VRTDlAV, MAY 8, 1925, THE MICHIGAN DAILY M #! M .,,.. . 'WOME[N TO O'FFR[ NUTRITION EXHIBIT, Fbire. -Daiy Program IV-Will lBegflu 'ces-. *hay; Facuilty WomenOI Pre. pa~re ]Food j)isitys EXPERTS WILL SPEAK An innovation in the way of a nu- I ritiofl (eliolst ration will 1)e pre-' ,mnted for three dlays beginning Tues-i lay, May 12, at Barbour gymnasium. The prograin will include food dis- Allies Discuss Cologne Evacuation )t'r 'ri'r:'~i°.Y' } ' ''';::'>j~:?..,.,5 Operati ns he edentalinic ir ic will coefrt1)e y i C in c ay 29, and ?lintledstude nts eand f others; NT1 A~ aii ~ D , re urged by Dr. Travis to make N mb' lJ r,~,v.LV T han " LEP$ ~ayUearl appointments to insure ha:ving Moretha 80 opraths a&: er-tona ha fa exeede th nedsthe desired work done. Mor thn. 00 pertios ae pr- aeialhasfarexcede th neds, Louisville, Ky., May 7.-The mnore, formed daily in the dental clinic, and according to Dr. Travis. In the of- than 3UJ Kentucky derby eligidle:; patients include students, townsp~eo- ternoon all forms of operative den- tie an ayfo erycte-n stry are performed, including gold quartered here were augmented t o- ple an may fom eary cta~s .andt andl amalgam fillings, gold inlays 'dy, and will be the remainder of thrc, villa ges. This is an increase over ai ocli ilns n ocli week, by arrivals of eligibles f'romu the number of patients taken care of jacket crowns. Lxntn(n otecoeo h in onjnctonI opening state meeting there yct er- daily last semester. Junior dental! The clinic works 'ncjutidcay. More entries for the c lassic st udents are now working in the with the x-ray department, and the are expected from Ut east early next clinic. sur~gery departmenit, under the direc- week following the running ofthe As a_ result of the change, to thle ation of Dr. C. J. Lyons. Considerable l'reakuiess. In all; it is expected five-yeai dental curriculum, the time is spent each duy in conference' nearly 50 derby nominees will be class working in the clinic this year I Letween heals of departments over here b;..the middle of next week. Ui' ilhas had one year more of training ;sp~ecial cases referred here for diag- this numb et' not more than 2U are than form~er classes. This has ro- nosis from every part of the state. expeCcted to st-art. suited in exceptionally fine work, in the opinion of Dr. J. J. Travis, di- rector,,-.,, of. the/f clinic. " ' i ' " ": ".I Ther. . (luality'' '~ ",..o$ operative wvork* this year is uniform- I o ou W nttoB ly better than in other years, accord-It eE lug to Dr. Travis, The one seines-ji Satisfied? ter's clinical work which the juniors have been given will make them ka operative work that is presented, Dr. Tr-avis states. r v j J r , E morning include prosthetic wxork,13 composed of plate and artificial deni tur es, cr ow.ns, and bridges. In these two departments threamount of ma-MMaynar Se.atC e. Mat. - 500 to $50,Jt -plays, posters, lantern - illustrated t alks, cooking demonstrations, and the(distribution of spnecial printed diets.:;:>>< Tr~lee of th,3 most prominent au- tfimrities on nutrition in the country ill be featured as speakers. Dr. L. : 11. Newburgh of the internal medicineI department in the Medical school, will1{ speak on "Normal Diet" Tuesday night; Dr. P. *L. Marsh of the same dec- ,partment, will speak on "Overweight" Wednesday night; Dr. H-. B. Lewis of Allied governments are informally discussing Germany's latest demai the physiological chemistry depart-f ogne area. In a speech made after a conference with the new president, Vo nient, will talk on "Variations from declared that the continued occupation of this inmportant center was onec Normnal" Thursday night, satisfactory state of European affairs, and insisted that Germany needs to b The Faculty Women's club hasEI pact just as much as entente nations. Cologne, now occupied by British, Be' 7charge of the preparation of the food; seen from the air. displays. "Every thing is being done to ,make the demonstration pleasing TflT ntrmn irs Fie H z dLo to f#the eye, ear, and stonmach of the STAB IllIlRI 111 WUa d audience," according to Dr. Margaret ~ ~ ~ e o tD cae Bell, the general chairman. ______ 1? eI . To stimulate an interest in nutrition F~ MMDRFI is the purpose of the demonstration ('mus buildings are reasonab~ly -'which is being sponsored by everyfc I nehzrd.acrigt h eating place in Ann Arbor as well asJ A campaign for renewal and niew monthly report recently subumitted tos bhy Mrs. Alfred Lloyd and Dr. John menibenships in the Chamber of Corn- !the Buildings and Grounds dlepart- .Sundwall of the public health de-; inerce is to be started in the neer flii-!mebtI nsplector I. W. Truettnor. partment. Townspeople andI studlents'} ture by the local chianmber, accord- Signs ae Charlottesville, Va., where he attend- ~ed the annual meeting of the National ~University Extension association'. One of the more important quies- t tions considered at the convention reclated to the supply of library refer-. o4nce b~ooks for th~e use of studtents en- r'olled in extension credit c ourses. William W. Bishop, Unversity li- brariani, who accompanied Professorj TIenderson at Charlottesville went. .on to Newv Haven to consider the li- ibrary problem at Yale university. Hie is expected 'to return later in the 'week. Of this sum.$9I,850) will b- used for; ,'ffice operation and overheadl exeens-! es, allowing $3, 15(0 for other appro- priations, includinmg retail trade pro- motion, city planning, work on thIe: Ann Arbor booklet, ediucational and recreational activities, and agricul- tural work. Willard Talks To CIhemis try, Grup Prof. aI.I. 1ilmlard of the dcm- istry department -talked oii "Mlodern Analytical C'hemistry"' before tihe Akron _-ection o1 the American Cli!',m- ical society_ yes4erday., This is the. third' ar7;laisi Pr ofessorr Willard has imadec this year before sections of the Americaii Chemnical society, tile otheis tbeing given at Rochester anid Buffalo. Wart hin To :Give Extension Talksf University Keeps Privazte Phones U-nivei'sity phlones still remain on the urivaite branch excliaui 'e. Tro coinuin icate with varicus (depart - mients the Univers iy operator should he0 (al'ed under the number listed in the city d(irectory. officialis l)0iitt'd cut yesterday. The runiversity ex- change will be a utomatically operated k 7 I Send Your Mother Flowers on Mother',s Order 'them from 611 E. University Phone 115 Your order will be taken ci ae of in every detail. Prof., A. S. ANarthin (diector of~ the plathological laboratories, will (de- liver a series of extension lectures in time northerui peninsuila. Th'le first lec- ture is to be given ha 11-lrowood oi M1'ay 13) on tme fel lowinug day he is Scheduled to talk ims Bes,,emmr, anti on May 15 at Ii-sn Mount: in. '" 'I IRead the Want Ads I~tcy Scouts from all troops iiitlive county will hold their annual sprnmg raly at 12:30 ocock Saturday, May in i1itWest inik. At this meetimig the se outs' will take ipart in a series of Tod 'ay scout activities of all kinds, ford" and which prizes will be awarded to the' w ine miens., Sa urafy The contest will inclutde the fol- lowinmg events :knot-tying. message ! reclays, wal-scaling,, eniergency car- ~T e E s ni nier"s, fire by friction, water lboilinigjTh Ese ia Litd equilpineiit races. Poin a wards!r ivill count 3 onts for first. place, T 1, J poimnts tor' secondl pla ce, '3points- "or thiirdl place, and onie l)oint will IreI aw ,dd o ah ropthat enter? n GORDON an -~The Oc ent. d 'I tops will 1)e pe iiittcd to ble at XNc t par'l in tilenmorninig to ma~ke A ROWI ,m- c z~" aty grerara tions for the con- A4. Everyone shtn id he present at r t~' ssmlya'.at12'.31o'clock S H ~IRI 77 ___________________-- Whn you gt a GORDON Shir you ge a collar Rea te an Aslfromnthe hands of h xprtArrow Colar makes het Extra Credits at Home- t More than 450 courses in History, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Zoology, Modern Languages, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, etc., are given by correspondence.. Learn how the credit they yield may be applied on your college program. Catalog describing courses fully, I furnished on request. Write today. Fe t1ibrf tp f t uiago , 95 ELLIS HALL CHICAGO, ILLINOIS U U, TODAY THROUGH SATURDAY ' f I 'eatimrimg f { t, " -l RENE RICH- " =_CHARLES F . _' HARRYM " WK'I / . ROSEMARY MARGUERIT] . t Cc S From the No'~ ci e- Aack Senett she A _______ T "GIDDAP"' 1 STAN LAUREL in "ZEB vs. PAPRIKA" b"I 00_____________ THlE STAG~E Presenting'T 11"1 V 'ITT x.r Wt'i V V 1 ^79 Isof eDirector --The CG DMAI a Good 2:00-3«30 Evening, 35e 7:100-8:30 Photoplay fShe Story lif ' ,. rE 'New Felix I Cartoon I ie Globe T1rotter" .cIAL ini a MA B RUCK TEA SHOP Forest, ll sdid LUNCHEON "Simple byt substantial." AFTERNOON TEA "Light and delectable." Pi y T r E RS 'HEBY DCE LA MOT] and Yfou'11 IIke It ATV-IF T -il IMAN"I LIr A Paramount Picture -O1N THlE M'I'A~xE- (REEN W IALl) -V FABER Pres~ent the BERRY QUINTETTE IREIAE BERIRY FtLA)EN;1E SANG)'ER S 1 3"" Y III-.S 1vit D1 N Orcelet at A ~ 'News' h .- EXT RA-SPE S "Alf"i'NG SUNDAY I' AGE AT'i'IA CT Ii " d .Strauss and~ His CHIGANERS 10-Art ists-10) Thecir Br iIWay Strand 11'r I