I PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUE' ,SD AY, MAY 5. 1925 _ system, up to the Last not ell suitedl to sho tainty the indil vidul's 1 MED I CAL COU RS ES sertsinIisreport. Len t two years, is ac t'y nd sLould be used together, in owing with cer- or-der htiat 1he maotat may ])., gained (SJ IJ il y for. Wan H lugh Cabot IOeeires ('rhu 11- lunn 4l+3fedi>Cia e 1 ia .fl w y InSTUDENTS HANDICAPPED Ride separation of f ivh ory vn practice causes the mnedicatl curricu- lum; to suiffer c:onsidlerably, according to the annual report of Dean IFlugh Cabot of the medical school to the President of the University. "It is literally true that a student may spend four years, t wo in pre-med- ical and two in pro-clinical courses, without any important suggestion that he is engaged in p~repatrationl for the practice of medIicine. "In the present condition of great pressure on medical schools and in the rather unsatisfactory state of the curriculum,, (decision based purely, or" even largoly, upon grades received by students in the first two years, is 'not a sound way of tietermininug their. p~robable future value as practition- ers. "Trhe dropping of a student in the freshman year is not a serious mat- ter, but the case of the student diropped in the sophomrore and ee more in the junior year is a scriow., one. At present i1- is aliriost iuinpossi- ble for him to. gain admission to another class,'"A''Rschool. mThis means in practice that these students, though having spent four or even five years in preparati4on for the study of inedi- cine, must now take upi other life work:," the report ,f at es., "If it be assumed that the business o1f the medical school is the training of practitioners in medicie, theni it must b6 admitted than the present The ( j? Ced r 4116}d 5 (iution: 111 \"'Ji jabtype of (c)u ise, do c11 favor', led 1115' oirt iz'? ' )f -,au.y er:z (a iAl \. 8ehrudcer, '27.---'(1 ,a1ingbeen en the campu)1s a couplle of year s and laving at tended l)0oth types of course:; at ratther fre- qluee t intervals, I Have come to the !01conclusionl tht t L;oi h ha oYe1their ad- vantageOs. When use(1i t{?gel,er they combine the 1hen efit 5 0of0eli.'' EL.1J. sel ieit , 'L.- "'lbe ad(van- I agles of qulii (las::a -e iquite evident. The .i eefi rac al ot. le" l, iit 1,1~1" l re . ''o,ie. l 11 es 1::t ' ! IeIich'tvalue .' il a Vris, ?.- I tini:1, h i 11"t~iii(! 11 '. to ('ie ji:Iat either one Io t',11!b'th 1 'f lc.(({n-- Iii l lie 's'('i ,.' .1. , . r'yei '36): . --"1 ireier ' a lee-! lii eomr ~ the' lecturer is out. cani! held1 rn a- t cut ion and keep 1mei int e're sled. A iee tui'e course is only a hva t gn v wen the lectu rer Ioti'x 11i5 s alm*ect aud (lsin deliver itI without hiir; (lass flllling aslecep on },. ('. (z