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May 05, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-05

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VOL. XXXV. No. 158-





Five Michigan Runners Cross Plate
In First Inning; Puckle'wartz
Leads in Batting
By W. H. Stonemann
Pitobing his first Conference game
for Michigan, Harlan Walters gave
the Varsity a shutout victory over
Wisconsin yesterday afternoon on
Ferry field. The final score was 8-0.
Supported throughout the game by Emil anin
the great fielding and batting of the _J__ g
rest of the nine, Walters hreld the
visitors to four hits, struck out seven l M
of th opposing batsmen, and grant-
ed only three passes. In the mean-F
time Michigan was gathering nine
hits and benefitting from the erratic
'playing of the Badgers, put across T
its ample margin of runs. Five of L LASTcLAIJCUr
the Michigan runs came in the first
inning, and one each in the fifth, Tickets for "The Last Laugh", the
sixth, and seventh frames. In the motion-picture to be presented to-
fifth frame Michigan again had the night and tomorrow night in Hl
bases loaded but three outs in a row ngtadtmr-wngti il
spoiled things after one runner had auditorium, have been transferred to
been forced in. Wisconsin threat- the Hill auditorium box-office, where
ened only once, in the fourth inning, they will be on sale from 10 o'clock
when three of the visitors crowded to the time of the performance. This
the bases but Walters' third strike- film is being presented, through the
out of the frame kept themn fropnI
scoring.m1 courtesy of the Majestic theater, un-
Pucklewartz, another Michigan der the auspices of the Ann Arbor
player who was having his first full branch of the American Association
Conference game, led the Wolverines of University Women, the organiza-
in batting with one hit in one official tion which sponsored earlier in the
time at bat. Three passes and a sac- season the Paul Whiteman concert,
'rifice were recorded on his other the Clavilux, and Mrs. Richard Mans-
trips to the plate. Ryrholm and Dill- field in "The Goose Hangs High."
man were both credited with two hits "The Last Laugh" is said to be
in four times at bat while Benny particularly unique in that it has no
Friedman, wro replaced Herb Steger subtitles or explanatory legends. Ac-
in the sixth, got one hit in two times cording to the criticismis, the action
at bat. Pucklewartz and Walters bf the story is -so expressive that no
eash had a timely sacrifice to his verbal aid is needed for a complete
credit and Norrie Ryrholm was the appreciation of its emotional effect.
onily runner in the game to get a The leading role is taken by the
stolen base. Only one error was famous continental actor, Emil Jan-
recorded for the Michigan team, in nings. Trained under Max. Rein-
contrast to the performance of last l1ardt, he has starred in such feature
Saturday when four were made. j pictures as "Passion," "Deception,"
Badgers Collapse. and "Quo Vadis." This varied reper-
After Walters had made a preten- toire of characterization-King Henry
tious, start by striking out the first VilI in "Deception," Nero in "Quo
batter to face him and forcing the ITVadis," and the hotel porter in "The
next two to hit flies to Steger and Last Laugh"-has lead Robert Sher-
Bachman, his teammates equalled wood, the movie critic of Life, to
his performance in their turn at bat. class him with .John Barrymore as
Buck Giles, the first one up, was out the most versatile actor in the films.
on strikes but the catcher dropped Another distinction of "The Last
the ball and the Michigan runner Laugh" is the almost sensational re-
beat out the throw to first. Bach- vievs that thepicture received when
man then bunted and the catcher it was shown in New York. Mor-
made another fizzle, throwing the daunt Iall of the New York Times
ball wide of first base. With men said, "The story grips you from be-
on first and second, George .Haggerty ginning to end. It has a jubilant
tried another bunt and again the op- finish; it is a masterpiece." Similarly,
position went to pieces. After tak George Gerhard of the New York
ing his time to decide where to throw, World wrote: "'The Last Laugh' holds
Clausen heaved the ball off to one you in a vice-like grip. I have never
side of first and loaded the bases. seen a more compelling photoplay."
Ryrholm was struck out but Dillman All seats for the local engagement
followed with a grounder down to the have been priced at 50 cents, and but
shortstop. Giles scored on the play one performance, starting promptly
while Haggerty beat the throw to at 8 o'clock, will be given each even-
second and the bases were kept load- ing
ed. Pucklewartz was then presented -
with a pass and Michigan with anoth- I
er score when Bachman was forced :A QSITV QUID IAIIVE
in. Herb Steger also got a pass and
Haggerty walked home with theO
third score. Cherry then put a THIRO
grounder down to the second base
man and Dillman came home while--
Steger was being forced out at f Since the concert which was to be
second. Walters then closed the ses-i
sion with a clean single through given by the band last Wednesday was
first base, scoring Pucklewartz. withheld on account of the rain, the

Cherry went to second on the play program and special features planned
but Giles' long fly fell into the hands for last week will be given at 7 o'clock
of the Wisconsin left fielder. tomorrow night on the library steps.
Eind Rally. A requisition has been issued for the
In the first of the second, with two erection of a stand near the campus
men out, Barnum, the Wisconsin flagpole but until this is constructed
catcher got a pass and Steen's single the band will continue to play from
to right field put him on third, Steen the library.
going to second on the play. Walters The Freshman Glee club, which was
then extricated himself from his first to sing last week, will now make its
dangerous position of the game by first public appearance tomorrow
striking out Wieland. Again in the night, singing a number of Michigan
fpurth, after neither team had been songs. Later in the month the Var-
able to score farther, Wisconsin sity Glee club will appear with the
loaded the bases with two down. Af- 1 band.
ter the first two Badgers had been This concert will be the third of a
struck out Donogan was hit by a series of weekly outdoor concerts free
pitched ball, went to second when to the students, which will be con-
Bar num drew a pass, and both run- tinned until examinations begin. The
ners advanced on Steen's single concerts have been designed to re-
(Continued on Page Six) place the rehearsals, formerly held





Schedule Tug of War For 3:30 Fri.
day; Three Other Contests Plainned
For Saturday Morning
All members of the freshman class
will meet at 5 o'clock tomorrow in
Natural Science auditorium for the
purpose of electing a captain for the
spring games Friday afternoon. The
captain thus chosen will in turn ap-
point lieutenants from, within the per-
sonnel of the class to aid in organiza-
tion for the traditional struggle with
the sophomores. Student councilmen
will take charge of the meeting.'
Thesophomores will hold a pep
meeting of like nature at 5 o'clock
Thursday in Natural Science auditor-
ium. At j both class meetings the
rules and regulations of the games
will be outlined.
At 2:45 o'clock Friday afternoon
the sophomores will meet in front of
Waterman gymnasium and at 3:00
o'clock will proceed to the point on
the Huron 'where the tugs will take
place. The freshmen will gather in
front of the Union at 3:00 o'clock
and at 3:15 will proceed to the scene
of action. The tug of war has been
scheduled for 3:30 o'clock. This event
has been divided into three periods.
The captain of each class will select
two 50-man teams for the first two-
tugs. The final tug will be in the
nature of a free for all. The class
winning two of the three contests
ill be awarded two points in the
Spring games.
Three events are scheduled for
Saturday morning; the obstacle race,i
the cane spree, and the rope tying
contest. Each event will count one
point toward the final result of the
games. Such a system of marking
precludes the possibility of a tie be- l
tween the two classes.
All M men are requested to be on
hand to supervise the games and to
insure the strict observance of the1
Name Members
Of 1926 Union
Opera Chorus


All seniors, garbed in, their tradi-{
ditional caps andl gowns, will form in
line and slowly march to lill audi-
toriumn Thurs lay afternoon, where
they will gather for the annual Swing
Out ceremonies. Acting-President Al-
fred H. Lloyd will address the exer-
cises which will be opened by the cus-
tomary invocation to be given by Rev.
Merle H. Anderson.I
The seniors will gather in front of J
the Library at 3 o'clock and at 3:451
o'clock the Varsity band will lead the
march to Hill auditorium. The linet
of march is as follows: Literary wo-
men, literary men, engineers, archi-
tects, medics, nurses, laws, dents,
pharmics, graduates, educationals and
seniors in the School of Music. In or-
der to facilitate emptying Hill audi-
torium and to preserve the original
line of march seats in the back of the
auditorium will be occupied by the
first seniors to enter and the last
seniors in the line will fill the front
Atrthe completion of the ceremon-
ies the seniors will march out across
the campus, on designated walks,f
The order of march is also planned
in order that an "M" will be formed
from the array of black figures. The
march will end on the steps of the
Library where pictures of the various
classes will be taken,

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f ,


Invitations and announce-
ments will be on sale for the
last time today at the booth in
the corridor of University hall.
The final order will be wired to
the printer tonight. Invita-
tions are 50 cents, announce-
ments 10 cents.

Announcement of the establishment of the Marion LeRoy Burton Me-
morial Endowment was made yesterday by Shirley W. Smith secretary
of the University.
The Endowment fund, which at the present time amounts to $105,200,
was contributed by the following men:
Henry Ford, Edsel Ford, George G. Booth, Roy Chapin, John Anderson,
R. B. Jackson, John S. Haggerty, Albert Kahn, W. H. Murphy, '82L, Wal-
ter Briggs, ,W. E. Scripps, and Howard E. Coffin, '98L, of Detroit; Stanley
D. McGraw, D. F. Kelley, '03E, W. A. Starrett, '97E, Earl Babst, '93A and
'94L, and James Baird, '96E, of New York City; Ray Dolph, Ann Arbor;
Chase Osborn, '11, Sault St. Marie; R. P. Lamont, '91E, Chicago; Regent W.
L. elements, '82A, E. B. Perry, '89E, and C. R. Wells, of Bay City; and
W. M. Clapp, '84E, Cleveland.


FUND OF $105,200

Finals WijI Begin

Friday Macy 29

And Continue to Monday
Tune ,
Announcement was made by


Literary College Faculty Establishes
New Reading Course With
Six Hours Credit
Extension of the independent read-
ing courses for exceptionally well-
qualified students to the economicsj
department was yesterday afternoon
approved by the faculty of the Col-
lege of leiteature, Science and the
Arts. This modified "plan for thej
Honors course is already in use in
the history and English departments.
Six hours credit will be given inl
the new course in economics, the en-
rollment being restricted to not more
than ten or twelve seniors, the object1
:f the arrangement being to provideI
an opportunity for these students to.
pursue independent reading in eco-
nomics and allied fields.
In addition to the adoption of this
special order there was an informal
report by Prof. James II. Hanford of
the English department and Prof.Pres-
ton W. Slosson of the history depart-
ment regarding the success of the
reading courses in their departments.
Dean John Effinger of the literary
college, while expressing himself as
unfavorable to the immediate adop-
tion of the English Honors Course
plan in its entirety, declared at the
meeting that he was "heartily in
favor" of the ideas involved in the
three reading courses now adopted
It was predicted that, while Amer-
ican universities are not now ready
for the English plan of Honor course
study, that the innovation here may
lead in the not far distant future to
some very comprehensive system
based partially on the English plan.
Complete description of the new
economics course, as adopted as a
special order by the faculty, is as
"The object of this course is to
provide an opportunity for a small!

registrar's office yesterday of the
schedule of final examinations for the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, the School of Education,
the Graduate school, and the School
of Business Administration. The ex-
amination period will begin on the
morning of Friday, May 29, and will
end on the afternoon of ;Monday,
June 8. The hours are from 9 to 12
o'clock in the morning and from 2 to
5 o'clock irn the afternoon.'
Classes which meet for the first
time in the week at 8 o'clock Monday
will have their examination on Thurs-
day, June 4 from 9 to 12 o'clock;
those meeting at 9 o'clock will 'be ex-
amined from, 9 to 12 o'clock on Sat-
urday, May 30; those which meet at
j 10 o'clock will have their examina-
tion fron 9 to 12 o'clock on Tuesday,.
June 2; classes meeting at 11 o'clock'
will lie examined from 9 to 1 12
o'clock on Friday, May 29;' one
o'clock classes will be examined from
2 to 5 o'clock on Wednesday, June3;
those meeting at 2 o'clock have their
examination from 9 to 12 o'clock on.
Monday, June' 8; those meeting at 3'
o'clock will be examined from 2 to 5
o'clock on Friday, June 5.
Classes whicIv meet for the first
time on Tuesday will have their ex;
aminations as follows: 8' o'clock,
fromn9 to 12 o'clock on Friday, June
5; 9 o'clock, from 2 to 5 o'clock on
Saturday, June 6; 10 o'clock, from 9
to 12 o'clock on Monday, June 1; 11
o'clock, from 2 to 5 o'clock on Mon-
day, June 1; 1 o'clock, from 9 to 12
o'clock on Saturday, June 6; 2
o'clock, from 2 to 5 o'clock on Thurs-
day, June 4; 3 o'clock, from 2 to 5
o'clock on Monday, June 8.
Special examination dates havel
been set as follows: all classes in
Mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and 51 will
be examined from 2 to 5 o'clock on
Tuesday, June 2; classes in Eco-
nomics 51, 52 and 186 will have their
examination from 2 to 5 o'clock on
Friday, May 29; the examination in
Rhetoric 2 and Psychology 31 will be
J held from 2 to 5 o'clock on Saturday,
May 30; classes in French 2 and
Spanish 2 will have their examina-
tions from 9 to 12 o'clock on Wednes-
day, June 3.
All classes which cannot be ex-4
amined according to this schedule
without causing conflict must be ex-
amined at one of the following per-

Members of "M" Club, Athletes and
Volunteers Will Attempt To
Collect $1,,%#
Students will be given the chance
to contribute to the Fresh Air camp -
fund today at six places on the
campus where the Student Christian
association will station collectors in
an endeavor to raise $1500 or more in
a one day campaign to help finance
this summers' camp. =Many plans
have been made to insure the success
of this years' Tag Day which is be-
coming a traditional event on the
'Members of the "M" club, the
spring football tryouts, together with
volunteers raised by the committee
heading the drive, will conduct the
campaign for funds today. -Harold
Steele, '25,.is general. chairman of the
financial committee of the Fresh Air
camp. Rensis Likert, 26E, is super-
intendent' for the organization this
Tables will be placed- in front of
the Union, the Library, Angell hall,
Babour gymnasium, and at the En-
gineering arch and at the State street
end of the diagonal.
Representatives of the committee
will be in every fraternity, sorority,
and other organization on the campus
to raise money for the camp. These
persons have been designated by let-
ter by the committee chairman from
Lane hall. , All church groups were
addressed Sunday evening by speak-
era sent out by the same conivmittee.
Two ki'nds of tags will be distribu-
ted today. For' contributions of $1
or more, a special tag enrolling the
wearer in the'"dollar club" ' will be
given. For contributions under this
sum, 'the usual tag of other years
will be given. In addition to the
money raised on the caipus,' there
are many contributions to the camp
fund from individuals in this city and
others. Nearly 500 boys will be given
a vacation this summer and an aver-
age of $10 is spent on each of the
campers. All leaders are Michigan
Bucharest, May 4. -- A three-day
conference of. the Little Entente, Ru-
mania Czecho Slovaka and Jugo-
slavia, will convene here May 9.

The fund will always "serve some
useful purpose and will remain for-
ever as a memorial to the late Presi-
dent Burton. During her lifetime,
Mrs. Burton will receive the income
on the investment, and should her
death occur before her children are
30 years old, they will receive the in-
terest until they attain that age.
The following statement was issued
yesterday by Secretary Smith:
"Certain alumni and friends of the
University have generously estab-
lished the Marion LeRoy Burton
Memorial Endowment as a permanent
trust fund of the University. The
late President Burton had not served
the minimum number of years re-
quired by the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching, for
the granting either of a retiring al-
lowance or a pension to his depend-
ents. Moreover, for fifteen years or
more he had been physically unable
to secure life insurance. These alumr
ni and friends realizing the situation
thus created, and realizing also the
embarrassment which might arise if
it were proposed to provide a pension
from tax funds for President Burton's
dependents, have met these.conditions
by establishing this fund which is
specifically designated the Marion Le.-
Roy Burton Memorial Endowment.
The principal of this fund is to re-
main forever as a memorial at the
University to President Burton.
"As he would wish it, the fund will
always serve some useful purpose.
During the lifetime of Mrs. Burton
the incoine on $100,000 is to go to her
for her support. Should she die be-
fore their children have all reached
the age of thirty years the income
will go to the children until they
have reached that age, when presum-
ably they will be established. Inter-
est on any- larger sum than $100,000,
or upon the entire endowment after
payment to Dr. Burton's dependents
shall cease, under the terms of the
endowment, is to be used for such
emergency purposes not properly met
by tax funds as the Board of Regents
may determine.
"One of the University's necessities
which President Burton most often
mentioned was that of a fund from
which the Regents could meet proper
expenditures which might cause
criticism if made from tax funds. Un-
doubtedly this Memorial fund will
not and should not be the only
memorial to President Burton at
Michigan. In time, a great building
or the campanile and chimes for
which he used to plan, or both, will
rise to praise his memory. But this
new Fund will forever be a memorial
to him, in its own character embody-
ing the dignity, humanity, and help-
fulness of his daily life."


.Names of those who are eligible to
try out for the girls' chorus of the
1926 Unioir Opera have been an-
nounced. Those whose names appear
below are asked to report at 4 o'clock
this afternoon in the Mimes theater.
Those whose names are not on the
list will be given an opportunity to
try out in the fall providing that they,
are eligible for campus activities at
that time.
The names are as follows: H. C.
Armstrong, D. W. Apps, Deleslie L.
Allen, Pierce H. Bitker, Benjamin
Boyce, Arthur L. Bowman, Harold W.
Charter, William W. (omstock, El-
dred L. Davis, Thomas K. Denton,
Arthur Farrel, Leonard F. Finkler,
Paul Ginsburg, Clayton R. Hoden, W.
D. Harbaugh, Faxon G. House, Rus-
sell T. Hitt, Isador Hauser, Thomas
V. Koykka, Otto C. Koch, Louis W.
Kramer, Monroe C. Lippman, Stan-
ley B. Lewy, Roberts B. Larson,
Perry C. Leece, William C. Lucas,
James E. Little.
Oney R. Miklow, Thomas J. Mills,
tIob t MaIche'ster Fr-a ..cis Nor-




rerL vinnie, , luiIU io s ay 29, Z-5; may 3,0;- ,un
quist, John P. Ottaway, Harold F. group of carefully selected seniors to ro2 ,2 5,June3, -12.
Oakes, Milton Peterson, Frederic pursue independent reading in eco-
Proctor, Paul B. Peke, Edward Port- nomics and allied fields. While six '
Hoff, Robert Price, Cras. F. Preece hours credit each semestersill be'i
[ olhn WV. Rice, George Rifkin, PhmilipI allowed for'. this work (special ar-,
USa t u , M l o 1 - . S e a , J m s A . r a n g e m e n t s c a n b e m a d e f o r a ' : m a l l -
Sprowl, Ford Stoddard, Farrom L. er amount of credit), the students en- FTHER'SBDAGRM
StevnsDoulas awyr.,rolled in this course will be permitted
Marshall Skadden, Joseph Shipman, I to follow their own intellectual in-
John R. Saxton, H. Leroy Selmeir terests and, subject to a few limita-
'illis E. Topper, Lloyd ThlonmasI tions, to be the sole judges as to.lhow Committee chairmren for Father's
John B.Watts, Cassamn Wilson, Frank the time devoted to the work shall Day arrangements were appointed
Woodruff, Vincent C. Wall, Donald be spent. yesterday by Rensis Likert, '26, gen-
e'. Warren, Frederic W. Zia, Aaron eoral chairman of the committee in
Nochiinson. charge. The entertainment of fath-
UHIOUSTATEIL UL uFlLl ers coming to Ann Arbor for the
B aseball r week end of May 16 will begin Fri-
ScoreIITEN ISday,,May 15 when the fathers will be
Scores -guests at classes.Friday night they
will attend Cap Night ceremonies
AMERICAN LEAGUE (Special to The Daily) with their sons.
St. Louis 5, Detroit 4. Colubus, Ohio, May 4.-Ohio State Saturday morning the Union pool
Clcao-Ceen, D otpnraindefeated Michigan in tennis today by will be open for their use and guides
Chicago-Cleveland, postponed, rain. the one-sided score of 6 to 1. Vose was will be furnished by the Union to es-
Boson-Washington, postponed, rain.' the only nember of the visiting team cort them about the campus. Satur-
Philadelphia 9, New York i. to win his match. The score by sets day afternoon reserved seats at the

Varsity Glee Club Members
To Serenade Women Tonight
According to a custom which is' al- Newberry, Martha Cook, Delta Delta
most as old as the University, the Delta, Zeta Tau Alpha, Pi Beta 'Phi,
women of the campus will be sere- Theta Phi Alpha, Delta Gamma,
naded tonight at their various sorori- Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alphi Chi
ties and dormitories by the Varsity Omega, Alpha Phi, Chi Omega, Soro-
Glee Club. Gathering soon after sun- sis, Kappa Alpha Theta, Gamma Phi
set the sixty members of the club Beta.

[Q r e alhe rMVL

each week in Morris hall.1
Belasco Presents
Plays To Library

will proceed in a body to the court
between Betsy Barbour dormitory
and Helen Newberry residence for
the stamt of the serenade. Here the
club will sing one or two of the older
Michigan songs while the girls listen1
from their windows; before- they
move on to Martha Cook to continue
the serenade, the men will refresh

At every house the men will pause
for refreshments of some sort. Al-
though at times the club will be able
to sing to two sororities at once, the
serenade will probably last until
somewhat later than 1:00 o'clock as
in past years.
I 71 "n m ", v . in ..l Tri


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