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May 03, 1925 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-03

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tently falls in love with the ldy. He1

Tito Wuertli

later follows her to Hollywood who
by the aid of tonsorial art and(I
C ine' a jtailor's needle he adopts the modes
I civilization, and is transformed ntt
__________________________ 1 regulation prince charming. Ir(
Rich portrays the screen actre
The Arcade Charles Post, the lover, and And,
"Peter Pan," the paramount pro- Randolph, the woman hater, si char.
duction of the famous Barrie play, ter who wins friends in spite of
will be shown at the Arcade theatre! eccentricity. Thle introduction
the first of this week. It comes high- "hand colored sequences lends
ly recommended as a beautiful pic- scenes a picturesque realism. A M

11G 1


ere1 "The Spitfire" an adaptation from
the F. A. Kummner's novel "Plaster
s of Saints" will open today at the Wuerth
t0 a theatre for a four day run. The story
°eneI shows that the saints of the rich and
lers socially mighty are made of the com-
rac- f monl plaster of every (lay man. The
his chief of the plaster saints was the
of head of a wealthy house Joshua
the, Carrington who was righteous in
Tack i public life, and gave liberally to
charity from the money accumulated
by his being little less than a colossal
thief in business. The old1 man in-
terferes vigorously in the love affair,
of hiis grandid (aughter-Betty Blythe-
and harshly dismisses the young
mnan-Elliott Dexter--for his innocent
padrticipat ion in a party where the
chlietf ingredients were wine, women,
antd song, andl he happened to win the
women in a poker .game. The grand-
datighter filially discovering the crim-
inal dealings, aids her lover in ex-
posui.g theme, and is dIriven away from_
home as, a result. Unusual experi-
ences follow which take the girl on
the stage and lead the lovers apart al-
most forever. Lowell Sherman, Paul-
ine Caron and Robert Warwick are
found in the supporting cars[.
the week is 'the Alaskan .drama "The
Chechacos." It is the story of the
Alaskan gold rush and a professor
and his wife and baby are seen on the
search of a fortune. The husband is
~killed, and supposedly the b~aby also,
so that in time the lonely mother
drifts under the influence of a gambler

themselves before this happy ending whose principal ingredients are rum- ! prayer and sermon by the rector. The will be "Fraternities and Sororities."
comes about. The settings are all in! runners, bootleggers, crooked poli- E. Y. P. A. picnic will be held at 4:45 i'lobert Mantell and Alma Rubens
the Klondike region and} some goodj ticians, a villainous deputy sheriff, a o'clock and will start from the church._ will be featured at the motion~ pic-
snow scenes add munch to the p~icture. beautiful, of course, young girl who Students will meet at [-lartis hall at Storie service in "Under the Red Robe."
The Wuerth will begin a new policy edits the local paper and a young pro- 5 o'clock for the studlent hike and
this week in presenting vaudleville fessor, will be seen. The film was supper. Cuc fCrs
acts with the screen bill. The firstj adapted from the novel of the same Mr Wlam, B.Mamsajr indev
part of the week an orchestra has ;* ame by Clarence B. Kelland which First a: pfist Chunrch Kenneth B. Bowen will conduct the
been securedl as the stage at traction.j ran in the Saturday Evening Post. Reverend Sayles will p~reach'lthe morning service. Young people's
The act for the latter part will be an-I Complications are furnished by no morning sermon on the subject "The isca hour and lunch will be foll~owed
nlomnced later, less than four villains, andi amuse- Smil's Reserves." The communion; by Christian Endeavor at 6 o'clock.
----Eneut, by the bewildered looking young service with the recep~tion of mlemb~ers I The pastor will speak at the evening
'The Nli jest ic, pedagogue who proves in the end to will be held after the sermuon. Stu- service.
Constanc.e Tallnadge in "Learning eqieh n I pt fhsaa dent classes will meet at noon in the -~s ehds EicplCuc
to Love" will bie presented at the Ma- deinic training. In brief the story tells Guild Souse under the (direction of Dr. Th~e pso' ubetfrthonn
jestic theatre beginning t oday. Thle of thle adventures of Carnel Lee who Waterman andI Mr. Chapman. The i's paswill sbethfteymonThy
inhleri1ts a smnal1ltown bankrupt news- studlent friendshiphura tegulwortrs.shwrde MTeDskowillhv
story opens5 with Constance in an es- Pha a hIuidI
clusive boarding school, vamping j mlPiei and( proceeds to make it a pay- house will be followetd by the devo- charge of the Wesleyan guild meeting
every manl she meets. and p)ositive that ing lproposition. 11er plans to clean tonal meeting which will be lead ay following the social half h tr. , The
she knows all about love, after, the ui the town meet with munch OP)i- iErnest Ruetz. The subject is l1'he ltopic will be "What ShallI Do With
proposails of five college boys Her ionfomteloa ootlegger antd his Youth Movemet-lts Strength anti My Life?" Evening worship willI be
first jolt conies when her gllardilin- leiichinieii.hut ill lie end law and Weakness.'' heltd at tile church at 7:30 o'clock. A
Antonio Moreno-is impervious to her ore r rupat osWloI sermon on "Of Such Is the Kingdom
allurements, which results ini her fall-! Noah Beery, Raymond latton and lweibiem Evnn'elicmI ('liureht of I-eaven" with illustrative pictures
ing in love for the first tinl1e. Hehe Rymond iMchee are featuretd in til he subject for I lie morning ser-.aplcpriate for childrens' week will
mnarries her finally through a ruse principal roles. A comedy entitled ;lmon wl e"igi' rges' h given.
she had .planned, and while the cere- Spns ~n"adnw el ilTheme!Englishi sermon will he given at :
nmony is ocel: ring; the five rejected be rThowni. On the stage the Berry 10oc~ladteOl'il(e'mam~tTiiyLihr iCuc
suitors stage a. younglBatt le onl tle' QuintettIc offering stringed instrumnen - 11 o'lc''her vl4 be no eeig
clock. 'iand biledeas AmreatiinA message for Boys' week will be
doomrstep. T1he course of true love is ttindllble s" ra nfudi h onn sermon"o
difficult for thle young couple and ver'yMs''wl b rsne.+''tm.Boy Helped a ;Man." The subject for
nearly ends ill th[e divorce 'ourlts., First.(Cony -, egat iaual Ch'limA'li d ciscussion at th~e student forum, will
.Johnny IHa rrton, Itay Ilallor, Wallace I .._.........__.... ...-_ The iiiorninl; sermlon will be tile be "s the Bible Reliable in Matters
Maclonad, 11( Byon uiioii~l' first of a serie, onl "Religion and Fivg Pertaining to Faith?'' The meeting
soni oftheyoun me sh fhit,~wit, g.~ Senses" and} will be entitled "Religioni will be conducted by N. C. Boveersox,
and Edythe Chaipman ant i Emily'Ftz-!I 11hur1ch e1~s and Conmmon Sense." Per'ry flayden '7
roy play the austecre aunts. EPoor; will speak: to the high school federa-t The I'iltarian Church-
Butterfly" a :1\erniaid conmedy r id thle I tion at-4 oclock onl "Positives Chris- Prof. A. E. Heydon of the University
usual short re-els will be shown. Ojn ! - -- --- flianity." Trwenity D~et roit yqpng people! of' Chicago will speak this mornin g on
the stage the "Intimiate Revue" will; from the Nrthl Woodward avenuec "A Modern Religious Ideal.", At 4:30=
be peseted I. mitl'ews EpSC~~i ~I~m(1I church will be the guests of the stu- o'clock the students will meet at the
During the latter half of the weeks Holy communion and church school1 dents at the supper at 5 :30 o'clock. church for a picniic up the river if the
"Contralba~nd' a Paraniouiit picture will beC followed by the morning The tonnicpIfor dis'ini,,ti thi, 4 i.,.. anhr~nn k


tdre carrying out alBri hr ent oey"dp" a4pa11- n1 Iec~eILs a woman o tt(le sance
all~arie har benet coedy Gidapa ~halls. It dleveloper that the daughter'.
and whimsicallity. A fine spirit of color film and news r'eels will be pre- i alive and the mother decides tto re-
nfake-believe is sustained throughout form ;sztcd and go to her but of course
the pictur'e by the mingled romance numerous complications must piresent
and adventur'e. Betty Bronson, a
setventeen year, old find, makes an
ideal Peter of boyish abandon. Ernest i m
Torrence takes the role of Captai nb M in ~
I Took and blok the part even with
out mnake up. Besides these a number
of children are included in there
nmarkable cast. Everyone who can re-
memhber reading fairy tales should en- _ __ ___ __ ___ __ __
joy the film. A percentage of every
ticket sold by the women on campus
wibe playenbytisthe .oers agone. o ou
'lThe music for the feature picture will hsbgrdcio xeln tc
organist fromn Chicago. The thir'd of dishes andglsw r is offered for
nilbro -.C Wtrs"aeae",eries will' be shown. It is entitledl
"~Merton of the Goofics," with the "'
isual comedyl~ cast. Topics of the day Tu R 0 N L
-utd news reels complete the bill. ________________________
-The feature pitre for the last
thtroe days will he Vitagraph pr'oduic-1 O EI O A
"Behold liWoa"tlisre
the ion f the Openhein" novel "The O EI O A
Dillman." The story has to do with, .
the life of a movie star and two womn-1I
eh~-hatinig brothers, who each nighti
drmin.atho pentitotse cnsnoal THE HOM E SUPPLY, STORE
domn aToast oe onfeuesno afteri
rcvealing some of the beauzties of the 209-211 East Washington St.
qralifori'mihi ll counitry, picture a dis-
abled limousine, the film star, andl one Phone 7213 e t1 r
of the b~rothlers who c'ond~escenlds to a'
isr (f ingi esdgie adt ig i rescue, r........."', and. ".+" Jthen. . .i.J' .r "icon' +"./.ris,.rr-


Real Food-



Mill UI
gu"M ma
Yuiw U.
If Il
WI: or n x e 5. y
tlllia l
ull -Wa
Ofic-orw llBoc
WhIMII oil#
MulAm m
Will Now1
Cornw -rneli ol--Blcoke

Across from the D. U. R. depot.

We 'be kern serbing
the best for years."

' '

" p--
_.. _..,_ __.





h . .

HILL AUDITO RIUM, Tuesday, and Wednesday Evenings, May 5 and 6, 8:00 P.:I

Opens 10 o'clock --Tues!day mioring
in Fill Audtio(riurn.



Tickets 0~c at Wahr's, +GrI~ham' ,
Slater's, Schaeberle & Son _Ml- Ic



°' 1
. ,{
sf 1
. j .
I 'h i. °!
1 // II .eio Yt' y
'r' Sr a .'tF_
p '¢z j.


The M an agement earnestl1y



quests that tidckets be purchase - eiaIrj
in order to avoid the last minute Iri
at the box office.

"A Masterpiece"
-N. Y. Times
-N. Y'. Lvening Journal

-N. Y. Telegraph


---N. Y.- News


// I /

o' :

Here It Is!

Direct from i+ts
Sensfatio naI


You Demanded It-

"S limly Supterb"


Suaccess at the Rivolii Rialto and Cam~eo Theatres on




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