PAE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY C. 1925 ... ... ........r rrr mom WWWW"n aw' rrs -mom-mm --_. FARRELL PREPARES lEN FURBUC KEYES _ 1fhlke lefents 1liert in Trials For I'1u'e on TwoJ1e Ie Relfy TIeam { OHIO STATE ENTERS 40 Coach Farrell is putting the Var- Oity track team through a week of strenuous training i preparation for the,Ohio State dual meet Satur- d&y on Ferry field. f 41 the men are showing steady im- provemaient in their events and it is expected that quite3 a formidablel .quad will face the Buckeyes this Week cen. The squad will be handicapped to ~great extent by the loss of Grant Dicks, Star miler of the team, who was slatedI to fight out this event with Arnold, of the Ohio State squad. Arnold won the mile at the inoor Conference meet in the fast time of 4:31 4-10. This time has been ex- elled on several occasions by Hicks e ndli hs latedge on the Buckeye miler to cop first honors in the event. Coach Farrell will run as many men as possible inl all the events in ordier tel: unearth any material that 'nray be ,in the squad. At last four Wolverines will be entered in almost every event. Ohio State is also entering a large sqjuad, the total number of men being more than 40. Many of these men will participate in more than one1 tevent,, (aptain Snider alone being en- tered in four. Inj esterday's trials HDart won the bal ,anle hin1:59 3-5.,This being ex- cellent, time considering the weather and. Wind ,that was blowing. Pflke was second,. beating out Likert who finished third. This .race determined who was to run the half mile in Sat- urday's meet. Reinke anid Freyberg were entered on their past perform- fances. There had been a keen rilry among the half milers to determine who shall Make up the two mile relay team * Reinke andl Freyberg are the twome who are sure of their posi- tions on this squad, but there have been a few changes as to the other two men during the last season. Early in the season Cochran, a mem- ber of last year's team, was third ;ean and Hart fourth, bt later Likert beat out Cochran in a trial race and by virtue of this victory ran on the relay in the Drake meet. Yesterday there was another upset when Pfluke beat out Likert for secondl place byI a few inclies. Cochran placedl sixth in- this race. HIse won the 220 yard low hurdle race in the fast time of 24 4-5. Lasser was second and Voelker paced third. The fact that the men had a wind at their backs probably speeded them up to some extent. PlARO NIIRMLIEVS FaH.ESTIERNCOST; San Francisco VYay 5. - I iv) Nurmi, Finland's wonder runner, was on his way to New York today a fter a short stay on the Pacii coast; where he ap~peared with Willie Rtol, a countryman, and other prom i ccn athletes, in exhibition meets at Los Angeles and San Francisco. Accom- panied by other members o the party, Nurmi left here yesterday for the east coast. Prior to leaving, Hugo Quist,an- ager for Nurnii, called on officials ofj the O'lymic club, which sponsored the exhibitions here, and submitted an expense account 01' $1,184 for the;- party since leaving Chicago. An ad- vance 'of $1,200 had been forwardedI lim in Chicago, Quist said, and afterj deducting actual expenses from this amount a balance of $16 wais left. The balance wvas refunded to Josep~h P. Hickey, general manager of the meet here. Cornell Loses Star Pitcher Ithaca, N. Y., May 5.Coincident I with the Kminuouncemnen t yesterday that johns Milligan, star pitcher of the Corneal Varsity baseball teamn, had been dlrop~ped from the squad for failure to attend classes and lax- ity in practice, Milligan annouince(lj he had signedl a contract with the lialtimore International Leaguie teaMl U and would report to the Orioles nex~t week. BIG~ TEN STANIUN Poor WeatherDIIAIITMTIfflllc flRprFvs BlowTot WU. 'H UILLMANlIILUUIJVgTfl DRPSI VIURIIUFootball ame Di=amond Tam;,TO BASEBALL TEA FlROu FROSH NINE!, With Michigan' II af FENCERS NOTI1CE There will be a meeting of allj men interestedl in fencing at 5 o'clock today on the (second floor of Waterman gymnasium to elect a captain for next year. CAPTAIN KELLER. f' ROPER TO SPEAK Coach W. W.. Roper, of Prince- ton, will speak at ~7:311 o'clock tonight in room 316 of the Union. All physical educa- IItion students and football can- IIdidates ame. asked to be present. I COACH HARVEY EMERY. i I (Special to ThelDa ily) t I would= like tomr seeoa, game'be- - Maury K tarSbrtsoit'rcsd Slijipe Ather Iaus StrongInfild Iwud iet eeagm e E'vanst~fon, Ill.. May 5. - Coach uit of Limneuip IWithi Oil 11ir8st Year I3 Rasbaull tween Michigan and, Princeton." Mar etsNorthwesterni baseball Infected Ilamud Squiad Those magic words; came from the temre'iv( adsapinmntlst- --- lips of none other than Bill Roper, wveek when a scheduled contest with PL YPRL RD Y jM EN ASOXSF M Tie Cocwh is elng ot Purdue was called off on account of ! I' PU LEFIA- LN ASO SF R ie Cal, h &hligYsweather conmditions. The gae -- - and Wiemnan to. direct the spring whc ast ave taenpaeo Michigain's baseball hopes were!Cah1Itemnoofhers- gridiron practice at Ferry field dur- the Laflayette diamond would have dimmiled when it was announced late oan ha2 eba 11 teain, lpost~ol his second ing the present week. Roper is an marked the ret urn engagement forI yesterdamy that Captain ":Doe" Dill- Ot of the cmiu'rent season yesterday advocate of intersectional games, the honme team.; manl, would not bie in the lineup when !aiterm on. Eighiteen mnen were drop- provided they are played within the While the postponement of the I the Wolverines play Northwestern ewd fromn the list. four infielders, fiveI limits. of. the ordinary season. Post-' 1'iii (ue gamle falls upllm the Purple j and Wisconsin this week end. The b attery mein and nine outfielders suf- season games serve no good purpose camip as a blow, since thle home nine Michigan captain will be out, of the taring Ircon the (slit, ( in his opinion, and are not advisable. had high hopes of returning with a game nursing an infected hand. Ti1-1csqcurrd is now reduced to a The veteran Princeton coach has a victory, the team will have an oppor- jDillman's physician had not Com- smnall numlber aind from now onl the1 great deal of respect for. middle- tunit;; of acc~mplishing such a feat' pletely diagnosed the case late yes- Skipper aind his aids will begin ser- Western football, both in the class within a week when the Purple op- terday hut stated that. the starj ions wort:. Quite a few of the men of material which the coaches- handle! poses Michigan here on Friday. shortstop would not be able to play( are showing up especially favorably I and in the prowess of the finished With , Sp e&Ia Suits. $48 LINEN I'NICK1MS in PlainWhi~e aiid a Vriety of Cwecks $5.00 -$6.50 7.50 frmHickeY--Freeman Na two of these suit&. are the same size. They are, not for sale but are here for three days only, to-hzelps You find once for all the size and type of garment that really fits you. Come in today-you won't be asked to huy* Your visit wi1A establish for future rguidance a re- cord of the correct size r for your clothes. - Come in today!.~). 'his is the last day Ne' Neckwear Bdian Linens -. w. Ohio State...........4 I' r. c IIcf. 1.000 ann i j -- .w .., _,; . __ 1'1 'T"' ' ,., f " T'i'm" y "" , /''1'3' ..; ..... lZ T V -0 -% '- I