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May 07, 1925 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXV. No. 160




Student Councilmen Will T a k e
Charge of Sophomore Assembly
At 5 O'Clock Today#

Prominent. State Architects
Will Gather For May Party

Prominent architects of the state
and from the East are expected at
the Architpcts' May Party, which will
be held tomorrow night in Barbour
gymnasium. Although invitations
have been sent to more than one hun-
dred architects, only twelve have
signified their intention of coming.
An innovation at this year's affair,
which will be in keeping with the
Oriental environment, will be the use
of cushions instead of chairs. The
cushions will be lined around the
wall of the gymnasium. Students of
the architectural school have been
doing extensive work to carry decor-
ations out to the best effect.

Prizes for the best costumes, which
t will be judged by three faculty mem-
1 hers of the architectural college,
were announced yesterday. A lava-
lier will be awarded to the lady wear-
ing the best costume, while a cigar-
ette case, of far eastern design, will
be the prize for the best men's cos-
tume. Pictures will be taken of those
who are chosen in the elimination
dance and of those who 'win the
prizes. A composite picture of the
whole affair will also be taken.
Practically all the tickets have
been disposed of although there are
still a few available. These may be
secured from Herbert Watts, '26A.

Six Senior and Six Junior Candidates
For Council Memberships Will
Be Chosen
Candidates for the presidency of
next year's Student Council . were
named by that body at the regular
meeting in the Student Council office
last night.. They' are William TP. Col-
man, '26E, and Kenneth C: Kella r, '26.
Both men served during the past year
as junior councilmen, Kellar being
secretary of the council for the first
semester and Colman acting in that
capacity during the second semester.
They will be voted on at the regular
all-campus election next Wednesday.
Candidates for junior and senior
councilmen will be nominated next
Friday night. Six men will be se-
lected for junior aid six for seniorj
positions from which three junior
anI three senior councilmen will be
elected Wednesday. Petitions must'
be sent to Alfred B. Connable Jr.,
1912 Geddes Ave., by Friday noon in

Granger's dance hall will be the be permitted to attend. Little at-
s'cene of the first annual Band prom- tempt will be made to decorate the
enade to be given Saturday night by hall, but novelties in the form of
maize programs shaped like small
the Michigan band, instead of the block "M's" will be given to the
Barbour gymnasium as previously;gess
announced. The comittee made this
change in the plans because suitable 1 The grand march will vary from
decorations could not be put up aft- that of the usual formal party, for
er the Architects' May party which the members of the band will wear
will be held in the gymnasium the l their capes, with the maize lining
night before. thrown back, preceding the guests in
This is the first formal party ever the line of march. When the crowd
attempted by the band, but if success- assembles for the picturel just after
tul, it will be repeated each spring the march, the band will gather in a,
until a new tradition has been es- compact square in the center of the
tablished on the campus. floor, surrounded by tho guests on
A ten-piece orchestra from Lansing, three sides.
the Pastime players, has been secured Robert A. Burhans, '28M, is acting
to furnish music for the dancing as chairman of the committee in
which will continue until midnight. charge of arrangements, and is assist-
This party will be strictly a clos- ed by Robert V. Halsey, '25, present
ed affair, as only members of the drum major, and Ward L. Chadwick,
band and their individual guests will '26M.

Band Hill Hold Promenade
At Granger's Hall Saturday)

IImrfll TflR~ffl

Seniors Will Assemble in Caps, Downs
At 3 O'clock to Form Line
of March
Acting President Alfred H. Lloyd
will address the seniors of the Uni-
versity at 3:45 o'clock this afternoon
in Hill auditorium. Rev. Merle H.
Anderson will give the invocation.
At 3 o'clock the seniors in Caps and
SGowns will gather in front of the li-
brary and the following line of march
will be observed; literary women,
literary men, engineers, architects,
medics, nurses, laws, dents, phar-
mics, graduates, educationals, and

Charles Johnson, '28, was selected
captain of the freshman class for the
Spring Games at a meeting held at !
5 o'clock yesterday in Natural
Science auditoriumi. Johnson willlO
apioint a number of lieutenants to
aid in the organization of the class


Organization Will Co-operate lith
Aumn Arbor Floral Company
III Sale

for the annual struggle. Diener, Neiiton, Lawrence, And Gow I
The sophomores will meet at 5 ! Approved For Presidential
o'clock today in Natural Science Race .
auditorium to elect a captain to lead -
the class in the Games. Student GOW WITHDRAWS
councilmen will be in charge of the
meeting and will give instructions
pertaining to the inter-class conflict.i Names of the men nominated for the
At 2' o'clock tomorrow the sopho- various Union offices were an-f
mores will gather in front of Water- ! nounced yesterday by the Union nom-
man gymnasium and at 2:30 o'clock { inating committee. The following
the class will march to the tradition- men were nominated for the presi-
dency; William L. Diener, '26, James
TODAY t Newton, '26, Harry Messer, '26,
5 o'clock-sophomores meet Richard Lawrence, '26 and John Gow,
in Natural Science auditorium. '26E. Gow has withdrawn his name
2 o'clock-Sophomores meet + leaving only four men.
at Waterman gymnasium; . The nominations for recording sec-
freshmen in front of the Union rotary are: Brayton Deane, '26 andI
2:30 o'clock - Sophomores Richard Barton, '26. Nominations
march to Spring Games. for literary vice president are; Roy
2:45 o'clock Freshmen Callahn, '26, Gwyn Hughes, '26 and
march to Spring Games. Edwin C. Mack, '26; for engineering
3:30-Tug of war across vice president, J. Demuming, '26E,
Huron river. Rensis Likert, '26E, :Harry Hawkins,I
'26E; for law vice president Egbert
Isbell, '26L, Merle Travis, '26L and
al site on the banks of the Huron. Lucien Lane, '26L; for medical vice
The freshmen will meet at 2 o'clock president, Wesley Reid, '26M, Robert
in front of the Union and at 2:45 will Cooper, '26M, Robert Wilkins, '27M;
begin the march down State street to for combined vice president Eugene
the scene of action. Buck, '26D, E. Romle Romine, '26D
The tug of war across the Huron and Burton Groff, '25P.
has been divided into three periods Any men who wish to run for any
of 10 minutes each. The captain of of the Union offices on a petition
each class will choose two 50 men must have their petitions in thel
teams for the first two tugs and the hands of Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L,1
third and final tug has been de- president of the Union by 9 o'clock1
dared a free for all. The class win- Saturday morning. A provision inI
ning two of the three contests will the Union constitution makes it
be given two points in the Spring necessary for those running on peti-
Games. tions to have their petition in four)


Through the co-operation of the Ann
Arbor Floral company, the University
V. W. C. A. will offer Mothers' Day
flowers at reduced prices to students
who leave advance orders with the;
Y. W. C. A. All fraternities, sorori-


%Jtfti§W W * * I uM R

Talk to Be Given At S-moker
Junior Literary Class
Ton ight


Adopt A mendments to Women's,
League Constitution; Grant Per.
mission For Band Dance

t order to be considered at the regular "Class Loyalty" will be the subject Permission was granted the Var-
ties, league houses and dormitories on Ir
the campus will be called today ai . nominating eeting and betore next of an address by Prof. Thomas H. Reed sity band to hold a dance Saturday,
given a chance to leave their orders. ered at all. Ten percent of the en- of the political science department at May 9, at the regular meeting of the
Individuals or organizations which rollment of each college on the the smoker of the junior literary class Senate committee on Student Affairs
do not receive a call may leave orders campus is necessary to petition. which will be held at 7:30 o'clock to-. held yesterday afternoon. A petition
for flowers at the University Y. W. C. Varsity cheerleaders candidates night at the Union. submitted by the batd requesting
A. All houses are asked by the com- will also e named by the council Richard Doyle, president of the permission to organize a chapter of
mittee, in charge of Geraldine Trus- nominations committee. The mem- class, will preside at the gathering Kappa Kappa Psi, national honoraryI
cott, '25, to decide on the number of hers of this committee are Alfred B. which will be the first social function band fraternity, was tabled by theI
orders which will be desired before Connable Jr., '25 chairman, Philip of the junior literary class this year. committee for further discussion.
the call is made i order that the work Wagner, '25, Thomas A. Cavanaugh, An extensive program of entertain-
Several amendments to the consti-
of the committee will be made easier '27,. Irvin Deister, '25, Edward M.(aent has been arranged by the com tution of the Women's League were
I-rices of flowers are as follows: Fox, '25Eand William Colman, '26E. imittee in charge. Cigars and cigar- adopted by the committee. The peti-
carnations, each, 15 cents; tulips and They will meet at 7:30 o'clock next ettes will be dispensed during the eve- tion of Chyron, a local organization,
jonquils, 10 cents; roses, 10 and 15 Friday night at the Union. ning and at the conclusikn of the pro-tK
cents; sweetpeas, in bunches. G5 The council went on record as en- gram refreshments will e served. The national fraternity, was accepted at
cents. All corsages will be reduced dorsing Senior Sunday and Father's : Varsity quartette has been engaged to the meeting A petition to organize
in price by 15 per cent. Delivery of Day as worthy and fitting traditions j give several numbers on the program hapteriof PA pilon Kappana-
flowers ordered through the Y. W. C. of Michigan. Father's Day, spon- and the Phi Sigma Kappa orchestra t aphysical edciona fa-
A. will be made on Saturday. sored by the Union, will be held May will provide music for the affair. The tyonas referreduton Jose -
The Y. W. C. A. is selling the flowers 16, and Senior Sunday, a Students smoker is open to all members of the i, was referred to Dean Joseph
as part of the Mothers' week-end pro- Christian Association event, will 'junior literary class. The committee IBursley and Dr. John Sundwall for
gram which the Student Christian as- probably take place May 17. 1 in charge further announcesthat the discussion.
sociation is arranging for this week- Reports were made by the Inter- affair will be free of charge.

seniors in the School of Music. The
Varsity band will lead the long line
cf black robed figures to Hill audi-
Included on the program are num-
bers by the Glee olub and by' Philip
La Rowe, organist.
This year a new system will be em-
ployed when the seniors enter Hill
auditorium; those in the front of the
line of march will fill in the rear
seats and those at the end of the line
will take seats in the front rows.
This measure was adopted to facili-
tate the prompt emptying of Hill aud-
itorium. The Varsity band will close
the program with "The Victors."
At the conclusion of the program
the seniors will march on prescribed
walks across the campus. Individual
class pictures will be taken at the
end of the march on the library steps.
Richard Lawrence, '25, president of
the class will preside at the Swing
Out ceremonies.
Swing Out marks the second occas-
ion on which members of the class.
of '25 will participate in a class
function of traditional nature, Cane
Day being the first indication that
another large group of men and wo-
men will soon be listed as graduates
of the University of Michigan.
Brains Prime
Grid Reqii c
Roper Asserts

end. It is necessary that the Y. W. C.
A. receive the order for flowers today
and no flowers will be sold at the
special prices later in the week.
uinniirn 1um1 i nnrnr&

collegiate and Mid-Western confer- -
ence delegates. It was announced S hl , T
that the National Intercollegiate Ac- * -7
tivities conference was to be held at
Ann Arbor in 1927, delegates repro- Story
senting student government, publica-_

f Old



The Games will start promptly at i
10 o'clock Saturday morning and will
consist of three events; the cane
spree, the obstacle, race, and th'e
rope tying contest. Each event willj
count one point in the final result
which precludes any possibility of a
tie between the classes.
All "M" men have been requested
to serve as officials both Friday af-
ternoon and Saturday morning.
Warnings To Go
In Mails Today
All warnings of deficient grades in
the College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts will be in the mail by this
afternoon. Students whose names be-
gin with the first letters in the alpha-
bet were mailed warnings yesterday.
It is thought that the number of
warnings this semester will be some-
what lower than the number whichl
was sent out last semester.1
Tokio, May 6.-Advices from Seoul,i
Korea, say a devastating forest fire
is sweeping through numerous villag-
es and leaving thousands homeless.j
- '
-predlets a continuance of cool and;
cloudy weather.
in business, m education, in any-
'i,' tti inor eane rthrm nhDrsonal

days before the date set for the elec- tions, athletics, dramatics, debating Greek cfl
ionsI and musical activities to attend, com-
lug from colleges from all parts of Ernest G. Sihle, Ph.D Lit.D will
the country.dgive a lecture under the auspices of
1 A recommendation was made by the classical departments on "Poly-
Masques will present the final the council to next year s governing us and His Plan in Ancient Histor-
number in its series of plays at 7:30 body that the president of the Stud- iogra h" at 8 o'clock this evening in
o'clock tonight in Sarah Caswell An- eits Christian Association e vite room 2003, Angell hall. Professor
..REA-ES TO FICIL gell hall. The three plays selected lm e smud ecome ers Siller retired from active interests a
Salary increases for several of the j for presentation are "Between the of the council for one year, at the end little over a year ago and is now em-
city officials and employees were Soup and the Savory," a comedy of of which time it would be determinedlits oessyr o an inow em-
xvehetm twsoldudb eoea eemnd-;eritus professor o ai nNwYr
made at the meeting of the common domestic life by Gertrude Jennings, wmeth er or ot. eorts of university. He has been a very pro..
council Monday night, upon the "Mothers of Men", a war drama by neut member or not. Reports of ductive scholar throughout his life
the spring events committees were
Srecommendation of the committee on Percival Wilde, and A Bit of Dutch ompleted and accepted by the coun- and has published several interesting
s.alaries.l All are to become effec- Lace," the fourth scene in Edward cmil.works on Caesar and Cicero. Hel
five June 1, with the exception of Knoxbloch's melodrama, "My Lady's All organizations whose officers claims the distinction of being thez
those for city treasurer and city at- Dress." elected on the spring elections first to graduate under Professor El-
torney, which will start May 5. !1aTeeedirectorstLilliang Bronsonsare
r.The directors, Lillian Bronson, ballot must hand in the names of dersleeve, and was the first to receive
Raises were granted in the offices Phyllis Loughton, Elizabeth Strauss, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at
of the city attorney and city treasur- express the hope that the women wh ir cDites i.meatel th Heg kens Doctoro s opy.
er, in the water department, and in are entertaining their mothers in Ann In his lecture tonight Professor
the department of public works. Arbor this week-end will take advanS- Sihler will tell how Polybius, a Greek
tage of this opportunity to attend a R egistration scholar, was brought to Rome as a
I campus production.-; hostage in the seccnd century before
e inhTiermAwarded he casts for the plays includes For Elections Christ, and while there wrote the
Honors In Bo t a n y re, a re l , first history of Rome. Many historians
Ea r t ds rvehave considered Polybius' work to be
Lewis Wemyr, gmrad. is the only grtEthe finest on its subject. Professor
Michigan student to receive a fellow- Sihler is one of the best fitted men
skip iin biology in the awards made I Klein To L All stumdents who wish to vote in of our time to discuss this point as
tN n aniual all-campus elections on be is recognized as one of the most
by the Ntem oftResearell oui.h; For Copenhagen Wednesday, May 13, must register widelyread 'in of this phase of
will be located next year at Harvard either today or tomorrow atone of r Roman history.
will lie located next year at Harvard Ii time booths wlich will be distribiuted_______________
university. Mr. Wehmneyer, who is a Prof. Oskar Klein, of the physics out the campus. The hour,,for

"Football strategy, not brute
Ottawa, May 6.-A terrific earth- strength, is supreme today, said
quake believed to have occurred some-
where at .vea, was indicated in two Coach W. W. Roper of Princeton Uni-
series of tremors recorded last night versity in speaking to students of
and this morning at the Dominion ob- physical education and football men
servatory. last night at the Union. / Coach
Observatory officials have been un- Roper
able to determine the distance to the I mo t he fact k i
center but they believe that if the time football, no one could make a
earthquake occured in an inhabited team who did not weigh over 190
part of the globe, the damage would pounds, but that since the early
be as great as that experienced at 1900's, the whole spirit of the game
Tokio. has been changed. Now there are
The first tremor was recorded at many different plays in use, rather
7:42 o'clock last night and the shock than just the "push and pull" system
last for 2 1-2 hours. The sec6nd I previously used, making headwork,
quake was registered at 4:05 o clock brains, and initiative most important.
this morning. The Princeton coach stated that W-
was a great believer in the leadership
and influences of the captain, but
LIBO nNaInInrthat it was one of the fundamentals
of the game that the quarterback
f should have absolute control of
FORG inrnp' choice of plays and directing the team
on the field.
The eastern grid mentor empha-
Washington, May 6.-A number of sized the fact that coaches knew that
suggestions for labor's memorial to almost any team would do its best
Samuel Gompers was laid today be- on the field, but that the real team
fore the quarterly meeting -of the was composed of players who did
American Federation of Labor's exe- their own thinking, not depending
cutive council. Statutes of various entirely on the coaches. He stated
designs, tablets, and scholarship that there were times when any rules
funds were included among the pro- ; should be broken, and praised the
posals.-player who can break them at the
More than average support was 'proper time.
given a suggestion that the memorial
take the form of a heroic statue of
the late leader supported by symbolic iengineer Exams
figures denoting various lines of in-, e p Ju e1
n Ug aoun U s nSet For June 1ii
dustry to be erected probably in the
vicinity of the Federation building
here. j Registration examination for arch-
itects, engineers, and suveyors, which
will be given at the University, has
nuuaiN Nbeen set for June 11-13, the Mich-
igan State Board of Examiners an-
nounces. Applications and full in-
formation may be secured from the
RG B office of the board, 2033 Park avenue,

Cole Fellow in Botany, has been department, who was granted a leave-
working in the botany department of absence for the first semester of i registration are 9 to 12 and 1 to 2
I i o'clock. Any one who fails to reghs- 1
for his doctor's degree. the year 1925-26, will leave for Den- o'clk noe whto fiston regi-
I PARKE DAVIS- I inmark immediately after the close of ! ter' will mnot be able to vote oii elec-;
Seniors of the dental school were school inmTune.yProfessor Kleinshas tions day. te registti d iytb i
conducted yesterday through' the lab- been awarded a fellowship in the In- B sill be maimtained for two lays only.
oratories of the Parke-Davis phar- stitute for Theoretical Physics at he library, in front of the Union, in
macy company in Detroit. Several j the University of Copenhagen and the lirariig frnt of d the
l the engineering arch, and at the.
lectures were delivered to them in ill 1 research work there in tlheo- State street end of the diagonal. All
sunyeerthe ca oany i yh em- msindications point toward a record
ployees of the company, includings
I one on the subject, "Vitamines of the The Institute for Theoretical vote this year.
Diet," and another on "Anesthetics." Physics is under the direction of Dr.
j_ _Niels Bohr, who won the Nobel prize W enley Portrait
in physics in 1923. Dr. Bohr is noted 1
Navy Manoeuvers for his work on the atomic theory. Fund Tops $100
D' I eit Professor Klein was formerly a--_
sclose D ecy student at the Umnversity ot Copen- More than $100 has been collected
hagen and he received his degree as on the campus for the fund being
Honolulu, May 6. - The battle of doctor of philosophy there for re- raised by the Detroit Alumni associa-
iCn- ;ionfl flipmnns.etetnsieit-n _ m -ph wnrk Anna in +hn-Afia . ,a l.

Plans for last night's Varsity band
program were thrown off when rain
followed by hail and snow began tol
fall shortly after 8 o'clock.
A crowd of more than a thousand
had gathered about the front of the
General library to hear the regular
weekly concert, one of the series in-
augurated for Wednesday nights a
few weeks ago. The band had march-
ed from their quarters on State
street and received a heavy ovation
as they entered the campus from
Morth TnivorsitV avenue.

Amsterdam, May 6.-The rejection
today by the lower house of parliment
of the bill making an appropriation
I for the expenses of the 1928 Olympic
games in Amsterdam, although it had



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