4 '.AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1925 ronun lIDJFIRTANNUAL BAND P ROME NADE FAHRSFRM orPAT TAKES PLACE TONIGHT: BURHANS WILSTIERHR O eE RTI'NO LEAD MARCH' WITH MISS RE . I Baniquet WiVll.Terminate "Fesitivites Pib r c r Planned for Fathers' Day on l ' e kiS Ik Saturday, May 169 /-rb , OOL OPEN TO GUE-STS O ipae F'athers', Day will lbsscelebrated1 lrfr CnIa .-B . here next Saturday, May 16, at w Bh-n einc oeyuo aircraft time fathers of students froim all pats for defense purposes was declared in.-: of the country will conle to AtiA r= sufflcient by Secretary, Curtis D. Wil- her. Th entireweek-en w~lte r in an address last night before voted to entertaining' the fathers, the thec Connecticut Chambler of Coin- festivities culminating in a large bin- iperce. quet which is to be lcd Ini the Union " To defend America wc must, e ;1):0;:::>. ::: T Saturday night.; prepared to defend its interests andl }T X11 I t-- i i 1 t ~It is expected that the men coming' flag in 'every corner of the glelre" ;" fo heclljain tr hIle asserted. " The suggestion that ' ing in Ann Arbor Friday, at which the United States can be0 defended time they will have an opportunityhsoley byr aircraft graoperating from our' to attend classes with their sonsi and shre s on figorne fwht Friay venng he wil aten ~ constitutes our nation and of its vast Cap Night ceremonies at Sleepy 1o01 arnd world wide interests and also of I low. an unwie enthusiasm for oe feature Mis Marjorie R, }hed, 27 Saturday (horning the Union swim- of national defense."j ming pool will be oven for their use, An adequate navy is necessary fort Marjorie it. PRid, '27. of Lumber-s arrngeent hae ben iad atthenational defense, he declared, becausei ton, N. .., and Robert A. ]urans, jo the United States is a world powero various country and golf clubs fr wt{ol-iecmmrilitrss'8fAI, of .Lansing will lead tle grand the fathers to play golf and Irk addi- and with inescapable commitments march at the first annual Band Pron-d tion the Union will furnish guides toi and obligations." nadc which will be given tonight in;e escrt he enabot te cmA, to " hinese wall .aroundl con tin- Granger's dance hal. In the grand point out the various points o in-ental United States" he continued, march at this party, which is the terest. "whether of stone, of coast defense, first formal the band has ver at-I Saturday afternoon reserved seats batteries or of bombing planes capa- tempted, the members of the bandi at the Michigan-Minnesota base"ball jble of attacking ships 250 miles fromn will come (diretly after IBurhans and}t (game at Ferry field will be avalale our coast, is io defense of the far- Miss lied, followed in turn by the for the fathers who wish to attend flung commerce and interests of the guests. Each bndman will ear hisr the game. In the evening a banquet United States. Wold-wide interests aize and blue cape over his tuxedo c will be held in the main assembly require a world-wide defense. during the march. After this is over, hall of the Union for the fathers and "A Chinese wall around te United I the band will gather ii a compactI their sons. Prof. Arthur Lyon Cross States would no more protect the square at the center of the floor fr t of the history department will at a 'Upnped States than a Chinese wall (tle promenade picture surrounded by; toastmaster at this banquet which is around the state of Iowa would pro- ,the guests. After the picture, the! an annual affair, similar dinners ha- tect that state. An American cid members will dicard their capes fror' ing been held by the Union for the crying on the banks of the Yangste 1the dancing., past three years. X,000 miles from the coast can sum- Pastime Players, a ten-piece or-r Prof. William D. H-enderson of the mon the ships of the American Navy 'clestm'a from Lansing, will furnisht University Extension department will lp that river to protect it fromt un- the music for' the party, playig from speak at the banquet as will Alfred just. assault. Any nation-facing te 9 until midnight. B. Connable, Sr., of Kalamazoo. 1ti sea cani be called to account by our, The programs have been fashioned is the custom at this banquet to have navy. i oke om fo ml az the fathers of sons attending the Un- "A Wise and sane development . ock"'" ume h e iversity amrong the speakers and thesetyie army and navy, a reasonable ad- 1lc Ms.Anme ftene two men will represent the fathers van", along lines of progress in allI invitedl to the party wr e unable to this year. Herbert Steger, '25 will; means of national defense, will re- also give a talk and Thomas Cavan- moe serious thought of aggression by.F'ie 1'tition Uinothers. Let us seek peace and prsuse augh,;'27L, president of the it diligently,;wisly and persistently will give ashort address. One otheriantdilmantyouripelya dredou ntltym speaker, whose name has not yetb~ ets and and seurityfallnredon A ki g the!lg announced, will be included c IepeneadGasrtyofal en" ates p o r m Th r wil as be m sc' S eli n." o m r e a d teduring the dinner and entertainm ent. R ~ag," he asserted that, "as our na--__ tion has been knit together in its mna- jTm aheavGscmayo Mayofe faernitie on th& caV-'teritaland omorlinterests by itsbein -Atin Arbor hhas filed a 1tit ii with psaeplanning thesepaithsifan the fathers during the week-enti and tertt omre opt a enIteMciaaulc ltic mis joied ,by its foreign of international slep requesting permission to fixa these. are expected to be a large part of the entertaInmient provided for th, o~rie city gas rate for' the "value of cap- aThe ships of all nations entering ital invested, commensurate and in "rmn me arngmn s enm a ndlaig01'pdse b a,"r epn wtI h au fmny An arrangement has been ad -leaklt theshutlesweaving bonds of in- risk o invetet oeiml15fe whereby tickets, priced at $1.50 anda tem'toa l neetadfinsi. adtepeetcniin o i obtaiinable at the main desk in te " eiantsa2,0,0nosofdne. h eueti ob er Unin, illadmt te fthes ad snsmerchant shipping to carry the com-I May 22. to the Union swimming pool, to the ~i~e of the world, worth $,000,000,- The pettio ass an increase on banquet and also to eithier tie Ma-! 060W have loans and rpry 1x rate of return of at least S per estic. or the Arcade theaters Saturdati1 abroadexclusive of Government ! cent on capital invested, which will evening through the courtesy of t;he i (ans, of $0,000,000,000. If we add to, relieve thet company of' basing its management of these theaters. The tis thevolume of exports and impjotsI return on its funded debt, allowing at mene will be the guests of' the Atl- for a single Year-about $10,000,000-arteoslglyvr5pr letc ssciaio a th bseallgae 00-e-av anamun, lmot gral'prset arae f siptlresentPr leti asociaionat te bsebll gme 00-w hae a amont.almot eualcent. Saturday afternoon, to the entire property of the United This action is based on the con- statesin_168,_andifeacdtoti Stte i 16, ndifwead o hi anys contention that oeat1011oo Washngto, May 8.-James Durn- the X8,00000,006o due to us from for-I their plant is no longer t eaable run- can, senior vice-president of 64 e Iegn governments, we have a total of der the present plan, which evolved! American' Federation of Labor, Has gi$3,0o,Q0O, being about equal to from a commrission report mrae in wvithdrawn his resignation. thne total wealth of the nation in 187."1 1918. The petition states, "based uap- on the charges s fixed iy the coi- SPni o sion and under"" i ht hs been i SPR N G CA 4E 1J~ Roperating and con sidering there tairns made t the customer, which . . is 12.41 per cent of the amount of tay 9 -Spring Games. LMAtY S-Iowa vs. Miciga-base- the cstomeicrs bill, the price that the 1May 0--Varsity Band Promenade. ball.cutero th Wstea Gs May 9-OGhio vs. Micigant track meet. May 3e,-Wisconsin vs. Michigan-a company has been paying for gas May 9-Northwesterne vs. Michigan- tennis. during the year 124 has averaged golf. Juie 10, Wl-Aluni meet in Detroit. 1$1.02." May 10--Mothers' Day. 'Juce 12 -Ohio State vs. Michigan- According to tie report, this, lMay 11-Chicago vs. Mchigan-ten- baseball. notisaut2ceslsshn n.Jne1-umifeno Dy. the gas rate i aly of the other Michgan cities, except possibly De-' May 13--Spring Elections. butte 1-Senior Class Day. troit and Grand Rapids. City attor- May 13-board of Control of Student J uno 13=-Alunmn Day. ney Rosco 0. Bonisteel was unable Publications Banquet.:Jne13-Senior Reception, Ito state yesterday what attitude the ay13-Senior Sing. Jtune 14-Baccalaureate address. city is likely to take toward this MAY 1-a iat Junte 1--Cominecement. move on the part of the gas company.j I lijalert it. Buriams, '2;TI 4 securn these when they were given out in M Iorris hail Thursday fternoon, onl account of the Swing Out exercis- es. To supply these men, the iremain- decr of the programs will be distribut- ed at tihe door tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wilson havel accep~tedl invitations to act as, patrons for this party.1 Tihme committee in charge of ar- I ra ugem en ts complosed of B~urhans,I chairman, Robert V. Halsey, '25, and Ward L. C'hadwick, '26M, states that little attempt will be made to decorate th hall. 1 The partyvis to be. as con- -------- - --1-'~ ANN ARBOR SALES SERVICE NEW LOCATION fine-lmalf Block Sonth of Packard Street (Compef e Equipment Brake Iliig, Wrecking straightening Frames and Axles and (1 epairing 5 21 South MainfSt, 9 It Coo4 FORDS Good='1924 Roadster 1924 Touring Good 1%23 Roadster 1923 Touring 1924 2-door Sedan Oather used cars $25 and up R.DYIR I I I servative as possible, and strictly closedl. Only guests who received written invitations will be admitted. It is the 1)an of the band council to rcpeat this p)ronmenade each spring if I time hasty tonight proves a success. Plione 1927 A. C. iMarquardt " i Stecp c starts of the the starter --- yourf motor immediately. advxantage s That's just one C orter litisli igton and Divis in i'hone 1199-N of STIAROLINE I High Test Gasoline. 1' t .11 It's pobvr--.-not mere gasoline ADOIT GASOh0LINE COO Distr butorsf s SOME T ake the BumpsI on High You can laugh at railroad tracks-when your car is equipped with Dunlop Bal- loon's. They swallow bumps!- Dunlopc 36-year quality is the best reason why they are right. IN-O a. IBALOONS tn - 4 . S Fi.YurPesn Rm . 3wIS anAn roMc PaOne Thte iesie Daderisershian i Nay 15.16-Fathers' week end. May I0'-14--M inne sota vs. Michigan- baseball. May 20-Senior Banquet a-nd Senior winlg. May 20,121, 122, 23--May Festival. Mary 22-Senior Ball. flay 2 - rosh Spring Party. M1ay 220-Last day for payment of di- ploma fees. May 23--Outdoor I'nterscholastic track meet. May 27--Japanese All-Stars vs. .Mich- igan-baseball. May 28, 29-Interscholastic Tennis- tournament. Nay :?9 Examinations begin., ay 2-Wisconsin 'vs. Michigamn track- meet. r ..e ............. ..................i.-... .-,-_.........._ o.:_ SPEEC DEFECTS CORRECTED ! By D)R. FRED)ERICK MARTINca Formerly 1)ireetor of SpecelhtIprovemtent Bo tr( of Education, New York City' SPECIAL SUMMER CLINIC Beginning .June 29t1 ();,I~ortunties for Correcton of $)ciI ragmet o * Staunmnerug, Lispiii'g, Loss of SeilArneet o Voice, 1lltotonous itit, etc. Ui rsySndit For information, write = - - ARTIN JNS1TIUTE FOR SP'EECH D1EFECTS ._______Park,_Ithaca, __N._Y. ei~SlS*5S.. .............................-.__________ WOLVERINE MOTOR OILS Proper lubrication is the use of the right gradc of Wolverine Motor Oil for your engine. No one grade of oil can satisfactorily meet all conditions encountered in dif- ferent types of engines in automotive service. 'There is a right grade of Wolverine Motor Oil for every engine. Free crankcase service at all of our stations. MICHIGAMME OIL COMPANY I r A. Umuli. mand Twielfth St. First St. and A. A. R. R. Corner Detroit and Cathlerinme Suaperior (xarage ?+ 15 Bemkes St. 1111! and Packard Sts. Ypsibilntl H anibirg Tods, Wimore Labe L. H. Steffe, Worden fia 1' Ij'