SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE S lit THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SI~VEW 9 PM. ADVERTISING0 AT 3 1?.M, 11 1 pm- n iiiiiiir I Frenchmen To Try, Plane Flight To U S. I ~ofli, May 8.-Thle proposed: flight of Gabriel. d'Annuiizlo, Italian poet, froni Rome to Bu~enos Aires, has been indefinitely postponed. . -'''YPEWRITI'E1{S x. '111,11 will 1)8.Y YOU the highc st I'11'1 i1 'A hiIS S plend~idamacnines. price for your discarded clothing. B est makes for rent or for sale. _____ HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE r1voLatdes of Ih Church of Phone ?81 >. Christ will be pleased to serve - luncheons to anyone desiring their Phone 3912 services. The .Cosm-opolitan Club: For Typewriter Repairing has bern a client of this institution. (all makes) Service, courtesy and quality are Dealer in Woodstock typewriters, guaranteed. For particulars call Mrs.! Standard and Portable adding ma- H. D. Boyd, 9392 (new number). chines. Call 3257. Ann Arbor Typ~ewriter Exchange ____________--1 9 Savings Bank Building. 1 Compacts, watcbes and pictures, frames. of the most exquisite jeweelry TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING selections. These are especially MACHINES for sale andl rent. Rent- priced for the spring season. ing and repairing a specialty. Supu- , .ARNO0ID plies. Exchange that big machine State Street Jeweler for a new Corona 4. Price $60. Easy VACATION in country for college desired ' woman; refined, pleasant, healthyO Dl\RIL t work; $210 for 60 dlays. Write Ed- 17 Nickels Arcade neators Association Park Avenue' TYPEWVRITING~ Bldg., Detroit.____________________ f. 4 1 ' .. i I t .) I t { .I i for Efficient Laundry Service AUNRYCo Cor. Liberty St. & Fifth Ave. DanctIag Studio p~Open IDaily, 10 a~. m. to 10 p. m. We. teach all modern, fancy, ballet, stage, tango ar'd folk dances for' children and adults. Class every Monday andi Friday. Fifteen one-hour lessons, $6.00. j N o. 22 WU L'TJJ ARCADER t Phone 82328 It'll take a b~ig. meal to fill you up after the games, to- day-But we haive it here. Dishes that will open your eyes. Watch our windows for sticker-specials. 116 South University Ave. Fr a. I r Ii il . Our moderate prices make it possible for all to have FRESH HOME GROWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 122 E. Liberty. Phone 1630 M1ARTHA WASHlING~TON CANDY Fresh every Friday. Tice's, 119 E. Liberty. R1heads Household Packing Co. Moving-Packing-Storage ! Call us for long distance moving. Loads inaured. I ship to all points. 526 Detroit St., Phone 3515. ENGRAVING, EMBOSSING and Printing orders should be placed without further delay while good. work and prompt service is available. Order cards for commencement now. O . D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade Open evenings Send regards with MOTHER DAY CARDS A large selection. at 0. D. MORRILL'S 17 Nickels Arcade Open evenings LOST-Camera Kodak A-116 near Geddes Drive along the river. Please return for liberal reward. Return to Daily office. 'LOST-Child's blue moire hand-bag, pair of child's silk gloves in it.l Call Dial 5170. k f TYPEWRITING ANID MIMEO- promtly GRAPHIlNG promtlyand neatly (lone by ex- perienced operators at moderate rates. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade i WANTEDl WANTED-Room, or suite of* two rooms, near campus, for next year, for an instructor. Box 104.j Second-hand Ford Will, pay cash for reasonable offer. Must be cheap. Call phone 21988. WANTED-To rent house suitable for fraternity. Must be available in September. Phone Mr. Camp- bell at 21317. MALE' HELP WANT7ED Waiters and bus boy at once. Board job or part time work.f Chinese GardensI 1065 Main FOR RENT FOR RENT-Suite for men. Phone 8544, 422 E. Washington. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Ford touring car, in kgood condition. Call at 421 Church SSt. between 7 and 9 P. M. N(LICE~l Paris, May 8. -Sometime in JulyI A special hydroai rplane is being; twodaring French fliers, T ieuts. Paul! constructed for the journey, which itI I Tarascon and Rene Coli, will take off is estimated will require from 20 to fro Pri wat s ~lnn~l 24 hours to comp~lete. They would f the first non-stop airplane flight from! Europe to the United States. Their4 leave the coast of France before dlawn obetvisNwYr.1ihteexcainof eigte Experts figure that the x,0004-mile lights of the Maine or Massachusetts'I trail has already been blazed for the coast before 10 o'clock that night. Frenchmen by the American round-!r This wvould keel) them traveling con- the-wvorld fliers, wvho, however, took I tinuouisly at many more than 200j a much more northerly course; and! miles an hour. by the ZR-3 (now the U. S. S. Los WhX ile ships in the North Atlantic, Angeles), the earlier flights of the will be asked by wireless to keep a American navy fliers andl the British lookout for the fliers, it is not plan- dirigible which made a round-trip.I ned to throw around the flight any oft Weather andl flying conditions in thats the safeguards which protected thej part of the ocean the liers will trayi Americans in their jun across the +t erse are nowv fairly well known. - oceans; that is, d]estroyer patrols. The flight will not he attempted Orteig, sponsor of the $25,000 flight, soley for whatever glory is attached, j will come to France to see' the start there is a financial incentive attached. or the adventure. If the, aviators are, Raymond Orteig. owner of the Bee-1 successful, his son will greet them voort and LaFayette hotels in NewI in New York.- York, has offered a prize of $25,000 (- for the adventure. Berlin, May 8.--Der Tag says ilin-- Lieutenant Tara scon is a noted denburg plans amnesty of politicalj French ace. He served in the Worldj prisoners after election, if the Reich- war with a woodlen le .,stag consents. Schedule Chang F'or Ball Gam'es j='~' (Cotinedfrom Page Five)~ Underwood Standard HosDlaDlaDlavs. Besy Barbour HouseIPi :Beta Phi vs. leap- 4°Po'r-,ablc Typewriters pa D~elta aind WXestminter 1House vs . Alpha Omicron Pi.= All house teams are reqluested to 1= T'h Machine YOU Will IEven-= watch the bulletin lhoard iu Barbour-- gymnasium and Tphe Daily for further - tuily Carr'y. Sold 04 easy hotices of the ganmes.! terms to suit every student's Lena Weniger, '25, Margaret Pur- pocketbook.= dly, '27, Gladys Eastcott, '26, Doris Kent, 'L6, Mary Allshouse, '27, and U Adelaide Sherer, '25, are the u-= Ipires for the tournament. A. C. STIMSON There will be no nieeting of the1 Second F'loor Freshman Girl~' Glee club MondIay. l 308 SOUTH STA.TH ST'. = Tlhe next meeting will he held Men-= da May 18 at 4 :15 o'clock. . ;i111111111111111111llflluiiianm11111111Is lThe 1111.11 indit ts Ilie part o~f the letlaktic the fliers mu4 (t ross in the (light; Lieutenant Tai'ascon, one of file tilers, anmd Raaynioiidl Orte ig, donor of, the $25),000 prize, are also showmii. I HiERMiAN THE TAILOR $25-$3Q-$35 SUITS 802 South State Street . f- ".__.m '. T' ,. Try our Cheese Chicjken Hamburg Sandwiches We deliver Jiewpee Pho. 9636 Mother's Melodies First Presbyterian Church 0 L1OS '-ainitou_ watch, ton I'Piacarti, . near State, Thursday evening. W. F. Brown engraved cu the inside Reward, phone 8917. LOST-Sigmna Xi pin. Finder please; call 9653. Reward. BEAUTY SHOLTES Permanent Waving and Marcelling MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St. BLUE BIRID HAIR SHOP o NICK(EL'S ARCADE--7616 DIMATTIA BEAUTY SHIOP. offers soft water shampoos, especial at-1 tention for curly hair. Hlair cut-j ting and waving by expert opera-, tors. Phone 8878.I TA ILORSI A 'TAIOR11AD JFIT - Will satisfy your taste, and. fit you best. WILD) THE TAILOR 113 South Main St. FOR SALE- -Underwood Port blo Typewriter, practically new. Must sell at once. Call Nichols. Phone 5348. SHIOES I EPAIRE'D WHILE YOU r IV~'A:ILT . O. (G. ANI)RES :?2 SOU'IH S'TATE STI EET 11 1 L Here It Is HURON AND DIVISION STREETS FO AECepfrqiksl'New steel tennis racket. Has never been used. Call Wenger 8694. Read the FOR SALE - Three May Festival tickets, best location, mlain floor. 1.____________ Dial 6428.j Want Ads Absolutely the sturdiest and finest toned talking. machine on the market. Just the thing for ca- noeing or camping. Easy to carry. Will i i i i i I Sunday, May 10 - 10:45 O'clock ,f A MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE DIFFERENT THAT IS I stand a lot of II abuse. From the first note of the organ, all through,. nothing but the songs your mother sang.-Double (Quartet--SQlo$s.-- Congregational Hymns. It's a genuine VICTOR VICTROLA and while they last will be sold at the low figure of $2500. See and Bear it. The Old Home Songs of Long Ago A Brief Sermon onl "God and Mother-Love." - cOm E- SCIAE1BERLE & SON MUSIC HOUSE 110 S. MAIN ST. 0 Lansing Bus ''hroiigh by the w'ay of lck- ney, Gregory, Stockbridge, Dans- Mlle, Mason.IHolt and lAIauSing. Leaves Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 4:4i P. ill. For in.- formuationm, call phone 41187. J. S. BLAINCIIAJD, iProp. .r..:rr. r _ - r - -a - Sc a-are Suha adn arwCultivators, Fo=s r .rHoes, Hose, Hose Couplings, Mattocks, Plows,= = Rakes, Scuffle Hoes, Spades, Trowels, Weed- , -ers, all make the gardening a. success. We - - have, a complete line of tools.- FRIN1SIPCARDS . AND . = MOTTOES - A LARGE E ASSORTMENT AT4- - 0. D. MORRILL S 17 NICKELS ARCADEwe p