Feature Section LL Lit i4an ~Iaitw Feature Section VOL. XXXV. No. 99 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1925 EIGHT PAGES °- ., .._,.,..r._._ . S DE 4qpwm Ir IN CZECHO - SLOV AKIA - 4? A Somewhat Different Treatment Of The Conditions Existing In Foreign Universities Some Of The Difficulties Encountered By Students In Prague . The Struggle Against A New Dark Ages "If- T HE students wre in town". And I began look- ing for the soft black hats, black ties and frock coats that some one told me character- ized many of the men students of the Univer- sity in Prague. I did find a few flowing ties, a num- ber of broad-brimmed hats set jauntily over longish hair, but I soon gave up the idea that they all dress- ed in that fashion. The far more usual uniform, or distinguishing dress of a student was the one of al- most universal necessity-parts of old uniforms, made as neat and presentable as possible, but never- thetess constant reminders of the late war and the part that these young men had played in it as sol- diers in a hostile army. If indeed the students of this part of the world were susceptible to the fads of dress that sweep our country from end to end, so that a station full of returning students, as I saw them at Grand Central at Thanksgiving, is an ani- mated advertisement for fur coats of the same length Deauville neckerchiefs, and properly squashed felt hats, they would have hard lessons in economy, for it is a problem to cover oneself at all, let alone gaud- ily and gaily. Yes, the students were in town, and withing a few months of my stay in Czecho-Slovakia I knew It well enough. The first acute awareness was be- cause of the death of several from starvation. From that time on, student life at the University of Prague came to mean more than what a student does with his time while being a student; it mant something far different than his athletics, his examination, his social life, his college spirit. Student life came to carry an apostrophe "s", and the implication wa how to save it. It must be that the sipirts of Comenius and Hus and other learned men and heroes of the little nation of Szecho-Slovakia still find their way about the c(d town of Prague and blow their living breath of desire to know into the students who come to this place for knowledge. Otherwise it is hard to believe that a student finds within himself the strength to go through with his courses. A few dry facts to prove this: The enrollment in the University of Prague is at present about 30,000. That number includes 5,000 students at the German university; about -3,000 Rus- sians- and Ukranians at the recently-formed free university for refugee students, mostly of these two nationalities; 3,000 are from Jugo-Slavia. Prague today is the greatest Slav student .center in - the world. and almost any language can be heard among this group of men and women, It has always been a great university, the third oldest in the world, so that in the present educational crisis among Slav nations, Prague has to hold her head high and her arms wide or thousands of students who are so necessary to the leadership of their different coun- tries will be with no place to continue their work, and learning will stand in a fine way of being at a premium in all of the Slav territory. Classes are vastly overcrowded; a law student told me he was lucky to be able to get into a lecture room once a week. All of his other work had to be done by him- self against looming examinations. Imagine studying for a difficult technical course at a university whose language you spoke imperfect- ly, or not at all, from a beek written in still a third language! In other words, if you are, a Serb or a Russian, you study at a Czech univer-ay from (most probably) a text-book written in Germa that is, if by great and glorious good luck you are able to beg, borrow or steal a book at all. The greatest pleas of the Russian refugee students were for text-books and drawing materials. What is a little matter of food and clothing? What jaunty word "digs" is, and all the other. terms by which our respective student quarters are known. But aftter all, the superficiality of much of student life as we know it is swept aside and you have only the bare bones of the "search" left. The old days when philosophers used to sit about and discuss how many angels could dance on the tip point of a needle do not seem so long ago when in is a the same devotion to untiring argument about the midst of a real student discussionat least there questions that are not often heard in an American university outside of the debating society or the lec- ture room. European students have always been devoted to knowledge, and if they are learning to apply their knowledge as never before they have these same conditions of misery and want to thank. While little of undergradnate li2 comes under the ,personal influence of professors, for the usual, relation of of student and professor is npt that of "hail fellow well met", there are individual men. who have a great deal of understanding for the problens of undergraduate life and plenty of tolerance in triying to help the student see his way through dif- ficulties. One could not begin to give the credit that is due to the devotion of these men who have stuck at the hard and ill-paid job of teaching through these last difficult years. I have seen, moreover, a certain professor of the higher Technical Institute with his wife's kitchen apron over his neat cutaway suit helping in the building of the student colony. There was given by the city to use for a colony of student buildings; firms and individuals gave material toward this work and the fininshed colony today affords living quarters fur nearly seven hundred students. The nine (two or more are planned) buildings, com- prising the colony, are all the results of the labor of men and women students enrolled in the Univeri sity of Prague. Not only were the kitchens manned and run by students, mostly women, but the digging for foundations, the carpentering, all of the heavy and skilled work was accomplished by students who in this way earned a right to a place in the colony. The work was directed by upper classmen in the cngineering schools with a few paid foremen. It stands as a monument to what grit and necessity can do, In the early days of the enterprise, the townspeople were so amazed at the unheard-of thing of students working with their hands as laborers, that they used to flock to the building lots to view the curious sight. This curiosity was a temptation to the busy business committee who planned to capitalize it. Beginning with a national holiday, October 28, the birthday of the Republic, admission was charged to see students at work. Over fifty thousand crowns were taken in the first day. In addition, the kitchen force was mobilized after serving a dinner for seven hundred student-work- men, and the lot was covered by girls selling cookies and chocolate-at a profit!-thereby greatly adding to the day's proceeds. nesShelIs Wrote by Robert S. Mansfield AN, in the opinion of at least one student on the campus, has no backbone. Whether with grim satirical purpose or unconscious of the exact meaning of his statement, this student has de- clared that man closely resembles the jellyfish from the base of the brain to the lower dorsal curve. IHis language, to be sure, differed somewhat from the statement printed above, but itis context was clear. In a blue-book in organic evolution this stud',nt de- cla;,ed that "a primate is an organism having no backbone." Man is a primate, according to the best authorities. This is but one of the thousands of foolish errors which appear in blue-books at about this time every year. T he geology department alone has compiled. a list which fills some fifty pages composed entirely of errors almost beyond the limits of the normal imagination. Many are technical in phraseology; man y ore absurdly simple, but all are inexc usably cr on cons. One student would have us believe that a "mas- todon is the member of an evolutionary series." Another disagrees with the jellyfish theory of man by saying that "every primate that is alive today is arboreal." Perhzips he, (or she) feels that nan real- ly is tree-like, although asido from the green quality no direct resemblance comes to mind. Another rathe r.far fetched but none the less present, rap at .man in general appears in a statement that the. gib- bon, know to science us the lowest forr *of anthro- -poid ape, is "a particular. branc h of fish.' The uterodactyl, leng the favorite pa uontological. reptile of common knowledge has been grossly mis- represented In many instances. While in reality a flying reptile, it has been called "an odd-toed form of horse," "an even-toed animal--a dear," "a cow," "the adding of an extra finger on the hand," and "a camel." Even in the wildest conjectures no scientist has been known to problaim the pterodactyl a "dear." From the ea'er pews of asp -ing freshmen in geol- ogy 1 come the following bits of by-play. In mIany instances wordls have of necessily been added to make even literate English' of the quotations. At- mosphteric conditions hava been given there due, if It can be called that, ii the napers, fog, especially' being mistr'eated-- "When moisture in the air changes to dust, we get a fog," says one budding geologist. "When the sun absorbs the moisture in the morning we get a fog. The moisture was kept near the ground at night by carbon dioxide in the air", declares another. The nresence of heat in the atmosphere was ex- plained by one student, evidently an inhabitant of Mexico or some Central American republic, as fol- low: "tie atmosphere is heated by revolution." A wind gap, by way of explanation to the unini- tiated, is formed when, after a stream has cut down through a ridge, some agnecy has directel the stream to another channel, leaving the cut in the ridge dry. One student, obviously in violent disagreement with the complexity of this definition has written thus: "Water collects in pools in the rocks and wind comes along and blows the water away and forms a wind gap." Another writer on the same subject has more fanciful ideas. "The westerly winds as they blow towards the east may be effected by the winds from the gulf (just what gulf not indicated) and also winds from the east and as they all meet at once it, may cause a wind gap." Asp'rit oflevity mayI have actuated the writing of this statement: "The monsoon winds cause a' panic", but surely. no such motive could have been behind another revelation which read: "The lMon- soon winds bring moisture which is the only subste- nance of the people of India," or behind this : "Ice expands l ecause there is no room for it to con- tract." One freshman whose thermometer was evi- dently out of order committed to paged his. idea of the cause for precipitation in this& original guise: "Moisture in the atmosphere is precipitated when the temperature of saturated air is reduced above the bottom of the atmosphere." It remained for one man to write a tongue-twister of more than usual incomprehensibility. "After a lake two and one quarter miles in diameter is froz- en," he says, "Several bucklings up of the ice would ensue after several crackling and contractings upon being warmed and healings. If, on. the shore there is a swamp, it too will be frozen in continuitywith the lake. Bucklings on the lake synonymous with bucklings on the land and this buckling up causes ridges to form because it exerts considerable pres- sure on the land." The last Monthly Bulletin of the Confederation of Czecho-Slovakia, published in English, gives an ac, curate account of the Student Colony, from which I have taken the following: "Students offered their unskilled but willing labor. Within two days after a proclamation in all daily papers over seven hundred students were en- rolled fcr work. Groups of ten each were formed and started work in shifts, digging, quarrying, stone- cutting, cutting wood and so forth. Everyone re- ceived a booklet in which the hours worked were put. After four hours the student laborer was en- titled to a free meal prepared by girl students who had hardly ever cooked before in their lives. In Bluebooks The various kinds of rock have come in for their share of mistakes, most of them in gross ihisinter- pretation of the scietific names given to different forms. There is one direct statement to the effect that "marble is a form of vegetation." Shale, mud ha:rdcned into stone by the action of pressure or heat or both, has been given a new source. One enlightened student writes: "Shale is formed by comprehension." And while rocks are under consid- eration, it might be well to set down the following: "The animals die and where wave action breaks them up, they, due to resurrection, form into sedi- mentary rocks." Loess is a rock formed of fine dust by wind de- position, to put the matter in a nutshell, and in some of the slides used to illustrate this material in geol-- ogy courses here, Chinese dwellings cut into the rock are shown. One student,' probably wakened rudely from sleep in a lecture, was inclined to take the slide too literally and wrote in his blue-book that "loess may recognized by a Chinese family living in it." Another, perhaps In an attempt at wit write: "There are fissures and human relations In the loess in China." Too late to classify comes a variety of misinfor- mation. "Plant life is animals that often do worlda indirectly." we are informed. Anent the late ptero- dactyl, one ardent follower of Izaak Walton calls that injured reptile a flying fish. Insolation, the term used with reference to the transmition of the sun's rays to the earth, is called "the cutting off of a land-tied island." It Is further noted that "ar- borescent drainage is drainage from trees", whereas geologists would have us believe that the term ap- plies to a perfected system of river drainage, an aerial view of which gives impression much like the normal growth of a tree.I One sweetly solemn thought comes to the fore with the information that "moisture in the air is caused by respiration, transpiration and aspiration.' One is not a little disappointed to learn that pers- piration, after all, has no part in that most useful munction. And then one ispired although ungram- matical scribes looses upon a gaping world the news that "the atmosphere is so saturated that it can't hold any more and so it leaves loose of its precipi- tation." 'at Michigan $200,000. Not all of this amount, however, is availa- ble for use as loans since a large portion represents principal which is not loanable by the terms of the gift. Of the entire figure roughly $80,000 is free for present needs. Through loans made from these funds, many each year, temporarily embarassed, are enabled to continue in school. Dean Joseph A. Burs- ley is chairman of the committee which handles this department of the University's work. One of the things which the recent investigation seemed to show was that the "touch-loans" as well as the University loans filled a definite niche in the working of the campus life. These friendly loans take the place of the more business-like and pre- tentious transactions of cmmerce in relieving one man's temporary stress out of another's temporary plenty. For students' financial affairs fluctuate due to a number of causes. The sources of income is often ,remote and irregular. Vacations and large social events have their effect. Then there is the first of the month, which always brings the bookstore bill and others. A good show at the Whitney or a "sup- er-production" at one of the moviesmay produce a perceptible quaver in the money situation. Always when one man's finances are low he will find another high, and later when their positions are reversed the situation may again be saved by a "touch-loan." As in business this loaning is for profit: there express- ed in, dollars, here in friendliness and good fellow- ship. But don't the lenders often lose out, you ask? "The work on the colony grew rapidly and two to three hundred students worked daily with songs on their lips and gaiety in their hearts. Forgotten was the prestige of students In law, medicine, fine arts. Everyone worked for the realization of a sound new idea. "A rule was made that only those could live in the completed building who had given 750 hours' work to it. But soon several student books showed work of over two thousand hours, all between lec- tures and hard study. And many of these students had no intention of living in the dormitories when completed, but were living with their families. "High school boys and girls came from country towns with their professors over the week-ends to help with the work. By and by the great public be- came interested in such a new enterprise and great numbers came to look upon students working with their own hands. So many crowded in that it was necessary to erect barriers to protect the workers and finally it was decided to charge the curious an entrance fee. "Of course all the students who started did not persevere to the end. Some had to study, some lost interest. But those who remained completed nine dormitories, just a year after building began. One of these was for girls and the others for boys. As yet money is lacking for the central building and the tenth barrack. The students did their best; the idea was right and in spite of faults made, it came through. It won even the sympathies of organized labor and on Sundays skilled workmen came to give their services to the students. Even in time of a certain strike a whole factory crew came and offered free help, which was something unheard of before. Czech legionaries also gave their services. "Today the colony is fully occupied by students. It has a Board of Trustees which includes represen- tatives of ministries, student bodies, the city, and friends of students. It also has student autonomy to regulate its inner life. All is not faultless because it is new and needs development. But the value of the colony, regardless of the fact that it housed seven hundred and fifty students in the worstecrisis, is in the pioneering example given. Students can work with their hands. Instead of sending protests and petitions they can start work and help them- selves. And now most of the Sokol unions which build their gymnasiums and club houses have adopt- ed this scheme of self-help and get quick and cheap results by the -manual cooperation of their members. "So the colony in Letna, sitting on one of the hills of Prague, facing the glory of the setting sun over the towers of the great cathedral of St. Vitus and the castle of Hradcany marks a new epoch in our national life and shall forever remain'as a vic- torious sign of a new idea1." This really tremendous undertaking was made possible to a great extent, I believe, by the gift from the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. of a stu- dent home the previous year, to all of the students in Prague, irrespective of race, nationality or creed. The foyer could accommodate about six thousand members with its study rooms, baths, cafeteria, clinic, assembly room and separate men's and wo- men's wings containing social rooms, rest rooms and so forth. When we say accommodate we mean that when the membership reached six thousands, which was shortly after the opening, the house was so crowded from seven in the morning until closing time at night that you couldn't have found space for an extra waste-paper basket. This foyer is absolutely the only thing in the way of student's house in the entire city. It would take a vastly longer article than this to tell of the use's and the needs of the Studentsky Domov, Prague. Soon after the opening of this foyer, the numbers of refugee students, which up to that time had been only a few hundred, increased to several thousand. Since that time, separate faculties have had to be organized to meet at all the demand for study of these m'en and women who,are most of them almost through their courses. Money has again been raised from America to build a wing on to the Student Home to attempt to accommodate the 'thousands clamoring for admission. Admission means a warm place to sit, to study, to bathe, to meet one's friends, to eat decently of nourishing food. It is the Studentsky Domov that has become the student center for Czecho-Slovakia. The offices of the Student Renaissance Movement are here, both German, Cech and Russian and Ukranian' It 'is here that the Czech stu'dents played'hosts to the Confederation Internationale des Estudiants' first General Congress in 1921. It is here that the stu- dent cooperative shop is housed and the shoe-mend- ing shop run by refugee operates. Athletics? The students in Czecho-Slovakia has little time for them. Right now he has little enough reserve strength for them even if he could afford the time. But there is a growing interest in them as intercollegiate possibilities in the future. The Y. M. C. A. has done a great deal in its army program to further the idea of competitive athletics. Volley With The Almg'hty Dollar by Edwin C. Mack S OMEONl has estinmated that the interest at sibx p'Ctr cent on the friendly "touch-loans" made in the country in a year, if actually paid, would be enough to force the German mark to par and put the Bulgarians back in fighting condition. But right here on the University of Michigan cam- pus, according to an investigation just completed, more than $200,000 annually changes hands in this 'way. In speaking of "touch-loans" we attempt to distinguish between the small amounts loaned by one student to another, and regular bank or Univer- sity loans. Add to this the suinm borrowed from the university student loan funds, v,hich during the past year closely approached $15,000, and you have a rough idea of the function of "money to loan' in modern finance. When, some time ago, a man who had made a c asual survey of students' loans-to-each-other atn- nounced that the Aransacctions certainly totaled over, $180,000 yearly, he was greeted with surprise and djii- 'belief. A more ,thyrough investigation was under- taken, It mere thai4 confirmed the first hasty sur- nises, though tlec very nature of subject prevented. anything more than careful estimates.. The ayerage muombor of a fraternity, sorority or, house-club, loans approximately $23 in the 'course of a school year. whe loans oc'ur in sizes involv- ing everything from five cents to several hundred dollars. The above average was arrived at by secur- ing the estimated loans of a group of 20 representa- tives from that portion of the student body. There Following the same line of procedure among the independents showed an apparent average of $20 per year. Tlw closer association which tends to obtain in the first group may account. for the fact that the independent, on an average, borrows and loans $3 a year less than society members. One may easily suppose that where a larger number live together and know each other familiarly, the extension of this sort of loan will be more common. Cn the authority of the World Almanac of 1925, the University enrollment was assigned at an ap- pr 'cimate total of 10,000. Subtracting the number of society members from this we find there are 6.940 independents. At the rate of $20 apiece this would send their total loans up to the enormous figure of $138,800! Combining the two grand totals, a final figure of $209,180 is reached as the closest possible estimate of the amount "touch-loaned' by University of Michi- gan students in a year. That sum at six per cent would in a year return interest of $12,550.80. Yet its records are seldom written, frequently forgot- ten, and almost always indefinite. Two hundred thousand dollars and more changes hands without a signature and without the advice or assistance of lawv! Such is one of the interesting phases of "cam- pus finance." The financial report of the University (Bulletin of the new series, volume 26, number 16) shows that the University loan fund extended 171 new loans to students during the year which ended last June. These loans aggregated $14,860. When added to al-