f 0 SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1925 HLMICHIGAN DAILY INDUSTRIAL HEADS Vt MEET HER Taylor Socifty Will Nefft here At Union Vor Tlhree D)ays Startingr Thursday LLOYD WILL SPEAK Leaders of Michigan industry and mnan ement experts from all parts of the country will meet May 14, 15j and 16 in Ann Arbor for the 1925 meeting of the Taylor saiety. The purpose of the Taylor society{ is to "°promote the science and the art of administration and of manage- ment." This year's meeting is being given under the auspices of the Uni- versity. The headquarters for the; meeting will be in the Union where all of these sessions will be held ex- cept the one on Friday, eveniug, which will be held in the Natural Sicience auditorium. Thursday's session is planned pri- marily for students of management in the Engineering school andt the School of Business Administration and for the younger executives at- lending the meeting. Acting 1.resi- (lent Alfred 11. Lloyd will welcomej the members of the society at the Thursday evening 'meeting, andl 11. I. Sliepherd, Vice-President of the Guardian Trust company of Cleve- land will speak. C. L. Barnum, con- sutlting engineer will address the af- ter'noon session. WHAT'S GOING ON Notaices to appea- tir11ijS cohIITo -A fl 'IM ptlv l f I ToXr 'Ex t toe I I< Us ioc. tr(C'( . t p 1110 11Y Of sfite U fl*T 1AA ' Edgrpuet Wil l Adress ]Jlo;thers0To2a' (1 0: Ii- bUuldlin Fof the campus. The iyesterday. The nmeeting at Bill and- {Corn aY (bc 1 ;1 hrre chotiro->") olwiIbidns"er iie;hl 1ioin ilbe h ia vli nte, ;, lS oe a nfl iterm lin, NaturIal Science buildling, Mlot hers Week end t ) 'gr11.a11 il sg ' t : i tnvPln ~ npee s;rrI ha [t, l'ioit, Alumni Mtenor- r- ---- --re e mt'mig ue,,th dy i.1I l IaO, :,x zlzlb, 11;1,t (aolto r- f r]~x~i 'w tl ae ~ ht a Ilottl' uc y, lm(u1 \1iI1am1'. (Clemuents li- fComeC(y '+ 0* i pliei' i xdntl lin o h nnua11l-11i Jill Yacaurc's 1tux i" t : i eta icr,, i 1.i ".o h held nder the-au pi ces )nu tu, t \'hoe been solu l tes _;-o l;plc I Tuesday Iinit crt the Mimes .11 1,' ' tL tt; hate ar racticllly 'ou l d t hrit; t ,tl I t ()ttIV tltr(1i'ou.1l1:t. 'I*'3 bli hi yar(;, .aS in the 1paSt, 1t1eaxe'.i- Bor I 1 meorerd ninvest1i- c:1l ;udenijs will stage take-off t L '"11 Atr*t' t ';? lo'.tl o'ittY (11tt i? i ebuH dt~rtBI1 ilC , t2';t7iiution 11 a l ui of iid ttm ns al k th s on te m m es lte f t1~ , i: 1)ot toaist- vvca :I I l te\\(.rintrespnectto 10hi, 01'her lit.. ,cli 1t)(e1tant~l n f ltu''n'o.' li;Mifb( ~--1,h-- - ' .-p", - - - - 1. Mr. An ,r X:ecry~ I off t's w ol ',\i Ctltest SW;scl (cmdtiito siteatbak "'Cod and vI\]o (Ar l.ox ',"at the r!a1mm ci jog ,"iniIDetrmoit sisot allft- in' " 1isI' triatn ('hut..m(il. ~ eling ~ilil 11911 tdtOrlinml o 51Im W11l ~:tO-lht~i' V !'4ijus t' i*';ls L ax'('imi" and, ~tiy ltputm tin t 'm'x- ut udet , (li5"( Utli '1m lIass Wathe l 'xo" a:it o!hte'. triTg.1he tts itlyW rtl'ln c h. xx : art lpt ttld IV A (>'(W h ! Awl.-Ha Ii 4t i iii limeeiti isudeud m W 'a r ilbe op.-e amtZ:20t o (mU'. classes; at the Guild house led by! I w n nl~y ItOme iWalil 60 titemA .a' Profoss-or Watertuan 1and IPdr. Chiap- x; itl hI turi I' n 50 S aw1 It tamt . n' t i tl: (U>riwet'e shtown NbohIt. Ann %'-- 2:~r i - ';:41i1 - it t c's a i ni I e { .{f' .t:' id orI-fifc'1'2 j)ai2dmii';s fm Ia time(':tr-! uiN)--- i, len a' l Ithl . ~ :~t 1,i Pal's St udeni clb ,meets at4230 Wes:t L ierty :treed for an 3 :(41--- dgm' A. u1{t(st p :aks at ThQ, . v e -d i rus, 3Studcens' !'iden :i'~l cnbim t ,ne i nPg at Ib1o(church. (hal~t tA l " (?ongm'a tional ('hurt11, l\1iv. I). i.ouirk hi A'yjailanu Ii spedaks on "Trhoe 1Dra ma nd the (Xsi n- S:r30-- S"ocal haour at, thle Preshyterxti chuiirch. S :34)----1a lst; 14 iid studiifriend ship hou111,at the (Guild Dhouse. 6 :131-nsl~allatilon of new cabinetltat the Presbyterian church.I 1),) an ~ t he i (' t tiiiits by the 1, -1i' "i t 1tLi'ltS f tn' iV t(' 1'''ji l mi Lt V ositnsl Ihs tt~~it'~. ,"r;{, i,,t t 11(cof mot1hers Care inI As iYtort Imlii x'. AMany house par- ties a.I.t t tiotiss Ii,:',oii Iies addsorer-I sis tewxillihe (cotlitdetl today which l his t) t.'Id jut'Itttthers of tthe!1 a -t hlttt of t.me visitors were l }r,'u-seitattte Spring Games and at hue I tt ii SI AL'-Aliciiai ttackmeet. 'I peteJ o t. 't ose7line0110 ~;tp :11 or'are Xt of' a eday\whtcht thoy tanl givet (it ard-I el' to give the mlemtbers arl iiestc theil I Ah t V. voi cemidty ~,p.'t'he lieti lt(>1suih) o1 the 'clutitis lmitedt to t~ ut Lto th I' .rgl~t1lll Iele .' a l tton, bet' tf \vtaaLi ito be huerd. t-ot tat.~fI di~ ii e tui alse';of te t am D r. La wrence :-s't~il Sil L Ii' I) I ,t ,}tll trof I.iiCUIr1ey and1 )i . Albert C. IFUr- (,A ' too ny, iI a- a 5c Ia e ste.nbum'g till ,also speak. infonl'a fOI scintit..t'' I - 000.~i ' .n'.: th. 1' 'x:alt'Coul' t ' ,,; t ittjltt I I ,, ., 1 ie to : ,d i dere'Z 'd I te lic at Saecollege toihstfloni, -,in a (tl mat Clheld yest et'dav af 'ioil n Wtra t" . ;. ,,. . . - ; _ , r M a f 1 .T ASt t e l S t ape 21cen .Parallel sessions will be held dslur- rs Jtali 511 lic ca'i xr t iYlalineIttI- ing Friday morning. L. J1. Purdy, igldl~ im ekIon production supervisor of thre Oakland, "Il()t101'lImg ur Mot her s."- Motor plant will speak to those at- 6:a:h-Fred J. i'hiin leads St. P'aol' ; tending the one on motor car produc- Student ('1ub1 in a(discussion In Pion, and W. H-. Leffingwell, President "Are Luxuriant C hurches Lesir- of the Leffing'.ell-Ream company of; able?"e New York will address the other. 1. S:(4)-M1otion l ictuire service at tihe I-i. Marks, purchasing agent for the Conigregational church. Mother.,' Packard Motor Car company, James :Day tiln, "The Lullabye." If. Collins, merchandising director of '-- the Chilten, Class Journal company 11ON DAXY of' Philadelphia and H-. M. Jewett, tl:hfl :(ltl--Itegmstrat iont for anuial President of the Paige-Detroit- M~otor all-campus elections at. booths" on company will talk before the after- the camus. 'ilii*J no~on and evening sessions. 1:30"5 :(R) -- Internationail ehbo A session on Industria~l psychologyl of m~odern ?p aitntings from the ('ar- during the morning at which Prof. C.I negie institute of Pittsburgh, in Al- S., Yoakum of the Psychology depart-'itumnhi Memorial hall. went will speak, and the Michigan- 2:30-Voineidy 011l) tr'youts are hell M'innesota baseball game in the after- in Newberry hail. noon will constitute the, Saturday 41:15 -Senate council meets Ini lPmesi- program.- dent's offhee. 1::30--Comuplete rehearsal of resh- Taylorville, Ill., May 9.-The 17tH man pageant in Sar'ah Caswell tn- child, a son, was born yesterday to gell htall. Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Morrell, of S:(k)_IVnhersity Senate nie~ iii Langley, three miles west of here. room (1, La~v building. 'The Morrells have been in this coun- tyfor 19 years. Ten of the childt'en Sewanfe, Tentn., Max 9.--Ninet eeu are living, of the 2'2 in embers olh'Ile Sooxt'.hera (2onf e . n.'e htave ct I ~' cd itthird I'll o Paltr oize , Daily Advertisers -- Ii t al tric'k amidfield1 tmt('(etelti'{.'Yh pOyg.--A dv. and 16. A i I Y h P: 9 iy Y ' aa w l too 'h -ziv L uA U3LflLE El 0 SAWSO 41JST CAN'T CU4iVNT 1' O !T O MI i3 I W1AS s.I:E U1 7I 'EN. A 4WINit k 1 ~TO "i'LL HOMPEWASBY AO'~td'1 lk."l, I. Y ( E' l 2,11 w @ A r G? . t d tr, p-- ) e tit + { k ' .I S! t !-: . Comedy drama o f i oday 'S Home . :; G.p JAMES CRUZE= r Z2_ ""ODL.nTIO 'IMF, '1 11 p F", 21 Life I '1jI -.99NOmb, AdmpqmL AIL Aff I= ILA P% R 1 %0 I ful Ai e 5 sI i l The Miracle Play of America. fulof laughs. A comedy of re~ality, all popular interest. It Is licart rendingu, 5yet life, facts, 'andmost o {. f Ii t ;, I ERE is the classic American Home. of the ABIE'S IRISH ROSE P'layed in Chicago for fifty-eight weeks. f-ir, COMPANY is still intact with Anne Nichols leading Seats now for Next Week: Nights, 50c to $2.50 Wednesday Matinee, 50c to $1.50 Saturday Matinee, 50c to $2.00 for t"ABIE'SIRISH ROSF" them on. A tr ue coniedy-drama picture of American family life, love and{ loyalty. Remember-its a Cruze produc- 9a~aramount 9ictu're :' '' ; nd A reat Vill of Superlativ~e AddedPe ares I . .. inh. II OPEN TODAY I I ''- T- S i o- xi + 4 F . - ' S . . CIO, 0 ON. 9:30 to 1 - 4 10 9.30 Native aiges Dancers, Instrumentalists MILK, CREAM, WHIPPING CREAM BREAD, ROLLS, GRENNAN'S CAKES PICNIC SETS " k.R ,a y; ,_- -., ; ;;, .; : ..,:. Y >-.. ________ - - ,lfi~ihnihIli111:1illlhhllll .0111IZ f 111llIhhIM11 z - as AT- - ---cLO * *9 * p G w t.N . ...Si ZIA, P V , :, .. ,.. ,....,.n ;.:... Consisting of Plates, Cups, Napkins, Sandwich Spreads, Olives, Pickles, Vegetables, Potato Chips, Runkonnalt, etc. Cold Meats, Canned Fruits and Chase & Sanbor'n's li. A 4IOrAMS ylATHERF 171 7 N f. i LW'r i m - A I/ .e-%'SA Ja " _. 1 'd. i. 'I ,r. ,7 i I W, I I