* FRIDA"Y,MAY S8,I1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAOR F.WLP ..._.._. kTAVAR° MUAvA M s !) rig ~7 TIJ '1' E~;~AI slip-on, heavy coat style or jersey a RPORTS SUCCESS a oFrVASSARDDIE xDeani Hamilton Returns Fromi East. en Trip Including Women's College :STRESSES OBLIGATION Truss Jean Hamilton, who has just ret urned from a trip to New York t stoppedl at "Vassar college to see how they were concluding their drive for the $3,000,000 which ends in October. t Miss Hamilton reports that Vassar Swill have raised the $3,000,000 in ;~three. years with two-thirds as many gradutes as has Michigan. The amount will be raised and paid in the d three years, and only 7 per cent of the alumnae had to ask for an et- 2tension of time on the pledges. The i entire amount was pledged at Vassar in the first year, every uhdergrad- unte woman making some pledge ai varying from $25 to $300. At present at Michigan a little ,less than one-half of the underrad- "U°"tAtes at Michigan have made some pledge. A little more than on-third of the alumnae have made some pledge. Of those pledged for XLich- igan approximately 7 per cent failed to- make the first payment on the plaedges. , Mss Hamilton -states. that the Ssmaller size of the total that Mich- S gan is seeking and the increased Snumber of people who should be In- lfterested should mk the task of ras-i inku $1 .000,000 for a women's building at Mchigan a more certain and less pfitcult thing-than the task success- lttuily accompished by the Vassar t women. Miss Hamilton says that it is a question of conscious individual It responsibility. Make Rules For r Pageant Practice "Dawn" is the name of a new (ance group organized for the fresh- man pageant. The members of this -group, who also participate in other ,n parts of the pageant, are Helen Vos, 4R2 Annie Brown, Ruth Dinnin, Margar- et Hawkins, and Phyllis Richards. .r The- attendance committee has ~,riled that illness is the only legiti- mate excuse for absence from a re- hearsal. Two unexcused absences ,"will subject the absentee to a fine of 50 cents and three such asences will probably result in elimination from the pageant. Tardiness will count as hlalf an absence. This action was necessary because of the few re- hearsals before May 19. At 4 #~Lock today a -complete- rehearsal will be held at Barbour gymnasium. All of the posters submitted for the pageant are on exhibit in the gym- ' lisium. Patronkzo lDaly Advsertsers - 1W pays.Adv. Pictures Prove Aid In Securing Teaching Places, Ordinarily a mere photograph doesnit mean so much but if you aret 'WOMEN TO COMPETE IN FENCING TOURNAMENT ' Mor e than 12 w.omen have signed unoI for the all-campus fencing torna- .L . W. ~o Enterti~an slip-on.I WitC(amp Stunts' __ .-- I ,, k~~. The last Women's League party of; Invitations have been sent out to the year will be a picnic at Whitmore E]1ioinwohv vr t11(01_ ___ Lake Thursday. May 14. Trans- al vme h av vr tedd hPortation will be fu rnished lby the' (um0e coieU(:iye at. ake Geneva or ih r'l 12 '1 ib ta Members of the Freshman Girls' League, and the party will leave 1111.~r,..-.. ...-,.ent Glee club wh wish to attend te Barbour gmaima o'clock. A1 rThere will be an impJort ant rehears- al of the University girls' Glee club at :30o'lock today at the Congre- f'gational church. -All organizations ties iring ,tocall 'meetings at harbour gymnasium are requested to make arrangements through Margaret Buffington at her an ambitious young woman planning ment for women which will be held!parsyrgngenance*toobe'given by thendnav I at Newb~'rry hall by t11e10 . C . A.sirgtac ob ie yteUi to secure a teachring, position through at 1: 34 o'clock todlay in the parlor i versity Girls' Glee club must notifylr the ureu o appintent it igh, iIf(anyX'womn lwo is interested was; the ureu ofappintentsit ightof TI*~ * *~. _!Alice E. Kellogg at Betsy Barbour, beapolPa olatronize at phone 6816 today. photographer who will put anl extra fment is open to all University wom- !extended by- the 1assciatian. The pro- lr oki oree n na-Ie n hs h iht ne hud ri o h feno ilb paaceof cnietpiei or sign ur) by tonight on the bulletin di'rmatiztion of a tyvpicalI day at Lal: e! There will be no meeting of the face. All these things seem to help, hoard in Barbour gymnasium. An in-; Geneva.EFrsmnGl'Geecu Mody when a position as a school teacher, vitatin is extended to the public to !Commit tees in c "rn f th party The next eeting will be held on Mlon-; is at stake.j attend the match. dr sflos rorm shrcay, May 18 at 4 :15 o'clock. The bureau of appointments of thle Evelyn Smith, '25, who has acted Anderson, '25, Cynthia Smith, '26, and University of Michigan annually as coach for the women's fencingt Elizabeth Liebermann. '25; invita- . Reservations should b1) made asIi places hundreds of graduates in class this year, will be the master of1,tions, Marcia. Snow. '25, and MarionI soon as possible for the bridge tea 1 teaching positions throughout the {combat. The judges will be Norman Walker, '26; decorations, Lucy Kings-I which will be given Saturday after- Iz country and even in foreign lands. It Benham, '25E, and Lawrence Petti-; ley, '25, and Lucille llenne '25; re- noon at the home of Mrs. Joseph Burs-fr has been establishedl in conjunction jboneC, '28. freshment s, Anna, Arnold, '26, Surz-i ley for thb benefit of the Women's It with tihe School of Education and is anne Edgcunfbe, '26, and H elen lie,-League. Tickets are on sale at all r a free teachers agency working (Ii- of the local bureau has recently been 'Esaui. '25.- ---- - the organizedi houses at 75 cents. rectly with superintendents of school appointed president of the National The~ music suction of the Faculty systems all over the state of Michi-! association of Appointment Secretar-! Women's club have elected the fol- All women who are eligible to re-1 gan and other states of the union. It ,ies. Similar bureaus are maintained I owing as omeecrs of the organization; ceive W. A. A. sweaters on Field day aims to get the round peg in the' by most universities of the country. ;which will carry on activities next should report to Louise Roberts or' roundl hole and has cooperation andl'This association of secretaries of the year: Mrs. C. Ei. Griffin, chairman ;. Miss Ethel McCormick at Barbour service as its field in this work. I various bureaus is working to fur- Miss Martha.(Guernisey, secretary- gymnasium the size and style of Records of candlidates are kept on t her coordinate the efforts of its in- treasurer. sweater desired. The styles are heavy file at the office of tihe bureau. stitutions with the progress of tihe- These include recommendations, a! educational movements as a whole. ---- history of the experience and qualifi-' It held its second annual mneetingj cations of the candidate, locationI this year at Cincinnati during the recordls and photographs. convention of the National Educa- Miss Margaret Cameron, secretary t ional assoclaiton.j, women who are planning to go are requested to sign up in tihe gymnas- iuml. The League wvill furnish coffee. Symphonic League To Elect Officers Thal.on, fr n .ffi,-orc aof tha P ,, .rvm ~S lIi LIi KJI- a .. i i w . i 7 desk in Barbour gymnasium. This re- quest is to facilitate the handling of the several gr-oups who must meet at tihe same time and to provide r'oomns for thlem. i- i ,\ i i, phonic League for the year 1925-1926! will be held from 9 to 12 o'clock next: Thursday at the School of Music. OnlyI members who have paid their dhues will be allowed to vote at this elec- tion. Tile following women have been! nonminated. Eunice Northrup, spec., andl Lalah Van Sickle, S of M., pres- ident; Helen Laraway, '27, and Hor- tense Hayes, S of M., vice-president; fFrances Switzenburg, S of M., and Alice Shea, S of M., secretary; Helen Van Blois, S of M.. and Thelma Bol- in, treasurer; Lucille Graham, sociall chairman.I i i f G I Have dour hair mnarcelled b ) experts, and be assured of its care aitilhe STODDARD HAIR SHOP 707 North University Ave. Phtone 21212 'A Read the Want Ads MOTHERS live by ~ Miove and die of ,~neglect.. When some * Ssons and daughters leave home their mothers might as well *. forget them. . They don't write. Send Mother a *.Greeting, card every month! A perfect ~,love-message on every one. Make the mail mean something to her. See our fine selection today n 0. D. MORRILL . 17 Nickels Arcade , Greeting Cards for All Occasions. C70 wear with her sum- . -'n.,r frocks, the smart woman chooses a white hat of ribbon, peanut straw, hair, felt or Milan hemp. Various dif- ferenrt sly.-pt~s are trimme~ld with self material and ribbon in cdeer new ways. $3.50 to $15.00. 81-i1CONI) FLOOR YGOOD YEA R'S 12==01O1TH MAIN " { .. ..... _. . _., .. .a. ".. .. ~ # - ' :' i M(' 1 " 1 i i 4C, - " , ' 4 f '} f . Just Arrived! .A group of new styles in Summer charming, Hats- THE SMALL 11AT Is especially favored for Sports and all-round wear. Emma 11. Togerty 's Specialty Hat Shop 11 7 East LibertyStreet T i momowmmwxmmmom . .. MEMO 0ONEME MEN Nos r- - 1 f YOUR CORSET MADE TO MEASURE 4 HE9L NC. CHURC'H Yu.Bo4ne;('orsetlere MISS NeINTIRE, Costumer Nickels Arcade ~ lltlilltliilllttliliit111itt1lli1111tli 111 illtlil~ *Phyone 2448 for Appointment y l rr Mother's Day - RhhIadyIN A -.._r aw l, Mother' 1Y AYR f - " Bed -w1 a . aa j a ar a Ir P1PTSMAY10 wY I~~~laiY1 (Baritone) mOU r U U U U O Noted Artists wvith ...... ......., HILL AUDITORIUM ArmI Mav20-23 Some of the WorldS 9 s H U U U .ORE't °A DEGNAN (Contralto) FiBAN(ES+ ItALTA (So prano) U I 0 058W GAB1IILO WI 'SCII (Pianist) U U U I U . U IILFN II SCOTT (Bass) Concerts Sys (Tenor') 0U . COURSE TICKETS On Sale up to May l11th $5, $5.50, $6, $7 If festival coupon from Choral Union U 0 II U I I . a- I I I I lI I . 1 I 1 I fI .I