PACE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY, 15, 1925 Michga s History During The Prague's Struggle for Knowledge: dism(embered or ill-equipped neighbor stat ion, ik pulling himself up by his hoot straps and is going to help) set things right. It is the student who Philip Leonard Desci Faculty ov By Phillip Leonard Fraternities came into existence in A m Arbor within a very few years t In ta- ala~t 1.(I d)1 t<2. t: of 11} ~ ha u JhnJ j!ia -4~ili ter(i' 7 ('}7 i Si d ti4(W bs:v' l cAI of the ir> hw war ii ;(crl"S tence is one of controversy an struggle for survival. The trouble began in the spring of 1846 when the faculty first becam' aware that seret societies with Uni- versity students as members were in existence in Ann Arbor. At that time there were approximately ninety stu- dents enrolled in the University but during the next few years the enroll- ment was greatly decreased, due part- ly to the withdrawal of Fni- r ' support from the branches esi-ish d throughout the state but in a measure to the antagonism betwern the newly founded societies and the faculty. A faculty investigator, pene:ratin what was then known as ihe "Blac Forest," discovered the first American college fraternity chapter house in the form of a log cabin. As nearly as can be determined this cabin was sit- uated east of the campus, probably withii the confines of what is now Forest Mill cemetery and near Geddes avenue. Beyond the clearing of the Rumsey farm on which the campus had been located there stretched a dense hard-wood forest which so well concealed the cabin that for a year the faculty had been unaware of Its existence. . The owners of the cabin refused to allow the faculty investi- gator to.enter it and friction arose be- tween the faculty and the fraternity members. The faculty, practically unanimous in its opposition to the society, based its objections on a University regula- tion which provided that no student should be or become a member of any society connected with the University which had not first submitted its con- stitution to the faculty and received their approval. During the investiga- tion of the Black Forest group it was discovered that another similar or- ganization had also been established in the preceding year, in violation of the University ruling, and it also be- came an object of the faculty dis- pleasure. To avoid trouble the two fraternities offered to give lists of their members but the faculty merely exacted pledges from all new students to join no society without approval by the faculty and left the societies to die from lack of membership. In the meantime still a third group had submitted a constitution to the faculty for approval and gene ahead with its organization. No action was taken by the faculty, however, and with the completion of its organiza- tion this group was placed in the same categop as the first two. It then be- came practically a question of the student body against faculty, since a majority of all the enrolled students were members of the three societies. On the grounds that no disapproval constituted apnroval however, the ?!rd group proceeded to initiate mem- berr, this fact not ?eing discovered until the following year. The faculty did not see the matter in the same light as the fraternity men and as a result suspended from the University students who had broken their pledges. Most of these men were sbsequently readmitted. The origin- al members of the society were also compelled to submit to readmission to the University and pledge themselves not to consent to the initiation of any new members contrary to the Univer- sity ruling. i T s .,4 (Continued ftom Pago Nine) soon to be dissected end he wrate 'than in this country. On the hikes believes, and :roves that racial dif- Fs, if ever volley ball needs a an indignant letter in regard to the and picnics which students often or- feences and national hatreds can be Nbriewritten for it, I shall feel call- boys who jumped over the fence, to ganize among themselves there :a mi tempered within hisown borders: it ed upon to do it, for *1 have seen it the unfortunate dishevelmerit of his ally group identity, group singing and is the student who is looking out over provide the right dose of exercise garden, int that's another story. jollying, group discussion. The two the edge of the world and giving hail i tt Bed sto a group of boys sent to a sani- At any rate I went once from such and two fashion is not quite 5" vi- to his fellow students; it is he who ribes the Struggle tudents adi T411. an tariun to die of tuberculosis (they a mad game of volley ball to the Ger- dent there as here. There is r spt" believes in a world at peace and indi- 'er Installation of Fratrnities didn't ie, but after three months 'a man student home. There we were of comraderie that characteri: , ithels wio count for something. food and exercise came back to finish shown all of the famous old corps youth movement of Geimany, a fre- It is thne student who has saved the their university work) ; I have seen it r oons, darkened walls with the smoke dom from either stiltedness or self- student frcim starvation and despera- carry an international - playground of years, walls covered with pictures consciousness or laxness; a formality fion; the student who has allowed the fraternity question was not aced action by the Ann:Arbqr citizens. visited 'by Czechs;.Germans and Hun- of famous men in full corps regalia, and yet a sort of naive intimacy. his curiosity to begin to find out things mited to the UniLersity alone. In The legislature failed to take action garians through a victorious summer, coats of arms, foils, sabres, and best I have barely touched upon the .si~ teg him and it is this curioity and ~i g y p on uiilS of heneait, m-s tnyiostcurmmorial, aad , $.r I irn. of the east sin ny of thememorials,.due largely and'have proved that it can be played of all the gay corns caps, all symbols dent problems facing the undergrad- his sense of humor that are helping to x ',j~ ~1bie, o j7 V ~ n unfair treatment of thefaculty by a bunch of madcap girls turned out of times less troubled than these. nate of the greatest Slav university g r of ihe gloom and depression (..i tint iaf~iiif hi.>r£ o 1r71iz "t by the students. The senti- into a summer camp in the country Since the revolution n 1918, German in the world. I have scarcely meni th- t are two of hisowwstdenemion ; ri a n in favor of the .fraterinitieshd for the first time in their lives with' studnts1 .avebd ied he the' three money and our clothes - L. s ueries by members o been fast growing, however, and i, fewer fatalities ' than basketball!! their corps caps on the streets of the the young republic which are grad- not reiesenhttive enough 'f ourselves the facalty to the presidents of the 1850 one of them was conditionally There was oce a German professor city. They are now worn only in ually going to be able to relieve the to I lie student of Eurbpe He Eastern schools brought a unani- reinstated. With this year the back- who thought otherwise after watch- corps meetings or at purely student burden of overcrowding in Pragueto ttet u e mously unfavorable report of frter- bone of opposition to the fraternities ing the volley ball land over the fence functions such as dances. The inen- At present their doors are bursting sotw, ca al pf th saething. nities as they existed in the East. In was practically broken and their on top of the tender shoots which ser, or duel, is still a form of German open with over-enrollment, too, but i al ull for the same things. every case the presidents of the in- growth and expansion has been vig- were growing to feed the rabbits student training and reaction, and the country will not give in before re have iea started from bth sides of stitutons declared that such organiza- orous and steady ever since. In 1879 the conshant whack and sing of steel necessity of fitting men and( women )to be ctvsn tared (na good sidesl to tions were under strict ban. Inter- the first sorority came to the cain- versity buildings shouldl Include "rep- was to be heard as we went through take nlaces of i esponsihbitiy trod itIi-, ua H ire ike huma1n beins chapter communications, however, pus, followed soon after by a number resentatives from the whole campus. the building. Every corps room ha will be to the everlasting credit o to (iterand not political and gave the fraternity men a-different of others and the University sorority The year following the Palladium held! it elar-like room, bare of any pzecho-Slovakia that she has not tur: a light on the matter and they felt more system was given a good foundafion. a separate Hop in Toledo but the decoration, where the Iensur takes ed away the stranged stiudent from hee.Presient of secure in the knowledge of their j The sororities had been preceded by a question was soon settled by an agree- place. Actual duellbg is supposed 'the already bursting classrooms of her (' o ovaka, say that if le had national strength. few years by the first professional fra- ment to allow representatives from all to be forbidden. but one could just universities. One wonders at the wi: - _: 1849 the fraternity question ternity, a lav society established in the fraternities and from the 1dc- as well forbid the choral corps fromc u ahom of allowing mure Studnt biboft ythsd siazeh p came to a crisis with the appearance 1869. pendent group on the J-Hop coilt- singing. It is not a pretty sight, I come when cenditions are o terible, of the names of the members of the The first chapter house with Uni- tee this duelling; it looks too much like but if the students and~l litessors in< soilovtk and drop them own Black Forest group including a num- versity sanction was first occupied in The establishment of the Inter- the real thing, in spite of its excel- who have first rights in the couutrvy,.c ; s nd herchn ty tfou and b r of new students, in the University 1875 and 1876. It was known as the Fraternity conference in 1914 did lent points from the standpoint o arc willing to share, as they most - dnge fifty thousand te togue The organization justified "Octagon House" and stood on the site away with many of the undesirable physical exercise. cidedly have proven themselves, it Its existence on the grounds that it of the "present Hill auditorium. Later features of existing fraternity organi- The sab-res and dark duelling cells can not be laid agains the govern- down (Czc tho-Slovakia for time. was a society "in Ann Arbor," not in it became the home of Professor Win- ration. The formation of this grup reminded me only too keenly of the ment of a nation for caring for these K dbin had een ut aros the the University. This defense carried chell. The first chapter house built was recommended by the Commtt fact that all of these men students!les ahrorets.rnforhail been put acrossha no weight with the faculty and on the specifically for that purpose was on tudcen Affairs an d ca e .lstt n ae satl soldiers of the country,ants er das the gest. ,The war s the gost at the; feast got Lack again they would realize last day of the term the University an- erected in 1879-80 by a different or- timeutodI'event decisive action by the c in be mollized at a momentys warns has nunceod that members of two of the jaiato and was followed four tie1wn eiieato ytec eiolzda oetswr-yet, lbut because he haleen so usy that the sun set in the west no matter groupsemustrenouncestheirw the ganization andwawd u University on the fraternity question. uing, as indeed happened last year }building and mending and serving .heama the stga a nosert bnd -the groups must renounce their, member- years later by another. The most important work of the con- when there was danger of a Hungar-ngyrecthe stood and not blad the ship -or- leave the University. The -With. the establishment of an anti- fnrence Las leen to do away witi pro- ian invasion on the Slovak border. erning and learning his way, tee ,t c-athreirl that stands on the hill of third gro.up was excepted because its [ secret fraternity came a division b^-mature pledging and establish higher The experience of war are too recent lnativie Czech,Slovak or Gern, thr i constitution had not been signed but I tween a group of nine of the older fra- standards of scholarship, ed-fellows of these chaps to be ther a studet guest fmo orig untiyStudentLife in the fall of 1850 its members were ternities and the more recent organi- A pioneer in the building up of the easily forgotten; that is one more_whetherastudentgestfro__smeForeignCountries_ bmhitted to the save treatment. A zations. The older group was known fraternity system, the University ireason why they are more concerned50 majority of the men failed to with- as the Palladium, the name being tak-- stands today as one of the strongholds with the serious business of getting draw their membership and as a re- en from an annual first published il of the Greek-letter realm. Practically an education now; another war and It suit were expelled from school. 1859. With the addition of new men? every national fraternity is represent- would be too late. As a result of the expulsion an in- hers the opposition to the Palladium ed on the campus and their number is Iin spite cf the fact that education dignation meeting of Ann Arbor citi- became so strong that it finally dis- supplemented by a generous sonlnk. at the university is not c)-ediuC- zens was held and a committee was appeared, the place of the hook whiI-. ling of local fraternities and house tional, the spirit among men and appointed to ask the legislature for a represented the group being taken h" clubs. The sororities have kept pace women students is as fine as any- change in the administration of the; the present Michigancnsian, in e . with the fraternities and now ha'e -fthing I have ever seen anywhere. fa shnet d ft S University. By this time some of- the the newer fraternities and indepe - their own organization in the Pan- There is a keen curiosity among all "famed fo faculty members and members of the dlents protested to the Regents the he-llenic assoclation. Professional to know about co-education in this freshness" -- Board of Regents were out of sympa- Palladium control of the J-Hop whi - fraternities drawing their members- country and it is looked upon by them thy with the opposition to the frater- had existed as a social event since from all the professional departments as rather an ideal situation, but I ntites and the faculty cause was con-;1877. The Regents sustained the ca - of the University are also present in should say that as far as it goes in sequently weakened. One of the Re-- tention that the IHop given in the Uri- represcntative numbers. Czecho-Slovakia it is more successful gents was as a matter of fact a mom- "XE her of one of the groups. F The unreconciled element of the fac- ulty carried on its fight agant the Ao d T m o S rk sttn t aeadbte-N A! r p e a~ es - 6 c al fraternitie statin~g its casea a n tterN O W A Good I me T.o Strike Ai Wrapped Cara mels -. 60c a lbY ly attacking the organizations. The ' depredations which had led to the discovery of their existence in the BalanceO n Y ourself. first place were recalled and the wholeBel history attacked. The issue was made More and more, people are begin- a national one in view of the reportst received from the Eastern schools on Ming to reaze that the MacDiar- the fraternity question. Mention wasm sa made of similar societies in European mi 5 Store ts the place to buy their institutions, societies which sponsored candy. We to . such practices as dueling. This pointat recalls the fact that when the found-( ers of the University were looking- for a plan of organization they turnedFow often do you stre a aance on yourse to the Prussian universities.and trans- N ferred many phases of the Prussian No successful. business man would think of drifting along from monthx system to American use. The faculty ( fh nfi a d in r r a r 1 rinii a. hhFr(:11 kn dirs :..flh fvv nrnal w w-I M - - , wPf~ wu~w~ o aw .ww w u ,. a l' ' i' _ r I" 1 , r t' 3 l' r""' . : _f . .i .E 'f ,f !1 evidently failed to consider this in t imonit ana yearu dealing with the fraternity question. d They were ready to make use of the j condition of his bu5 German system only in so far as it whether there has be did not make for greater independence tion ascertained fro and power among the "phe entire faculty signed a report his organization and on the fraternity question addressed to the regents although some individ-T utii members were of differing opin- There ar hum ions. The Regents in turnmade a would be fewer of t :epe:rt sustaining the faculty and both were submitted to the legislature. The Iup debits and credit reinstated students at the same time making progress orN made a reply denying tte charges, de- daring that the University regulation covering the formation of such so- i It is unpleasant cieties was no longer valid and tell- i ---discouraging,butt ing of the tacit consent of one of the I professors to the organizations in the some part of your pe first place. Another factor enteredh r the controversy with the stibmission character. But for of a memorial by fifteen neutral stu- along from month t dents sustaining the faculty and de- nloring the possibility of the threat- unstable and worthl toward whatever refo You might find getting out of life. anywhere. You ma You may be making health. Perhaps yo show a fine balance to year wt iou a cpecc up to :ac ) ver m e iancia2 siness. He wants to know whether he is solvent, een progress during the last period. With the iMfor m,:- m his balance sheet he is able to correct tie in get things once more tpon a plofital-le foucLation. an derelicts as well as lusiness failures. Perhaps there the former if now and then men and women balanced s for themselves to discover wheiher or not they were were slipping behind. business, this checking up on one's self, and usually it t is healthful for the individual. You will always find ersonality that is not paying dividends in good will and a balance sheet once in a while you might ea:,ily drift o month and year to year, steadily becoming more ess. A realization of your condition is the first step ormation seems desirable. that you are paying too much for what you are You may be doing a lot of business, but not getting y be making lots of acquaintances, but no friends. 9 fine headway in life but at the expense of your SmilesBr jh( Brea-th/Se h. i r- 4/. L- u are misdirecting some of your energies. Yc sheet, but a poor expense and income account. gout that, too, Du may You Ad ustable utility lamps will do much to make your study- will want to know ab In success or failure it is equally beneficial. Indeed when you are flushed with success may be a time for the most rigorous self-analysis. Be fair with yourself. Over-estimate neither your good or bad points. You'll find both assets and -liabilities in - this balance sheet of yours. Every check-up will reveal some changes. But: it- can't be changed all at once. Develop that side of your life in which you are weakest. Cut down your bad qualiies. Years of this training will more than repay you for the effort it costs. You will have lived life to its utmost. It is dangerous to assume, but perhaps you may sometime say you have giver the world the best that you had, and the best has come back to you. That winning personality we all admire is the result of care and cleanliness, as well as good health and happiness. 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