PAGE SIXTEEN' THE MICl' MAN T)ATT _Y ATAA" Mi,1 ll-Ic ]IN l f ATT V F~ll4olleidn 1Week Starting Sun d ay rn +roi sr r '""-: i DULI9E / VA r~cE rEIE UAQND SCREENli ~PROGFR7AM I[K1T REACH.S O~a A LL ZIVjf\J Imporant Paper has been ravinrg about Gloria 's Wedding, j/ 5; . ;.4A ..C t*-x.- A ... .. { vr K. 4 Every Nowr- 'K See The New. Iarchioes A marchioness de la Falaise in real life! The :Marchliness I (Gloria v.wanson), bride of a French nobleman, and whose rI nlfce has been flashed aroundl the world! J HER FIRST SUPER-MPICTURE A great len-reel feaure as preteuntiouis and beJ(autiful in its production f ea ture ever presentedI. 1rodijeetr unider speciltcoe4ndition s and with mla gnIificent thian ever befog. c F '" r fi t r , : r " Y t . 1 l y 1. ".. r ..... :i }' ' : . , # h t , .. . tl T . ti" ', f f i .w +«. O i ' z p I- as any super itssa moel- 4.. ,ff ti ... .;:w; ti.y /f ' 1 t. t - ti ' 5' =:._ i r jNote The picture that opened May 2nd in New York at $5 per seat arnd sold out. 0 LORIA A i ." }.;::' 7 ,: ; i } $, }: . " ..r, t % Sr + '> j : , '.4 111 IN HER FIST SHOWING OF HER FAMOUS PRODUCTION WORLD 4'i r gd l" ,. v 1 / -4 i ---- --- --r w a THlE ARC'S POL[ICY ALI, 4EATS 50oC CHIDREN 25C SHOWS START 1:30-.3:30 7 :00V-8:54) WEEK-DAY MATINEES 35c e evil May Care) upon a scale beggaring description, this ro--+ mance of the historic and vivacious little French laundress who rose to become a duch- ess, stands a supreme achievement of dra- mnatic art. It's the "Glorious Gloria" in a role supreme. A Portrayal through which she, romps. drawing first a' laugh, then a chuckle, and ending perhaps with a tear. A display of greater artistry than ever before. Picturized / /, //. . . . r 1, . "u Y .+'": { :; { }, },}.' I { I t t . Feature Starts Sunday 1 :30, 3:30, 7:50, 9:35 S"AGE ATTRACTION EX'TRAORDINARY .S i '. i r'j+"Z'. 1" _ _ _.Y S if y li _. l' I I " . ". ".II f " 4 L- ES tio ' :, t r 1 it e' 1 1 " t t. ll . I di. wtff~t ,' 9aram o F t1ts7l7Fr t I I First lime In Ann A rbor and You Know 'em All I I0 1. ARTISTS ARTISTS v r f I i 1 PRESENTING THEIR BROADWAY STRAND PROGRAM INTACT I I 1,,I ,S '. v ' * RUSS SIMMS * LEWIS CORBETT * GAIL LEACH 4, DON WILLIAMS An All University Organization *BOB BOWERS *CY CHURCHILL *AL STRAUSS I * GEORGE KOETHER *- BERNIE KOETHER * BOB WELLS Miss Della li Dean Orr li TIhere ire here a ai andIIt,, ctClan ever 'x 14 F P A CiF n,,- 111 The Popular liii TOPICS I: (IONO Tfrl1q, 1111 I m