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May 08, 1925 - Image 1

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F - I

VOL. XXXV. No. 161






'27 and '28 Will Concl
Ferry Field Tomorro
Events Schedu

Phi Be
Michigan Alp
Beta Kappa,
schoIkstic frate
nual banquet a
HER TODA in the Union.
E, 'TODAY the philosophyt
t OVER on "An Ideal of
A business m
terday afternot
CLOCK James Hoyt
elected to the sc
ude Battle at lowing this me
ow;" Three who have beenc
STe i this year were
iled , the initiation ha
immediately bef'

ta Kappa

Will Hold

Annual initiation Banquet
ha chapter of Phi i ~peak for the women, Edgar IH. Ailes,
national honorary 27L, for the men. The address of
rnity, will hold its an- welcome will be delivered by Dr. F.
E. Robbins, assistant to the President
t 6:30 o'clock tonight and president of the local chapter.
Prof. E. F. Carritt of It is probable that Charles Baird,
deparitment will speak '95, '97L, who was recently elected
a Liberal Education." to membership in the society as of
eeting was held yes- the class of 1895, will be present at
on, at which time j the banquet tonight. During his un-
Maxwell, '27M, was (dergraduate lays, Mr. Baird was one
ociety as of 1924. Fol- .of the best known men on the campus,
eting, the 90 students having been practically business man-
elected to membership ager of the Athletic association, base-
initiated. In the past, ball coach, and a domineering figure
is always been held generally in University athletic af-
ore the banquet. fairs. He is at present a banker in
this year was excep- Kansas City, Mo.
dniors were taken in Prof. H. L. Caverly of the eco-
e. Of the 17 juniors nomics department is in charge of ar-
had any grade lower rangements for the banquet.gThe i-
!nore than three-fifthsJ tiates will be present as guests of
des were of A. I the fraternity. Other members of
Professor Carritt, the the organization, whether of this or
t will include two other chapters, are invited to attend.I
ill speak for the ini- Reservations, at $1.50 per plate, mayl
C. Bonner, '25, will be made by calling Professor Caverly.

Cornelius Gaebler, '27, was elected The initiation
captain of the sophomore class for the tional in that j
Spring Games at a meeting of that 1for the first tim
body held at 5 o'clock yesterday in taccepted ,none
Natural Science auditorium. of all their grad
Immediately following his election In addition to
Gaebler chose the following men to program tonight
serve as lieutenants to aid in the or-{ students, who w
gnization of the class for the conflict tiates. Frances
this afternoon and tomorrow morn-
Jack Lovette, Donald Miller, Thomas
Cranage, Victor Domhoff, Weddell1
Berkey, Thomas King, Carl Stamman,
Edward Line, William Warrick, Henry
Mentz, and Paul Cook. ' ljJU
Where They Meet:
Sophomores-at 3 o'clock, in Subject Will Be
front of Waterman gymnasium. MIoral and S
Freshmen-at 3 o'clock, in front ('il
of the Union.

Offer Prizes For Original Costumes;
Three Faculty Men Will
Judge Winners
Final preparations for the annual
Architects' May Party will be made
today, and all will be in readiness
when Wright's colored orchestra of t
Columbus, O., plays the opening
number at 9 o'clock tonight. Danc-j
ing will continue until 2 o'clock.
There will be no grand march, an
elimination dance taking its place.
Decorative work has all been done
by students of the College of Arch-j
itecture. Ben K. Wyatt, '28A, was
the designer of the Oriental setting,
and it has been under his direction
that preparations were made. Al-
though costumes in harmony with;
setting are not obligatory, such cos-'
tumes will receive preference When
the committee of three faculty mem-,
bers of the architectural college de-I
cides the winners of the contest.
Formal dress will not. be allowed,

Swing Outs and Commence-
ments for four years in succes-
sion are in store for Mrs. Gil- I
bert Anderson, of Detroit. A
senior, a junior, a sophomore,
and a freshman are all in the
family. Mildred, who is twenty-
three years old, is graduating
next month-. She was recently
elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Vir-
gil, who is twenty years old,
is a member of the class of '26.
Norman, twenty-oneyears of
t age, will pull for the sopho-
mores in the Spring games.
Delmar who is twenty years old,
is the freshman of the family
and a member of the class of
'28. The record is unparal-
leled in the history of the Uni-
versity, it is said.
Mrs. Anderson came to Ann
Arbor yesterday to attend
t Swing Out.
First Evet on Week-End Program
und ('ampus
Visiting mothers will begin to ar-
rive in Ann Arbor today to participate
. ,

Seniors of the University garbed in tbheir traditional Caps and Gowns
filed slowly across the campus walks at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon to
Hill auditorium where the annual Swing Out ceremonies were held. The
invocation was delivered by the Rev. Merle H. Anderson following which
the Varsity Glee club gave several numbers.
Acting President Alfred H. Lloyd then delivered the address of the
occasion which in substance was as follows: "The academic garb which
you are now wearing marks the consummation of a new loyalty. It seems
that to many of you the University
has given a definite' occupation. It
is not merely for this, however, that
you entered the University. If so
you might better have entered a tech-
nical school."
"More than all the University has
given you a breadth of view, wide

"Student Character,
piritual for World

Sunmner School Campaign Will Bring
Total Near Desired

Captain Brown of Football
Talks on Need of Class



=i v. a111rIL -- -- tinthe Mothers wee-end which ist
but those who attend may wear fan- ing
The tug of war has been divided Presenting a phase of the subject, thciful smocks or other simple cos- r
into three tugs of 10 minutes each. "Student Character, Moral and Spirit- More than-$950 was contributed by tumes. tian association. Many week-end
Each class captain has chosen two ual, for World Citizenship," five can- students on the campus to the Prizes for the most original cos- house parties are being held by vari-
teams of 50 men each to pull these . didates will compete at 8 o'clock to- Student Christian association Fresh tumes include jewelry for the ladies ous fraternities, sororities, and othert
struggles. The third and final tug night in University hall for the annual Air camp during the fifth> annual tag and such articles as cigarette cases organizations e
will be a free-for-all. The class win- Atkinson Memorial contest awards. day which was held Tuesday. This of Oriental design for the men. The first event which Is scheduled
ning two of the three contests will be W. C. Dixon, '26, vice-president of the amount is more than $100 above the I Photographs of the prize-winners as under the direction of the Mothers'
declared the winner of the event and j Oratorical association and director of total received last year and there well as of the entire affair will be week-end committee, headed by Jamesf
will be awarded two points in the local oratorical meets, will preside. are yet several organizations which taken. Millr, '25, will be a city and campus
Spring Games. The speakers include Joseph A. have not reported their contributions Invitations are the work of arch- tour tomorrow afternoon. The group
The games will start at 10 o'clock Amter, '28, who will speak on the to the chairman of the finance com- itectural students. They have been will leave Lane hall at 2 oclock. c
tomorrow morning on the field to the subject, "Making America Fit"; mittee of the camp. designed and hand colored by various Arrangements have been made to t
south of Ferry field. The two classes Charles H. Menmuir, '25, speaking on As is the custom, a second tag day classes in the college. have
will meet at 9 o'clock tomorrow morn- '"The Components of Genius"; Howard wil be held (uring the summer ses- Another innovation of this year's buildings on the campus open to the
ing at the same places at which they Neitzert, '27, presenting the subject sion. Last year, this event added ball will be the use of cushions in- sitors. T etour of the city will be
will meet this afternoon. Three e Vents "At Home Abroad"; Malcolm B. Rog- $300 to the calmp fund and at least stead of chairs. These will be lined a Gu es.
are scheduled on the program for to- ers, '26, offering the subject, "The this much is expected for this year.t about the wall under the running ,an aut etro t ree ress
morrow morning, each counting one World's Greatest Need"; and Frank E. The goal of $1500, which was set for track of the gymnasium. sotyerthkeahmo
point toward victory in the games. The Deans, '26, who will speak on "The the campaign, will lbe nearly reached Atraco the ymnasimnn color poem rhelatings to y "mothr"s wil sea-
events are: the obstacle race, the cane American Student and World Citizen- by the time the final results of this of the decorations. Lanterns of pa- ay he ohsayadre ormn
spree, ofdtteedecorations.cLntest.n! ofipa- ay in Hill auditorium. The program
spree, and the rope tying contest. ship." tag day and the summer session tag goda shape will be strung under the is being arranged under the direction
All contestants must wear tennis The Atkinson prizes which provide (ay are obtained. balcony. Four panels will drape of the Student Christian association.
shoes, Kicking, slugging and biting for a $50 award to the winner and a Harold Steele, '25, was in charge down under the track from a huge The meeting will start at 3 o'clock.-
are barred. Any attempt on the part $25 award for second place are award- of the tag day this year. Rensis light in the center. The comnmittee Many of the churches in the city
of either class to tamper with the rope ed annually by Orie Atkinson of Bat- Likert, '26, has been appointed has attempted to give the whole are arranging special services Sunday
in the tug of war or any effort to paint tle Creek as a memorial to his son, superintendent of the camp for this setting a far-eastern tinge. in accordance with national Mothers'
opposing men in the rope tying with { Maurice, a former student in the Uni- sumnme. Ie will appoint leaders for It is expected that prominent arch- Day which is being observed on that
the intention of defrauding, will be versity, who was killed in an auto- the camp from students on the camp- itects of Michigan and of the East date. These services will be especial-
considered by the Student council mobile accident just before the com- us. Any student who is interested in will attend. ly arranged for the mothers who are
committee in charge of the games as mencement week of 1922. The lres this work can receive more informa- visiting their children in the Univer-
sufficient grounds for calling off the ent contest is the third of the Atkin- h. -Isity. From what advance information
enlion upon the subject at Lane hill. film romwht avacenumnnaio
Spring Games. son oratorical contests. Several more leaders are yet to be IJA IO R that can be obtained, several hundred
All "M" men are requested to be on The speakers in tonight's forensic appointed. IIvisiting mothers will be in the city
hand to serve as officials, both this meeting represent the winners of pre- F'ive hundred poor boys from cities for the week-end.
afternoon and tomorrow morning. liminary contests which were held last n Michigan will be given a ten (ay
aftMrnooniand tomorrowymorning.NNEweek. Five members of the faculty vacation at the Fresh Air camp. A
"n haveThrtbneen "selected to j"dge the co"- lrepr o h epneoftecm
test. There will be ino admission is borne by Outsi~de contributions La Sociedad Hispanica will give a COU CLE DEGISIRIION
Into Law Society charge and the pubic is invited, from friends of the Student Christian dinrer in honor of the cast ofA JunaT
______ ~~~associationi Fresh Air camp. Approx- de las Vinas" Tuesday, May 12 at the f[1 ION TO
Thirteen junior law students were RATnBITlNW9TSimately $5000 is needed to run the Union, it was annonceed yesterday.
initiated Wednesday by Banristers, SRLI I TI YN~caump to accomodate ,500 boys, an Members of the society who wish to 'R tf-
senior honorary law society. Follow- (faverage of $10 being spent on attend may telephone L. W. Hoffman, Registration of students who wish
ing the initiation, a banquet was held A MS OTRVANS[O each camper. '25 at 4718, for reservations. Thoser to vote in the annual al-campus i
in the Union, at which F. R. Allaben,, in charge of the program tve ecur- elections on Wednesday, May 13, wil
'25L, was toastmaster. D. E. Mac- ed the Midnight Son's quartet of the be continued today from 9 at 2
Ellven, '25L, gave a welcome speech Geneva, May 7.-Great Britain dro- Glee club to sing while negotiations o'clock. Booths will be
to the new members, and Richard ped a bomb on Geneva tonight when II Lare under way to obtain several other four points on the campus, in front
Ford, '26L, responded for the ini- i she proposed before the international i acts for the affair.n of the library, at the engineering
tiates. Evans Holbrook of the law conference on the conrtol of arms and aElction of the soiety's officers arch, at the State street end of the
school also gave an address. ammunitions that warships be omit- for next year will take place Wed- diagonal and in front of the Union.
Those initiated to the society are ted from the category of armaments lnesday, May 13 at the Union. The In order to vote at the approaching
Richard Ford, F. E. Lewellen, R. D. which will be subject. to international Amendments to the constitution of candidates for president are John election preliminry registration is
Law, L. L. Landman, R. L. Marquis, control. Japan and Italy supported the Oratorical Association will be Jay 25, and L. . Bartley, 26; o necessary. Due to the acities of
C. J. Munz, Jr., L. B. Parks, DaneYIthe British move. voted upon immediately preceding the vice-president, Millie Moorman, the Swing-Out ceremonies yesterday,
Peterman,' C. C. Purdy, Arthur Rob- A move of another kind was made Atkinson Oratorical contest which will 26Ed, Genevieve Speers, '26, and Mi- the number of registrations was be-
inson, T. C. Strachan, E. T. Stbich, earlier in the day when Theodore E. I be held at 8 o'clock tonight in Uni-ded Burch, '27; for secretary, Mar- low the number expected.
and A. H. Williams. Burton, of Ohio, proposed an enitrely I versity hall. According to the con- dre Bun, '2 Arsrey ar-
and__A.__H.__Williamnws.n gamet Clemens 2, Au ry Alet
newclause in the convention whereby stitution of this organization all mem- 26 and Marion Kubik, '27; for trs-
Copenhagen, May 7.-What lhe p0- international traffic in poison gas for bers of the faculty and students of ', M ri. L uy k, C. T. Leas Foreign Students
lice believe to have been a plot to i war purposes would be prohibited. tihe University are qualified to vote Iandr .M. Sinlair , '27. Following TO H old Banuet
massassinate Premier Stauning of Den- Mr. Burton appeals for favorable upon such amendments whih must iHe election, Prof. Charles P. Wagner
mark and two members of his cabinet action on his resolution were for- be passed by a two-thirds majority. te of the romance languages departmentr
ed h mally approved by the representatives The amendments read as follows:."cnrotsan"
was of FranuQe, Italy, Brazil, Hugary, (1) The methods used to select mem-w The annual pinic of te society'feature the annual banquet of the
Poland and China. The resolution lers for the intercollegiate contests riIl ae hl picnic of th, societ Cosmopolitan club, which has been
Iwas prepared through a committee of are to be etirely at the direction of willselieoreldxTuesday, Mayo19,wat the
/ rTea her ch_ Island Fireplace. Details will be an f ck tomr ih-e
V'r__~ h technical experts. the Intercollegiate contest director; I Church of Christ. Prof. W. D. Hen-'
*_erury -,-ih4 iefnaca namgr hl I mn ounceI later
RearAdmiral Aubrey Smith, Bri- (2) the financial manager shall be e- derson, director of the University ex-
- tish delegate, outlined to the confer- i powered to employ a business nman- tension division will deliver the prin-
' ence committee of military, naval and ager for the Oratorical Association by cipal address, while Rensis Likert,
air matters why his country favored and with the advice and consent of the W'6E retirg President of the Cosmo-
taking war ships out of the list of Oratorical board. This business man- politan club, and Nur M. Malik, '27M
armaments which under the draft con-ager shall perform such duties as are the president-elect will also speak.
vention are subjected to a system of delegated to him by the executive llllflM iJHIIStU Ifli Stefan P. Kozakevich the Russian
license when sold by one country to committee and shall be entitled to full __ baritone who appeared at the Cos-
another. representation o the Oratorical us for the freshman spring party mopolitan night concert this year,
1aboardnihas been secured and there will also
---xpects cool weather with clear fs ay 22 at the aso R Temple will or-be numbers by the Chinese orchestra,
-epcsco e e iRpo" rt Accident furnished by Ted Rhodes and his or- h il'Ge lbqattad
skies.the Girls' Glee club quartet and
Victim Improved.Plan Dinner For chestra. The party, which will term- I
Lmate the activities of the class of '28 others.-
Law Review Stafffor this year, is to be a strictly in-
fl4C\ IrtJ , . , -- . Washinton. May 7.-Lieutenant

More than one hundred members
of the Junior literary class were I
present at the class smoker held last d
night in the main assembly hall of a
the Union. Richard Doyle, '26, class m
president, presided at the gathering. t
Robert Brown, '26, captain of the y
football team, gave a brief talk on t
the need for class loyalty, stressing c
the opportunity offered, for the men s
of 1926 to leave a lasting record in h
University achievements. He sug- s
gested the project of a campus
chimes-tower, to be built through p
funds provided by the various senior m
classes, and to stand as a memorial b
to the late Dr. Marion Leroy Burton. o
Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the politi- i
cal science department, as the princi- a
p4a.speaker, enlarged on the general a
theme of class spirit, calling it of n
considerable value in strengthening
the University as a whole. He re- l
counted his experience as a member m
of the class of 1901 at Harvard, and s
declared that Michigan has a certain g
advantage in greater unity among its i
undergraduates. He also expressed m
himself as being heartily in favor of g
the proposed plan for a campus h
The Varsity quartet presented sev- a
eral vocal numbers. It was followed
by several orchestra selections. t
Four high schools, winners of the
fourth elimination debate of the Mich-
igan High School Debating league,
will meet tonight to determine the two
schools which will debate May 19 in
University hall in the state finals. The
four schools include Detroit North-u
western. which debates MuskegonC
Heights and Croswell which engages t
In the state championship debatea
which was held in University hall last a
year more than 1,200 people attended.
A similar interest is expected in thisI
year's finals due to the original entry!
field which numbered more than 1i'5.
G. E. Densmore of the public speaking
department is state manager of the It
Michigan league.
Effinger Attends
Meeting Of Deans
Dean John R. Effinger of the liter-<
ary college left Wednesday afternoonI
for Madison, Wis., where he will at-z
tend a three-day meeting of deans of
the country's colleges of liberal arts.
Sessions of the conference willtstartt
today and last through Saturday.
Dean Effinger will return to Ann Ar-
bor on Sunday, it is expected.
More than 200 educators are ex-
pected to attend the gatherings at
Madison this week. The conference
is an annual affair.
Olympic Head To
Sail For Europe
New York, May 7.-Col. Robert M.
! Thompson, president of the American
Olymnic committee. will sail for

sympathies, a sense of fair play and
if good sportsmanship. This is the
;reatest lesson of the University and
me which develops a sense of fair
flay of use to you in all the games
f life."
"Be intellectually honest" stated
Dr. Lloyd," be able to face the evi-
[ence in any instance and have cour-
ge of the facts. You should .avoid
nere partisanship where a mere par-
isanship includes something which
ou suspect. You must remember that
his is a new world which you must
onfront, a world filled with new and
tartling facts. The intellectually
onest individual can face the new
"Respect the law. Civilization de-
ends upon law. Laws must change,
nust grow, but selfish law breaking
y groups or by individuals produces
ibstruction and a real injury to civ-
lization. Law breaking for mere
.bstract principles is too commonly
.nd too easily a disguise for selfish-
"Finally, remember that human
ife is not a mere matter of facts and
nachinery. A university career
hould teach that the world of the
reat human values, purposes, and
deals, is as real as that of facts and
nachines. All honor to the academic
gown-may no one bring it dis-
At the conclusion of Dr. Lloyd's
address the Varsity band played the
Yellow and Blue" following which
he seniors marched out of Hill aud-
torium to the library steps where
photographers were on hand to take
pictures of the individual classes.
Richard Laurence, '25, president of
he class, presided at the ceremonies.
More than 25 students have signed
up at Lane hall to attend the Lake.
Geneva student conference, June 12
to 22, within the past week, accord-
ing to John Elliott, '26, who has been
appointed by the Student .Christian
association to secure fifty men from
Michigan at the national convention.
Rex Bell, associate secretary for the
college Y. M. C. A. of the middle west,
has been in Lane hall for the last
few days interviewing students on
the convention.
Elliott wilt interview students who
are interested in the Lake Geneva
conference from 1 to 2 o'clock on
Wediesdays and Fridays in Lane
hall. The conference is a national
gathering of more than 700 students
at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Pro-
grams which include many speakers
of national renown are given In the
mornings. In the afternoons, the
campers engage in golf, tennis,
track, baseball, and other sports.
St. Louis 6, Detroti 5.
Cleveland 7, Chicago 5.
St. Louis 10, Pittsburgh 9.
Boston 7, Brooklyn 3.
New York 11, Philadelphia 8.
Only games scheduled.


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