/ PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TVICDAYMAY 12, 1921 'A - 'ESADEIAE Navy Repairs- Old Ships To Keep Strength TO FEII' ' YOST V ......... S 'u ALUMNi REUNI Mfe5tiJngH Here Will Follow C'onventioni of AssoeL In Detroit jINCLUDE 34 CLA iONs JUNE vv Trienniial 1111 jell '19, L. A. Lundqjuist, Indiana 1larbhor, Ill.; '19 engineers, Roy) W. .l-:liott, Wichita, Kan.; '19 law, P~on T. AA(- bone, J ckion: '20 medic, A. AV. (oy-f on, Ann arb~or; '20 li w. 11. I. :Eager, Kansas City, Alo.: 23n, Robert' Gibson, Grand Ra pidls;'3 wmn Elizabeth S. I-oyt, .tattle ('re.': Year Book Will CIo,44 do' (81 ies ( i0Ied iargest Ameinrian Colleg'e1.'A h a Coach lFielding 11, Voi . director of intercollegiate laldic es, will reiv the dedle i(Xin of t0 e 11926 ii igan- nsian, wi ll id l beready for (dis- tributioni about , t1a y 11;. A1new 8a- rangement ol le divnt ion lsoes has lbeon anlnoinfed I y le ip'nsian staff. A Obai:cl si 1a'pliiiotr ph o; ~Coach Yost, iiyay LU 'tw'stuio, ('hi- cago, will o 't, ;t le' firI '. I wilfibe)S'a(lt t:i lrd V Z7) a1t1 d'">' ia similar ILo HwII tra i lu w1 v tof dr Lawyers' lui , te 1(i (I (of d ii which L usedl i'e;8;clcNlut tU~ib InIsteadl or I I:o co,r' r,1i ;;albiolixd- in type iiral i :; 1 ;;;i~x'e :clilu)(sia- tion of this o . ' Ow to'l 'oii r((,iv' ing the'd'~i' ' I L c vji l leas , beneath Iio , pi:;[ ,, iia ording "IVioia ;, T0'lor I s' rub [FL' llng i. Yost" li', Th1,1l edtyp' inl (d1:1i L' '~;o~Imd il l lac (k. Ojlof to 1>l1'_"t , I i - will)0a plioture (~A ' IL 4 .g:iae11 Valr iy "11 lete, (dav0it,.byA I ltl out r, a nat ion- ally-imo wn artist. "las suject aIs- s~uifes tll( sam' poe as I at ot lo photograph (r C( a h Yost and servos r as a coiitiriaiit 0 1(1t pot ray the ' activity fo ,Ma ill te (ed ica io is given. Bell i('a ill11w0 i ('lre apo )a ru the phrase "W, hcr e uno fer for yo, oAl Va rsit y,'' ilII ei-a. ot let loing a that 01f1110 opposite lpng. I'the frontIispiece is an oil pitn bry Fo strlan2 carries; out he theme cenji tred abouiithte ((i;dcnflio. 'The IMihiga IIfoo0)bal1 tallis shown 1in action on a ( 0RiJ'O1U' grildiro and1( in the clouds, aboVe is a phantom r- pr'oductnofa.01groupt of) 01dueist, as suming the same p josiIioms 8as 1110 kfootbiallI plue e blwlow. Thle fron tis- piece is a fullI procss-(olor pla(0 Jprcedinl tHie Litle ate. Thle IForeword and ( ot ents at~nes carry lphotoYg'ltplis oR f lo1)1l10flt5(of Presidents TIappl~aniand Angell, each appearing d ie full1 legth~ of the page. The wording of t he foreword also di- verges from11Ute convent ioal style. It carric., te words "Tol create! Tis volume in its a ifiiref , so aspires.'' There follows Itwxo ]ges (10vol(d1to the Memory ot I he lato Presdent Marion L. Burt on, wic i ncl uds a three-uart er;; port i'a itof P resident Burton Oeclosed byiar zt.wals. The 'Enlsial this ar t'co ains(661- pages,E50 nore thana L t.I year' s ook, and lthus remaining blw argest an- nual prloduc (ed by any Amierican un- versity. Th0e expedit ure for' lhe 1925 book (xcooed 1hmrnieIluam Jilf y porcent I hose of anytlnedin ; yea. It ii s Ole~ed that(hadistuution will sutart nuext Szlua i d wvill be on finned for the nex"t two w eks. looks which have not ken i ed ~ec fled in the N.loted timne wvill t henl be ofered for gener'al stale. BORDIN URO[ ARRANGES BA 6QUET ( Cou.tin ufed From i 'age One.) tria~l, nad Cllr I 'lurK I 10Bowe Jonal. Illvitail is I10,1)14lC, i:Illttet have beeni hnaledt o al smber;; of Ile stlfs of Ibe varius caml p jUblcatiIs, and tickes 111i1Y :w tltiiaied by lpre.. _ seatinig llc ineia i 0:o11)15:0te office RP 1110 ' :A1.11i n 'U .*,nt Iol a t I I IIVY.U I i 3 1 i I t t t I fi I c! I j k I t f ii I i kLsSES f Thirty-four classes of the Ujniver- sity are now making plans to hold reunions here next month. Reunion;y (lay will be held June 12 and Alumni r day on Saturday, June 13.r1These will follow the triennial meeting of!c the entire Alumni association in De- troit the two days preceding.s Of the thirty-four classes meeting1 here, 13 will be holding five-year re- unions, while 18 have scheduled their gatherings uinder the Dix plan which firings those classes which were inf college at the pamne time black the same yea)' for their reunion. VThe class of 1883 always convenes in Ann Arbor for Coinmencement anidE other groups are expected to arx'aiige special reunions this yeair. The classes which will hold re- unions this Junme and the namnes of th~ir ,secretaries follow: 1869, J. M. Gelston, Alma; '70, Miss Lillian. M. ('axiter, Milwaukee,' PHARMACY EUREET RAISED BEILTR Two years college tr aining and two years of practical experienice will be r equired of those ap)plying for regis- tered pint rma('isl a's exnllxinat~ion, IC- cording to Provision made bly the Michigan state le:gisiatulre in its last ses on, lDean lp. II. Mrams of the 'col- logo , of Phia vilacy pa'. a ted out ye=,t.( '- (lay. '[he ne0w Iawx which is to lake ,I,- fte Jlanunary 1, I1921, al so prowvidecs that all peronsO0 entering pharmacy al, r~ PrIlc juor ..19V2, With the in- 1xilh ' "nieil to ('olixplte Iwo ea 'a f cllee xork lhefor(4be- 01 , I 'Vfll110 1)xvii et. will hold their reg- Sular' May meeting at 2:30 o'clock to- mxorriow at the h(ome of Mx's. Fr'ed-1 'eric'k G. Novy, 721 Forest avenue. Memxbers arc, requested to brimng t hlimblles as sewing will lbe(lone for the Unmiversity hlospital. A program I has also.1)been arranged. Any mem- her's who have not plaid their (dues Fmay (1( so at this time. Wis.; '75, Walter S. Russell, Detroit; 81, Anna 1B. CaLston, Ann Arbor; '81. law, Fr'ank W. Hine, Grand Rapids; '83, Fred W. Arbury, Detroit; '90 medic, Mary J. Gr'eenxe, Castilp, N. Y., 1895 law, William C. Michxaels, Kanxsas City, Mo.; '98, Nathan Pot.-; t:er, Ann Arbor; 1900) men, Elmer L. Freemamn, Detroit; '00 women, Enmma Ackerman, Lockiport, Ill.; '00 mnedic, F. Holworth, Traverse City; '00 law; Curtis 1L. Converse, Columibus, 0.; '00' dents, 0. B. F. Miller, Flint; '05, C.t B. DuCharme, D~etm'oit ; '05 womemn, Lotta Copley, Ann Amrbor; '05 medic, lHugo P. Freundl, Detroit; '05 law, Arthur E. Fixel, D)etr'oit. 1910 medlic, Rollo E.' McCotter, Ann Arbor'; '10 law, . H1-. Primeau, j jr., Detroit; '15 (dents, Wilbur' E. Bailey, L ansinlg; 'i16 women, Je~mema WV. Purdom, Ann Arbor; '16 meln, Glenn M. Couxltexr, Detr'oit:; '16 en- gineers, Paul C. Wagner, Ann Arbor; '16 medic, WV. II. 0Go(don, Detroit; '17 women, .Janet: Mchiamrlane, D~etroit; '17 enlgines IS, P. 14. MciNamxee, Ann11Ar- bocr; '18 emngineer's, Dorothy If. Brophy, Schenectady, N. Y. 1918 denuts, I. 0. Clifford, Detroit; ,1 I S ileslligoht Teetk White Breath Sweet That winning personality we all admire is the result of care and cleanliness, as well as good health and happiness. WRIGLEY'S makes for clean, sound teeth, for agreeable breath, for bettere# appetite and digestion. The cleansing action of WRIGLEY'S upon the teeth, tongue, throat (and breath) --its antiseptic ef fect-its digestive aid--its wholesome refreshment--these are all pos- itive benefits that doctors and dentists freely affirm. Get your WRIGLEY benefit today. Tourist Class to 'EUROPE $r55Round $155Trip Take your own crowd with you. Special Tour- ist Third Class Accommodations on the famous "0" steamers, reserved for students, teachers, artists, tourists. Congenial compan- ions, good food, comfortable airy staterooms, broad promenade decks and spacious public rooml. Conducted or independent University Tours with extensive itinerary at inclusive rates. Sp ecial Educational Tour, under auspices of New York University. personally conducted by Dean James E. Lough- S ailing on OHIO - July 2nd Weekly Sailings by QHiIO, ORCA, ORBITA, ORDUNA to Cherbourg - Southampton Write for Illustrated Booklet "The Comnfort Route" ROYA The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Sanderson & Son, Inc., Agents 26 Broadway, New York or Local Agents 5: i IIU1 llI-I-- r '1 Di Fla .wSanw lit I L A n o u i c e u o '. wx i l l h e w a de( o f ( i ll O F n loiil1'1 11 I he llle' sl affs of I ' 'leG r o l ,iinie 0 OD D)aily ,.E 81th('in iea ci b w vill become - I ie S Inday Cl:} t' .I .1" l 'Iions (f The 5 E ll r rr, I'ict ix a , r, lc tl~e i F ench " le s 'rt y of t yle ounane l n - -N L lnagEs. (ElliartrmnelitI. I'rof. A.(Q: ('an- ON AL fild will cont''r xxwitlI i lilregard{lint' work itftt ear. A' >' : r ar C.tt)li'ld of the Ro- =S&an d ' ]22.11<'E' ;;;ll la iigugea dom t l mot pok e t~ blore 1 be mo i~i l l,+'ier (If Ithat do- 1