TUrSIDAY, MAY 5, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE ICHIAN DILYPAGE! v." r.r r ri f , ' vvA M "- ~Tokio, May 4.- The Kokmin, al -5, ,,. (large daily paper, recognized as rep-I up K q ,,resenting the views of the military N\O :.s~staff, is now chief exponent of the I i viewx that the United States and Eng. Iland are consistently antagonizing1 J'rpan's effort to increase her statusl lSenior lPlay seniri women who are interested in "and prestige as a first class nation. T y tt To a ,work at departments stores in Detroit; --_________ l ,this summier or next fall are asked to ? sienna-, May 4.-Poland gained ant see :drs. A. S. Hobart, assistant to the ;motn ~vnaewt h eet is for the Senior Play which; dean cf women, in her office in Bar- Ily signed treaty with Czecho-slovak- Q~n p trrrln nfprnnn urll a. WILDISCUSS PLANS TO FORM MICHIGAN CLU All Michigan alumnae are invitedl to a tea and brief meeting, at the home of Mrs. Edwin Goddard, 1212 dill street, Friday, May 8 at 4 o'clock. Plans for the formation of a Michigan Club wil be discussed at this time. These 'clubs havc been successfully formed among wom~en from Wellesly, Vassar, Smith and other large col- The Ann Arbor alumnae are en- couraged by a recent report from Mliss Fanny Alliger, executive secre- tary of the League campaign, which shows that of a quota of $84,042 for Ann Arbor, $62,121 has been pledged. This leaves a balance of $20,921 to be raised by June, 1927. Letters announcing Friday's meet- ing have been sent to all Michigan women whose, addresses are known. It there are any women who have not received an invitation they are re- quested to notify the Alumnae office at Alumnae Memorial hall of their intention to attend. SEE "'L FTFR PAN" FORl LEAUE BENEFIT Students are urged to pur- chase tickets for the lniocie, ' Peter -Pan1,"' now show ing 't the A rca de li theIr. ~from on(,01: the f cliowin~ pl aces in order that a share of tl ; proce dsj m nay go for the boneith of the 'Women's League: Water's, IGraham's, and Slater's look' st ores; Union, and the Leaigue booth in Unves(yhat ' Pickets may also be1)0 r~e from small boys. stationed in frontV of the Areade tlroatelr before andl (uring each show. Here you SPORTING GOODS will find a complete line of Sporting Goods fairly priced 1111 S. UNIVERSIT'Y AVE ITryout: were lbeg gun ,yrerinvrela aner~no nwu boor gyninasitim. f ...v. Ibe continued at 4 o'clock today, in the_____ auditorium of Newberry hail. As this T eatscto fteIaut o jwill be the last opportunity to tryout, Teatscino h aut o all senior women are urged to be men's club will meet today at the present at this time. As this play home of Mrs. A. G. Pelikan, 1337 Bel- will be given immediately followingsestet the Senior Breakfast during Comn- mencement week, this wil1)e the last ! Committee chairmen of the Fresh- opportunity for senior women to, man Pageant will meet at 4 o'clock serve their class, today in the Women's League par- A one-act play, "Aria da Capo- by fors. Rehearsals for the pageant will Edna St. Vincent Mislay has been se- l be as follows: 1 o'clock Tuesday and lected. Thursday, Princess and' Companion f group; 3 o'clock, Dawn group; 3:45, Bremen, May 4. -- Twelve of the, Godmother group; 4 o'clock, Waltz foremost representatives of the Ger'- group; 4 :45 o'clock, Crystal group; O man fur- trade sailed Saturdlay for 5;:15 o'clock, Mirror group; Wednes-1 _New York to study American method.'-(l ay at 4 o'clock ; Ball group; 4:45 o'- *of dyeing, preparing and marketing clock, Panl group; 5:15 o'clock, Dream _ fu.'. gl on p.1 - - - Read the Want Ads'i Read The Daily "Classified"a Columns. e ... A, .' :z i. '44 Officers of the Y. W. C. A. will be installedl at 7 :15 o'clock this morning at Martha Cook building. Jane Gib- son, '25, retiring president of the or- ganization will preside at the instal- lation . The c (erenmonies xwill he held on the e--,st lawnvi of the building, weather permitting. s i' , i REMEMBER- OUR TELEPHONE HAS BEEN CHANGED TO 8102 BUT OUR LAUNDRY WORK REMAINS THE SAME WE ARE ALWAYS READY TO GIVE YOU THE SAME EXCELLENT SERVICE YOU HAVE BEEN GETTING. JUST PHONE 8102 KYE-R LAUNDRY 627 South Main St. Insist on Kyer Service Freshmen teams1 Portia will (debate at in the auditorium of I of Atthena and g o'clock tonight University hall. THE PRICE OF A MOVIE --will keep some little "city kid" at the Fresh Air Camp-clean, well filled, and happy, for a whole glorious day. j - 3} 1 _ ,/l P (, ( f A .. "" , .. n °- i! t i i i ji 1 "Beauty's Enemy -THE SUN! Guard your skin against the ravages of the sun with these pro. twcive and corrective Valaze Beauty Preparations created by 4A70a"fu &y- World-famous Beauty Specialst Vahame Pasteurized Face Cream ...the wonder cream that soothes, molds, replenishes and pro. texts while it cleanses. . . . . . . . $1.00, $3.50 Valaze Sun and Wind proof Balm -a beautifying powder base which neutralizes the sun's violet rays, thus preventing sunburn, tan and freckles .,$1.00, ,$1.75 Valaze Grecian Anti-wrinkle Cream (Anthosoros) --a remarkable preparation for nourishing the dry skin; cor- rects and prevents "squint" lines about the eyes . $1.75, x$3.50 Valaze Complexion Bleach -acts on tan, freckles, discolorations and sallowness, leaving the complexion clear, soft and smooth . . $1.50, $2.50 I GOO E ' 12 4 South Main New Telephone 4171 t , r'; " - gr,1t~~~~ - I eye,- Some *wi1~. 'em 1" . ' i r .. "4- , . f '"T .iy. , l ? ., r .f ' ft ~ S ) J t } ' ". aap o- , j MICHIGAN'S KID CAMP IS THE ONLY STUDENT-RUN- CAMP IN THE BIG TEN WEAR A TAG TUESDAY Arf>L" (Contributed by Dey Studio) jOO . OVIV 4'2 W Phone 5031 h 1 4.' - . }111tllli l1"lt.IltIIIIIIIi11t1111tlil11lt~ I1111111011111111lf IIII IfIIIIIII fU IIII'It..ew tile 1111111111-Ft1t'l-.1111i1i1 - Speiar e AN '" 't :4 +w,; r " ,- N.t''r:i" .r45?t1:rt" . A". J - I .o.;.-A .' . {q4-:: ~""t;i.;tt:, ' t r w ~ trt+ "r rtI! ~rt. . f- t f~r ! i r -' ............................................................................... a ::"57+G :t: :,! ;,?t" j t. "':-j~;j.' .. "" r' I - Iin, r . . .l .. .s" ':4' 2 '. ' -. awa; Afternoon .f.t*~~ HJlE approach of Summer and the ivarmer clays wairns 'Milailly of the n iecessity of adding several dainty, cool frocks to the wiardroe. aAnticipating her wish, we have preipared for her approval a 'chiaitihg .:- selection of up-to-dlate mdl IIsret fenonadevening dresses. Tuesdyay Tusdy fthswek aa arOuse a - Wednesday a and MAY SAL E OF BEDDING Now is the time for you to replenish your stocks of beddings at great savings. Our prices on the very. best sheets and sheetings are unusually low to begin with. Subtract from these prices our May red~uctions and the low. costs will amaze you. Pequot Sheets 54I 72 81 81 Y t0--Regularly s .99--Regularly x .90-Regularly x l09l -Regularly9 'x 0-Regularly x 91---Regularly- x 90-Regularly x 99-Regularly x 108-Regularly $1.i0) $1.65 $1.70 $1.80 $1.85 $2.00 $2.04) $2.20) $::.40 .~$1.87 .$.. .... 1.53 .$....... 1.63 .. . . .. . . .$1.73. .. 1.77 .. .. . . .$2.07 E. S. M. Sheetings 9-4-1, 7-4 and 6-4. Regularly 75c 2§yards......... ................ $1.10 Lockwood -Sheetings 9-4, Regularly 70c...... ........... 59e Pillow Tubing 42 and 45 In. Regularly 50c .............43c Bedspreads Ripplette Spreads, 63 x 90-Regularly $1.98 .... ... .... ... .... ... ..$1.79 "Nelli.e 1Biy"' spreads, 72.x 108 an 81 x 168 W4gMarry $50 ..... .............$4.95 s 5 Lockwood Sheets 5-1 x 90--Regularly $1.39 . 03 x 90-Regularly $1.64). 7' x 90-Regularly $1.75.. 7it) x 99--Regularly $1.85.. Sly- 94-Regularly $1.85 Hemstitched .. . . .. . .$1.27 ...$1.67 .. . .... .$1.67 .. . . .. . .$1.77 .. . . . .1.77 Sheets Turkish Towels 7' x 99-Regularly $2.40 ...............$2.07 81 x 90-Regularly $2.49 .............$2.07 81 x 99-Regularly $2J. ..............$.27 41 x 108-Regularly $3.0.............. $2.67 E. S. m. Sheets 54 x 90 and 54 x 99--Regularly $1.55.....98e 20 x 138-Regularly 39c....... ... .83ic each 13 x 44-R1egularly 49c .............41;c each Blankets Orders taken for 74) x 90 Blanikets, slelvsered August 15th or later. Regularly $11.,0 ...........$11.95 Pequot Sheetings Nashua Blankets 6-4 Regularly 60c ..................47c 7-4 Regularly 70c........ ..57. 8-4 . Regularly 75c ...................67c 9-4 Regularly 80c . ...................67c 10=-4 Regularly 90)c ..................77c 00 x 84-Reguflarly $5.00 ...............$0.8 Pillow Cases' 42 a1nd 45 inch-Regularly 79c.....49 it pair Domestic Department--Downstairs. Martex Towels are also included in May Sale Towels at 69c Bath M~ats Five dozeun )Martex towels, 19 x 3S, with col- ored borders in various designs are going lit 69c each. Regular Value is 85c. X T TYT . !"V1 N~artex -bath Inuts in all sizes and colors are going at 10% less their regular prices. Otheir Tvwxplc _ i