PAGE SJX THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1925 _.. ___ _ - - t 10. elo - IWEGIUBUIUD ... , ,fi;,.' - { ,. _: .... ... .; "Nommommomm" .F OACH PIKS TEAM TJONREDS aOBUNSWILD SE aseball taroatetheoUniversity o[ m rchigan and at present a IN BALL CIRCLES WITHOUT OIL of Coach YoMtAs gid Darrll illSelct SuadFoySuc- 1coaching staff, will reenter the Farrell Will Select quaI Fo' Suck- major baseball leagues today S# F o u r Records, T es 0 n e Captain Out As Squad Departs er Meet From OhiO l(r- when lie reports to the Cincin- And Lends Batters ii For Pniple And Badger ormaces nati Reds at Brooklyn, N. Y. League Itonitests Aw 4 MN N ottwas a member of the G A 47MEN ENTERED Reds last season, but was re- ICAS AVERAGE OF553 FOUR PITCHERS TAKEN e - leased from his contract to ac-- H Coach Farrell will use 47 Varsity cept a position as assistant foot- hr Raymond Cobb, Georgian Minus the services of Captain Dil- b track men in the dual meet with Ohio ball coach under Coach Yost. State tomorrow afternoon on Ferry 'The Cincinnati Reds were b dv Peach and manager of the Detroit man, who is out of the lineup with in field. crippled when largrave, sta Tigers, who holds more records than an infected hand, Coach Fisher, Man- .. wa anyother player in organizedl base-i The performances of all these men backstop, was forced out of the a n dt who has been rhe worry of ager Reed, and 14 players left last will be watched with ]teen interest by lineup with an injured firm. ball,anwhhsbe t.wryof...h linel) wth n inured arm allopoang pitchers for years, andl the !night at midnight for Evanston, Ill the coach as he will select the men Manager Hendricks of the Redss, fe who are to go to Urbana for the Il- wired the former Wolverine star bane of prospective Detroit center to play Northwestern on the diamond H whos aretgo xto Urbana for the ay wrete fnorer Wolere sthr fielders for years, is at present upon today. Immediately after the Purple F] yinois meet next week by the way to report in order to bolster the one of the wildest, most unaccount- contest, the Wolverines will move on th they perform tomorrow. club until largave returns to able rampages of his career. to Madison where on Saturday, theyi G Michigan will be handicapped to ar the game.r A In the last two games against St. will cross bats with the Badgers. f al great extent by the loss of Captain I blott will return to Ann Ar- Louis, the Tiger leader has hit safe- Wilson, Giles, Ryrholm, and Hag-i b Brooker and Grant Hicks. With bor in a few weeks to fulfill his I ly nine times out of twelve times at gerty are the infielders who will ed Brooker and Northrup in the pole coaching contract here. bat off eight different pitchers. Of make the trip, and the outfield willot wautlt, the Wolverines were sure of + __these nine hits, five have been home be taken care of by Steger, Bachman, the first two rmaces in this event, runs, one was a double and three and Coleman. Pucklewartz a promis- but now that Brooker is out three Twere singles. Not a bad attempt for ing Sophomore outfielder, who played A points will probably be lost to the a young fellow who is just starting good in the Wisconsin and Illinois si squad. Northrup is an able vaulter AU77: lVhis twenty-first season in the majors, games will make his first trip with ate and can be counted on to take hon- who has just recovered from a severe Michigan team, as the utility out-tw ors in his event. The loss of Hick rattack of the "flu." fielder. jTI will also be felt in the mile as he r The five home runs in two days Benson, Jablonowski, Walter, and in was the best performer on the squad EL9 sets a record. The three home runs Fisher are the hurlers who left last in this event and was counted on to l in one day the modern record. Six- night, and Baker and Cherry will win it in the Buckeye meet. Arnold l's , Tsea efeats Slaughter's teen bases in one day sets a modern each catch a game. fir of the Ohio squad won the mile at the Squad 6-0 in Opening record and comes within one of tying Walter will probably pitch the an indoor Conference meet and would (oifst j an unofficial record of seventeen Northwestern game for the Maize and ul have given the Wolverine man a good IIbases, set back in 1894 and 1896 by Blue, end Jablonowski will work at a race. HOFFMAN SCORES Lowe and Delehanty respectively. By Wisconsin. ga Of the 15 events, Michigan men can Hgetting four extra base hits in Tues- It is expected that the Purple will a be counted on to take nine first places. -- day's game Cobb tied Honus Wag- fall easy victims to the "shoots" of op iJubbard can easily win first in the Harold Steel's picked football tean ner's record for extra base hits dur- Walter, as they have lost more games pe 100 and will probably do the same in defeated Edliff Slaughter's gridders ing his entire career, his two homers than they have won this season, and fe the 220 and broad jump, while Fein- 6-0 in the opening scrimmage of the on Wednesday gave him the record in they are known as a team of weak fie singer is better than any quarter spring practice yesterday afternoon this department. Incidentally it put hitters. O mnilr that Ohio has. Reinke is a sure on Ferry field. Cobb at the top of the American With Jablonowski in the box the wi winner in the half mile and from all The victors gained a victory when League batsmen with an average of Wolverines have little to fear from w appearances Northrup will win first Hoffman ran 10 yards for a touch- .553. the Badgers. honors in the pole vault. Munz in down after catching a forward pass We wonder what the "wise-men" t the shot and discus and Northrup in from Cowell. Howard Weber put are saying today, who only a few READ TE CLASSIFIED AS, pa the javelin are the other performers his team within scoring distance short weeks ago were so certain that who can be relied on to win their when he intercepted a pass in mid Cobb was done, that lie had lost his events.l field and ran 25 yards before he was hitting eye, that he had best retire Michigan will enter five men in two brought down. The feature play of honorably while he still had the of the events, four men in eight, three the game was Howard Weber's spec- chance. Year after year, the scribes in three others and two each in the tacular run, and the attempt of his have pronounced Cobb's doom. Each rest. brother Walter tordown him. Walter season promises to be his last. His In the hundred Wittman, Hubbard, missed him in his first attempt but legs are gone, he is the most value G /"! 17ffl l Hicks and Sterling are entered and regained his feet and made another on the bench is what the newspapers *he wearers of the Maize and Blue are try but failed. Two passes, Cowell to the width and length of the land use sure of the first two places in this Hoffman mixed with a few line plays as material to fill their sorting event as Hubbard and Wittman can were enough to put the ball over the pages during the lax period which beat anyone that the Buckeyes have. line. always precedes the team's migrationfsix t Wittman, Hubbard, Hicks, Feinsing- While Slaughter's aggregation south. When Cobb dragged his first foma six er and Voelker are entered in the 220 failed to score the loosers showed up single off Gaston in the Tuesday's er anrightltackleefortthedlonerhew as0the yard dash. The 440 will see Feinsin- exceedingly well. Baer, playing game, and scampered down to first ger, Ohlheiser, 'Mueller and Herrn- right tackle for the losers was the before McManus had time to fielder s and s stein i action. Reinke, Freyberg, outstanding lineman in the game. He 'the ball, his legs seemed strangely hart and Pfluke will run in the half repeatedly broke through the oppos- active. The "poor" old man. nie and Hornberger, Briggs, Ju ing line and made unassisted tackles. Cobb is ageing, that cannot be dc- and Freeborn are ente Briggs, theJung Maclntyre, a member of last season's nied, but the length of his service in In the two mile Callahan, Baker, Varsity, playing at center, and Nick- the majors is still unprophetable Mason and Walsh will face the Buck- erson, at end, were towers of Cobb has established limself as the eyes. -Kennedy, the star sophomore strength in the loser's line. peach of peaches. S c two miler of the Ohio Haskins, a half back that Coach sluad will pro- Yost is expecting much from next iMinneapolis, Minn., May 7.-Golf,I bably give these men a good race as fall, played well at left half. Bab- as a Western Conference minor sport event. ~a le mrscock, at quarter, featured in running iwa givdn a severe blow when it was Snider, Walk, Voelker antd .ubbard back punts. announced here today that it has aider , nltheV120kyr andgHhu and k IHoffmnan and Cowell were a com- been dropped from the roster of aro in the 124 yard high hurdles andbhination that proved superior in the Gopher sports. The sport was es-I Hulse, Lasser, Voelker, Walk, Snider orward passin game. Howard tablisheld on an intercollegiate basis and Hubbard are entered in the 220 Weber, playing opposite his brother at the University of Minnesota two yard how hurdles. In the high jump at full, backed the line well and J years ago. { for 711en C 3 tehe Wolverines have Weeks, Roth proved that he is a good open field and Burgevin and in the Pole vault runner by running 25 yards. putting Northrup, Huff and Reel. Entered in his team in a position to score. the broad jump are Hubbard, North- I Maresh, a former member of Itlie iDANCE rup, Sterling, Aldrich, Snider. In the famous Cedar Rapids high, school DANCE shotput Muiiz, Doyle and Heath. football team, showed up well at left- ilawkins, M:Craffee, Kolin and Doug- Lalf. Norton and Sullo were the ARCADE BALLROOM * Il lmlJil!)llig yi mllmllUiiIiI111111mu las are in the hammer and Doyle and outstanding line candidates. MAunz in the discus. Northrup, Munz There will be no practice today om Nickels Arcade and Roll are Michigan's entries in the account of the spring games. Friday, May 8, 8:30 j~velinow MR&--0% w W-% eft ~~.. rolfers Meet Northwestern Here Tomorrow Michigan's Varsity golf team v will wain be seen in action tomorrow, Then the Purple linksnien come to nn Arbor from Evanston. Early re- irts seem to indicate that the match- swill lie close and interesting roughout. Northwestern's men have een turning in some excellent scores their practice rounds and should ut ip a hard fight. Michigan will be represented by ie same team that so handily de- ated Ohio last week. Capt. Mode loldsworth will play number one, red Feeley is the second man and e other two men in order will be lover and Lehman. These four men lowed the much heralded Ohio team t one point in the six matches play- so should come through with an- her victory tomorrow. The match will take place at the nn Arbor Country club. The four igles matches will start from the e at 9, o'clock and at 2 o'clock the ro foursomes will start their round. he foursomes play best ball Nassau ,ile the singles men play regulation atch competition. The team is chosen for each match st by the ability shown by the men nd secondly by the interest and reg- arity of the squad. This means that man who may have been off his mme this week a'nd does not secure place on the team, always has the pportunity to hit his stride and com- te in the remaining matches. Pro- ssor Trueblood is very much satis- d with the team's showing against hio and no doubt another victory ill be chalked uv against North- estern tomorrow. RACQUETEERS ATIO CTYTui' Ol~T)OQ TiACE MEETS The dates for the all-campus mnd interfraternity outdoor track m ets have been set for May 15 and 16. Meet lowa TIoday Ail Will 411 Illinois at Urbana Tomorrow The all-campus meet will be head PLAY HERE MONDAY at 3:30 o'clock Friday afternoon at Ferry field. The events will be 101 yard dash, 440, 880 and one mile runs Leaving Ann Arbor late yesterday broad jump, high jump, shot put, 22) afternoon, Michigan's Varsity tennis t low hurdles and 120 high hurdles. En- team is now en route for Iowa City tries for the all-campus meet are be- where the Wolverines encounter the 1ing received at the Intramural office University of Iowa racquet-wielders now. Those wishing to make entries in a regular match this afternoon. As should do so as soon as possible. soon as the Iowa match is finished, The interfraternity meet will be the Michigan team will travel on to held Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock. engage Illinois in another dual match The list of events will be the same as tomorrow. in the all-campus meet,., All entries Michigan will again be represented ! fpr this meet must be turned in at by Capt. Crane, Elliott, Jerome, Krick- the Intramural office by 3 o'clock, baum and Vose, the same team which Thursday, May 14. No additions or represented the Maize and Blue on changes will be allowed after this Monday when Ohio State won a de- I date. cisive victory. The Wolverines are I determined to atone themselves of, ('LASS BASEBALL this defeat by winning both games The follAwin ase l on their road trip. Both Iowa and iTg games are to be pU1y- Illinois have strong net teams but ed in the class baseball league: May the Michigan men ought to make a 11 Monday. 4 o'clock, fresh hits vs. fine showing of themselves, provided soph lits; Tuesday, 4:30 o'clock, jun- they are in form. I ior engineers vs. dents; Wednesday, After the match with the Illini to- 4:30 o'clock, soph, engineers vs. fresh morrow, the Mihcigan team will re- laws; Thursday, 3:15 o'clock, fresh turn home to play Chicago at Ann hits vs. senior engineers. Monday, Arbor, on Monday. Although this May 18, 3:15 o'clock, fresh laws ;vs. will be a heavy week-end for the senior lits; 4:30 o'clock, dents:- vs. Wolverines, it is expected that they medics. will come through in good shape. If St. Anne's.'Eng.May,7.-Ais they do, it will place Michigan well Glenna Collett, Americany golf str, up in the conference standing. and her partner, Mrs. Alan Macet, conceding their opponents' teh New York, May 7.-The New York strokes, beat Mrs. T. H. Miller "And Yankees are now in a tie for the Mrs. E. S. Catlow three and one yes- cellar position in the Americani terday in the ladies' northern four- league. The team this year has got- somes competition, ten off to one of the worst starts in recent years. READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS, l 1 i Patronize Daily Advertisers ys.-Adv. - it I NO - I! Exclusive styles and high-quality moderately priced VAN BOvEN CRESS 4*THOMPSoNIN. I o twelve rain pact- tripes in. new stripes yrs. p 1I i I :OMPAHY )2Snce f&4& I -s I _= i '= I Los Angeles, Cal., May 7. - Jack Kearns, who° became manager of Mickey Walker, world's welterweight champion, here last week, left today for San Francisco with Walker. Next week Walker boxes "Lefty" Cooper in the Bay city. New Orleans. La., May 7.-"Spoke" Emery, New Orleans outfielder, has been released unconditionally, and Gene Bailey, who has been. under suspension, will replace him in the Pelican lineup. Decorah, Ia., May 7.--Ossie Orwall. BANTA'SAU the pitching ace of the Luther college ARBOR BOYS baseball team for the last three sea- A sons, has signed as an outfielder with the Nelsons of La Crosse, Wis., a ____________________ fast semi-pro team. CsENDSHIP CARD; Patronize Iaily Advertisers - it Read the Want Ads pays.-Adv- AND 72 2 DayMOTTOES Mother s Day +- A LARGE !' -y1 ASSORTMENT AT Johnson's and many -=0. D. MORRILL'S other Choice Gift7A 17 NICKELS ARCADE Boxes of Candy_ _ MOTHER'S DAY CARDS { Exclusive Fabrics W T HEN you purchase Scheyer Tailored Clothes you are as- sured of exclusive patterns as well as the highest quality workmanship and materials. holy three garments of a pattern are sold in Ann Arbor. From fifty-fib'e to sebeuty dollars 11 11