PACE TWO TIHIL MCl(,IIGA N DAILY SUNDIAY, :I'AY 11, 1U2-'-5 NA E J8ICATIONmilitaristsMe HED FUR 12:2B (Con tinuled froii b One) school to actet a;{ c P ioi 01o01]the: staff of the lDef roil J ouril . In 1899 and '99 lhe ('01(11chted the editorial col Ul'1tf (1the il)4t o 'ee Ures and vwa .a seut, to ihiglid a,;bythatpa -{ In 1905 Air.f larrimian ectame the editor (4f0t" PilJ grim nmag~azriie, lean- ing thl:s position fotoIhe Red Book. From 1912 to( 1919 lie was, the an-_ aging edoitorof'I lie L adies h om i Journal, and has ,ince vet urned to the :Red Look and HTm,1 Book, his of- fice being local ed a .tt('h icao. In 1910 ;he wVas fpi'e~ein ftorlin _A. 11. de-i gree' by the U iver: i Iy, as of the class of '98. Il~Laswritl ,I (U V~laInovel,, "Ann Arbor Tab'S,'' "T.i) 0 J1 omre Build-i ers", ""'1{<, Gi rl 011L Tb re,"' and' others, iiiddi into a rtlives and short sI orie5 in va 1iow, 17{ "n)ag nes. After NlI r.lIairriima's add!ross, the staffs for no4y I year'ol 'Tlie4 D a ily, The Suninier I aiI ,(liinn's, C a rgoyle andI the Mwciaesa xill bie a llou nc- ed. 11rcl., F. N. Scototf01Ole('rhiet 0'ic depart i fllI, ('1811'18ii nof thme Boarid in Control, ;will ;wctas t oa stn a sI r. It is os(,tbna~t, (I hat smore than 400t studlent;; -wlro ha Ve orW) 'ed on the publica ions dutring thle past school year will bw present, Freshmen ...Win ayRule Japan SPRING i~ALEWDAR June 1-Alumni Day. La tw Review Gives, .. dtro 4- a eaauead dttps. 3t;t!1 -Setlitbr Reetion.f B a n q u et A t Y 1 .._ _hite l14-Bccalarehidt fs Hit), fit fotecs' f)ay. May 28,29-Interscholastic Tennisi heMcianl°-Rve '~l l' tY~~ly l11 A'bicago vs. Mihigan-ten- tournament." h ihgnLw'eiw -dis M i.;pay 2-Examinations bTheoleinsexintd.ake nnuial hait cFri day fight in the May i:- -$p'iig lectios. 11113 ±-WVisconsiu vs. Mcign'superiority over the Lansing men, iojTv'H-bIOStdltelir5 M1ay 13--Board in ('ontrol of Student tuack meet. lsn nyoebut h tt o-twelv fII till ~ nilobi s, and41fifteen :.ti::v . .'utblicat ions Biinq et. jMay 30--Iowa vs. Michigan--base-logvertead wa mae upiof Ctinds alumni were ivi~cd and a great nun- May P' 1--Thnior Singf ball. Cnerebn(eafa hieCati l0 of thcseattndedu. )lay I-CpNight. May.30:--Wiscoiisii s icia- '6, HuCpai-lc enan igo So nenii in, 071,, of Chicago l~ ~ ~ ~ ~~icia-'~E and C. L. Pettibone 28, repr-1 I teliuiil.paie fti: May 1;- 10- Pat hers4' week endi. tennis !Sete~l Michigan. ~'step-niaIsekro 14 Thy M- 16 MVinnesota vs. Michigan- June II, 11-Alumni meet in Detroit . I,_____ _______________ evening, Ie cbcse as his subject t e base ball. ( June 12-Ohio State vs. Michigan-!"UseC of Forms ill the ILaw vOtfi e.' ;;:::;;