PA~Fr 1o uR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 10,;1925 - ~-~-- Published ver~morning except Monday during the Univeriy year by the Board in Contral of Student ubcatons. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Asociated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republicatio of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwse credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michiga, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.5; by mail, ;4.00. Offices: Ana Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones:Editorial, 2414 and 16-M; busi- MesS, 960. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 425 MANAGNG EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER Editor...............John G. Garlighous News Editor............ Robert G. Ramsay City Editor............ Manning Hiouseworth Night Editors George W. Davis Harold A. Moore ThormasP. Henry Fiedk. K. Sparrow, Jr. iennetl c. Keller Norman R. Thal Eadwin C. Mack Sports Editor.......William H. Stoneman Sunday Editer..........Robert S. Mansfield Women's Editor..............Verena Moran Telegraph Editor......William J. Walthour Assistants Gertrude Bailey Marion Meyer Louise Barley Helen Morrow Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohnacher Leslie S. Bennetts Irwin A. Olian Smith II. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson Stanley C. Crigbton Margaret Parker Willard B. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps Valentine L Davies Helen S. Ramsay Robert T. DVore Marie Reed Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum Geneva Ewing Ruth Rosenthal James W. Fernamer Frederick H. Shillito Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson Joseph o. Gartner Janet Sinclair Leonard Hall [David C. Vokes Elizabeth S. Kennedy Lilias K. Wagner Thomas V. Koykka Marion Walker Mariod Kubik Chandler Whipple Elizabeth Liebermann BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER Advertising....................E. L. Dunne Advertising....................R. C. Winter Advertising.................... H. A. Marks Advertising.................. B. W. Parker Accounts.............. ....H. M. Rockwell Circulation.................... John Conlin Publication....................R. D. Martin Assistants P. W. Arnold K. F. Mast W. F. Ardussi F. E. Mosher L. M. Alving H. L. Newmann W. C. Bauer T. D. Olmstead Irving Berman R. M. Prentiss Rudolph Bostelman W. C. Pusch George P. Bugbee F. J. Rauner B3. Caplan J.D Ryan 11. C. Clark M. E. Sandberg C. Consroe F. K. Schoenfeld . R. Dentz R. A. Sorge George C. Johnson A. S. Simons . A. Jone, Jr. M. M. Smith K. K. Klein I. J. Winean W. L. Mullins1 SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1925. Night Editor-NORMAN R. THAL 1MI{('1ll AN MOTHERS Michigan students this week-end are entertaining their mothers. The na- tion today honors its mothers. The world for all time reverences the mothers to whose devotion and fine sense of service we owe all that is finest in present day civilization. There be, some who would depre- ciate the value of all the external de- votion which will be shown today. They would substitute for it a care and consideration which would last the year around. .iuch a spirit is indeed desirable. It is the spirit which is symbolized by the carnationswhich will be worn in such profusion. Granted that such are purely artificial tokens of remem- brance, they serve a real purpose in emphasizing this debt of the men and women of today. The program for Mothers' week-end is but an expansion of the same idea. It serves to strengthen the bonds be- tween the University and the home. It gives n opportunity for students to repay in part those who have made an education possible. TIE RUSSIAN SANITARIUM Leon Trotsky, variously reported inj the last few months as either dead or aboat to die from disease, assassinated by political fanatics or murdered by personal enemies, is back in Moscow enjoying good health and causing' much discussion concerning his pos- sible return to power. Ccincident with his arrival Tliurs- day came the announcement that Cregory Zinovieff, President of the Third Internationale, and one of thej former War Minister's most hostile opponents, has left Moscow for a long vacation in the Causausus. Various opinions are rife in European centers of Russian settlement as to the exact relation of this to Trotsky's return. it is thought by some that the "va- cation" of Zinovieff is of the same variety as that just completed byI Trotsky---that is, a virtual exile and aE signal that he has fallen from po- litical favor. In view of this the im- mediate return to a predominant posi- tion in the government is predicted for the returned vacationer. If this be true, the Soviet can claim another decidedly original innovation in governmental practice. From now on one would judge that the govern- I Rykoff and the other nuisances who menace the future of Russia. A series of arti ces are now appear- ing on the Music and Dlraama page en- titled "The Theatre in Ferment,' these are not to be confused with a similar series which appeared recently on campus dramatic organizations. Everybody was pleased, no doubtq that the freshmn won the spring games, but few save the competitors exhibited any great excitement.1 What with canes and moustaches, it, is daily becoming more difficult to distinguish the seniors and the pro'-1 fessors.- Now that the Chimes has merged with The Daily, it seems that a Whim- sies-Gargoyle merger is in order. CAMPUS OPINION ? Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of commune- nants will, however, be, regarded as confidential uwon request. - _ --- -_---- !//!tl/l//l/t/ItlXt//1/lll/ll , s UASTt-D'ROLL mu s t Ll '1 II1 SE(:VNP 1i0[; ND Ilc AND) DRAMA Mother's Day Cards NOW ON DISPLAY AT BOTH STORES After round one there were a lot of I eliminations. Valentine, one of the snurvivors, is up today for his second try. * * * It. N. C., observing Macks adver- tisement of a Pasteurized face cream,I speculates as to whether it comes from contented cows, and goes on to say that a girl with Pasteurized face cream and sterilized powder would make a pretty safe date. There was a mystifying story in Liberty a few weeks ao about Phre- nology. It told about this Phrenolo- gist that looked at a photograph of a guy that he'd never seen before and guessed that he had a talent for mu- sine. This he did by examining with his Lens the small bumps on the skull of the photograph. Ile said there was CARL GEHRINGj Paxton and Company of London, England, have recently published a Prelude in G minor by Carl Gehring, a graduate of the Theory department of the University School of Music in 1921. Copies have been placed on sale at the University Music House, which acts as Mr. Gehring's exclusive agent s in America., U RA H AM' S BOTH ENDS OF THE D I A G O N AL WALK i" ..._._ wmm ,I 19 Very shortly Danton and Company, I also of London, are to bring out twoI of his songs, "Little Flowers of Love and Wonder," contralto solo, words by Theodore Dreiser, and "Dreams That Never Die," soprano solo, words by Hester Reed Gehring. Other of his compositions accepted for publication' are two piano solos, "Prelude in D minor" and "Valse Caprice," and "Song for a Moment the Wind Died," soprano solo, words by Theodore Dreiser. * * * r SLEEP ANY WMEsaiE BUT. arrt.H"...r.i..rrriuR.gsn.r.""u Heu" r" rnras rau rraaaar ss"as "w i our - r'Aly vn-----w1 EAT AT REX'S THE CLUB LUNCH DRYn 71 2 Ar bor Strwet D Near State and Packard Sts. __ M KEEiLE CALL RESSERS WE DO AUL OR ANIER. KINDS OF ORIDELIVERne628,PIEATI MANN'S H We Also do__ __ High Class Work in CLEANING AND REBLOCKING fATs Phone of all Kinds FACTORY HAT STORE ? E. STEIN - PROPRIETOR 617 Packard St. Phone 7415 - -...... . . . .-_ _. (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) GET THE S'UDENTS! I a little protrusion over the eye that To the Editor: meant one thing, and a little bald The annual anti-student drive con- spot over the ear that meant another. ducted by chief-of-police O'Brien and But we don't consider his diagnosis his colorts, aided and abetted by a triumph of Phrenology, you may be Judge Thomas is on! sure. Above the story was a copy of Get the students! the photograph he had worked with, The slogan of the city fathers is and it was Feodor Chaliapin sitting at commendable. It makes Ann Arbor a. piano with music in front of him, a delightful little village wormthy of behind him, and piled around his the antiquated parasites who admin- chair.. ister its laws and dispense "justice.' Meticulous care that none of the COLES' WORK STOPS IEIIRE residents of the town arc included in * * the round-up of iolators of petty lo- A POEM cal ordinances is observed by Chief (with apologies to Shakespeare) 0' what-ever his name is. A bird, by Jove sat in a tree Last night, I parked my machine A normal place for a bird to be, on the lawn in front of the house. That It would have been quite wierd, was after one o'clock. This morning I of course found a sticker ordering me to report If in its place had been a horse. at the village lock-up for parking * * * without lights. I was conducted post- READ)ROL11-AIV. the open air garage-bill. Did he ask if it was a first offense? My, no. He This coming week has been locally wanted to know if 1 was a student! advertized as Nutrition week. Follow- ing the Coolidge economy plan it will Then he broke the glad tidings On the other hand, a native further only last three days, however. The whole idea seems sort of unnecessary up the street was hailed before the us Iisorbevaonttpa- gallant chief for a similar offense. to us. It is our observation that prac- Apologies were in order. The otlicer tically everyone of our acquaintance . . . makes every week nutrition week. mistook the Lizzie for one belonginrgm to a student. Undoubtedly Mr. WThey all are very conscientious abouti to ao stent.dndoued Mrtheir regular 21 meals a week. *Wagoner (the midnight maurauder) , A will be reprimanded for the occur- ence. How many other voters were It looks pretty black for the Ukra- imposed on in this manner I can't say, nians just now. There is no partic-' but I do know this: that the students ular reason for this remark, except were not treated accordingly, and a that it always looks pretty black for goodly number parted with the most the Ukranians. Please make checks of the lose change that Mr. Thomas ; payable to Department 6743--Rolls.- suspected them of possessing. Press Building, City. Local ordinances very radically to* * * the same orderly laws of our home SIX communities. A warning should and WHITE ELEPHANTS would suffice in the majority of cases. HAUNT' MICHIGAN CAMPTUS The fining of wholesale numbers of (By special cablegram to this depart- students is at best cheap tactics espe- ment) cially when local personages areI Six large white elephants were seen Imerely gently rebuked and dismissed. I strolling together across the campus Why we should be (discriminated by students at a late hour last night. against by the men who owe their posi- The fire department and the chief of tions to our presence is a mystery. police were immediately called on the Beware! new dial system, and within three The hunt is on! hours they were informed of the en- Get the students! tire proceedings. Another three hours These occasional spurts of munici- brought the fire trucksto the campus, pal viciousness makes Ann Arbor but by that time it was impossible to truly the city where, "Education and carry out any further investigations Avarice meet.' as the students were just thronging to -Reuel I. Blake. their ten o'clock classes. Those who witnessed the spectacle A CRY FRO..M THE WILERNESS say that the animals were in every I am a student, yes unfortunately way normal except for the color and I am Inin . thUniversity of Michigan. size, The witnesses further described If I were not a student, but at the them as having rhinocerous-shaped same time were a citisen of what bodies with legs at each of the four would be the village of Ann Arbor corners. The elephants seemed to be if it were not for others similar to carrying on a light conversation myself, I would have the privilege of among themselves and seemed to be having my name inmscribed in the cajoling one another in a witty man- 'beautiful red directory of the Ann ner. The pedestrians, however, stated Arbor Branch of the Michigan Bell that they were at too great a distance Telephone Co. Eighteen thousand from the beasts to allow them to hear residents of Ann Arbor, the majority the exact trend of the discussion. of whom are there because the stu- j'There were no foot-prints in evi- dents are also in the same community, dence anywhere on the campus this compel us to bite the (lust. Ah! the morning, but the state police, who iniquity of human conduct. It over- were called in early this morning, at- comes its with grief. Would the cost tribute this fact to the heavy dew have been so tremendously munch which probably eradicated the marks greater had the students been listed before the authorities were able to ar- in the red directory? We should not! mive on the scene. Members of thme mind being placed in the latter part building and grounds department who of that volume. But I forget, it is only iarrived for work at an early hour to- a matter of one and one-half months day, when questioned on the matter before a few seniors are allowed to [.said that they had noted nothing un- become inmates of th world instead ( usual about the campus when they of the University of Michigan. That came to work except the red streamers would possibly make dead timber of onn the trees. The authorities after a few, possibly two pages. But what further investigation, did not attach of the remaining munber, many of any importance to these. They at- n r * By request --for Sunday dinner--turkey roasted. to a delicious brown - - a O rich, tastily sea- soned dressing--at 55c Chadlee, Mario, drama'ic tenor; born in Los Angeles, Califorima, May 29, 1892; one of the hers, along with Gigli, Lazzari and IMartinell, to Caruso's handkerchief at the Metro-,j politan; a typical artist in the al fresco Italian grand manner with a typical al fresco, fruit-and-brocade voice; the rocipient of the degree of Master of Music from the University of Sout hern Califoria L, and a perfect Enzo for the epidramiuatics of the fast to furious "La Gioconda." )J:A R'S N After nine mountlis of 'eostant lam- pooning or enthusiasm, after messing day in and lay out amiolig the petty prejudices of every ,personal opinion, after battling away the Tommie Macks and the E. 11. A.s, growing lyric over Mrs. Mansfield, preciously indignant over Mr. ScIlitehl andi iis marionettes, or vaguely ecstatic over the rhythmics of the Clavilux, there is a certain dull satisfaction in pure statistics. Sav- ing Professor Ilollister's production of Jerome K. Jerome's "The Passing of the Third Floor Back," the Senior Girls' play, "Aria da Calm," and the terrific orgy of the May Festival, the tmy season is over; and now for the sheer mathematics- There have been to date thirty-four campus productions, not including the twenty odd performances of the Mich- igan Union Opera or the six produc- tions of the Junior Girls' Play, among them ten full-length dramas, thle rest shorter pieces. Onmitting the frankly un-important works, thiis list included Shaw (2), W. S. Gilbert, Milne, Mol- nar, Benavente, Synge, Sheridan, Mae- terlinck, Mrs. havelock-Ellis, Vane and Barrie. Cutting the list still fur- ther through inadequate production, there were more than creditable per- formances of "The Man With the Bowler Hat," "Arms and the Man," ''The Bonds of Interest," "The Admir- alble Bashrville,"' "'Out wardf Bound," I and possibly "The Playboy of the Western World" and "The Death of Tintagiles." "The Bonds of Interest" and "Outward Bound," however, failed to make expenses, so that you have left, at best, five conmpletely successful legitimate attractions. The American Association of Uni- versity Women has presented five en-' tertainments during the year, the Paul Whiteman concert, the Marimein dan- cers, the Clavilux, MIrs. Richard Mans- field in "The (loose Hangs High," and the German motion-picture, "The Last i Laugh"-all of which, with the excep- tion of the 'tmlarlein dancers, were ex- Arcade Upstirs, Cafeteria NickeIs A r c.a de .. .. e.^ rn'1 Wherever you travel this summer, financial arrangements made through the Ann Ar- bor Savings Bank, will make your trip more delightful. Let- I I a I I r I I ters of credit and for- eign exchange on the principal countries of Europe. Ask at either office. whom return to the same places of tribute them to the sophomores rather ceptionally successful financially and residence during the coming year? than the elephants, they say. artistically. They must wait for the Student Di- A thorough combing of the city to- The Michigan Theatrme League, on rectory that arrives a month or so day revealed the fact that nobody was tihe other hand, has had miu of an after the football season has expired. keeping any elephants, and particular- off-season, and while the production But in spite of this assurance that the ly any white elephants, without the by the Cleveland Playhouse of "Ice- Bell Telephone Co. will care for our kinowledge of the police and health bound" was very fine, "The Romantic future it does put a large number of departments. This exploded the theory Age" and "Henry IV", were unusually students into a state of inextricable that the animals might have been disappointing. Their present plan is confusion. some local family's pets that has Cs- to engage tie Bonstelle compay for Our most worthy 150 a year date caped. The nearest thing to a white a series of performances next fall. II lI II,