PAO1I FEIGHT DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice wt all members of the University. Copy received lb) the Assistant to the P.-oi ent until 3:30 p.'m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdayb Volume 6 SATUTRDAY, MAY 9, 1925) Numbter 16 I To the member, of the Senate Council: The next regular meeting of the Senate Council will be held in the President's office Monday, May 11l, at 4:15 P. M. F. E. Robbins, Secretary. Freshman Pa ant: There wilQ a complete rehearsal of the Freshman Pageant, Monday, May 11th, at 0 o'clock, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Jean Hamilton, Dean of Women. A. S. M. E. Members: A joint meeting of the Detroit Branch and the Michigan Student Branch will be held Saturday at 2:00 o'clock in, Natural Science Auditorium. Mr. Lane of Detroit gives an illustrated talk.. Luncheon is given at 1:00 o'clock in the Union. Call Prof. Boston for reservations. Student members are urged to be present at both functions. Others who are interested are invited. Franklin 1,. Everett, See'y. News .From Oither Colleges THE MICHIGAN DAILY''SATURDAY, MAY n, 192 Britian Pins Polar Flight Hopes On Youth =llliilllllilllllllllllllllllli ,Ililllllllllllllh' ISHIRTS S } ? M1 i? a I° with collars attached a......{.\f t \ . _=or detachedy $ t t t f r®$2.00 °_ - . ...: ...... . , : r :: t'"- ".} ..... :. *.. ..::tyi.;:V N .{ . G o lf: lose +[, '':};t{;I: .,,..t::4y~a:':}:'t';"+}":S o ciety B ran d S u its;..: ;:;:' ° .*4e00 ) Y f~orh plarregonsdepnd uon hisyouh. retir Agarson(riht) Th "Iclan) avie ofwhih issee ~ adh m s Co Gra'rti' oe fdfaigte ntdSae n owyi ~etrecree airac o°h left, ar S isnwo t a ot4 atiedlyFakWrly oa kpe, ihAgrsnadasalhl loonabordin wichliewil' atemp todrif ovr te ple. Man Sree .>r_________________ ____________________2123S :i Fane Touer- atte'ogegtoalcuch:htaP"s.P{amd:Pi iga165issToa 81;Fei"66.s chat"" }"{f.j 3,%"' .y!![Y,,Ri'wo l H on'he Da.nIt he }:,;Co :i}mun,:?it i':::is }r:}Ieft: (I that .te{ fol:.winr arus;r61, .vlne 81 s Ieman Knt."er thrRondmths7epaedofb 942 s .fOSe t ini t h rsbyter }%=i:::?iifian Wensay evening: Singles. ::}i Chr- Dulsw'de n oh72 Bloomington, Indiana, May .-Can- didates for general director, musical director, business manager, and au- thor of the manuscript' for the 19261 Jordan River . Revue at the University) of Indiana have been informed that the board in charge of1 the opera will henceforth offer no money or prizes for participants, but will make the, honor of the position the sole recom- pense. New York City, May 8.-Columbia university will advance more money t~o students 'as loans and relatively less as scholarships in accordance with a new policy of financial assist- ance to undergraduates. All future loans will be made through a bank. Austin, Tex., May 8.-Total royal- ties from oil wells owned by the Uni- versity of Texas are expectedl to ex- ceed $1,000,000 annually and will make possible the construction of new buildings every year. Berkeley,..Cal., May 8.-Plans for a new addition to the library at the Uni- versity of California have recently .been submitted. The annex is to be built on the same plan as a modernl skyscraper in order to conserve space! on the campus. The over. growing supply of books hits made this move imperative, and when completed, the entire unit will house a million vol- umes. Lawrence, Kansas, May 8.-Twelve thousand newsletters are being mailed by the University of Kansas to high, school seniors of the state for the purl- pose of interesting them in Kansas university. The letter is as large as the four-page "The Daily Kansan," and reviews scholastic and athletic achievements at the university. Champaign, Ill.., May 8.-Anarchistic attempts to discredit the educational! systenw of the United States will be made the target in a campaign to se- cure one hundred 'per cent support for' a' renaissance in culture at the Uni- versity, it became known here re- cently. An organization is to be form- ed to fight the under-current of rad- ical dissatisfaction Wand to promote an increased and more efficient output of 'culture at the University. Sponsors of the plan are convinced that drastic i action must be taken if the University is to continue its present plan for ex- pansion. WHAT'S GOING ON b oe s to appear in this column must bleft in the box at the Daily office provided for tnat purpose before 4 o'clock precpeeine tae day of issue. SATURDAY 12 :00-Foreigaii Student council lunchi. eon at the Green Tree inn. 1 I:00-Lunelteoj for inmbers of the A. S. M. E. at Union. :30-5: 00-International exhildtion of modern paintings from the Car- negie institute of Pittsburgh, in-Al- umni Memorial hall. 2 :04?-Camipus and city tour for mothf. ers leaves Lane ball. 2:00-I1. 1. Lane speaks to Detroit, Ann Arbor, and student members of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, in Natural Science au- ditorium. 3 :04-( ongrcgational ramble and p ie. nic starts from church. 6: S:0-HBikers leave Wesley hal. 660-C (osmopolitan (clubi banquet at !the Church of Christ. SUNDPAY 10 :45-lDr. Anderson preaches on j j"God and Mother Love," at the1 Presbyterian church. 12100--lloard Y:J)FeClusky leads student discussion class at the Pres-1 byterian church. 12:00-Baptist guild nmeeting; student classes at the Guild house led by Professor Waterman and Mr. Chap- mnan. 1:0- 5:00-International exhibition of modern paintings from the Car - negie institute of Pittsburgh, in Al- unmni Memorial hall. 3:4)-Edgar A. VJnest s,eaks at Moth- 1ers' Day service in lill auditorium. 4 :00-Episcopalian Students' hike; rmeet at Harris hall. 4:30-Unitarian Students' Union as- sembles at the church for outdoor meeting. 5 :15-Presbyterian Young People ' cabinet meeting at the church. S :30-Student supper and fireside church. 5-:30-Baptist gild student friendship~ hour at the Guild house. 0 :30--Installat ion of new cabinet at the Presbyterian church. 0 :30-Baptist gilid devotional meet- ing led b)y Wilma Weeks, topic: "H-onoring Our Mothers." 8:W0-Motion picture service at the Congregational church. Mothers' SDay film, "The Lullabye."' INTRAMURAL I .ITEMS (Continued from Page Six) flee by Monday afternoon will be de-. faulted. Following is a. list of matches whichi must be played off by that time: Singles: Dougall 7851 vs. Benham 7017, Swintz 9417 vs. Burstein 3751; Fines 7017 vs. Knapp 5517, Darbaker 4468 vs. Finkleman 9024, Gibson 6981 vs. Greenspan 3582, Rearic 8053 vs. Greene 8295, Ilirshman 9217 vs. Gold- berg 5964 Briggs 3818 vs. Meyer Doubles: Maloney 9024 and Viach.- ees vs. Finkleinan 9024 and Segal 3540, Gross. and llirshman 9217 vs. Rice-Wray anid Arendt 7217, Bartlett and Bartlett .6817 vs. McKnight and Partner 4.518, Sestok and Thomas 8217 vs. McLean and Conboy 6637. Fraternity: Phi Gamma Delta vs. Theta Xi, Gammna Sigmna vs. (Sigma Alpha Mu, Chi Phi vs. Zeta Beta Tau, Phi Mu Delta vs. Xi Psi Phi, Beta er 6674 vs. Maloney 9024, Segal 3540, Meyer and Abbott 5318, Kuenzel andI vs.Dreyer 7027, Rice-Wray 7217 vs. Harrigan 6636 vs. Greenspan and .Marshall 3657, Sims 9442 vs. Greene j partner 3852, Ralin and Wilcox 21737 6317, Small 7973 vs. Davis 7157, Marsh vs. Wolfenden and(3 11 3818. Advertise in "The Daily" 5un6aObcurcb %ervices TRINITY ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Fifth Xve. and Ivililani St Rev. L. F. (WNTJER1IAN, Pasto: 9:30 A. id.--Bible schlool. 10:30 A. M.---Worship. Sermon, ''A Mother's Devotion." 5i : 30 P. M.---Student Fellowship IHour. 6 :30 P'. M.--St udent Forum. "Sub- ject: "Are Colleges More Re- sp)onsible for the .Spirit of U~nrest Than Communities in (General'?" Leader, Louise Alf- son, '26. t' BEUHLIHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) Fourth Ave. between W11liam and Packard i I G. A. NEUYMANN, Pastor FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 409 South Division St. 10:30 A. M.-Sunday morning ser vice; subject "Adam and Fallen Man." 11:45 A. M.--Sunday school follow- ing the morning service. 7 :30 P. M.-Regular Wednesday evening testimony meeting. The Reading Room, 608 First Na- tional Bank building, is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except Sundays and legal holidays. ZION LUTHERAN .CIIURCH Was hington St., and Fifth Ave. E. C. STELLHIORN, Pastor 9:00 A. M.-Bible study hour. 10:30 A. M.-Sermon, "More Than Honest." 5:30 P. M.-Student supper. 6:30 P. M.-Student Forum. Topic, "Are Colleges More Respon- sible for the Spirit of Unrest Tjh an Comnmun ities in Gent- eral?" Louise Alfsen, leader. 9:00 A. X--Adult Bible classes. 10:00 A. M.-English service. I 11:00 A. M.-German service. Pas- tor's subject for the (lay: "A Mother's Highest Privilege andl Greatest Joy." No even- ing meeting. i I . NU' WANTED! Girls' Discarded Dresses Coats and Shoes Highest x Cash. Prices Paid Sport footwear DISCIPLES CHURCH OF CHRIST New ('lurch-t'or. HIl & Tappan KEV)ET11 B. BOWEN, Minister 9:30-Bible school. 10:30-Mothers Day. Special mu- sic. Topic, "The Motherhood of Mary." 6:00-Young People's Social Hour andl lunch. 6 :30-Christian Endeavor. 7:30-Evening worship. "Satan as Employer." Service short, informal and open to all. UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Streets SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister. Phillip E. Laltowe, Musical Director 10:45 PROF. A. EUSTICE HAYDON of the University of Chicago Speaks on "THE JOY OF LIVING" 4:30 Students' Union meets at church for outdoor meeting _ ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHUl RCHI (Missouri Synod) Third and West Huron Streets CARL A. BRA UERI, Paster 9:30 A. M.-Worship in German. 10:30 A. M.-Bible Class. 11:30 A. M.-Worship in English. Sermon subject: "Christ's Prayer for the Church." 2:30 P. X~- 4Students and 'young People meet at the parsonage for a hiking party. Discus- sion in the open. Fred J. Flom, leader. Topic: "Are Elaborate Churches Justify- able?" ', i I - Footwear for sports or hik- ing, in tans and combina- tions, with crepe or leather soles Very suitable for golf. i I i _ ... R ___ _ __. . I- I 'I Telephone, 6616r CORNER CATHERINE and DIVISION STREETS HENRY LEWIS, Rector. NI. L. LOfiS1ALE, Assistant. RACHEL IIAVHLAND, Secretary for Student Work, 8:00 A. A--Holy Communion. $5.00 to $6.50 Wahr' s Shoe Store CONGREGA'TIONAL CHURCH HERBIERT A. JUM1.P, kinier. .E. KNOX MITCHELL, Uuilversity Pastor. 10:45-Mother's Day service. University Women's Glee Club will sing. Second in series of sermons on "Religion andl the Five Senses" Religion and tile Artistic Sense" 4 :00-High School Federation. Travel Talk by Mrs. .rump. 5:30--Student Supper andi Firesidle Chat. Mr. D. L. Quirk, Director of the Ypsilanti Players, will talk on " T'he Dramna anud the, ('onnun ilty." 8: 00-Motion picture service. MVother's Day film, "The Lullaby." Martin Wisler, 'Z7-L, will speak on "How I Look at 31y Religion." I I CY B:. .BROWN 120 Fourth Ave. 9:30 11:00 A. M.-Church school. A. M.-Morning prayer and sermon by the Rev. Mr. Lonsdale. (down town) 108 S. Main 4:00 P. M. Students' Bike and Supper. Meet at -arris I-all. 4:45 P. Al.-E. Y. P. A. picnic. Meet at the church. ... For 1 0 Days- ;i , yy ! T) LTIIU& 1)~ ~ VT ~ ~r~I~.w.' FIRST METHODIST CHURCH .1 Corner South State and East Washington Streets REV. ARTHUR W1. ST ALKER, I). ., Minister I