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May 06, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-06

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I q




Ten Nations Represented In
Unusual Art Exhibition Here

-- - - - -- -

By Leoniard C. Hall


Ann Arbor enjoys a rare privilege
in the presence of the international
f hib7fitli of uini wir-1 nnol


1xn ution or pantngs whrch opened
EN IN CHARGE OF CAMPAIGN yesterday in the West gallery of
BELIEVE LAST V.EARS TOTAL Alumni Memorial hall under the
WILL BE PASSED sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Art
association. Artists from ten Euro-
pean countrids are represented in the
NO FINAL RETURNS collection, their canvasses offering a
pleasing resume of contemporaryI
0 oal St Will Oiily Partlhlly European art and providing ample
opportunity for arousing individual
Support Camp; Soiitors Asked apprehensions and reassurances re-
to Turn in Reporis garding the future of modern paint-
-- in.
With many fraternities, sororities, There is much that is reassuring.
Ld other organizations yet to be In closest kinship with American
ard r the tChristian as- painting is the sedate work of the ar-
frothtStudentCtists of Great Britain. The most ex-
ciation Fresh Air camp fund, raised tjtreme section is the French, while
the campus yesterday in the annual the canvasses of the Spanish are per-
ag Day campaign, has reached the i haps the most entertaining, full of I
ark of $630. This sum represents rich color, vitality and the vigor ofi
an incomplete report. It is esti outh. The Italian section is con-
y servative, but colorful; the small
ated by those in charge of the drive Russian representation is engaging
at last year's total of $1250 will be and probably displays the most orig-

Attention, naturally enough, cen-
{ ters about the four prize winning
i pictures, particularly, the portrait of
Madame Suggia the 'cellist,' by Au-
gustus John of London, winner of
the first prize of $1500 at the twenty-
third international exhibition of
paintings at the Carnegie Institute
at Pittsburgh last year. The second
I prize of $1000 was accorded the pic-
ture "After the Bath," a toneful nude
by Giovanni Romagnoli of Bologna,
Italy. Two of the canvasses receiv-
ing honorable mention are included
in the collection; one, an indiffer-
ently executed portrait of M. Paquer°-
eau, decorator of the opera, Paris,
by Othon Friesz, a Frenchman, was
accorded first mention; and Ambrose
McEvoy of London, was named for
his portrait of Mrs. Rosen.
Prominent in the French group is
the colorful painting "The Green
Dress" by Paul :Besnard of Paris;
and an exceedingly beautiful land-
scape with figures "The Three
Graces" 'contributed by Emily Rene




passed. inality of expression. The work of Menard. In the British section A. J.
A goal of $1500 was set to be at- the Czecho-Slovakians and the Poles Munning follows close after Augus-
tained yesterday. This amount. will is interesting and shows unusual tus John with a beautifully modeled
only partially support the camp as ap- strength and vigor. sporting picture, "Changing Horses."
proximately $5,000 is needed to hold
a camp which can accommodate 500
boys for ten days apiece. Last sum-
mer more than 475 boys were given a
vacation. The additional money will
Ann Arbor and other cities.
The committee wishes all solicitorsI CK T ON S9 1
who have not already turned in the I.-
money they collected for the camp Earl P. Sawyer, 'MA, Wins Poster Juniors Will Hear Professor at
fund yesterday to do so as soon as Contest; Formal Dress Will Uiiion Tomorrow; Plan
possible. Representatives of the be Barred Entertainment
finance committee will be in Lane hal rta
today. Contributions may also be
made to the camp fund by students at NOVELTIES ARRIVE DOYLE WILL PRESIDE
Lane hall today.
Harold Steele, '25, was general Due to unexpected demand, the coin- Prof. Thomas Reed of the Political
chairman of the Tag Day campaign. mnittee for the Architects' May Party science department will address mem-
More than 30 students aided him in .bers of the junior literary class at a
canvassing the campus. has decided to place extra tickets on smoker which will be held at 7:30
Detailed organization of the can~ip sale from 2 to 5 o'clock today in the o'clock tomorrow in the all room of
will now take place. Rensis Likert, Union lobby._ At this time invitations the Union. An extensive program of1
'26E, general superintendent of the will also be distributed. entertainment has been outlined by
camp for this summer, has issued a Although the committee prefers the class committee in charge of the
call for leaders, all to be students of Oriental costumes and will give them affair. Richard Doyle, '26, President
the University. The camp will be di- first choice in selecting the best cos- of the class, will preside at the gath-
vided into four periods of ten days tumes, those who come attired in col- ering. Refreshments will be served
each, and a leader may sign up for ored smocks or in other simple cos- in addition to the smokes provided
one or more of these periods. Likert tumes will be admitted. All those who by the committee. The smoker is
will confer with prospective leaders come in formal dress, though, will ab- open to all members of the junior
from 1 to 2 o'clock on Tuesdays and solutely be barred, the committee literary class and is free of charge.
Thursdays in Lane hall. states. Included on the program will be
Earl P. Sawyer, '26A, has been an-I numbers by the Varsity quartette and
Fr Plan nounced the winner of the poster con- the Phi Sigma Kappa orchestra. This
is Nien Ian test. is the first social function in which'
* Special costuming effects for the junior literary class has engaged
Spring P a r ty Wright's colored orchestra of Colum- this year and all indications point to
bus, which has been engaged for the a large attendance.
In N ew Tjem ple affair, are now being worked out by
students in the architectural school.1gg ag?
cThese costumes which will be Orien- Last L
To dose the class events of the tal, with colorful turbans and panta-j
year, the Freshman class is planning I loons, were designed by the commit- Ends Two-D ay
a spring party to be held on May 22 tee.
at the new Masonic Temple. The E Rpid progress has bei niade in I R un Tonight'
I d~~(ecorationi work. The color scheme l atIi obeaR untyifomlaf
party is to be a strictly informal af- makes use of an apricot shade for thel
fair. ceiling with immense panels drooping When "The Last Laugh" was
Negotiations are being carried on from a huge light in the center to a shown last night in Hill auditorium,
with local orchestras to furnish height of eight feet on the walls of a great crowd saw the German pic-
music for the event. The ballroom ;Barbour gymnasium. ture which every critic of note in
of the Temple will be specially dee- The decorations will not be used America has called the finest product
orated oil that evening. for the Varsity Band Promenade, of the cinema industry. In this play,
Tickets priced at $2 will be placed which takes place the following day, where the leading role is played by
nn tanJ tA.dHi. Union. next i Tesdav contrary to rumors on the campus. Emil Jannings, all subtitles are omit-

Line vf March Will Form at 3:45
. :O'clock and Proceed To
Hill Auditorium
Seniors of all schools and colleges,
garbed in tasseled Cap and flowing
black Gowns, will gather at 3 o'clock
tomorrow in front of the library for
the Swing Out ceremonies which will
take place in Hill auditorium.
At. 3:45 o'clock the seniors, led by
the Varsity Band, will form in line
and march to Hill auditorium. The
classes will line up in the following
order: literary women, literary men,
taold Amundsen, fa mous Arctic ?engineers, architects, medics, nurses,
exoer, who sll hiaos hAhcfor laws, dents, pharmics, graduates,
explorer, who will begi his dash foreducationals, and seniors in the
the north pole today leaving from School of Music.
Dane islanlSonotoe nrthMester
the Dane island on the northwestern (Acting-President Alfred H. Lloyd
coast of Spitzbergen. The party ex- will give the address. The invocation
pects to reach the pole in eight hours. will be given by the Rev. Merle H.
Anderson. It has been requested that
SJthe first seniors in the line of march
Ex l r r " fill in the back rows in Hill audi-
torium and that those in the last of
Start FlgIglo"af~*ai;
the line take seats in the front rows.
Such an arrangement will assure a
To Pol iO ay speedy emptying of the auditorium
and will in addition preserve the orig-
I i inal line of march.
Oslo, May 5, ( fy A. P.) --Tlme dash A i ne o ch.
for the North Pole in the Aniuindsen dAtth conclusion of the program
aI Iln ilmtaltmro the seniors will mar'ch on designated
airplane)Possibywm walktomorrow " ,s across the campus, the black
afternoon at 4 o'cleck from Dan is-figures forming a block "M." Pie-
lnd n the northwestern coaist of tures of the various classes will be
Spitzherien. l+ our o'clock i; con- taken on the steps of the library at
sidered the best part of tlie day to the end of the march.
commence the flight owing to met- Seniors are requested to buy their
torological conditions prevailing at Caps and Gowns at George Moe's
that houre sport shop today in order to prevent
With a. speed of nivre fthan S iftnale confusion and unfilled orders on
al hour, the pole which lies about nThursdayn
680 miles away, should he reached
in abo't eight hours. The airplan.es
will carry gasoline sufficient for two Cercle W ill
hours more than the entire round
trip from Spitzbergen to the pole. Give French
A landing will be 'made at the pole
where observations will le attemptedPl y *
to locate the exact position of the r
I pole. This will require several
hours. It is Possible the plane may j Eugene Brieux's "Blanchetto" has
have to land several times during been chosen as the nineteenth annual
the trip northward and back, and ,o e r anpais to

Sophomores Hold Similar Gathering
Tomorrow in Natural Science
Rules and regulations of the
Spring Games this year will be ex-
plained to freshmen at 5 o'clock to-
day in Natural Science auditorium
by members of the Student council.
At this gathering a.captain wil be
chosen to organize the class for the
A similar meeting of all sopho-
mores will be held at 5 o'clock to-
morrow in. Natural Science auditor-
lum. The committee in charge in
order to insure against delays, re-
quests that sophomores meet at 2
o'clock Friday in front of Waterman
gymnasium. At 2:30 o'clock the
members of the class of '27 will march
to the banks of the Huron for the
tug of' war. Each captain will choose
two teams of 50 men each to pull in
the first two tugs. The final tug
will be a free for all. Each tug will
last for 10 minutes and the class win-
ning two of the three contests will be!

5 o'clock-freshmen meet at
Natural Science auditorium.
5 oclock-sophomores meet at
Natural Science auditorium.
2 o'clock--sophomores meet at
Waterman gymnasium; fresh-
men in front of Union.
2:30 o'clock - sophomores
march to Spring Games.
2:45 o'clock-freshmen march
to Spring Games.
3s30 o'clock-Tug of war over
the Huron river.

Gave Address at Washilgton's
Birthday Convocation
in 1922
Dr. John Huston Finley, 'editor of
the New York Times, has been select-
ed to deliver the eighty-first annual
Commencement address Monday, June
15, at Ferry Field. Dr. Finley is well
known as an editor, educator and
author. He has been president of
Knox college, the College of the City
of New York, and the University of the
State of New York.
Last year, speaking to a record
graduating class of more than 1,800
and the thousands of relatives and
friends who filled the south stands of
Ferry Field, Glenn Frank, editor of
the Century magazine, spoke on the
relation between the school, the
church, and the state.
John Huston Finley was born in
1863 in Grand Ridge, Ill. He received
hB AT~ d~gre from Vno. clle ge in
hi 71 ndehigreieegr ro th
and 188 he att ended Johns Hopkins
'mii\ ersity Ic subsequently received
the honorary degroc of docor of laws
from Park college, Knox college, the
University of Wisconsin, Princeton,
Tulane, Williams, Dartmouth, Hobart,
Columbia, Brown, and the University
of the State of New York. He re-
ceived the degree of doctor of liter-
ature from Colgate and New York
Dr. Finley was secretary of the
State Charities Aid association of New
York and editor of the Charities Re-
view from 1889 to 1892, president of
Knox college from 1892 to 1899, editor
of Harper's Weekly during the year
1899, professor ef politics at Prince-
ton university from 1900 to 1903, presi-
dent of the College of the City of New
York from 1903 to 1913, and commis-
sioner of education of the State of New
York and president of the University
of the State of New York from 1913
to 1921, at which time he became ed-
itor of the New York Times.
During the last decade, Dr. Finley
has been an active member of a large
number of boards and commissions
which dealt with industrial, educa-
tional, fizancial, and governmental
problems. He is also an author of
some note, having written books on a
variety of subjects.
This will be the second time that
Dr. Finley will address a University
audience, he having spoken on "Inter-
national Entanglements" at the Wash-
ington's Birthday Convocation in 1922.
Beese Awarded
Fellowship By
Electric Firm
N. C. Beese, of the physics de-


that it may not return to Spitzbergen
for several days. If the aircraft are
unable to make a landing at the pole
the Norwegian flag will be unfurled
there while lie planes soar above.
The pilot in number one plane will
)e Lieut . iesei a rseu, who will
have Amundsen -as a passeng;'r. The
other plane will be pilote by Oscar
Omndal, with inicol ii EllswTorthI, a a
American engineer as navigator.
Adel~hi house of repreenttives
held its sixty-eighth annual banuet .
last night at the Green Tree Inn, the
program included an address by Prof.
Thomas I-I. Reed of the political
science department and a presenta-C
tien of gavels to former Speakers of

be given at 8:15 tonight in Sarah declared the winner of the event.
Caswell Angell hall The victorious class Friday afternoon
"Blanchette" comes as something receives two points in the Spring
of a departure from the usual prac- TeGames.
thce of the French club, in that this The freshmen will gather at 2
presentation is one of Brieux's ear- o'clock Friday afternoon in front of
lier problem pleys in the realistic the Union and will start the march
manner, and is frankly experimental, to the Huron at 2:45 o'clock. The
since most of the former productions contests between the two classes will
have been comedies. start promptly at 3:30 o'clock.
In preparation for tonight's enter- The events Saturday morning will
tainment Dean John R. Effinger, of consist of the cane spree the obstacle
the literary college, as the final num- race, and the rope tying contest.
ber on the Cercle Francais series, Each of these three events will count
lectured on "Brieux, Blanchette, and one point in the final compilation of
the Thesis Play" last Thursday in results. The program will start
Netural Science auditorium. promptly at 10 o'clock Saturday,
The Cercle Francais is one of the morning.
oldest organizations on the campus, All M men have been asked to
having been established since 1902. 1serve in the capacity of officials dur-'
,:. i1ing both days of the class struggle.

afternoon. 200 tickets only, will be
sold, and sale the first day will be
limited to freshmen.
The committee in charge consistsI
of Thomas C. Winter, '28, chairman;
Margaret E. Deacon, '28, Katherinel
W. Gerow, '28, Jean G. Greenshields,
'28, Matilda G. Sonerfield, '28, George
H. Annable Jr., '28, Ralph M. Cole,
'28, Thomas L. Conlon, '28, anl Addi-
son D. Connor, '28.
Santa Rem, May 5.-Grape growers
in a meeting urged importation of
foreign wines and spirits be prohib-
Austin, Tex., May 5.-The University
of Texas receives a royalty of $4,700
a day from its oil wells.
o o
f te

Refreshments will take the form of i
a midnight supper, and will be served
in three shifts. Nearly a carload of{
novelties, including balloons, noise-
makers, and streamers have arrived
for the occasion.

ted, so that the picture is continuous,
A review of the "Last Laugh"
appears in the Music and
Drama column on page three of
this issue.



Plans for a dinner
honor of Major Willia
professor of military
tics, who leaves the
IJune to enter the Ar
were formulated by tI
tion, Society of Ameri
gineers, last night in
Tie date has not y

and so remarkably arranged that it the house, and an honor award to
OR exlain itsef. [the mos~t distinguishied member. R,,y
N DONO xpin itef
Through the courtesy of the Majes- L. Alexander, 27L, acted as toast-
Sttheroghthe Acourteyof tahe o imaster.
[tc e rh n A r a Prnofessor Reed in presenting the
tehe American Association of Univer- sbet"eaigadte3ac o
sity Women was able to screen this subject, "Deb-atig and the Search for1
to be given in filn which will be shown at 8:00 Iruth," emuha' zod the need
t.ellec tua l sizc eti# , xg olpposed to 1
am T. Carpenter, o'clock tonight. Special equipment telat; r i ua rif "Thei o sedto
ta - or p oj ct n t e i tu e a ii-Iplatf'orms art istr ,. 'T o esetia
science and tac- for projecting the picture was ting is the ide; te eterna be-
University in stalled in the auditorium so that not lon to a lower' order than the
my War college, intermissions would be necessary. toe a.nsowe mid. etantes
he Michigan sec- One of the pupils of Palmer Christian, hOmve n natofti mind.R eal ideast
mihave a lastinmg arid l ,p'vrmn-ticut effect
can Military EVi- Miss Margaret Mason, played an or- andi art alone is ot a fit substitute,'
the Union. gan accompaniment- throughout the time areaker dletlaedl.

The tradition of tie annual play was 1
started ino 1907. ;_partment, who has been teaching in
the University for the past year has
SORORITIES GIE BIG been awarded a 'Charles A. Coffin
fellowship, given by the General
I (N OME TO SERENADERS Electric company. Mr. Beese will
Tremain with the University and will
FORASENIORsBALLTODAY yGdo research work on the structure
_____ As in 'years past the Glee Crib ser- of the spectra of ionized atoms under
Favorable replies were sent out continuous party wth theel ib ethe direction of Prof. H. M. Randall
last night to 300 applicants for tick- in i and Prof. R. A. S yer, both of
et: to the Senior Ball, which will be I hers gaining in spirit and falling in and prof.iR. A.partment. ot o
eld FridaheeningBa, M h wappetite as they moved from house to the physics department.
held Friday evening, May 22. Tickets The General Electric Co. wards
will be ready for distribution- to house. annually, eight o'r ten fellowships in
these same applicants early next Beginning with the first approach memory of Charles A. -Coffin, who
week, Mark Duffield, '25, chairman of Iof darkness from the plaza between wspeieto h oprto o
week, Mark Duffield,'25,cairmanof!Helen Newberry and Betsy Barbour, was president ofthe corporation for
dirny mevnecessar .«ua


et bee" set.




i -I-


May Issue Of Gargoyle Flames
Forth In Patriotic Color Today

Preceding Professor Reed's ad-E
dress, Millard If. Pryor, '25, president,
of the Oratorical association, was
presented with the oor' award by
Richiad olrd, '7tL. Sadke1r of
A delphi. Albert E. Sawyer, '27, pre--
siemte{I gavel!- to both i? i'[lard Pryor;

the ball committee, stated tyes eray.
Although more than 400 applied
for tickets, many of these were un-
able to meet the necessary qualifi-
cations. Those who will receive
tickets are members of the senior
class, who have the required number
of hours, and who have already paid
their class dues.

the club moved from sorority toC
sorority until morning was well on its
way, singing ' at every house. After1
gathering abouttthe doorway, the boys
would harmonize on a few numbers
while the girls listened from their
windows. At once the door would
open, swallow up the club, and for;
many minutes a little part- would
hold sway. As the boys left' each

many years. The necessayfnc
are furnished by the Charles A. Cof-
fin Foundation. The purpose of the
fellowships is' to aid promising
students, desirous of continuing their
study, to carry on graduate study and
research in some field of physics,
physical chemistry, or electrical en-

. jand William C. Dixon, '26, for
Flaming in a red, white and blue neth N. Murray, '25, has been illus- Speakers of Adelphi. The nom
cover, Gargoyle, campus humor pub- trated by Walker Everett, '26. His tions for next semester's Speaker
lication, will offer its May issue to full page drawing shows a party of suited in thie placing of Albert
Venetians, descending to a waiting Stern, '27L, and Albert E. Saw,
the campus today. The cover, which ( gondola. The third full page feature as candidates.
depicts a man amid girl standing be- Iis the first of a natural history series,
fore a red car, is the work of Wil-( the verses for which have been writ- u
lian J. Dibble, Jr., '27, who has re- ten by Murray, and the illustrations I undreds Receive
centlyb een appointed to the art drawn by Norman Gilmore, '26L. U ''I.-g,.'

1 . r

Ihouse, they sang "Good Night Ta die
and passed on.
Home Runs; Ties
Registration for the annual all- H or R s; Tes
campus elections will take place fromord Rcor


--oaks forward to continued caul and
Cloudy weather.

Detroit 14, St. Louis 8.
Chicago 7, Cleveland 2.
Boston 9, Washington 4.
Philadelphia 4, New York 8.


9 to 12 and from 1 to 2 o'clock tomor-
row and Friday at booths placed at

St. Louis, May 5.-Tying the

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