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February 15, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-15

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-kU ''IGH






Publication In the Bulletin 183 coutructive notice
the iUniversity. Copy received by the Assistant to
3:30 fi. im. (11.30 a. in. Satuirday.
Valtanse ISt:NDAY, F'EBRUWARY 1, 1I)2:

the,-Hsident until

4 hm!\ ' j ".e' ,Ei
4't ;l : ; Aeii (lE't >i +t rq., 4'il Il~ "
l~li l ! iNT 8 N' " 1t' ,>RE

Pope Pius Xl Picinning Tour?

To tihe Senate Conell:
An adjourned meeting of the Senate Council kill be held Mondily, Feb-
ruary 16, at 4:15 P. K . iOwth Presi14eit's olfice.<'
V. 1.. Ro bbinms, Sewctamry.
('.flege of Lltecrutur nrc oce. and idte A rts, Pc st pole nut of lF"ic ii IIy )l eel
On Ac csunt Qf ,unexpaected. d ce1 y in przinting the i.pcial orders for the
Feruary ~uieetng, the next meeting of the Faculty will bc held Tuesd y,
February 24lth, at,4:10, P. Al. ij~il.tooni. 2225 Angell llall, inl place or the dte(
preyionsly anlnouncedi. Joilmi R. Effmager.'
Gollege of Literature, Scienice, and thme Arts:
Changes.nece~eitated by E grades received at the end of the first se-
mester, may be made at the Recgistrar's office, on Tuesday, February .17thi,
from 2 to 5 P. M.
Lilllit mA. Hugheos, Assistant Itv i~st ar.
Student Looan Funds:
The February meeting of the University Committee on Student Loans
will be held the later part of next week. Students dlesirinig to have their
ap)plications for loans acted upon at that time should apply at Room 2,
University flail, for blanks on or before February 16th.
J. A.!Bursley, Clialnuan Uiversity Comittee on Student Loans.
111sf iory lDepartment:
History Department will meet at luncheon Monday,, February 16, M ich-
igan Union. B. W.11'. healer.

i Alumni Neii
P r. D~el phine M anna, ':10M, is thle iiv
late(st nominee of the Al u mnus, o'hlc- m:
ial organ of the Alumni associa t ion, )w
o1 its halll of Famie. She is professor-,
eweritus of physical education at Ohl- iimlncleead a enilda?
of women's athletics tlh'.rc for many
IDr. Hanna w~s' the first 'woman to: la
be 'a full professor of p)hysicalI edtica-1
t on anud the first Nvoinan to r'eceive haf
the Carnegie pension. f

)s I Brif

tI c!e)aw e'.v ass3or '95. '1rhlis wilt
rhiIl'U'tlmirtielli inuiiv r: ry an
a c lr ua r r fortOle class h lave at.
id beenl reserved in the Lawv huil~l-
Thweother class which is nowv mak-
p iLmts for reunnioul week is the 11.100
1, class. In nddilion to the regular
uio 1101committee ac stunt comnlittee
asb ran namnel to arrange special
,t inc, for' that timeW.


!" ?il'iltit 01fi Ce Coso:>to ii1 n chlb
c'l' th1~e flive'sit y, willI be lireseitted onl
Vl~re~ 5 a 111llaudiithi ; m dl i ll.it~dei' the
I oft P1 0' rof.A. 1). Moort , of t1he
? el I''cleliirn ;de-'ar m nit, and~
3n 'I't) :"<11J1 (h e n g a a rc (,i ' of
cail),j)Ius a ;il oti1side IaIlelit i('ll-'5tslit-
luig .vol.. than ei'glit l(I:,iz;a ii: 110113.
hxhas %i w. lManned. The l)production1,
the t("It"a~j1111:l ol'eriig of 11,0(COS-
111(11:oiIjf cltzl, wil l lv('liorc of a,
i1 ; 1 y('a- t irl'i i a pro Iefiessors,
i~~1'i lcal )o.' l ia, 1I 'olttn1(,Ar-
a^:. ahjjiiitt , o (?' 1. il. A 'e
e :111 11. K o)za f' virhi . the !"I(;s'a:1
bal'ftone wll o O)i{ a 1cm(U "1'It p;rt,
in luternami''na,1lei, ht'las t y a r, will
l)la1 tihe leaid.
'i, uepose f thIle 5show t Ii ye'ar1
i5 Itwofold:: to ;how what, foreign ta. -
r cut is ava ilable, a1d(I to beneit the
WVomen's Leaigue. AVI!r .ceils, exclu-
sive ofa etual (oxlwnises, will lhe ti rn, ed
aver to f: e bu.ll ding fundi of thle Worn-!
ani l eague,witch is eo'hl'nat in- wXith
the Cosmropoli tan clubh in Ithe s;ale of1
the 'tickets.
Rleserved ;seats ftea I le (lit er see-
11011 of the main' floor and thle first
three r'ows oif the first balcony will sell
for 75 cents. All ot her seats,' unre1-
served, will lie 50 cenlts.

Mluth agitation is beingt stirred upl) Chicago Students
!by The Alumnus inl anl effort to sbecure io I arig
co-olicration among the al1umn1i to-' ier W nng
wrdrts paying their beck pledgeCs oil:,____
tihe Aichligan Union buiiilig. At the ('hIicago, X11., Feb. 14,-Warning of
prvesent time the Union is in a serious 1faiihures wer'e sent to 115 club wom-
financial condition (Rie to the fact that; en aund fraternity mien at the Unriver-
the deb~t amnounts to 50some $306,000, of Isity of Chicago, as tihe first step ins
which $228,800O is nast (uin paymuent. I the flew movement to raise the schol-
------ aAstic average of the students. The pro-
KThe mtedical class of 1.890 are al-j bation rules have been changed so
ready making plans for their reunion a hat now a C avei'age is required for
which is to be held in tune. It is l ,ie first triree years on the camnpus
the aim of the officers to have every All st.,,dents below this average will
living nember on hand and to this be pliaced 0on probation.
endl letters have alreadly been sent out -____________
to all the graduates. Turin, It aly,. Feb. 14.-Fire c auisc+d
3 2.00 .000 lire damage to the Fiat auto-
Another reunion in ;Junze is planne-d mobile plant hero

31athemaaics NO.1. PaI~I~Il VIfferenjital Equations of Pitysics:
'.Meetiug Wilt 1)e hel.i at 12~:Q4 1n001, i1ond1ay, lFebruar'y iti, in J
West, Engineering Building, to arrange hours. .i'

Ilo" m

;> y ;
Ii .



Spanish 165 (Spanish Grammnnar for Teacher's) will be given Thur iday
eventing 7:0J-9:60 o'clock,_Ilom 3411 main Library.
\o 'intmn l,. liley.
Ilbclta l 3Mneratlogy 18:
The attention of all 'dental students who received grades of 1), 1, or X,
is called to the notice posted on tihe Bulletin Board of the Dental College.
Albert B. Peck3
P"syelhology 343S:
The regular Monday at 11:00 lecture will be delivered in the Natural
Science Auditorium during tihe remainder of thle semester. A 'seating 11it
-will be posted on the bulletins board at each door of the Auditoi'iuim. to
wh~ich~ studen't5Iin the course Willplease refer before 10:00, Monday Feb. 16.
J. F. Sliepard.
Fresliuan G roup Hit Basketbaell:
Every, hian 'in Group; III Who is :interested in basketball see Edward
Hleymann (Vhbone 8583) who is in full charge of the basketball team~l. Prac-
Otec sessioAis will, be held. Opening gamie Tuesday night at 8:30 with Group
11. . "Jantmes rT. Herald, ('alhlatimi
Botanical 8nitular:
I3ot liic Fd Setninar ..itets Wednesday, February 18, at 4:30 B17"1 N. S.
Bluilding. Paper ley C. C. Glover--.Prlhtclples underlying botanical classifi-
cation" . 'B. ,iBl. Dai .
iagh- +clrpc>OI- T ei aitliim:
All students .electing any 'one of'the Special Method Qouirscs ill ERuca-
tiont (except lit the 09c ences.-and in Latih) must sign utp, for the wvork during
the t*,o Weeks February 16 to February 28. The ob~servations themselves
will be.-In Monday,-March 1, and extend over a period of ten weeks, to May
16{. Stud ents will be r~qi~fired to observe eight class meetings and attendo
two cnferenlces 'in 'their mrajor subject, and observe foui' class meetings
and atten' bne: conference ini their minor subjects.
Assio net~s, for this work will be made by Mr. Whitehiouse in Roomi
19 .(Basement), Tappan fll, daily between the hours of 1:00 and 5:00 P. M.
during the two weeks stated above. Each student should bring with hrim
his semes'eer's-Class schedule fully made out and he lpreparedi to indic ate the
clays and hlours he ir,she has free for the. observations. Preference it) choice
Will, of eurse, be thxe largest, for the early corners. C. 0. 1)aVIS,
Faculty Concert:
The followin g program iwill be given in Hill Auditorium Sunday after-
noon at' 41nt olock by Mabel Ross-Rihead, Pianist and Ora L_.arthard, Vio-
Sonata Fantasie, Op 19 (Scriabine) ; Mrs Rhead; Allegro M~oderato and
Adagio Prom Concerto in D major (Klengel) (Hayen) Miss Larthard:
Etudes (Chopin) Mrs. Rhead; Waldesruhe (Dvorak) Scherzo (Klengei)
Miss barthard.
Tvaude Okkel berg will accompany.
- Charles A. Sinmk ,Scretary.

At new portrait of Pope Pius X
Rolme, Feb. 14. -The contemiplatedi wor'ld tour of Pope Fius Xi is arous-
in<- lmchi dismiussion in d iploniAic as well as secular circles.

--- _._.... ..- __- No offi cialI statolnent has been is sued by the vatic an regarding the
AT A it N la!tei', nd it, has been dleniedl in sons o quarters, but it is known that the
WO N 11 SiUI ~ 01 n tiff 'has haed it in Iiincl for soiree theie.
Notices to app~ear in this column miiust -
*he left in the box at t w1 I)a+Iy 'i:'e 3
o'clock preceeding the: day of issue. ; :":::=:i: n n w ro ~

2 :Ilf-Zi;,II}- 1sh'1pi?l hiii tglr/:d('u1pic-
tur es in the wvest galleryv of Alumni
Meln'-rial hall.
:30-11rs. D~oud speaks on "Aruericar.
izat ion Work in This Coun try" at the
Hlelen Newberry re'sidence.
3 :00--31emnlwrs qof Iinies meet: in
Mimes thea tre.
:3 :00--I11ii,dnsam clh! meets fit dLn'
4 :15-Facully concert in 11111 auiihlor-
:,al-'on-regutomm I ;miidBalptist sill.
dent groups join at Baptist Guild
7:30-1i'. 1Ba1ker !-,vcahs c(i "Thl Iiild.
ing of Stud('nt Mor'ale"' in NI ill aludi-
tori um.
' 8i:0th----31of it pitt is tit ('oii gre" a.
ti ona 1 church, 13m Tie's ''Phi eLit tle
12:00- I i fory iiefui srt men ti#mccl ' 0a
lillcheoll ii tbe 111101
t 0t4:0-I'll ion tl~ti b 'rshsip c i°'s
available on thie thirid floor ci' thy
I IliOll.
,1:00-French play' Itryovi s to be 1b4'ld
in room 202, So ut 4 - e a e c cn t Ii W it fi n g.c s
ident's office.
4 : I---Fresh 111111 (:irls' f le cli00)
mneets on the third floor of t''
School of Music.
S 00)-All-ossoi' (a eil I reads ; a per.
on "C( a ssicism and Poimullano'o in fl'(;
Eig"liIteent Ii Conentry"' in room 30),
' 1? ll r. 1Fosdich speaks oln "Org-an-
17.11mg Our I itern ational Uclatfion s''
in N. S. a uditoriumin
('ape T'owvn Sootari Atric';i. Feb. 14. -
flhi lill isteria I orga~n says, tlegovi-
immmel t is, considering atsi111iing con-
-quotas (of, 1producItionl Ito t'evarlioua
pr'oducers, imlposinlg iimlili. P'i'"
;nd appointing7 a board'o to buy and s d11
dilamondls or act as agents.

M:A~?j J ~ t~L/~~ Li ~gbJI~L I
ervice* C7a~~ I

1111 Seoll

lIi t~ 1'pQI illipmelnt to) wh you do t;ootl work th1i .resenit
'ai'oitlizc the Studtent Supply Store--you'll 5c well

I'lilirsily Arc.

I'lie 1160-K




'c ' iI -c


Lost Opportunity!
I am making connections with llmdi-
craft Shops in the large cities, who will
handle Merrick-Fette Chinese Rugs at
a much higher price than I am now
asking. It will increase my output many
times, abutL1Irvill soon have to increa'se
my pricc to meet theirs in order, to protect
I am daily expecting a shipment of two
thousand feet. Until these come I have
none to show, as I sent over two
thousand feet to Detroit this week.
Order your rugs now so that you may
not lose an opportunity of securing the
highest class rug at a nominal price.
31UV.. 1. B. IIJEItRtICK
Phone 31:55 92:8 Cljurch St.

1)o In~ if or

Sunday Evening Lunich
Hot Speci-als

IV -,:fflIc S,

to t

Extemiporauneous Coitelst:
'1"lhe general subject for the extemporaneous contest is Chbild L abor.
Tryouts will be held Friday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock in Room 3 02 Matson
Hall. Speeches will be .three mninutes in length andl mays lie on armylphiase
of the general subject: From these. tryouts, seven menn will be chosen to
comnpete in the final contest on Feb.; 27. A first andl second prize will h~e
, tamart~ed In the final. contest.
W. C. lDixou, 1Director Local ('ontests.
Gradluate English Gub:
-r .Tliere will be .a',meetiq g of ,1h Graquat e English Club in Rtoom 8302 of
the Michigan Union on Monday evening, February 16, at 8:00 o'clock. Prmo-
essor F. F.. Carritt will read~a paper on "Classicism and Ronmance in the
Eighteenth Century." Paul N ueschke, Pres ient.
League of Nations Non-Partlsau As~oclation:
ltaymond B. Fosdick of the New York Bar will speak on "Organizing
Our international Relations" at .$ o'clock, Monday night in Natural Science
auditorium.; Professoor J. . Reeves of the political science dlepartment will
introduce M1r., Fosdick. Meinbers or the Association and anmy others inter-
ested are invited to attend. Edgar It. Adles.
Lecctures on ('ity.-Plhmumnng:
Mr. Frank Il.' Willianis of. the New York Bar will deliver tihe following
leet1ur'es on '-'ity Planning from the Lawyer's Point of View":
Fulnlamenutals" Tuedaty, February 17, at 11 A. 1M. West Physics a'iuphi-
"Zoning" ,Wednesday, February} 18, at 4:15 P. M. Natural Science audi-
toit"tPlanning for Beauty" Th zusdlay, .IFblatzry 19, at 11i . Natural Sci-
ice auditor'jtm. ,-, . .
"Regionial Planni, w seia eeec to the Regional P1lan' of
New, .ork" Thursday, February 14, at 4:15 P. M. Natural Science auditoritim.
''.'he WuI U1is cordially, ijtq1. -- - - Ausbr'ey Teald i.

111 9ie i-el
Serve Ice Cream Today.
It's the best dessert be-,
cacuse it's more healthful,

.. .. .

.. . . _ .
-- .

The designers of our Cor-
respondence Stationery meet
the demand for novelty
without .losing any of the
distinction and good taste
which always characterizes
thieir fine writing papers.
We shall be glad to show
you our large assortment.

When good fellows get together on our Student Tours

better liked.

order this



to Europe
($162, Cherbourg)

Round 'Trip


Take your own crowd with you., Special Tourist Third Class
Accommodations on the famous "0" steamers, reserved for
students, teachers, artists, tourists. Congenial companions, good
food, comfortable airy staterooms, broad promenade decks.
Special conducted University' Tours with extensive itin-
erary at inclusive rates, sailing on "ORDUNA"-June 27.
Write for Booklet
Sailings from New York
ORDUNA-May 30, June 27, July 25
ORBITA-June 13, July 11, August 8




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