCKING HATS FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packarid St. Phone 7415, (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) .-tt". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*...O . . .,itettt""!!!!!Y!!tl t!!!~flt ia DRY WE CALL FOR AMD DELIVrER Phone / Cleaners SWE DO ALL a" Zjows c rw:RINDS OF those6?fkPLEA4TING 7714 P 1RO)PRIETOR .u . ..............n ... .ni . i 1 ,I-indenburg'S c4ndidancy. It is easy to see where it is today. We are satisfied to observe once again that the New York market orients; itself simply toward the best1 methods of employing its capital." The very heart of the matter was p~resented in the following statements which appeared in The Information: "We are quite certain that when the American bankers find it to their- interest and profit to deal with Europe, and to (duml) their excess of production of gold, it will not be the directors of the White House who will stop them. Moreover, if economic circum- stances in Europe do not appear favorable to them, it will never be' diplomatic homilies that will make them act in the holy cause ofj p~eace." 1The Frenchmen may have struck a vital point when they charge the United States bankers and commercial interests with holding aloof fr-om the 'eals displayed by those who are ad- vocating world peace, for the future. That they have been overcome by the; sense of their own righteousness whenj they seek the commendation of the United States for the part thfe French government has played during the years since the war, is just as true.I Michigan pre-emineuzce is due to the gifts of her collector-benefactors? le would make somne interesting (dis- coveries if he would take the trouble to find out.. I do not know who bought the ILaphael which stirred your editorial comments, but I should like to know fon what authority the statement is madle that "It is doubtful if this citi- zen of the United States had any but a muonetary appreciation of the painting." It happens to be my busi- ness to know something professionally about. collections and collectors. There are unquestionably those who buy books by the yard,,and statuary by the ton, and paintings by the square yard. But I should hardly feel like going into print withI the remark that presumably all collectors are of thtat type. In fact, I should be inclinedl to say that a very small percentage of them are. Of course that is the per- centage which gets into the news- papers, lbut you would be surprised how much news escapes the news- papers. The fact is, I believe.. that most genuinte collect ors are very mod- est folk, who when they pay a large sum for' an object of art would very much rather not tell what -they paid for- it, In fact it is a common joke among collectors that they have to .J',t X l11 Cho i tracnU ai n~i n IILU ir hii ~tc1r James Spot tswvood, the reitmari~ahile comedian wvho opened ill''he ady SNext Door,'' Sunday n ight , amount111 ed to its that: he (expectedl the play to be a Chiten go success as it, was suchi an outstanding flop in New York. fit York, by the way, they galled it '"Close Harmony'";and New York failures in- variably make (Chticago hits. Fired Tczere, who is t he (Capt ain ini "Stepping Stoms." c(onfidedl thant thirh engagement. at the IllIinuois would never have closed atter this las' week had they anticipated(1such1 crowds as the final per'formances .)rought. Lydia Scott anad Primrose (Caryll (whose father wrote the mulsic ifor'the show), saidl the samel( thing! Opinlions upon which nearly eve'y- one seemIls agreedI are that the two- I best musical pieces in Anmerica are I Rose Mar i'' anrd 'The St udent Prince In HeIidlelberg."' It hothi, it is said, the Clic agom cast. excels 5t he New1 York company. "Spooks,'' v' iih had its Chicagor premiem'e a jfew weeks ago, is a first,- rate rea uge of comned y and mtyst ery" a--an appa renit, hit. A noth1er1 opeinig du(Ie short ly---of whic(hI was fortutna~ite~ enough to seer(1o1e of (lie tIdress re- hen rsa ls--- is '"Cheer'io''with i Aa rjorie a Rmubeau. Its stoi'y tells of a Russian gir'l who adppt s I-st ili Quarter man- mners and lmiorals ...and all ftint. ''The Gareen lint"' and M ilgrimi's Progress'' ar-cclaissed a mong tHebest things of t heirm kind, while (xrace IGeorge, who hut~s .ju't o pened in ''Shej H ad To Know,'' has obviously found' "'hem' best. comedy in yearis,"' as the advert isements tostify. Inidientally,R she is not too p roadu to adiit "in years~!" -I . ('. 11I. CO)MED:fY ClUB 1RtYQUrI144 Additional t ryout s for memberishi p in Comtedy ('lubi will be held t his afternoon fr'om thtree to four o'clock in thle audit oriumt of Newberiry hall. At four o'clock thirteen of those who tried out: yesterday hlave' been asked to appear for fum'ther comnsideration. All members of the organization are, ex- pected to he liI'esent. 'THE MAY FiESTIVAL ---IV. Wedding and Shower Gifts You wiill find manly13 and variedi gifts .ill our Ilnes for both occas- jonsX. A large display of new pictures has just beenii received. Applied Art t i ckels Arcade Op~posite Sub-Statloui F. STEIN u A TL 999 TAX 1 9, r 5 SLEEP ANY WHERE BUT EAT AT REX'S THE CLUB LUNCH 71 2 Arbor Streot Near State and Packard Sts. i I I i I When they insist; that America Is nlcnelteblsm'mhirwv. not sin~cer~e imn hem- th'eats to wvit hhloldiancoelthblsfrmhirwv. I know some exceedingly wealthy col- credit in the case of atnother- Europiean hco' h oeie elolgdt strggl thy nownot wht Ijey say. secrete their extravagance as if they Nor will they have any definite indli- cation that the Unrited States is sill- were really dlepriv'ing thte children of cere, not only in the White House lint cohsi atsyn!hircletm also in Wall Str'eet, unmt il she hast nstimict. No, No, Mr. Editom', reailly, recoglizeI ai~i bcome an a tivhle presumption is quite the reverse, member of the League of Nations an1 t Ihat if all American collector pays a the World Court._ hundred thousand for a picture, lie"' knows very well what lie is doing. Very truly yours, A Paris newspaper is advocating Randolph G. Adamis. time organization of anit drmy of ama-_________ zons due to the alamnmg increase, of I1~tE AKN deaths over' births. IFrienchtmothters MOE ARlI( will then be singing, "I didn't raise j To the Editor: my blle daningdaugterto b a, Mr. R. I. Blake has issued a friend- myaldetr." igdagte o ealy warning to his fellow-students, to _______bewam'e of the annual anti-student Pola Negri declares shte is "po sitive drive, conducted by chief-of-police no blackmailer has approachled her inO'Brien and his worthly colleague, the past few months," 1W(ll, we've 1 Judge Thomas. heard of women with good neiori('s. jTime other night my mnachinme refusedl to propel herself fom'ward when she On the has is of recenii I maen vcr: ; ; stru'tck the pittedo streets of Ann Ar- it is planned to maket laiixa hor. Pushing Lizzie to the roadside,, "greatest naval base." Wlio ,said the I lt1 hem' to roost well out of the mad mecent battle wasn't an ''aggression?,,' whirl (If traffic. On leaving howevemr, Iforgot to let the lower lights keep ;I AGUARDS COLLA 7 -\ r-'x'~ 14 _____lath M IL S d r - ClteYfn i W ~cic -~~ ~ 'rsud P'-9.iiiu' Sl FOR "YOUNG diit Li w ; ( _ -e'.rth atwfe w - F -w V M w M j ~difre ofndthfabnd'o, We the hi; hnt 3tu avityouconicth IP, °rccr elife d beecon- on abwl prces.e mn I- - .s vSr n 5t avyucm Ir?,see ur lne ad hecon t ired -our aw oerhed w enabes s tosel at uchrep I_- o fur1111g. VIwI an aariinesthe r agon i dhould be the attitude of our citizens CAMPUS OPINION- of tengtrahddwfre i A nunymnis orrnniu ri'ationis will be l taions (heel) and~ passed on to other, cen any meas'ure which has had suli- dsc~rei i ae fCtliU~ answlhwvr er adc s (J011 1it iiat'kingto become part of tihe!~ tt il o r errs~e s~ ieiOdr law. cn ci~Iiwnrue hie mext day found mie waiting in police court, while time dexterous p~ro- V OJ" lIE( E ()W{ ()[ hIOH : A (e; 5 of separating time wheat from the MU~)IES O 1To) the Editor: chaff (stuidents fromm coedls anmd resi- Abouit a year ago, omne of thle most IAll editor'iah which alpp'ared ini dents of Ann Arbor) was carried on. sensational rininal eases ina the his- jyoutr I nimem' I hiM aoi')'mig eat it led One' abused resident was released with ory' of t lie ,American c'our'ts was in 1 "ONE ItA PhI EL''cafl, (2for omelit zl n a pology. Two coeds were released progress itn(Chica go. With thme aid of on thle othemr sl(he of' the oiy. lfiii'Wit hitime prob~able, kimnoly .advice Clarence D arrow and time milliomns of ;lportra it in quest ion, acormd ing to ''"Keelp a red comrd susp~ended fromm your § dollar'sbacking him in his fight to save I your wi-item' was onie of Ciiiiaito oh windshiiel, so this embarrassing sit-r thle yothful miurderers lives, Richardj Medici. I wondmoer whether youi'(Id- nation w~'il not arise again."' ILoeb in4"RI1)ert Leopold escaped tile! itorial writer troubledl to iliqi'e who I My tur'n was next, ah--mneat at last; . gal'iotvs, P'ublic opimnion at time timeI Guiliano dii Medhici was? If lie hlad, lie even the turnkey shuffled his feet. In was divided as to whethmer time boysj would have discovered that Italy of; a few mimnutes 1 was ushmeredl before Hat~gar, Emily Stokes; an American; or Darrow should be hung, the Renaissance was filled with new- Judge TIhomnas to pay for Lizzie's a singer. Shcirtly after lie had recuperated richm bankers and profiteers, whto paidl roost over nighlt. Whmen payment was + "* from this trying case, time eminent Iwhmat Youmr writer would prohably call piresented, I wxas roundly rebuked for r'fI~hlE J1I~tTL I9 I: EA'T H {'{}NTEI'' c'rimminal lawyer made what was said' "fabulous sumns ' for hooks, p~icture's5 not. having chamnge to the penny. !Thme Alblin Coihege H-istouric Pl1ayxemrs to be his . ast appearance in 'behlaf ,and various objects of art. They out- Local ordinances do not differl frotm of Albiomi, M\ichigamn, presente'd Eugene oft a murderer in the case of George bid the (collector's of the Constammti- those of other comnlunities. On the O'Neil's "~Ile" in the fourth p~rogrami WV. Mumding, who went to the home, nople market, just: as tile modern whmole, they are fair amid they act as it of the annual Little 'theatre Tournla- oIf a young woman and shot her toi American outbide his pioverty-str-ickenm means of guaranteeing safety to time meat for tihe Belasc o Cup, Friday eve- (eath. It was reported at the time European comupetit or'. 1Doilbtless there f ridling pubillic. Bitt the present inpar- n ring at WYallack's thteatr'e, New 5tor'k t hat this was murderer number 103 were peop~le inl Italy (If his day who tiii eniforcememnt of these ordinances ciy wvhiomn Darrow he'lpe o tn nA ,r 1n4i. fhfazlt . a rlimif-.. thi" il .-.,-,1 If your family is about this size AVD your income just about fits the family - And your insurance just about takes care of your wife - Have you ever thought how your daughter would get along if-: Every family that has a daughter should own a Corona. For a knowledge of typewriting is the open sesame to woman's most pleasant and profitable line of work. A Corona in your home, will give your daughter a vocation and a lot of fun besides. Our new Model Four has the standard keyboard taught in all business colleges. The price of Corona Four is $60 cash. Easy terms arranged if desired. Call or phone for a' demonstration. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Mekeh-ls A rce,, f i k