'2. . : ),~7 'x ,, Vi " THE, MICI-ITGAN DATI.Y PAr.F SEVEN i __..__ 1 NE W YORK NOW PL ANS S UPE R S TREE TS S I FI E umk COLUMN CLOSiS CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. r : " 2 G11RA ENT), It'Olt REN'I'-Garuage f,.t 8685Oakland.j Cuall 2378. '11O11 1TIN' f---One (double10room. Newr l)~)U50, home shover laha Li. isi- - ness people or students.-.334 E. Jefferson ;3t.. FOR RENT-Very (:lifort,a ie ;Ld yF room wil,lj4ormitory. fox two si 11 dentls. A iso6 vacancy for one 100(1ic; sltdent. All nlew 1'urnihi s8 ste(aln heat. Two bjlocks from ic-'Atu- FOR R1ENT-IDesirable sing le! room,' next new Law building. Call 6I10 t Tappan.. a FOR RENT-Boy students or hline',s5 4people, large suite on first floor Also on secondl. 41.3 8. Divisioni. Phlone 1464-Rl. 7NOTICE EXP'ERT WATCH- REPAIRING Arnold State Street Je weller '302 South State (Jtr moderate prices make it possible! for all to have FRESH HOME' GROWN IFLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 122E. Liberty. Phone 16301 Ph1ONE 866( F'or Typewriter Repairing (;All makes) D~ealer in Woodstock typewriters, Sindstraiind amd Portable Adding 111 chin es.j Ann Arbor Typewriter Excha~ge ~~PT, F P~ 7 .' .v.x. 4 }°s ' ? j E 2+ pp c J ,S 7,- : y I F Sj*?"/.:° . " 8 t 5 /d pC ) . x p< +tw V>. ... Icy' ized wvoilen's o i cera cn '2,'S 01 ForaI C O r m '820 , , anltd A~i.s a gIe:t o c'Il a !tnn('n~ P'ENN SAE EFPL State College, TPa., .14.-Pennl- Sylvania.hs 50,000 res:idecnts now en- rolledl in corresloi.Iionde c t(M1V5C5in automotive engineering offered iby iite Penn tateext ension department. The iou ~ ~ ~ t -I5 ~deind10me llieneeds~ ' ?i.- rs who wish to c ut down t;Jrre- hir W i"Aud l;Ia I their own oengine tou ' s. Itis he ani of the de. 2.:Iltto uma ke the course useful !I', t1w e~g car' owner ratlimr than to w,: ;,;'v.1I kn:oledge of engineer- n~z . This cus is part of the col- l<>:. 'a-' 11ci C;' serving the centire State a mgwith i it own students. Berlin, Fel). 1 4.-G en. Eric von Lu- dlendorff has resigned his ileadership in the Nationial Socialist party, b)ut re- mnls latron of the anti-Semitic Na- tionaolist organization. Pay for your 'Subscription today. FJOR RENT-Double or single room for men. Phone 1194-.M 4122 Is. Washington. J4COR RENT-four or five room fiurn- iskliedl apartment; loat (' two blocks 9fromt canmpus. PhoneI1 2538-=R. 1 01ST---Small Theta ,I~i ,ii sI e C lpin. ,F'ind 1) V, llss (al _1926.. S .0-T-In ionw rlas s roomn, 1)00-hot- LOok grey suede and a, pateont. bathI- er finish. Ingrid Alving., 2916,-.. f If) 7T'-( brecular inlosi ac Tin withI dove Idesign and filigree border. Liber- a I reward. Phone 526-Ml. 721 F"or- F ,et Ave. ;1f)ST-A punch ladle fl-om Booth i numb~er 30 at the .J-l1oj. (Call 397, "Cooper. Reward. W'A\NED IYVANTED-Everyone to try our : 'Delicious "Toastwich" Sandwich electrically toasted with' filling i.s1 IBETSEV ROSS SHOP iNICKELS ,A1)1,A , 'r NTED-Students to see' om, type0-I writer bargains. Good ma chzines for1 Ssale or rent. S A. Moran, 711 N. IUiversity Ave., Room. 2. Y FOR T SALE 1 I ORZ SALE-Late 1921' Ford touring, ; elf-Sta rter, demount able rims, fine( condition. 1358 Geddes, 738-W. + PO I~ tA L Slodern Imonie with foi r01 t Tied--6rohs on' Iiavc'm(nt; and burr fine. '°Near- cam 1)115. Idleai for unii-j ve=.rm'ty people, $11,000, termns. Ap- IpointinentU only. ('all Mr. Sergeant. a, 315 office. Evenings 783. FI+OR SALT-T[lie lbest butilding siteI for fraternity or sorority in thle city. fNear the carolus, large lot. ('all Mi.l . Serge ant with Chasi ~ . L. l ro15)0!>. t315 office, evenings 78". i I ;, it7 5- 1(EIPIE HOTEL lIVe Del'iver O1pposite ;its,. Arch Phlonae 99-IT Open 4-1> mi-I a in jM r Weil. ab.nd Sat.$I.M 1ligltFel. 1, . I a~c t Nights "We to $2.50 I C )l4ire lola H is Third C apacit y :1102I1911i919Ii Cha-O by~jSS~ idneyAShelds wrh w''ak ii11' liihas a s11 sm ru'ie l9i9-1 s~ih ir is 911,t l z I ( >i It!.A good. fink i°. hi le big 1ii t iny kf. 11,h aaesid\ le e -liax (of a. 11e la1y"-C(. .1. 5C4'IICS91116' the(' Ai cry,esselve o at ul ide, 4 hica" o P o~l. romianice." hmiweto cilimi 161 felt that we I*I(' going to "Dr'i aarc 1.4 its mim~tii9~tr u ll have am Ic ai l d:Iti thr'illy I in1e. Ii cad 919 9i1 11. 911t2 911 ,16441, (< j ' 1"e (liii !"---- X sltoll itee 6114,11e1' 11t6i t 44 '~ 1* ' ' < 1,. L. .hall - 116 aid116i1 E xii uhmlel. IJourinal. ,i';ISON MANDI)NS & G LJ ,,5'/,, discount; during Febru, SN IV ERSITUY MUSIC 11011 VIC'I'OR RECORD No. 191551 FASCINATING RYTHTM-FOX 011! LADY BE GOOD-FOX Played by j ~PATTL WHITMAN A wonderful selling recor Come in and hear it IT~N I V ER IT j[jY 31 I,' 1C1U' ITARtS nary c 1 SE d The sketc h toni showxs the super-str(eet plan whicah may ibe adopt~ed by N ew YXork city for some of its principa '(l ? thorourlhfares in orider to solve the t raffhc tangle, which. is becolg inniMoe so .ions every\ day. Below are I XI drawings of, a Riussian artist. Dobuz hinsky, giving on tc-a ofi(i how the New~ York of the fmure, with its popula SE E otof1 5,000,000, 1may look. E We Rent j PIANOS--VICTROLAS P AND k& ORCHIESTRA INSTS. 1.iasonable Terms t..UNIVERSITY MUSIC HJOUSE.. Phone 1799. jv MEIC. GU LI .ESPIlE, Soloist andl teach- for, thirty years experience. Man-I (lolir., guitar, banjo, and chord con~struction Telephone 1791-M. Wa f dei Aliso Coupon ?OAkS L UNCH1 1117 So. IUnh ersity or-i Ab.t "' I Li,~vk2'~Z V 5--' K j4~ '-tc ~ -IZR:L:. REI PNED MIDDLE~ aged Ann Arbor ladly desires lady comp~anion to tour EA)-.-land, Holland, France, etc. thisf A imne and .July. Entire expenses less than $500. Write box 67,j X1chigan TDaiiy, for interview. TRY 01111 New Way Toasted' Sand- wishes. Best you ever ate. Ar-bor Fountain T'ERY O1 I t tToasted Sandwiches. jThiey are e(licious. Arbor Foun-; tain. PARTY FAVORS M lade to your order for_ Washington and St. Patrick P~arties. F210 Smuth. M'ain St. ' ~(1 REPll'IP C'ANIESI PIPES -TOBACCOSi 4. lF lIlt N (4W A ! STO ltE f i !i! I , Wvatch Sat urday PEvening Post. 0Educator Shoes. ^hlargis Bootery. TY PEWRITPERS Splendid machlines. Best ma kes for i-emit or- for sale. Phl.e 342-R. f HAIILTON BUrSINESS COLLTEGE FO UN ID FOIND-SOMEJ P7111 iNGNl+r,,"Toast-. -wtc].I' Sn d wich. 1.0(1lper.,~.Con~ beal01.ytrha [ii oi-dilm 21ryy n(1iwichies. NhclhEIiS ARCIADlE; BOAR le SAV\It1 that long wait widile Navini your- penl sent aw\ay for-.irepair-s. W~e rep-air it thme sane day it is 1)1oil- gilt in amid insurie thiat it will be ad- just ed toc your hand wheni you call for i B l'NTAIN PEN INK A vicious inkh may work for a, sin2i-t t n11o. It, (logs iff' delicate ma ('(-ball- isam of thl- uemi and -a miot 1,eI ronlom -- ed by orojimarvrlileais. It is cheni-, (-Ally a mi aon H sicsIto a.good ink, which. will work and ronlidems thme ink clr \oli will iil ways 'find a fresh sutpply of thI lieInsi, C ovem-nimment. st anidamrd and v\, t 11m fluid. It is the only sat isfac- moly imnk for 1tle fournt ain pen. 1111) FP"r EN SIOP As Style Models Approximlately 15001 people att ended lie style show of AMack andl Co. ys yes teday a ftnoon, at wihich 10 Univer-I city X\cimeli actedl as models. T1hie mlodels were Vir-gimila Vammandt, '25, t esti : eWitt, '25, Lunette; Star-r, '26, I 'orom by Wal1(1(, '26, Isabelle Sm ith, '2G, I t11 bStrickland, '2(6, Anmnef t B~urkhalrdt, '27, .Josephinle Wiler, B er- iice If~i ael , an l NWinifi-ed Benedict, 'i stsi ve siiow m1ared thle first publi1 c appellarance of a recently organ- h-O UNTiiAIN 1)ENS" 'i'1:L your r- nd whata wonderful pen your Masterpen is. Youi have lbeen doing it. Thank you. RI DER'S PEN SHOP1 302 State St.1 Studetnts NOW Ma! I Serve P ('lATH1 o6Gcanm obtalin1)0:-rin jim mix:lt fanmily. .3 lI(81-. $t,50; 21~. $.,50. 10047 Aom 1)1. HIAVE YOU SUBSCRJfivBEV V l-' BEA I1'rYSJOPi'ES I] ernanent Waving; and Marcalling -- MACPC AND) CO. 3rd Floor Main St. ,i T WO EXPERT SHINGLEI BARB ERS, ;f French and Spanish waves given. Perfect service gi1ven at lily slop. -~Phomne 2939}. 1DIflA~rm BEA UTiY SHIOP 'I TYPE WRITING~ I1,IEAQU'A lTERS iN,w and seccond hnd Corona, Remn- 0in ton ,and Underwood port alulos. 1,. C. Smith, Underwood, Royal, Remiig !,ton used and factom-y relmtilt machinies. 'Save $-1 00 or miore lby 1lii jg roiiu Ali,;. Easy ter-ms if' desir-ed. Remtin . afld repairng a. specialty. 0. D. MORRILL 11 17 Nickels' Arcade ; ,Hip Typewriter & Stat iotiee-y Store. .,Oenl evenings,. Phonle 1718.i ?YP'I+.TITI;NG& MEOlrFC3(RAI1'IIINc' -promillt ly aidndeat11ly dlone b y experii- '5ered loperators at moder-ate 121t 05. [0. I) l". P I RiLEJ 17 Nickels' Arcade 4stablished 118 Phone 171 5 Open evenings A11SUEJI1A N E01,9 it m.' ' -'i I:i:lesales-mimami hip andW Sak los- nlA uY*- witl ll iJte 1.I i o i w;iglg i rse.l muIIOJIIt.i. I:i ati bom .82, .11 chi a IhT ion, 'l(11Tueay, Feb~rnary 1 ?, 7:3) I'. It. for in fom'maIib'i. Te BUREAU O UNIVERSITY TRAVEL aimouinces as its Anin Arbor representatives MISS ADELAIDE ADAMS, Summer School Tours, Roomi B, Alumni Memorial Hall, Phone U-113. ROBERT D. GREGG, College Men's TFour, 425 S. Division, Phone 1565-J Yfor Young AM1en 1Memrbrll~ S Of 1Fratt erit ies, Sot-oit ics orI "Clubs who have not beai-d AM-. .11 E ,;irphell's t h milling led time on 'Vlay hear 111111 any -nigh I I ls week by niaking an a ppoin i ont., hleis a VOCATION EPR 4xnid has been beet iing and (1 gving phrenologica-1 exam mnat iou s- at 11wm uiniversities and (-o)11eges duin11g tIi e last forty yearis. (See' Ihis lricI mues} n thle D ecetmber num bei- of 'Vm ('a~ Advice on (-hartor bil ding, 1114'!- - Addro'ss .301 'N. St ate sI , Phi e ~l36-1l.Office hlours, 10 a. ii. 1(o 1 l). Iii 'lw m to5 n m There is nothing likea STETSO' OST young men today _ know the importance of looking fit. Good ap- pearance counts mP,.1 in the game of life. The young man who dresses with taste has a decided advantage. But-it is surprising how little thought the average man gives to his hat. It is his crown, yet he seems to stop dressing at the neck. Be careful in your selection of your headwear. When you buy a hiat, select a Stetson. Its style is right, its quality means long wear. 1928'0/ }%N KoT~A5IK You QQ To, et BusnssTiec .Us Longs Distancie THE POKEN WORD B IB E TEUT11A Long Dis ance call alw ays gets preferred at ntion from the busy business man. It always gets a hearing from the person with om you wish to Sspeak. It is given the c nsideration of al face-to-face conver ation. It gives you the opp rtunity to get Syour whole story acr ss, reinforced -by your ;personality. The saving of time an money to producer, wholesaler, 'an retailer is reflected, in thecost , the .con- sumer. Use Long TDistanice and thereby) ~ multiply contacts and con ct~ir MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. One' Policy> One SyPstem Universal £ervuae, c i /t n o [iv a m a El jk n 1~ KODAK Pictur-es you make as a Fieshman will bring pleasant m-emlories when you're an uipper classman, and as "an Alumrils -.well, your Kodak album will e 'a most treasured Posses- sign. So start the album now. Drop in here' and select the Koda'l - vot < D)ant. You Vfl'ft lbesorry ; t1ou came to us. Kodaks $6.50 UP 324, State - 1 101 South University f ; . . i Ii B II II =..--- 1 11l1 1 3 . I