TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1925 THE MICHIGANDAL DAILY PAGE SEVEN TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1925 PAGE SEVE?~ THIS cetu M CLOSES C lASSdFIE AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING P 1 NiOTICE Microscope and Haemocytometer: Spencer microscope with all equip- The ladies of THE CHURCH OF ment, almost new, $85. Costs $110. CHRIST will be pleased to servei American Standard Haemocyto- luncheons to anyone desiring their meter with pipettes, double ruling, services. The Cosmopolitan Clubj Bureau' of Standards Certificate, cost has been a client of this instituflon. I $24, used very little. May be had for Service, courtesy and quality are $12. guaranteed. For particiuars call Mrs. Spencer haemocytometer, single H. D. Boyd, 9392 (new number). ruling with pipettes, $5. DR. POOL NTICE.'fl TO B~LOOD DONOR-Noti- Health Center 2 to 4 P. M. BEAUTY SHOPPES Permanent waving and Marcelling ' MACK AND CO. 3rd Floor Main St.." BLUE BIRD IIAIRL SHOP 4 -NICKEL'S ARCADE--7616 jDIMATTIA BEAUTY SHOP offers soft water shampoos, especial at-; tention for curly hair. Hair cut- ting and waving by eipert opera- tors. Phone 8878. FOR JRENT FOR RENT-On one of the choicest corners of Ann Arbor there is an opportunity for someone wishing a good office or store.r In this mod-' ern building there are five offices and one store for rent at reason- able rentals. You should not allow this chance to slip if you are look- , ing for -a favorable location on th-e campus. Mr. Andrews, 300 S. State St. IVANTEI) AVAN TI) SALESMAN 1\r. student you have sonme spare time while you are going to college, some of you will find it necessary to work this summer in order to make your expenses for next year. You ar the men we want. Many of you have had some experience in the sell- ing game. To those of you who have this proposition will be doubly easy. To those who have not we. will teach you how. Our salesmen are making from two hundlred to one thousandj dollars per week. While you are go- ing to college you should make at least seventy-five per week. Write or come in and have a personal inter- view with R. W. McAlister. 1209-13 Majestic Bldg.{ Detroit Phone Cad 5962-3 'WANTED-Situation, female, thor- oughly competent cook, Fraternity, resort, club or hotel. Phone 7956, 6 to SP. M.{ SP'ED lING,619? E. IEWIY.4*1 l I" ieWitOl after 7 Y. iAl. CALL AND MAIZE ARRANGEM4ENTS_______________ FOR A "SITTING." YOU SHOt LD . !Nj1'jj1.1 W.1SIIN rO-S('CN)Y HAVE YOUR PICTURE TPAKEN AT F:reshl every F'ridayv. Tire's.119 E. LEAST ONCE A YEAR. I ery SHOES REPAIRED) WHILE YOU W AIT 0. ('. AND)RES X1222 SO"1iiSTFATE s,,I'nFIr FOR SALE. FIL .SALE -Ticket to Architects May FOR SALE--York ('-Melo~dy .-,to'IllE ANN ARROI HAT CL1EANIN'G phone. Goad condition, $,W :Lt2 1 AN 1 SIOE REPAIhlINC SHOP, 33,): Jefferson St. Call 982 bev ween 8 WC make all hiats look like new. andh 1. ;Q u icki service and reaionable prices !, ?. F-T.11 .1TVV ~A R CT A rTV USED) CAR'BARG~AINS These values cannot be equaled in Ann Arbor. We Dave made a great cut in used cars for this week only. 'i~aos, Small Musical Instruments, Sheet Music Grinnell Music Co.. .1725-6715 New Number !Books, Stationery, Party Favors, and Pennants Brown Book Co.- Mack & Co. Trhe Fashion Center for College Women. rTel. 4161. SVII ER. JUSGT SPSNN STlEP~-INS IN SILK .J ESEY AND) NOt-( LI1(x (O'U'I'ON :MATERIIALS THlE QUAITY S11OP 3013 SOU'TH MAIN , ( I fy University 26-1 of your change in telephone number. SEND for free copy of "Educational Columns" of Church Doctrines. R. { S. Kellerman, Hop Bottom, Pa. Compacts, watches and pictures frames of the most exquisite jewelry selections. 'These are especially priced for the spring season. A R NOL D State Street Jeweler Our moderate prices mal~e it possible ' for all to have FRESH HOME GROWN FLOWER S. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 122 E. Liberty. Phone 1630l Rb~eads Household Packing Co. j Moving-Packing-Storage j Call us for long distance moving. Loads insured. I ship to all points. 625 Detroit St., Phone 1154 Rugs shampooed or dust cleaned.' Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 651;. TYPEWRITING TYPEWRIPERS Splendid machines. Best makes" for rent or for sale. HAMILTON BUJSINESS COLLEGE SPhone 7813. Ford Ford Ford. Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Forrd Ford Ford Trouring 1921. $85. Touring 1923, $175. Touring 1923, $160. Touring, $50. Sedans, $240. Sedan 1923, $300. Coupe 1922. $195. Coupe 1923, $273. Roadster 1923, $150. Roadster 1923, $160. Roadster 1924, $22,".. FORD SALES AND SERVICE 316 E Huron St. Phione 3912 READ THE CLAS For Typewriter Repairing (all makes)- Dealer in Woodstock typewriters, HUI.N ING Standard and Portable adding ma-: chines. IS GREAT Ann Arbor Typewriter Exchange 91 Savings Bank Building. TYPEWRITING-Have your notes and thesis typewritten for 10c ha page. Phone 1602M, 637 Oakland. TAILORS A TAILOR-M1ADE SUIT Will satisfy your taste, and 8it 4SIFIED ADS), WANTED-Next year for man, roorn not far from campus, must be quiet. Prefer E. University neighborhood. Pox 102. Wheary Wardrobe trunks trunks made at popular prices at KOCH AND HENNE bestI BUGS I r SPORT l ' I)I 0i m real lake' YOuU best. WILD THE TA 1OR 113' South MAin St. Dancing We are open now. Prhv lessons daily, both mod( and classical. Adult ci, every Monday and Frida 1-hour" class lessons for$ dancing, 5:30 to 10 p. m. Enroll Now. TERRA CE GARDEN S TUDIO10S 22 Witertli Arcade I) 14 7 I I am here on a special trip. I give the be: for your old clothes. Phone 66S and I will be.. glad. on you. A. Polloc 608 E. Williams DROP IN FOR A= And ae !REFRESHI1NG I- asiIj , n tr°yba.-wm $5.60.DRINK- )ANCINGOnyuWabckfrmtt, Ihoiie 8:3238 ens ac o aebl 1 buying - Complete Lines st prices - f- ATH4LETIC SUPPLIES h"A D+ LETS A to-call i= ,BLjUE FRONT, fBuy a Tai JCIGAR STORE 'F' kat_ SSt. State and Packard Sts. 2 nln unnuniu~111u1 1)III11111 IBetsy Ross a Swi ina OLLAR A DAY CITY KID PLAY": ig - Send a' Kid to the resh Air Camp ODAY! Ctr(iiibuted by Shop and( Arbor Fountain Mother's Day Your mother deserv~es the best that y oucan giv e to hmer-ma ke it a t What VWould C ) up i uWith A DIAMOND Our Dmvided tyment P1li an ill Assist XYou RintILik~e This $100() s s THE ARISTOCRAT It's seldom we sec; so inuell dignmity and grace combfinifed at so small a 'osit. P rinted on a special weight stock without gold, 1 ho , rubdued neutral tints will app~eal to folks of refinement. The straight four inch band decoration is novel in design andi colored to imateli the wall perfectly. A fine tracing of a leaf with a pin headh (ot forms the ciling. $ 6Bud::,cnough1 of Ibis paper to papel~r a room l0xl2xS ft. 1 76 his price includes ten single rolls wall, sixteen yards <,!: border' acidltoumr rolls of ceiling. doe sift{le R1oll 40e iDoubie !tull Buy that new spring suit now at NT'ICE Del Prete's 213 E. Liberty Phone 7636 YOU WILL not be ashamed when 1 ____________________________ yotu cat at. Foster's Tea Roomu. NewI COLLEGE Student for out-of-door niumbier, 9737. summer position. Write Suite 309 GEORGE J. MOE-Complete limne of PakAeBlgDto. athletic goods. New telephone num- SUGDEN DRUG CO.-Drugs,, Toilet 17Cr 915.articles, cigars, stationery, sodas, Stodar har Sop teveloping and printing. 1112 5. 707dda.d ir Sityp University Ave. Tel. 5831. SNow Number. 21212 Crippen's Drug Stores "Til QURRY"1)rg aid Pescip- 723 N. University Ave.° Tel. 917 tion Store, corner State anmtlN. 19S anS.Tl 81 Unmiversity Ave. New number, 7611i 27N anS.Tl 51 anid 7616. I Varsity Laundry I 4219-4210 Chance to Save otn Wall Paper W ile Our Sale IsGingOnl, 1925 Patterns Cfflercd at Very, Very Interes "n Prices HJere's One Example of the Valucs Offe -cd in IThis Sale Many' tII ,r Speciafll Offering-, Sini',?ar to 'Ills One W'L"NZEL."9 -107 Eaust Liberty Street ANN ARBORI YP SILANTI p-I Read The Daily "Class ified" Columns All ii I I III a : ; ; Mother's. Day It Candies You are going to remember Mother of course. Nothing is too good for Mother. That is the reason we have provided the most beautiful and appropriate Gift Pack- ages filled with our finest candies for your Mother's Gift. Our Treasure Chest De Luxe with beau- tiful mirrored top, clasp atnd key, holding one, two or three pounds of our delicious candies is a gift that Mother will appreci- ate more than anything else you could give her. Other special packs in Boxes with Mother's. Day Mother's Day Mottoes, etc. Prices arc very reasonable, some as low as $1.00. In out State Street Store (Arbor Foun- tai) we have Johnson's Package Candies in Mother's Day Wraps, also in bulk which we pack in our own Mother's Day con- tainers. DROP IN TODAY AND LOOK THEM OVER I 11 II