ro U R THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY', MAY 6, 1925 Pub'lishied every morning except Monday during the UniversityT year by the Board in Control of Student Publicstions. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The A'sociated Press is exclusively en- 1 titled to the use for republicationi of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- fished therein. Entered xt the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master (General. Subscriptpn by carrier, $3.50; by mail,f $4.00.f Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Strect. Phones: Editorial, 2414 and t76-M; busi- ness, 96o. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 49- MANAG;ING EDITOR PHIIP M. WAGNER Editor..............John G. Garlinghouse News Editor........Robert G. Ranmay City Editor...... .. .....Manning Ioitsewortli Night Editors George W. Davis IRarold A. Moore Thomas J'. enry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr. KIenneth (. Keller Norman R. Thai Edwin C. Mack Sports Editor........ William II. Stoneman Sunday Editor .........Robert S. Mansfield Women's Editor.............. Verenia Moran Telegraph Editor...William J. Walthour Assistants Gertrude Bailey Maion Meyer Louise Barley Helen Morrow r Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohhnacher Leslie S. lBennetts Irwin A. Olian Smith It. Cady, Jr. W. Calvin Patterson Stanley C.('righton Margaret Parker \Viltard 13i. Crosby Stanford N. Phelps Valcntine L.. l)avics Helen S. Ramsay R~obert T. D)eVore Marie Reed t. Marguerite Dutton L. Noble Robinson Paul A. Elliott Simon F. Rosenbaum Geneva Ewing R'uth IRosentha.l aes W. Fernamberg Frederick H. Shillito KaterneFitch Wilton A. Simpson Joseph O. Gartner Janet Sinclair Leonard hall David C. Vokes Elizabeth 4. Kennedy'Lilias K. Wagner Thomas ,V. bKoykka Marion Walker Mariod jKublik Chandler Whipple Elizabeth Liebermann BUSINESS STA FF TIeleph~one 2124 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER Advertising.................. E. L. Dunne Advertising.. ...........R. C. Winter Advertising............ .....HI. A. Marks Advertising................. B. WV. Parker ' Accounts......... ..........H. M.. Rockwell Circulation.................John Conlin Publication....... .............. R. D. Martin Assistants P. W.. Arnold K. F. Mast W. F. Ardussi F. E. Mosher I. M. Alving . IT;. L. Newmnann W. C. Bauer T. D. Olmstead Irving Berman R. M. Prentiss Rudolph Bostelman W. C. Pusch George P. Bugbee F. J. Rauner B. Capla j 3D1. Ryan H. F. tClark M." E. Sandberg J.C. Consroe F. K. Schoenfeld I. R. Dentz R. A. Sorge George C. Johnson A. S. Simons 0. A. Jose, Jr. M. M. Smith K. K. Klein I. J. Wineman W. L. Mullins WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1925' Night Editor-KFWNETI I C. I'(ELLAR1 SKISLED) LABOR No problem facing the world today is more fundamental Omhn that of the relationship between lab~or anti capi- tal. In a certain sense0, every manj belongs to one claiss or t he other. Moreover, bot h the labiorers and the, employers are. vitally intere';tet inIi making the best possible bargain for their own selfish welfare and will do almost anything~ to accomplish it. ATD music U NTHR AYL DRAMA The stuff about the ten dollar prize T1HIs AF'11TE J0(11: '' Th Organ is the bunk. A figment of Washing- ITecitail ill Hill aud4iltoriltml at 4:15 Mother's Day Cards NOW ON DISPLAY AT BOTH STORES ton's imagination. We are, however, planning to run a series of columns i Because the laborer must findalaI by different hands, in an effort to de- position andi the employer has to (de- termline who' is the proper person to pend upon the laborer to fill his need1s, rieticounexya.Tdys some means of bringing them togetheri Is the first one submitted under this is necessary. human agencies, how-3 ever, cannot be lperfectly adljust ed aiIpIlan. The pub~lic is requested to co- many working men are continually operate by writing in opinions of the out of employment. One of the most iiffrient columns submitted. i I I i common causes of unemployment 1b0- And inasmuch as they have never sides this natural larck of adjustment, hesitated to tell us when our own is the inability of' the laborer t o ill comn haebnrtewefl thew ositionwhi this city of Chi-jsure that we can expect the same can-1 A fw dys go n te cty f Cin-dor here. We hope, however, that all cag, anewpapr rporer isied four despisers will not make this new labor employment bureau which vas regime the occasion for some more offering thirty jobs to ats many men; rzigo r ols ehp o butr~rn not arne waowles.fillehooelie-t butnota oe ws Timfilednot1) to get a lot. of letters saying "For cause there were no workers seeking H aegv smr fti positions, buitt simplly because none of substitute. It's so much better than the en ho ad eenappyin attheyour stuff that I dlon't see how you've agency were skilled enourgh to hanmdle hldyujoasonasouav. thema.'T'hese thirty openings called Let ters in this general tonec have for the kind of rniehamical skill that. takes several years of agplrert ic ship 1 ,t~ ays depressed us, and, we hope, al- to dlevelop). As the men did not have wy il hnte o' w hl, they were forced to accept ptosi- resign.. o'clock. rom)Nl r: l rli"Te Lst Laugh"il 11111 auditorimnt at S o'clock. TON IHT: Recital by Barr~e llull ill tile Uniiversity Scho01 or Mus~ic t tS o'clock. TOiNIGHTl1: Thme Frenich. lay, "'Blanellette" by Eu~gene Blieux, ill Sarah C'aswell Angell hail at 8:15 o'clock. "THE j.'LAST LAI'GI1" A review, by Robert Hlendterson. He is anm01(1 porter, as big as a bull, with the tremendous importance of a minor responsibility. He carries t e u b el , t e t u k o h guests of the Atlantic H-otel, he pro- tects the contiiemital ladies. IHe grows liqjuorish at his dlaughter's wedding, his position is taken front him-his coat, the tremendous im- portance of a minor responsibility- and he becomes a mere lavatory r I i II U RA H BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK ,;A -" S t MAKE , Z SELI YOU TCANT- 'DEPE'ND ON TH - XVWEAI-IER MAN- We AisoBut you can depend on getting the best Hfigh Class Work in lunch or dinner ever--next to Mother's C'LEANING A NT) I{BLOCliIMIG -h-ere. Our hot orchestra makes your HATS of all Kintds t meal doubly pleasing.- FACTORY HAT STORE - 61l7 Packard St. Phone 7415 . (Where D. U. R. Stops a tt)THEI Nights - - - 5Cc to $2.)tMMa..- :50 o$,0 GARRICK WdMt coLO VARSITY LO)"DGE _ The PMiracle Play of Amerlra 61 1 Church ANNE NICHOLS* tAIle's 1Irs:Rose"II[il M i' S attendant. Agau lion dollars byt blossoms, cogent pompous luxury. old friend the 1, h ilieinheits a mui- a fantastic will ; he twith the poise of [ie (lines with his iiight-watchmnan-on chmipagne, pat ties together they ride0 1coach-and-four . , tions back on tne farmns from ich i . 1« * truffles, caviar manyof tem oiginlly ainv. ;A special dispatchm to this depart- ;a. la Ileine- and While it is true that nziuny (of the away in a gold( ment states that the S. and (U. boys mei no ot o euplyntmitdii tmeI are p~lann~ingl a mammoth field day itn md afl from the farms and are unskilled in tena it 1ut h must terrify ar anything mechanical, the piresent tent- rt nsc eae ~rpr picture broker. dency to rush into a tnoney--maliting ;v aeotsc esgsterpr technique of th job as soon as possible is the cauisefaldt goiofutedti.Ths} uncanny sense of a greater p~roportiotn of the army of coui ra, allows much idle specula- fl interptetati of unskilled workers. The increasing I -b, odob, eerlItricks of our1 (Tvso flbri omnt ak here will bn obsvrl they actually feivso of lhicntoit netasssxy epatapes ant i lck-up events-in conscious, arti fewof hic reuir hih tchncalwhich the more agile members aire stupid and ie skill, offet' the young laborer the easyIsuetcla-p Frm esolob Pronly" way to good wages and lie accepts the I sure t la-p rmproa h esnly nervation of the ..ettrants it seems teol -it simple job in preference to spending ta nto ielel onutto vl that I would an several years apprenticeshipt in a more coe n he . ' eensa, third time. I skilled trade: oici*teoumrevns picture that c The esuts ae ievitble Skiledemotional strint The rsultsare ievitale. SilledA Disclosure. iseetod. fo thetsanfaeturoofsachner mechanics always will be in demand Wec are about to let the ieading pub- like nothing sa wirthewhchto muancufacturematherylin in on a big secret. It's all about net of Dr. Call withwhih t manfacurethemore this Denizen stuff. Here is what real- conventional to simple products.,- Skillful foundryi ly. happ>ens. Five gentlemen areJ blood battle, i chipes, oomakt', rities ad igseated in a room, smoking. One of breast -pumnping. and die men will always he able to get the esua~ evs iekee thing is convini a job in tihe industrial world of to-- id mn h 'aii ibi ilture, I tindemst day.Yet feer n~n haneve beorequickly realize that there are now bunt shoml1) are showing a willingnmess to enter y'u-()mni h om eli o Yu could roin these higher trades and tlime result is pregitant., pristi tia! ietit osi l~u , happens that one of them is named Its story us( of -'' Cowles, anti as is his usual habit, lie; it need them, tllos~ns oher thrughut imeis worrying about how he is going tol filled witht the country, will remain un Age tt 9 - nce o-elhmo Employers of labor find ithat iis only getnoutget9I1o-e inchtsofl e ll , humnri. reiait. Hee li the older men who are p~reparedl to fill (Shuddlenly he is struck biy a brilliant f tinme of his po' these uiportan mt positioins. Tlhe ,young- idahr ut10aDnzt et this is taken er generation of fact ory laborers are i. 'Plhere g botI mihs my though hisv more eager to get hg wages and crushed, you se have athnte at good time thigaa!note te threeme are cay of a shat called Denizens. Theni they hold a stiddemly o learn a trade. Until there is consider-yyo ablestiulaton mon theyougeI normal conversation about anyt hing tasteless extras IIt general, andl Cowles liuts it downt on riche. Mlere men, nothing liut a decrease in the paptIer'andgeshm iitucfodn-wuilei'ld supply of this class of workers canti ,mxofissf be expected. *jO h cu In the meantime, thme laboring memcmi a* * IOf .t erytu will continue toi blanie time short age of 1 thme porter', oft wor uonthe capitalists, when in Lr e t e ~ nr~h>tesill j reality they tesle r obam adroit niet-woi for the situation in a great degree._ is little to say; _______________art today cm TH LE FO)URITiIEARI 'I IEI There used( to bea inI old( sayuig thaut I At'veb "the first hundred year's are the hiam'd- t3_reiew b est." Tphe evil po~rtenit of those words, . (Wesalp however, shall no lomnger hrintg fear to poreirl to nd tim~~~~~~~mr fairly E i tt lh 1l'1t'< Ai file, hits o flw.' wo tItJ ,0-* marrv fr id ICr as Theim Last Laugh" In AmIlerican nmotiont- Beside tile exact his Germntmmmovie, its of detail, its power- on, the stock celluloid pr'odumcers swet't what are --heavy tand self-j iiial, inot a little pt,. "Thle Last Laugh'' is ire I havyeever' seen ndi sliould see a seconid, It is ceirtainly tihe only can compare with the agency of a great play.1 i-e novel ani umnique, ave posibly "Tme Cabi-' ligaml'i." There is 110 lve-story, no blood to no glycer-ine tears, no g imadonnas. Every- ninig, ia turmal---thte vimr- tand, they call L.ife. pirofoundily womrr'ed if main unmoved b~y this tine drama. ses nto subtitles, nor does; for its incidents aire simiplicit y of pr'ofouind Although we are constantly making improvements there are changes that may occur to you sooner than to us. What have you to sug~est? Upstairs, ualeteria THUJNDER ACROSS THE SEAS On Smnday afternoon the. voice of the Vei'y Reverend William . Ralph l I nge, dean of St. Paul's cathedral,! London, England, thundered to aI crowd (if 3,500 Americans at the I Cathedral oif St. John the Divine in New York that their country tumst avert the next war, that Europe wasI looking to America as a savior from strife. On Mlonday. evening, as though in answer', Alonson B3. Houghton, new ambassador of the United States to Great Britain, in carefully measured tones addressied thme Pilgrims' banquet itt London, iii eff'ect warning Eur'ope tilat uless peaWe is restored in tihe old world by co-operation and good faith, United States credits to Europe will curise..- Thus it is that to an indefinitte chal- lenge to America by an Englishnman, an American has unwittingly given a (letlite answer. Dean Ingcelplaces thme burden of mainltaiining peace in Eur- ope on thle shioulders of the American republic, ora~tingain 2grandiose oterms~ is a nmanl, an ignor'ant ygrounded in the~ rou- :isitioii. Suddenly, all from him, 'amnd, as very, soul had beenI ee hint sinik into the (de-E ttem'ed pride. And asr see hi11m raised to the Lvagance of a nouveau explatatomy phrasesI ulous, fatal to thme cli- tu ations. al productiou---of Emmil y" great concepitionl of the remfllarkahule phlotog- .full p~lay (if lights, the ik of incidients-thlere ;thiemre is lint this-all ws fmrom Germany. PASN S1111' yJasonl Cowles. 'obahiy mtever lie in a dge a nmusical sho0w mn we are priep~ared to Nackels Arcade r gover'nment statist ics just, completed sho0w that thme fourth yearm of nia ftied life is the imoit. critical (if all and time 0110 during which the mniost Ammirica 115 1 give time whole afa siri'piii) as mpossih1110 Accordipg to the figures neithier'thme Feels that lie huts .itlust received the proper' space i this paiper. lie h uses his c'lis to ai plmce inl this ('olim ioni time fact; that hme has pulled sic of the wettest jokes of the year. l11 {l l ;t * T A.7(V *i about our rsosblt for the grethursband nor Itle wife mmecd earm that, pluo resp onibistreatvli-his or het' "sweety" will run away1 Euoet ot-btost u ivili- zation. Amassador Iloughton in his during time first thriee yeam's. if tihe t turn tells. plainly just how this coun- hiusbanud is goinlg to breat haiswifte, itl is probable that he will do it before ; '0 try proposes to force peace down nit- willing uoestrabystight the end( of the thir'd yearin, oi' not at all. should ifs atos elietohlpt-If eitheri'party is going to bedriven to' i war a reconcilation of peoples which drink byiyliarriedl life, it is likely that1 shall metfan real peace, not all armlis- i iltk tlattm 'ar eiw ticebeteenwar, thy ned xpethtie break will comie. Trhe wife will I 1ic0 fbethwe astcedexpAem'cnltake to liquotr early, in all probability,w no trtlcr wsitarie font mercantim investors, while the husbaand will wait until aft em' In substancee, both speakers ar'e tihe fifth rigiint.The Dean correctly assunmes -Wie no solution4 offere'd by the tlat this country is "entrusted with a governilment officjis, tbimeie is appam'-Im ummiqte opotmmty"fo retorngently but one way to) foil thre law of I ti wrdamity which "has never comea.ver'ages-take a year':; vacaion at 13-hire amid is; not aplt to come agalin." ithe enld ofthtie tir i'iyear I. Butt line is misguimding when lie prates- about t he "inevit-ableness of militar'- I ism in Euirope." If he stresses Amer- fEITORIAL COMMENTV lea's, resplouisibiiit y to Elrope he {I, _. sh o u ld a ls o lprea ch a s e1 se of resp o n .- I t l~ f I- V UN I S ITI ' ";iiit y to thle wom-ld ore thme part of 'Illme Chicago .'rihumme. 1 olh E~uropE-aimlr nations. Amnbassador Tihe exelmisiom of time ham-va rd Lain- i-foughten goes him one better by in- poo11 fromm time mail wast a :,ily exhibi- aw sistilng this very thing: namely, that,. . Etrpanntos ieAerc a fa in of federal bomre ac ra.cti' Euroean atins gve Aeria haf a The suitty minded a tloiii4'centfs Awlo chance to restore peace by disarnming concocted the vumlgaria itui will accept I amid forgetting ancienlt hatrnedls. I tihe postoflice clerk'"; cc inihure as an A mediumu must be i-eached. Neither 111 indication of theirs own imuportantec America nor Europe can remlain. in and will be encouraged to att emupf" tr selfishm iotationm. 'The former mustI somriethlinmg really object ioisrble. i ertase all ideas of independence frontl Comrrection mmighit pr'operly have the rest of tile worldl; time latter mlust, beemn administered bmy the disciplimtam'y forget her post-war antagonisms and auhrte of Harvar-d, if foir no otherjl listen to time counsels of the peace- reason, becamuse parents of other boys ; t ODEJL'iO A W*iiIDN Mti'' Sw.eet odor' of incense i-are blown iii the aim' SJevenlteenl deans of wonmen sat in a ecking chair hull fathoms five and far away tilei .some pleople are given to chewing ti, yet imany othem's smore. weot odor' of incense' ramse blowni rti tihe aim'i Lovely lady ribbomi clerks, off oin a saddenming team- Manly a wvearny mile they rnode unitil ie horde could go n1 loimore H13 kissed hmis sweetheart lovingly, she bopped him oil tile jaw. IC XXIV S weet otdor of incense rare blown rm the air :she blew out all thle canles cause ie couldnm't stanmd tile glareI Amnd oinmd onl thu the night time rI steam rollem' tore But wmemn the snmoke hlad clearecd y way tile pennmy was on time floor. One-Act Play Itiudge this onme. Amnd that is because we saw about, thrmee-fifths of it, and heard five fifths of it, two years ago in D)etroit. And 0on1 consultinig our' P~laygoer's Diamry lfor-1923, we finid it recorded as "a gloiomy evemiing" This "Passimg Show,'" whicht scemll to be takinmg a gotid while to pass a given poimnt, is mnot dated at all, is a Imlixture' of acts, we hiear; culled from I pr'evious Passing Shlows-and it is now onl its way to Eur-ope. Thiie se- lection was made, if we umay say so, in exceetdingly bad taste. There was an act in whliich an~ old mant with a beam-d was playinig golf. Tme Other Guiy ascked hmiint where Ire had learnmel to .play, amd the old iman said hlis fathmer- Lad taught hlim, amid that his fathem- was even now going ar-ounid tile links. -"Who is youmr fathm- or pilayinlg with?'" "My grandfather," says thle 01o ltI. There was ant act entitled Tile Foum' Seasons in Japami. The scenery rep-- resented *a bmridge across time stage, with a Japamnese totem-pole left amid a pagoda righmt; and a two-piece Fujiyama back-centem', withl a lot of stage-hIands' thlumbprulinmts downi the cmrack inm the imiddle. A guy (came out ini a. Japanmese suit amid ,sang a song j mobody coulnd undlerstanmd, athough it was im Englishl. 't'heni eachm of time seasonls consisted of seven chmorus girls ini black wig i. They did not look ver'y Nipponiese. Whnever' they wanted to shift any scenemry, they had two fat lathes that sang depressinmg sonigs, MVamrgaret Bi-een was time only bright tihing in the showv. Tienmtsin, May 5.-A Clmimese cook at the Szechuan Amseiia , neatr Fo'i-chow, pirepamred a meal too close to a pow- der magazine. Fomrty dead amid many inu mred. $5000 .00 in .Cash Awards to the Boys and Girls who render the best First Aid Service in 1925' Call at this store this week-during Boys and Girls First Aid Week - and ask us about this wonderful offer made by Bauer &? Black.[ The distinguished house of Bauer & Black- which makes first aid sup- plies for homes, hospitals and doctors, throughout the world--is going to give goo ten-dollar gold pieces to the goo boys and girls who render the best first aid service during 1925! And this store wants to help any boy or girl to earn one of these ten-dol- lar cartwheels ! PicicAri, r" all 'This Fir T7* ' Come here this week and enroll in Bauer & Black's - Junior First Aid Legion. It costs only i2c for mem- bership fee. You will receive from Bauer & Black a hand- some membership button --a kit of first aid sup- plies--and a book that tells you just what to do when an accident happens rst Aid while waiting for the doc- .. tor. jtrreTo every boy and girl who joins the Junior First Aid Legion - Membership, 12c. Perhaps this member- ship in The Legion may be the means of enabling you to save a life-be- sides winning one of the ten-dollar gold pieces ! oeeme-Often 'l'irme: Plenity You(in (m a loud voice) : Who is the ay that goit all Ithis dummb stuff? Me (very fahntly) :Ohm well-- VALENrtN E. It's abouit time for Wayne county begrin yelling '"Sehven come eleven" I I E i s I 4 S t 1 I I We have a Certificate for every boy and girl * CLAU 'DRKS DRUG AND PRESCRIP TION 5STORE 11 °er-C 1.a I to m