SUYNDAY, MAY 3, 1 925 THE MICHIGANDAILY THE MICHIGAN DAlI Y 1 ,i1i7C.L'/ k 11i 1 i 1. lil ,\ i. }'1emno These Ne/vo T elephone Numbers For The Time Of Need When Good Service Is Required ,..... ..._ i r ft6 'C 'I C 'I I C 'C 1~ I I 'C IC 4 -rrrrrrsrrir~. .rr .,r, ,Wrrrr. i r1t il r r nu+.e 1 New Phone N kme 3814 S LATER'S r Ii C' i DIAL 3 7 FOR Shaw Grocery .709 PACKARD 3712 Phone 3432 FURNITURE Repaired Remodeled Upholstered P. B. Harding 218 E. HURON ',, *1. rira gu i - - 1 a 96 46 Call 9646 to arrange Our Number It Now Is 3617 for special parties The Green Tree Inn 205 SOUTH STATE 0C Wais -11 H1 7 South Main W.....,.,..., a I 1. 1 r ii Everything in For Insurance DIAL FROM NOW ON WHEN YOU WANT Books I Nw Good Laundry Work or 22 312 Second-hand Done Well For Your Loaf of Pan-aWndy O BED W ashington Bakery Dial 3916 r 1 MR. MEN I) US Ivithi '1 ' i "I m "ll.I.Illr1llll,/lllllp.=ie, ll~./loll GC%.rsIGR Y.I.r j II I k i Louis E i C. Andrews DIAL 6467 or 7464 51 2 First National Banik Bldg. Insurance Representing the Philadelphija Fire and Marine HAND WORK MOE LAUNDRY FOR Butter, El Poultry ggs,* Staple Goods and Vegetables if i lInsurancee Comnpanyv "Special Week~-end Laundry Service" 204 North Main L PATRONIZE DAILY ADVERTISERS St. rrrrrrrrrrss.. ,rrrrr. .irrr i w.. ,s-w -- -rw r f Ii i ilr"f ili I fil +r ANN ARBOR PRODUCE CO. 707 PACKARD ST. A yacsr. . rcuri. r. .r.r.rrrrrr. r rrr., r.. . rrrr. rrac r rrrs t -__ Y Ii 1 .I I ,I -C. I. :I * . Iwll~r r.. 42,64 and 4265 Are the New Numbers of Whashtenaw Gas Co. Business Hours-8 A. M. to 5 P. M. WASUTENAW GAS CO. 211-13 BAST HURON Pwa rrrrrr.,rrrrrrrrrr. .rrr. 1 5 OUR NEW NUMBER. 11l3 Formerly 230 Remember Our New Number DIAL 410-1 I CITY TAXI AND BAGGAGE CO. - --- 0 11 rrrrrrr. .rr..srror~.s..r.- .r., ,, .r.. .rrr~.rerr. .r.,rrr~rrr~rrt, r r. d ? OUR NEW NUMBER cw ~w~wwww.4@CC m xx -.. .. _ . 11 IS Dial 116, then .ask for I Cut+ This Out -726F21 Phone 726F-2-1I for estimates on that Spring Painting and Decorating. You'll find our prices the most reasonable in Ann Arbor-and the work is of the highest character. 4251 Hg It Up 1111111111111 i 11111 i 1111 Groceries and Meats WRITE OR PHONE \ , ' ~. liE 1 w Ad%_. r W ..................I I