SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1925TH MIIGNDLYAE IUf THE MICHIGAN DAILY i PAGE ': I T REn t M 1. ; _ .. y : .e SlI.J i. ZdS11 hr pb a n' t 17 z',.- ' t ,fir , fi ie :va, : : ?= a 6s : 1 > :i'. : * _., a; L' w n' }, I, r e' !% ; fi: k ti- 1 . , : i' F ff i t 1 F', Q' 7' " i , } 'k '. 4. e f SWISS TRAVELLER Will SPEAK HERE[ France Continues Riffian Fight ' .r ' r. ::.*... P rofes.soir Sa itl or NaVll LecItre Hill A uitoriuni Next I'ediiesdaay III WILL BE ILLUSTRATED Prof. William Sandoz, Swiss world tr,,veler andi lecturer, wil speak on t he "Egypt of the Pharaohs" and "In- dia andI its Splendors" at 4 o'clock Wecdnesday, May 13, in Hill auditor- ium. Professor Sandoz will explain his lecture through the use of what lie terihs "reflections by means of aultochrornatic projections." This neither uses slides nor is it a moving picture one, but it is an in- novation used in reproducing natural col1ors. This will be Professor Sandoz' first program in Ann Arbor. However, he hzas given the address throughout various cities in the country, as well as in larger cities in Central and South America. Critics every where have proclaimed Professor Sandoz's lecture as unuis- ual. The New York Sun described his pictures as "very different from the ordinary moving picture or trav- elogue film." After presentation in Rio De J anerio, El Conimercio said that the "autochromiatics show to a perfect fi- delity marvelous colorings and deli- cate harmony. In dealing with Egypt, Professor Sandoz will consider such things as the marvels of Old Egypt; the great run of antiquity; the secret temples, tomrbs and mummies of centuries ago. NAME FELLOWSHIP 2WINNERS_ FOR 19281. A9NNOUNCE SUMMER (Gr~mite IResearch WIork .end Special Subjects To Bie Offered In Ciirricula WILL USE OBSERVATORY 'Three courses in astronomy to- ge ther with graduate research work I along special subjects will be offered in the Summer session. Instruction 1 will cover spherical and practical astrononmy and astrophysics, the summer season being favorable for observational work. in the beginning course in modern =,stronomy, study will cover the solar system, involving fundamental prin- ciples of astronomy, and the presen- tation of leading facts concerning the sun, moo n, planets, and comets. A !course will also be given in the study of stars and nebulae, and another in elementary observational astronomy. This will include constellation studies an d telescopic examinations of the heavenly bodies when the weather is clear. Selected problems will be as- signed with the celestial globe, clocks, chronometers and star charts when weather prevents work in the observatory. Courses for graduate students in- I terested in research work leading to a higher degree, include those in practical astronomy, th'earetical as- tronomy, astronomical spectroscopy, spectroscopic binary orbits, solar physics and advanced physical as- tronomy. fAll the work will be under the di- r ection of Professors W. J. Hussey, W. C. Rufus, R. H. Curtiss, and R. A. FRossiter. IBerkeley, 'Cal., May S.-The Uni- versity of California announced. to- day that k :four man team will repre- sent it in the national intercollegiate 'tennis championships at Haverford, Pa., next month. DEAD THE CLASSIFIED ADS, }Ypsilanti, May 8. -- Ypsi Olivet here yesterday to the 7-5, making the normal dlefeated tune of school's Evanston, Ill., May S.-Ralph Jantz, 1 third consecutive victory on the dia- right fielder of the Northwestern mond. university baseball team, lost the______ third finger of his right hand in an accIient in the engineering labora- tor y yesterday, and will be lost to the Purple for the remainder of the season. ,gymnasium the size and sweater desired. The styles slip-on,, heavy coat style' slip-on. style of a el vor jersey ~WALK-OVER'S FIFTIETH AN N IVERSARY All women who are eligible to re- ceive W. A. A. sweaters on Field (lay should report to Louise Roberts or Miss Ethel McCormick at B3arbour 11 Walk -Over 1, Latest Arrival The Twain Strap A two--button effect with connecting link at the instep. A perfect fit for these narrow heels. Patent or Satin-Price, $9.50. ' ___ . France is continuing its war against the Moors, and according to mocst Iro('ent reports is meeting with as little success as the allies in their Gailipoli campaign, of which these photos are reminiscent. The upper photo shows transports b~ombar ding enemy positions t(,,e little wisp~s of smoke are bursting shclls) in the lower p~hoto trtos) are see.n emlbarkxing at 'i1icazar teuer und .r cover of the he mbardlment. Jc v! MT WI TRACSM WIK ULG. u.S. PAT. @T.. 115 Solth NiAM tSt. I' C 3 .. t ,: (Continued From Page )One.) ,teriology; Clifford C. Furnas, Uni-! versity of Michigan, will work" in{ yhciicai engineering; Paul K reider, University of Michigan, will work in English; C. G. Kulkarni, Michigan C State college, will work in -botany; W Paul B.. Sangreen, Michigan State Normal college will workd in educa- ti on. TIT3 following graduate students. were appointed to University scholar- ships; Min Shao Chang, University of;if a , Michigan, will work in geology; da le ! Evelyn School, University of Michi-j that the afliletii gan, will work in English; Gene- 11)lUCY sports ai -vieve, Stearns, University. of ..Illinois, adeqluate. will work in physiology; Richard R., WI1CV ae : Whipple, University of Michigan, Tile an swe rs : will work in electrical engineering. IL.ID. Wesley', With the exception of Richard R.1nts ora Whipple, the graduate students ap-nterepoare onl p~ointed to the fellowships and Teeaeol scholarships are working for their inWaemng (octor's degree. few mat.'her The following students from var- of parallel bars ious state colleges were appointed to standards for h the State College scholarships; Mar- little equipment .," . -Tlltll rni i 1into the west em uThe .ampus Credo im : Do you think is equipmenICt for the! (1 g ym. classes is in- "lie %Union. "vi.-' Yes. Perhaps limited in quantity. two horizontal bars- yninasium and only a. re are only two sets sand oie lpair of high jumping. What. there is, is crowded A of the main floor in Lhe rapid expansion of all branchesĀ° other colleges andl universities and of athletics and of the resources at Michigan's is much below the aver- the disposaloftea:eic soi- age. There would be less complain- of im t ietc ssoiaink; if we had a better equipped tie n I believe that somne improve- gm' Imaci s ,,urld be made for seone of I. Zemnans, '6-' do not think it ' e '" i I r-.- - - (1 . - NW' ANU-,\\\N --AkK I t112 nlilior sp)orts3. Proper recogni- ti~ol aid (conditions suitable for in- culc.,ti interest ini theIirs by the st udnt body are the main pr1olems1. Compare hockey an~d footbali." WV. R. 1lcConoehie, '2S.--"Yes. I have seen the equip~ment of many is a question so much of equipment, but one of lack of interest on the, part of the general student body., Tfhere is not sufficient inducement made for a general participation in minor sports or gym work to make the students turn out." &i A Saturday Special Sale on Tbrimmed Hats 328 South Main " V R i 1 I I k " I '} I I I i I !:' will work in English; James F. Dun- (such a manner that the movements can, Kalamazoo college, will work in I of tihe men are hazlel'Ocl.' physics; Ben Euwema, Calvin college, R. Nahabiadi n, '25.- -"Considering will work in English; Robert C. Gib- son, Adrian college, will work in GARRIK s - --Mct 25 chemistry; Mabel B. Hudson, Albion Sat. +2Mst. - - 51'c to Sx..}Ā£ c allege, will work in French; Mar- St gar,, t L. Plant, Michigan State college, { The % ~l xcleitt of Am~erh a will work in chemistry; Kenneth A. ANNE NCtI;LS, 13vn Lentte, Hope college, will work in ttirish Rose"", >>im them~atics. n 3: 111111ti 111 a:# t 6 aaa1IIIII Iflii IIIIlll 1111t11a11111!II II~ 1I1 t 111111 IIIJ' R 1 C Y LC dl _- ] TODAY THROUGH SATURDAY ~~. A-9 ea ear in O i- ____________________ALSO C e~ STAN LAUREL in "ZEB vs. PAPRIKA" - - ___ ____ ___ _____ ____ , S .I I: t t J,' e y i j 6 f7 t t 1 t Matinee 25c TODAY AND SATURDAY r~ All the Essentials of a Good Picture-- The Author The Director The The Cast. Story o ors wnM 2SCREEN SUPREMACY SIGNIFICANT IN ITjS MEANING ";ftli ltiitl itili llltillI IIIIllIIIIIIIIfilIII Infllll lllillilllliil liia; i . ic.._. ..__:. ....,..._..... ...... Evenings 35z i With All Star Cast IRENERICH I Z f F CHARLES POST I HARRY MYERS ROSEMARY THEBY. MARGUERITE DE LAMOTTE, \lthiough Mr..Myers is known as a comedian, his firE screen lilt was that of a "villain" in a melodramatic;plrc (luctioti. Later he became a le~ading man and& soon - veloped into a leading comedian. Since his first- h I\1yers* has had ambitions to portray upon the. screen villain as he believes villains to exist. From th~e novel "Thle Hllrnn" by E. 1'. (OpPeltheint -i-t ,,r A Paramount Picture -()- THE STAG4E- Present the BERRY QUINTETTE With iRENE BERRY DIVEl:RTISS F MEN1TS 4k "GIDDP" A Lot of Laughs Ilatlire-O-Color Nelvs Events 'NOVELTY' Programii A 1IEW ELIX CVAT CThe %IbeTroter S1 i, fm SPECIAL-EXTRA-SPECIAL STI lhNG SUNI)AY Stage Attraction AL STRAUSS AND HIS.I SCREEN PRESENTATIONI Her First Super PictureI 111 a