PAGN MX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 9, 19 ° THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 9. 1925 jgoo::: 11111il I_ _ N mom mom "", w TRAC.K TEAM' TO MEET OHIO STATE Varsity Will PLAN THREE ME mr9!Irro!Ntmwrl1A -!-'%aMeet Evanston _._--- r.r.... _... ... .... .., I NMI Pennant Hopes Of Yanks Tigers And Shattered By Bad Start B ER E ATE Golfers Today, 'UNFLHHY HLLU19T111: HLNIUN' Gler odyFOB URID TRYOUTS' With the Northwestern universityit g 1ootbal Candidates Complete (Continued from Pa-e One) who has r'eplaced, Captain Jim Brook-!* P l FOlItl(Aldt~CSCmlt Arnold, Conference indoor mile er as Michigan's best in thb event goiters furnshing the OlOstion. Period of Preliminary champion, promises to force the has cleared 12 feet '6 inches and Ohio Michigan's Varsity golf team will tee Work Michigan-dtstance men to the limit. has no one who can approach thatl off in their second Conference match~ Black, Piper and Gammie will prob- heigh-t. Huff and Reel will be the of the season this morning, on tiw TAKE WEEKEND OFF ably be his, running mates. With other Michigan entries. Cole and An Arbor Golf club coursc. The Par- Hcks out' on account of illness, Kramer will represent Ohio. North- Hornberger, Jung, and Briggs will be rup is also expected to prove the Ple, linksmn, who are considered as Spring football practice will be re- Michigan's best bets. All of them class of the afternoon in the javelin some of the best in the Conferenc. sumed Monay aftcr a two-day layoff have done as well as the Ohio milers throw. Throwing the wand 193 feet will arrive at 8 o'clock this morning, on account of the Spring Games and] and they will be favored to take a 1 3-S inches, he is better than any- Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood has sel-J }I the Ohio State track meet slated for number of points in the event. Mason, one else in the Big Ten by 20 feet. ected astrong team to represent thea Calahan, Baker, and Iskenderian will In today's meet he will attempt to Maize and Blue against Northwest- today. Three scrimmages will fea- enter the to-mile for the Wolver- better 200 feet. Roth and Palmer ern. The Wolverine golfers were ture next week's program. The can- ines while Kennedy will be the only will be the other Wolverines in the picked largely according to their per- didates have mastered the fundamen- one from Ohio who may be able to javelin while Wilson, Gahm, Grustm formances during the past week's tals and will be given heavy work take a first place. Kennedy hasp done and Ashburn are entered for Ohio. practices. for the rest of the spring. the grind in 9:45 while Calahan of Hawkins and MacAfree will meet Capt. Mode Holdsworth will again In the first actual competition of 'iichigan has been clocked under two Bunker, Murphy, and Zanglein of 1 be the lead-off man for the Varsity. the season held Thursday, the coach- .iinute m egularly. Calahan is in top Ohio in the hammer throw. Bunker while Fred Feeley will take care of es were well-pleased with the form shape for the meet and the battle 1 has thrown the weight 142 feet 1 inch the second position. Bob Hastings displayed by the candidates. Leo between the two will be one of the in competition while Hawkins has and Paige Lehman will fill the third Hoffman, on the Reserves 'last fall, features of the meet. . done that well in practice. Chuck and fourth berths respectively. In starred for the team handled by Ohio's strongest event will be the Munx and Doyle will be favored to the foursomes, the Wolverines will Harold Steele, Varsity -guard for hurdles. Guthrie and Snyder both take first and second in the shot put. pair up in the order named. It was three seasons. In defeating Butch have run the 120 yard race in :14 2-5 Munz approaches 45 feet and Doyle a difficult task to select the team for Slaughter's eleven, Hoffman scored seconds, the best that has been done does around 43. Murphy, Zeigler, today, due to the fact that a number the only touchdown 'on a dash of 10 by any athlete in the country this Cunningham, and McCarthy are en- of members of the Varsity squad are yards after he had received a pass year. They will probably be the only tered for the Buckeyes. Doyle and playing excellent games. ' from Cowell, who played in the back- Ohio. entries in the high hurdles and Munz are also couited on to take a Last week, the Varsity easily de- i field of the freshman team last fall. togetlhr with Wilson will probably number' of points in the discus throw. feated the Ohio State team in the Previous to the touchdown, Howard run for the Bruckeyes in the low IBoth have done better than 135 feet opening match of the season, by a Weber's flashy run on an intercepted hurdles. Guthrie has run the low score of 23-1. As this match was also pass brought the ball within scoring hurdles in :24 2-5 this season and is SQse H as Eye played over the home course, it is distance. Two passes, Cowell to expected to take that event. In the ' a EI expected that the Wolverines will !Hoffman, and several line bucks put high hurdles Snyder, Walk, and On Own Record lmake a fine showing today. the ball over the goal line. Voelker will compete for Michigan __The four singles matches will be- Baer, also a member of the Re- and in the lows Hulse and Lasser gin at 9 o'clock and the doubles will serves last fall, MacIntyre, who was will be the Wolverine entries. George Sisler, manager of the St. start at 2 o'clock. In the singles sub center on the Varsity, and Nick- Michigan is expected to gather a Louis Browns, has now hit safely in matches, regulation match competi- erson, a freshman end, were the full quota of points in the field 22 consecutive games. tion will be played, while the four- stars for the losing team. Sam Bab- events. Hubbard, Northrup, Sterling, Shlortly after his initiation into the somes, will consist of best ball Nas- cock, pilot of the freshmen eleven, Aldrich,, and Snyder will enter the sau. displayed some flashy work in run- __ rhin 1Ani1P howas fralsf~r~dto i fE f Faseball fans who expected to see pennant race have been sorely dis- OUTiOOR TRACK )IEETS the lDetroit Tigers and the New York!, appointed. The dates for the all-campus and kees upaong A leader sat he New York Yankets seem teri- nthe faentyoior rc ethisn tag'e of the American league; bly handicapped without the services interfraternity outd>or track meets fteratngsr,"b"Ru. have been set. for' May 15 and 16. of their batting star, "Babe" Ruth. The all-campus meet will be eld laws; Thursday, 3:15 o'clock, fresh Manager Huggins put his men at 3:30 o'clock Friday afternoon a.t lits vs. senior engineers. Monday, through a stiff training season, but, Ferry field. The events will be 100 May 18, 3:15 o'clock, fresh laws vs.rthey do not seem to be in condition yard dash, 440, 880 and one mile runs, senior lits; 4:30 o'clock, dents vs. to cope with the fast game that the broad jump, high jump, shot put. 2291Imedics. Athletics and they Senators are play- low hurdles and 120 high hurdles. ,n- ing. The New York club has been tries for the all-campus meet are be- llldentltSclwduleIable to win only five games out of the trhes or t e -c m u Intrmura o ce- 'o n ela4: l-D int ed 17 that have been played. ing received at theiintramural ofrice Monday at 4:15-Diamond 5, Yank- now. Those wishing to make entries ces vs. Fletcher hall; Diamond 6,p The Detroit Tigers, who were ex- should do so as soon as possible. Wolfson's Warriors vs. Night lawks pected to be fighting with the leaders The interfraternity meet will be Wednesday at 4:15 - Diamond for first place, have fallen down mis held Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Fletcher hall vs. Newark Stars; Dia- erably and now lodge in the cellar The list of events will be the same as Jimond 6, Night Hawks vs. Ten Piosition. With the return of Ty i the all-campus meet. All entries Nine. ,NgtHwsv.Tnli Cobb to center field, the Tigers for this meet must be turned in at Neshould bolster up and advance in the the Intramural office by 3 o'clock, race. The southpaw members of the Thursday, May 14. No addition sorITENNIS Detroit hurling staff, who proved so changes will 4. alod afdterthis Due to the fact that there are only I-effective last season, have failed to date. three weeks in which to complete imake a favorable showing thus far t t a 3 F Z five rounds of tennis, it is imperativeI CLASS BASEBALL that matches be played off promptly.- The following games are to be play- The co-operation of all players is re- ed in the class baseball league: May! !quested. There still remain several 11, Monday, 4 o'clock, fresh lits vs. I second-round matches which muist be, soph lits; Tuesday, 4:30 o'clock, jun- played off this week-end. Matches l ior engineers vs. dents; Wednesday, which are not at the Intramural of- 4:30 o'clock, soph engineers vs. fresh (Continued on Page Eight) this season. A triple tie for first place in the American league is held jointly by the Athletics, the Senators, and Tris Speaker's Indians. Read the Want Ads SECOND OF SERIES OF U4 Special Thre~e Day Sales MAY 7th, 8th and 9th, broad juipp and Hubbard should haveI little difficulty in winning. /Guthrie,I Snyder, and Kukelcik will be the Ohio State contestants in the event. I With Hubbard taking a first, North- rup of Michigan and Snyder of Ohio1 State should fight it out for second place. Snyder's best for the seasonE is 23 feet 1 inch while Northrup's best is 22 feet 9 inches. The high jump will probably develope into aI match between . Snyder and Guthrie of Ohio, and Weeks of Michigan. All of them have cleared six feet and that height should be made in today's meet. ; Bergwin will be the other Michigan entry. Michigan should also score rather heavily in the pole vault. Northrup, "I """"""""""""lt""l" "i"ilIl""Ii i fi i tti I I Last Day- of the IShirt Sal White collar-attached Shirts including --I English Broadcloth White Oxfords - Soisettes_ and - i Mummy Cloths : for $1.95 major eagues ne was Lrans erre U the initial sack on account of his extra-ordinary hitting prowess. Sis- Ier now holds the modern major league record for consecutive hitting. At his present rate he should soon pass his original record of having hit safely in 44. New York, May S.--Second call on the services of Earl Sande, America's I leading jockey, has been purchased' by William Ziegler Jr. for an amount believed to be in excess of $15,000. As Sande receives a salary of $25,000 and a percentage of* his winnings from the stable of Joseph E. Wilde- ner, his earnings this year amount to a princely sum. ning back punts. Cambridge, May S. - William "Pooch" Donovan, trainer of the Harvard football and baseball teams, has agreed to give a portion of each afternoon to coaching the sprinters on the track team. Donovan was Harvard's head coach in track for years, but was retired when the sport was resumed after the war. Patronize Daily Advertisers - pays.-AdV. it lI Shirtsand eck ear Field Parties - I Engineering Botany I Geology /i 0 Any Colored Collar Attached Shirt in Our Stock $ 05 Originally Priced at $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. Your Choice, $2.05. Not Less Than Two Shirts to Any One Customer Neckwear Your Choice of Our Stock of $1.25, $1.50 and $0 5 $2.00 Neckwear .............. .... Your Choice of Our Stock of $2.50, $3.00 and $135 $3.50 Neckwear.,........ ........... . This Sale Will Include the Resilio Neckwear Not Less Than Three Ties to Any One Customer Geography and all others I A FEW OF THE ESSENTIAL ITEMS ARE: Barracks Bags, Navy Sea Bags Wool Camp and Army Haversacks and Knapsacks, Trench Mirrors with Case Mosquito Tents (must be seen to be appreciated) Light Double Cotton Blankets Canteens with Covers SHOES Blankets and Belt Don't Miss This Three Days Sale - Starting I Thursday Morning and Ending Saturday Night ABSOLUTELY NO GOODS CHARGED t Extra Heavy Double Sole Army and Hiking Shoes Moccasin Pack Shoes in high-top or regular Moc-Shu, Tennis and Light Munson Army Shoes Khaki and Whipcord Breeches Khaki Coats and Trousers Leather and Wrap Puttees Canvas 'Leggings Rain Coats, Ponchos, Slickers and Hats SHIRTS Khaki, Poplin and Pongee Shirts, $1.00 and Up Also Light Flannels, Corduroys, O. D. Wool and Blanket Shirts Underwear and Socks Ladies Flannel Shirts SUEDE LEATHER JACKETS in brown, tan or grey for ladies and men Knit Coats and Sweaters, $2.98 and up I II NO EXCHANGES - NO RI TINKER CON SOUTH STATE AT WILLIAM STREET EFUNDS IPNY I REASON - - SHORT SEASON a LARGE STOCKS WATCH FOR NEXT THREE DAY SPECIAL SALE TENTS: All kinds Camp equipment, Gold Medal Camp Furniture, Folding Cots, Stools, Buckets, Stoves, Canvas I