VAO1M PTGHT DAILYOFFICI'AL BULLETIN' Publication in the. Bulletin is constructive notice . t all members of the University. Copy received 2)a tir Assistant to th. z'es'dent until 3:30D p. n0(1:30 a. mn. Saturdayh Volume 6WWDNESAY, 3MAY 6, 11925 '1w~br 159 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thomas J., Dudley, Har old W., D~uncan, Russell E., Finkleman, Max, Fores- ter, John A., Goddard, Edwin N.. Griest, Richard S., Hall, Robert L., Heath, Forrest A..,IHuf[, 1Daniel A.. Kane, Irving, Kaskinen, Yijo A.. McHenry, Her- bert T., McKinnie, Arthur A., iMoore, Robert L., Nathan, James A., Oeming, L. F., P'arson, Jos. Herbert, Pinney, F. L1., Robinson, Sig, Sestok, Chas~., Jr., Sibafer, Dale, Taylor, Jas. D.. Tburnan, John II., TPolle, A. W., Whiittemiore, 1)0ug~las~, Winiter', Thos. Chias., WNood James B. Lecture,~i A 1Lecture under the iiuipices of the Classical D~epart ments on '"Polybius and bis Plan in Ancient llwt-oriography" will be given by Ernest G. Sibiler, Phi:]). Litt.D)., Emeritus Professor of New Y\ork University at 8:00 o'clock Thursday evening, May 7, in Room 2003, Angell Hall. The, public is invited. 11. A. Sanders. 7'o thte IDeants: There will be a Confrence of the Deans on Wedieday, May 6, at ten o'clock in the President's office. A. H. Lloyd. To Nelwrs of. thie Uinioi : At a special mneeting oif the Board of Directors, John 1. Tracy and Louis Wtollenberger were susp~endedl from nembership of the Michigan Union for the balance of'the semester, for a violation of the 1House Rules. lKarl B. llobertsoi, Recording Scrieary of the Borid of Dirctors. Ann Arbor Asloiation: International Exhibition of modern paintings, fromh the Carnegie Institute of P'ittsburgh, Alumni Memorial Hal, afternoons 1 :30-5:00; except Sunday 2:00-5200; Thrsdai~5(~y evenings 1:30-9:30: May 5th to May 24th. Free to nmembers, students of University. pupils of Schools. Warren P. Lomibard, Presidet. Parke, Ilaiis Co. lfiswetioii Trip: Sudlents of the College of Phar'macy may take special interurban car at "7 o'clock today, either' at the station or at State and Packard. This car will take the party directly out E. Jefferson to the plant at Jos Campau Ave. C. C. Glover, Secretary. Mechanical Engineerig 7, Mon.-Fri. Section: The men in this section will report in the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory at their usual place Friday, May Sth, at 1:00 P. AT. for the pr- linilnary work of the boiler test. H. J. Watson. 'English 40: This course will meet as usual today and Friday. V. It. lHumipreys. To Studenits of Physical Education and Cadidats for the Football Tan: Coach W. W. Roper, of Princeton University, will speak at 7:3 o'clock tonight, Wednesday, in Room 316 of the Michigan Union. Students of Physi- cal Education and candidates for the football team are ivited to attend. F. 1. Yost. French O: Following students please report tomorrow morning, Thursday, 7 :00 A. M. for make up on last examination: DeVine,.Goodspeed, Gruber, Han- bey, Hiedrick iHyma, Janikoski, Poe, S epicka, Stentzel, Walsh. James R. Wadsworth. Instructors ini Rhetoric I and II: Instructors in the above courses will please meet Wednesday, May 6, at 4 o'clock, in Room 3213 Angell Hal. T.~ E. Rankin. Song Recital: Ba rre 1111, an advanced student of. Theodore H-arrison, will present the following program in the School of Music Auditorium Wednesday eve- ning at 8:00 o'clock: Sebben, crudele (Caldara), Lascitemni Morre! (Monteverde), Nelcor friu non mi )ento (Paisielli), All acqli~to di gloia (Scarlatti); Psyche (Paladilke), Les Roses D'spahan (Faure). "Ariette (Videl) ; Pastorale Varia- tions (Mozart), Reflets Bans 'eau (Debussy) Dwight Stere; Modnaclt (Schumann), Ich hab hu Traum gewenet (Schumann), Standhen (Brahmns), Der Tod, das ist (ie kukle Nacht (Brahms), Botschaft (Brahms) ; The Crystal Gazer (Kramer), Little Bateese (Pierce), Memory (Densmore), The Great Awakening (Kramer). Accomnpaniments will be played by Dwight Steere. Charles A. Si-{, Sereta ry. Twvilight Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University Organist, will preent the following pro- gram Wednesday afternoon, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditoriunm: Gothic Suite (IBoelman) ; Andante Canta)ile (from string quartet, op. 17) (Tscbaikovky), Scherzo Caprice (Ward) ; Lieestraum (Liszt), Finale (Symphony 1) (Viene). Chtres A. Sink, Secretary. Union Opera: The men listed below will please report at the Mies Theatre at four 11. 'A. Wednesday. Those who signed up for C ry out and whose names do not appear below are ineligible for spring trials but may try out again in the fall: Bishop, William C., Mlake, William F., Poland, JohnIt . Jr.. Boyle, James B., Brady, Joseph V., Browne, Gerald E., Conlow, Thomas L:, Dougal. F~~Iii ' ~WEDNESDAY, MAY 6. 192-) 6:30 this evening. Professor Bartlett of the Botany D~epartment will Be the M Ar. an,] Mrs. R. A. Campbell and p~rincipal slpeaker. All mfemb1ersi are urged to attend, Mr.i'.aniiMi's. Wilfred Wilson have C. It.Dis. ii been invitedl to act as patr'ons. Alr. _________________ (ampbell, treasurer of' the Universit.v IFtiif'smEn iginaee's : ml.n mayor of Ann Arbor, has for The regular weekly assembly will be held at ll. o'clock on Wednes;day. eer lyastnana c tvs inter- est in the fnnilsau of the May G, in Room 3)48 Fingineering Building. Coach Roper of Princeton Ui- =hand, while Mr. Wvilson, of the School versity will talk to the class. ~J. C. Brier'. of Music, has acted as director since Ili j1914. coal parties in past years, this wvillj Miss Mar'jorie R. Ried, '27, of Luni- 1 be its first formal dlance. Similar herton. New Jersey, and Robert A. Iparties will lie held each spi'ing, if Burhans, '281!2, -of Lansing, will lead IRSA D P O present plans of the band council are the granld march, followed byth [ca0rRriTedf through. membei's of the band, wearing mnaize U L Il I U~iUIIU Illnumb~er of guests will be limited, Th'le comimittee planning the partly -- j with only members of the band andt consists of Robert A. Burhans, '''til, Varsity 3Ifuimlans 11ill Gather For{ their guests attending. The Pastimie ;chairfman Robert V. Halsey, '25, Formal D~ance in Barbour 1 players, of Lansing, a ten piece, and Ward L. Chadwick, '26M. N o (4imAT111Siuai oi'chestra, will play for (lancing, ticlkets wvill be sold to the public, as which will continue from 9 :00 o'clock only guests with invitations will be TOB N U LE E T until midnight.' admitted at the door. The decorations for the affair will- be elaborate, but the scheme to be' Warsaw, May 5.-The Polish press: The Vi rsity Band1( will give its employed is withheld by the conmmzit- is protesting the refusal of the lPan- First Annual Band Promenade on ;tee as a surprise for the guests. Pr'o- zig Senate to permit the Poles l'c:i&l ISaturday, May 9, in the Barbour gramns have already been received, ing in the Free City territory from de- gymnasum. 1andl are fashioned of small maize inmonstrating in honor of the national fAlthough the band has held infor- Block-M's. Polish holiday Sunday. 1 ro Mlemblers of the Varsity Baud: The Band will assemble at Morris hall at 6: 45 tonight. Uniforms to be wor'u; also cap~es. Weather permitting, the unit will then march to the Library steps for a concert. Robert V. Halsey, . . M Pi Beta .Kappa : A special meeting is c'all foi' 5 :P. M. Thursday, May 7, in Room 205, Mason Hail, to transact business. Initiation of undergraduate members will follow at 5:20, at the same place. HI. L. Caverly. Atkinson Contest: The contestants chosen to complete in the finals will meet in Room 3209 Angell Hall at 5 P. M. to (determne the order of speaking. WV. C. Di: ii, Director Local Contests. U. S. 'NavaI lReserv e Force: Thi.e weekly meeting will be held Wednesday, May 61 hi, at 7:30 P. Al. in Room 304 Michigan Union. A regular Navy "1Happy Hlour" pi'ogram has- becen a rranlgedl. L. C. Leever. Cosmopolitan Club: The annual banquet, of the Cosmopolitan Club is to he held Saturday, May 9, 6 o'clock, at the Church of Christ. An inter'esting program of music and speeches is becing p~repared. Thiose who desire places reserved, telephone J. J. Schwartz, 7364. J. J. Sclwartz. Round U'p Club: Initiation Wednesday, May 6th, to he followed by installation of new officers. Members meet at the Union at 7:30 P. M. Edw. Bi. Riedle. Alpha. Epsilonm 3Iui: There will be a meeting of Alpha E'pilson I~Mu on Thursday, May 7, at 7:30 P. M. in Room X02 of the Union. Nominations and election of new members. 0. WV. Stephenms. P'hi Sigma;: The spring initiation banquet will lie held at the Michigan Union, at Granger's at the Lake House Pavilion Whitmore Lake Dancing'T'onight And Every Wednesday, 8-11 Friday, 9-12 Saturday, 9-12 Music by Bill Watkins and His Granger Eight Granger's is the second pavilion on the high- way upon reaching the lake. G;RANGIERS NIY IACAIDE Ii 1* * -WO 1'"./"./. e:.r 1. .lelf./"..I"I:'I.I 1:E1./".I'. '11,. 1.I"11./,.I.A.I11.1"".or'°r:«:. '" : '"1.r i ". .E ,/. .I" A.d .r ".I"~1'.r+d. W i *.d::/"./1. /11. .r "./",/",./1«I,/".": +" " For 10 Days- 25% OFF BLANKETS, BANNERS AND PENNANTS WATTY"S UNIVERSITY '..I°, /".. ..I './.I