SITN\DAY, FE, BRTARY, 15, 1925
__ _...
sein rANO flATFR
1[° scholastic indoor track meet will be
Several llMeets And TourneysI the first big affair i its kind ireth
On Interscholastic Programi
Exe(llent1 iieri in] l iscloeel
!Ivenkt ; ; alf 31 Hers
All., cand idates for Varsity,
ibaseba l Peuoit to CoaclihFiher
at. the Field HIouse after 2 :00 o'-.
=(lock 1{ vlon day, Feb. 16. 'ni-
!Ioir ~5 wil Il be 15s11( at11 t:ii :111.
(Coach Farrell ]put hi,;(charges
through 'aseries otf relays yesterday ji
afternooni at Yost field house in pre-t
pa ration for the Illinois relays at U~r- ;i
baing, which are b~ut two weeks off. -____ _____________________
All of the events brought out ex-
(client material ando it will be quite !son, vet eran firstlbaseman, will lbe
a task to choose t,eams in the various unable to practice for at least a week
rac es. The two mile relay was es- l because of a case of water on the
lecially hard fought, anti C Reinke, knee. Baker, who is counted on to
who was running anchor, lost; out to fill Mlott's place b~ehind the bat, has
Freylberg by a few yards. Both Reinke been unable to practice yet 'this sea-!
a1 reyl)Crg were members of last ;sn because of water on the elbow ofj
year's champilonship teani and w ~ill his throwing arm7. Jovey, a hurler
undoubtedly' be two of the quartet t0of promise, ha been unaible to prac-
run this year. Lice for the past few d1ays because of
In the four mile relay a team con- abdod
posedl of Hicks, .lukng, Shenefiel(I and After Monday, dlue to the large uum-
Mason, beat out Hlornberger, Callahan,1 her of men that the coach expects to
Briggs and( Iskendarian. Jung tuii'1breport, the squad will be divided into
ed in the b~est pertformance in ihis trescin ofcltt adig
event, taking the baton about tenItreseioso <claehndng
yard(s beychind his op~ponent andI leadingi
himn to the next man by several yards.?
'11i", time, which Coach Farrell (leclin-
rd to -,ive, for i~llicaticon, wa;ts very i
good.i1I ornbierger, running, anchor for;
hist cinput: up a stiff fight hut wasI
nseiout by Hicks at the last turn.
of c H-tf inn have reg'ulars to fill them.
The Iast weck of practice has put tOra
hurlers inlto cond~itionl to pitch in bat-
ting practice, acil this will start Tues-
(lay and continue until the squad
moves out of door1s.
So far this season the coach has
r-een unable to ascertain the worth
of his catchers," but with the beginn-
~E~b5,,FRESH MAN CROUP'S One of thle most paretentioas iter~-, the field1 house will probably 'le
; scholastic programs ever sponsoredE be remnoved in timle for the indoor I fti
i'r~,iviivtieeWill lvegiii We4nesd iat er. Th oloin'rehan gou ay a university is being planned by ; rack
niooni II Drillftiesar chdue t layo hs
inaeilNni ghts : Athletic 'as'.ociatior' authorities f1 Th'le otheri'meet;s have all been an -
1 iiia~~xtetril itir s re shedued t pla on eyethe present semester, the list of mreets ,
Tuesday, Feb. 17th, 8: 30)o'cloc- £ stt hgDshilm]cuin na1affairs for sil(' years, the in-
Group 1 vs. 7, group 5 vs. 4, group 2' I ('i'5118t ic ti'8(l( and basketball
MANY EXPECTED OUT vi 1 i ndoor meets never blefore held in Ann the rings bei a __thloefirst to be all-
uedyFe.4t,8?,o'lc-Arbor. tbor izei. In formnitr years a large;
3, Fb. 4th,8:0o'clck- Included among the high school
l'inary plce,,aata in'or the 192:; Group 1 vs. 5, g roup 7 vs. 4, protii2pan r heitrcoatcnumnber of athl1(ee who later came, to
wrdnicmag ;ill commence( vs. Vi. 'a. s Mich igan and inadle pireteni0U5 rec-!
nis~~l eerinwhen app~lroximaitely TuesdIay, March 3rd, 8 :>0 o'clock-,b4seal tourney, Mac .,2 n ordis on the Wolverine atlltte teams
Tuesa venng,23, the interscholastic swimnung meet;
150 c t tai(1stes for the Varsity eleven Group 1 vs. 4, group 7 vs. 5, group 3R have been tiordinhesrgi-
meet ait tI fnion to receive instruct- vs. 6. tob!edi h e no )0 terseholastic meets 811(1 with 1the ad-
tions fromn Coaches Yost, Wieman, Tuesday, March 10th, 8:30 o'clock. MacI8 teitrshlsici(ordition of the swimmiting meet the Var-Z
Bot and Hayes and C'aptain Brownj Finals will be held between li;takme,)rc21 the snsrrhl ity swimming team will have avail- r
Themeeing scedledfor7:1 shrp winer ofthetw legue. Lagu ;astic tennis toa rnament M 'ay 30, and ;
The~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ metnshdldls71 hrwneso h w egis egethe interscholastic outdoor track meet, alre gtel osmterilewihr
will be followed on Wednesday after-f 1 is composed of Groups 1, 4, , th e(atofwchwlheinuied trris gtbelt. hentr
noon , dtofwihwlbear inelonby a drill in fiundanieni als at ' .eague 2 is composedl of Groups 2, atalerlt.I
Yost field house, three stich sessions: and 6. Tesimn n nortec
m uaking up each week's program 'in-j meets, entries for the latter of whichj
til spring vacation, after which train-; The finals of the interfraternity close March 7,. are innovations and if
ing will be transferred) to South Ferryj Foul Throwing will be held Monday.sucsultiyerhywllemae
field. ! The teams are scheduled to appear a~ nulafisacrigt h n
A tackling pit, filled withl sawdust follows: 7:30, Sigma Alpha Mu., thorities. The completion of the New Anoncn}
andl fitted with a tackling (dummny, has E Lambda Clhi Alpha, Phi Sigma Delta,[nnpolwihs rIcuedtrpn
been contstruacted in the southwest Phi Lambda Kappa, Tau Delta Phi. Mar'ch 21 at the time of ihe Indiana Of tl
corner of Yost field 'house. Blocking Theta Clhi, Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigmame ilalwth wnmi~me
and tackling instruction will. be giv- ;Nii. 7:45, Theta Xi, Phi Mu Alpha. _____________________
en here, and when not in use by the! Alpha Rho Chi. Kappa Nu, Phi Clii,
baseball si ad, baseball cages will ; igmia Phi Epsilon, Delta Alpha Ep- Beta Theta Pi vs. Phi Sigma Celta.
be used for practice in kicking, pass-' silon, Alpha Kappa Lambda. CA\ S1p US ULO
ing and handling the ball. The following gamnes in class- bask-'
Winter football practice is espec-I The following games in the finall etball arrj scheduled i+Cr Monday and
ially designedl for those needing in- leagues of fraternity basketball are Tuesday nights. Mbonday at. 8:15, 604 Et."Libel
tensive instruction in fundamentals, scheduled for Monday night: 8: 30,1 Architects vs. Freshimani Engineers;
accordinig to Coach Wiemian, andl can-i Phi Mn Delta vs. Phi Kappa; Sigm~a. i ruesdlay, 7:45, Soph Zits vs. Senior
dilates no0w engaged in other athletic Alpha Mu vs. Sigma Delta Kappa,i Laws, Senior Lits vs. Soph Enigincers, Une ang m n
activities will not he asked to report Delta Kappa Epsilon vs. Chyron. Del- Frosh h.its vs. Lower Deiits, JIunior IU drm ng m n
regularly. Outdoor 'pr'actice, after to Tan Delta vs. Alpha Tau Omega. I Lits vs. Frosh Laws. 9:1[5, Senior
spring vacation, is exp~ectedl to attract 9:15, Delta Clhi vs. Alpha Sigma Phi, Medics vs. Senior Engineers,- Sopbt
evreniaterymatrwht sNit Sigmna Nuivs. Phi Signia Kappa, Phartmics vs. tipper lDents. ,Junior El'a il.s A
prlmnrIriig gineers vs. Architects, Sho fE.
'Tuesday ight's meeting will start intends to report for practice next fall Itvs Junior Mledics.
the canipai,-M and1 every studenlt whoE is urged by the coaches to be on hanhd. to be held there while the basket ballI
____ _ _ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ __ ___ ___Featm
I-tatter--- Hal
~suppies ,fr 1?very Branch of Sport
We respie
711 Norti- Next to solicit your
University Ave. ( , Arcade Theatre
nts out ',f the ring. The ie nw
eavyweight champion I'blieves 'in
lie theory 'that "the bigger their are,
he harder they fall-out."
--WP A.L'(AN)-1AE
All candidates 'for the VTarsity
football strada ;re uri~ged to 'tie
p~resent at the Ufnion tonight at
7:16 1P. M. Manager, Assi1stant
managers amid tryoumts for tthe
managerlial staff will also he
present. The, meeting will be
callod to order att 7:15 sharp.
Ti)e mile relay showed up quite Cjigo atn rcie
few good( quarter milers, Feinsinger's somieth'ing to base his
teatm consisting of 0lbeiser, Spedding, At p~resent all of his h
Koplin aInd himself beating out Herrn- !,weak on throwing witht
stein, Mlulle)r, Gibbs and Bishop.I of I-lildlbrand, who parti
Every imNTHwas forced to extend him- rew gamies last spring,
self to viii cut aiid it is predictedl that who was the first strir
an excellent team caii he chosen from ;last season.
theo men on hand. jShice all of the positi
pjriters land hiurdlers got 'their; of catching have regularr
usua<l pr)aftice yesterdlay, bhut broad it would seeni that tl
3~i1 umpers hj1fle~, pole vaultersj sophiomiore-s have little c]
andl we ihtifleliwore forced to lis- ing good, but Coach Fisl
pecns \ wit;h their's as the stands for !ejnipliasize that the team
last night's basketball game had to weak hitting aggregation
be erected and these cover the jump-i any heavy hitting sopli
ing piit5.'he would be almost sure
Finial triails for the Illinois relays ber'th.
will le -c d next Saturday afterniooni
at! the field lionse and at. that time Jchn Iiiubbard JToss of
('oa<cli Farrell will mrake his final Inid., was elected captair
selctinsas to wvho shall maike the football team to succeed
'. xi, o Crvinn . whIo withd(rew from thlet
hie will have;
decisions on.
backstops are
the exception!]
ticipated in a
and Baker,
ng substitute!
ions but that';
rs to fill them,!
the oncomng
;fance of mak-'
irci'r wishes to
n ouf '24 wi s a.
)n, and should
omore report:
eof a regulair
in of the \l
J. S. Bingliain
universityl be-
the opening
!rty Street
and ownersip =of
!ctf ully
_______ ause of failure in Ilia ;niid-year, exam-S
BATTI C PRA TICE iiiatioiis.
squmad Wi ille -( ir>i IliirF hi coca
(buis 'To Facilitale
C(,a-ch Fishcr'slbat tecry candfidates r
in i shied Itheir ~first. we ek of I rainiing,
yeslt'ra 81(1 re now readly for bat-
fing ,)'. .t1((, which will starNt the fi rst
(If n,i.twc( order to gett h.'
t Inib-r of batte rymnen ldown to a work.-'
aIble n1umbelr, the coach cutl the squ all.
The follwicg et ch.r]; survived IThe-*.
c.I: 8 . A. Ba 1i' Bown),hIegraff,
,' 1n, !) adol Baker. There is
.1ih t{r1 g of baekstopds, andi the
coach : shetill 1men wlo have IhadiO
ct tfuoxe n e o hm a di n. The'^ followi ng t wirlers tare
o be ictal -ced oni th squaot : Jablon- ! "* <
13rki enlson. Sliumnsky, Rich, .ii:
burger, Ferenz, Cook, Ri ce, J ohnison, i r;;. .
lovey1, Thorne, Walker, Fisher, Ruetz,
I hle'u and dRowe. *y. .
:t'l1, eeks practice causedl its (utat.
o01 lrises and So)re arms. Tom ii Fish-
t'',,!,)ightI sopihoimiore prospect, is> y
slightly aff'liocted with the hattecr, anoldo14chgns nylf adr
Shuinslky, ha a <t herI'sorefarln WiVi- rx i
Olod John Stonehlaimier thought lie'v
was llivinii ila oang('i'ols age, 1aniong
I~h Ian' Ninul ~ths thle Ma stoodons, anti
t he Sabre-Toot heol'ITigers. Lit the didrr
lie know how safeo lie was. -low
coul d lie guess th at Mih is olsce'nolali't'j
woud'I)~lh killed off by the thiousanids,.
juist :fr 51 epingl off a curb withlout,
irst looking to thei left ; how could
lie "g tes-, that lingo mIionisters on'
yheels, niakinig terrifying 'sounds15anti
IIIreti n< smoke andl fire would mlow ?
le '.ple dlowni at a aile a- minute "gait ?
[h~e Stone Age haze te never imen-
i foned-l Smanllplox ,and! Flu1 Ep'!ioeniics ;'
)n9'1C1r chronu'cleol we("k-drowninugs by ?+°'
the doze n ;never hi nt c(1 'at hosniit a s.
nuirses, (1oct )1s --nor ocot or bills. :; "
O~ild Johmn S on ehalnira i dn't ii ool
a 'ciden It andI healthIiinsurance, lie
' I
$20 i nsteatld of $40, $25
instead of $50, $30 intistea1d
of $60 that's the NAyA.V
we re
ri many"
Slashing prices on
overcoats in tis
t clearance we've
w L
1 -* ..,Y
Haven't you really
too few suits .
ASUIT holds it shape and style longer ifits
pressed frequently. T"he pressing lasts longer
if it hangs a day or two before being worn.
You get a lot more pleasure out of your clothes
-and so do those around you-if you alternate
between two or three suits.
Hickey-.freema n Suits don't go out of style- the
fabrics are so ,good, the 'colorings are so attract-
ive, the styling is in such good taste.
Sprin Sutsare here!
"a ,":
\.}.1. 1 X44.. f