SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, '1925 49 TI IL M IC I-II(AN :DA.L% VAOE f"i's'M - - --------- -- _. .,., .., ..,... -._ ._-.T., ... ILVAVAM MZUA'wA I - L NNOUNCE HIGH SCORE Ii MAKERS IN RiftLMATCH 'New English Student Describes' American Women Jolly, Pretty, NOTICES Md isa Doris I loldl u' of I )Ofvoiighire, to be taken very lighitly indeed. i-------------- Rifle scores were sent yesterday b 11 Eglandt. wha i~; i:,! jusn OJJCto .:Aflflwas diflicijit to draw any s5roI'10Uc')i Sno wmn hud ae hi if the Michigan women's rifl'e team to the A )101 !lai o ~kh' mn rinhr eSeni cutwoten n pld ace their +t University 'of Vermont and DePauw " . ~>i,. , iae:ysemsto "As to studying, i havent(0 ~yotes io cas adrgwns at once. t~nlvt~it in ndian, fd tlP lst' ragaiti l lc ntervt ,iewved as sonithing iftth , Et,"lie s'ai-d.1fe bton toon eiiiiei ae en ae rlua ielr epe larlil 1111' esrmnstercollegiate match. of this season. bs etngparlerig-ams~~ endfloo gof tack's. ,captain L. ,M.,Bricker of the R0O.T.,, a nreto .~u~a4* e o~P~~-n eacrecond floorstobe aks. expec ts o rece ve 1the tret uzr n scoem ,r 7 e r o 1 ~ 1 g .~ i n l n . U ~ v ri t r e u e b s e b l a n s s h d ftomorrow. 'Y Y a syugs olgsi nlnln e SThe ten hfrhe'st scre-inakers in j,. "st colege', Exet er, a school of the nehuebsebl glrscel thi cotes ar, i or~r t rnkAnn!~ni'iersi t utofLondon. Speaking of iti. ule fom lorrow are : 4 o'clock Zone; Wheeler, '26, with a score of 97, j he said, "'Thle city itself is peculiarly 8v.Ai4aX etadZt a ~ I~icil~e Walsh, '27, scores 96, Mary interesting since it dates back fromAllds.MrhCok5o'oce- rAlishouise, '27Ed, score 95, Gertrude theRomn:ocuptio"an ha ma ' s aroy vs. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Behm 2,soe9,Maurine Jones, ancient buildings of historic interest.' and l11 Beta. Phi vs. Alpha Gamnma Die- '28, score 94, Genevieve Wright, '25, It is a. novel experence to me, coin La.. score 91,r, Magnolia Greilick, '25, score .*' ~ing from a city so soaped in the tra-I <.:.. b", lsie":colso,:'7,"sore88, ''itions ot the past, too pea~otul vila '1'lhe ['reslinian Girls' Glee club will"Wssesy28,scoe 8,-ad"Fan-that ultra-respectable, rather niouldy h }old a ieet ing at 4:15 o'clock tomor-. ces Huff, '26,score 82 .:. (atmnosphere that old cathedral towns W'a ia e.ono Iletir loroWh From these scores which were all I r . ; . '' +possess, to join your university here :."ci ci }of -Music. taken in the prone position, the five : >*..* in Ann Arbor. vrthn eesem- Shighest were mailed, making a total' very different. Hlere you number vour tie'tvGrs lecu ilme of 476 out of a possible 500.::"b.tetouad:"seds0 at4:" 'lckTeda nRom35 the bytethundtes.hourn dinsare of Duringth practice periods this<::": ::fShoofMsc k*week the scores will be shot for coal- r... on such a colossal scale. I find Amzz ~tition with the "universities 'of Syra- 'r{ " erci irls jolly an] pretty, ; hut in I f lrPoint system committee will caise, George Washington, Cincinnati,' . " site of all''the diff'erences, stuident m riet at 3 o'clock tomorrow in Biar- ~nd Mlssoui., :.. . ::.. are the ir.., .:;" same the world over. i find!.b our' gymnasium.. ":.:I : : you just the zame mnerry-mad peop~le --- :"::":"::::.: :":: :::.:::with the same wisa_ outlook on life to ; Senor' society incets at 7:30 o'clock play hr hl o a n just tomorrow at Martha Cook. I ~''*'"'! work when you have to.'' Social Notes ! Miss Ildrup expiressed surp~rise Julier play chorus rehearsals will" r? .., . the few,, clothes American girls wear. Ihe held as follows: tomorrlow, A and - - ;;I We couldn't (dre;s like that ini EInh 4 t 4 o'clock, <3,: B, and BBl at 5 o'-' land," she said. "We don't have ou11 clock. 5 at 8 o'clock; Tuesday, A and Sigma Kappa announces the pledg- 1.~.iom etdayhn ie t ~ at 4 o'clock, 3 and 1 at 5 o'clock, 13 .Se;slvigaMrhCokbidning of: Ithmer Cofmian, '28, :Coidwat- I_______________, he-i iiga arh okIi~~g at 7:15 o'clock, 1313 at 8 o'clock; Wed- er, Marjorie Bar'nes, '26, Detroit, and 1 and this-" is her f irst expierience wvith : nesdayv, .A and 4 at 4 o'clock, 3 and G at Marion GrIffin, '26, Washington. 11is' . E. .MCy idorml~itory life. "Somre of your Ta's 5" o'clock, ' at 7:15 o'clock, and F at _______ 01attendling school contin- seem rather foolish to meF," 5she 1011 8 o'clock. Mor thn 0 cn le atened theIously f'or 70 years. 'tha~t is what wo,.nted. "but I think that this is a rp- Mrore.J.thcya01l40 MonesuIalesl)attelandestdhetame 'By ih))oinrticft. member's of the informal dance which was held at Ms.L. to hadoeSe is w, and pis : panglplacasjmaytreceiveme.pecia Helen Newberry residence last even- fginthtsetaedcol the Nw or, Fb 4-Pas for lb he assacefo 4is 1s :ewe ing. The parlors were decorated with ;fgtn htSesatdSho tte.NwYrFb 4 valnties nd he oloed ighs gve age of four she has just completed, 70. flotation of a $3l5;000,0100 loan for the 1 and 1, o'clock any afternoon at the aelentines a n te colred lhtsrgav years of school attendance, 58 of them' government oif Poland here next week ;(Chi 01nega house. thefroohmesa odimed r lo-us'eas teacher. were announcedI'by bankers yester - j- wvafers and coffee were served at PTOII AL DETSR 10:30 .o'clock. 7Jean Buck's orchestra UfI~ 111- furnished the music. WVVUIVIOEIISU J JOdIN am~ B ~d~IU1: 7DO ' Gaay hhireaaentertainedyet- day iththei anualformal Valen- IW . kIJ IiIJjLfA tine dinner. Guests were: Mrs. H. -- A. Reid, Mrs. G. :E. 1arnui, Mrs. M1. "'Every- housewas r epre ente~cl th'is{ S.Harrington, Mrs: . 'L,- W . Vanden- Blerg, and Miss Elizabeth' Pike, '24.( afternoon," said1 Miss Zelma' Clarke, ________ social director of Martha Cookbluild-t Zeta' Tau Alphia announces the en- ing, speaking of the valentine bridge gagement of Barbara- Allan, '26, of tVa givenu at. Martha Cook from 2:301 Detroit, to Arthur Smith, '26L, ofj to 5 o'clock. yester'day afternoon. The' Lansing.I tea was given for the l enefit. of the{ - i Women's League, -and was the one big About 50 couples were present at event of the week foi' the League.' the formal party held at Betsy Bar-- Approxima-tely 224 women were seat-, 'hour house Friday evening. The rooms 'od at the 56 tab;Ies arranged in the' Swere decorated effectively with spring reception rooms.r ~flowers and shaded lights. A supper Red tulips were used in 'the decora-:#. Swas 'served in the dining room at tions, andI the. heart candies on the S12:30 o'clock.' Buhirer's orchestra' tables and the red heart score cards Sfurnished the music. carried out tihe Valentine idea. Coffee # Y an(I cakes were served by the Martha Invitations-have been issued for tihe Cook women, .Wlo acted: as-.,hostesses. I marriage of Miss Vivian L'ois McDon- A group'litr a ae o h ald, '24, oftDetroit, to Henry WV. Good- 1 'Ensign. I man, '22E, of Grand Rapids. TheI Ann Arbor stores donated the fol-I Smarriage will take place Tuesday,: lowing prizes: Mack's, handkerchiefs; Feb. 17. F oster's, b~ridlge set; 'Darling and Mal- h - Ileaux, vase; Wahr's, book; Graham's,? Announcement has been made of; Michigan seal bracelet. Other prizes t'he engagement of Miss Mary Ather-J were given by Hlutzel's, Jacobson's, icon to Charles Gakin an, '26, who thisI Cousin and H-all. The .winners of tihe year, as chairman of the J-Hop comn- prizes were: Marcia Snow, '25, Evelyn Smittee, led the grand march in the! Gray, '26, Genevieve Wright, '25, crowning social event of the studentEiyHlet'2,adMr Cr isty, - year with the young lady to whom hie, '28A:' inow berohe. Yatr'onesse-s for the tea were Miss , Oakman is the son. of Dr. and Mres. I Jean Hamilton, Mriis. Amiy Hobart, Miss C. H. Oakman, of Detroit. He is aI Grace Richards, AMrs. 0. .J. Campbell, Smember of Alpha Sigma Phi fraterni-! and Mliss Zelinan Clarke. Sty. Although no definite date has! been set for the marriage, the wed-', Washington, Feb. 1.-- Charles B. ,u ding will probably be deferred until, Warren, of Michigan, whose appoint- Safter Mr.. Oakman's graduation from,- mont as Attorney-General is being- held- th law school.t up by the Senate, wvent into confer- i ence with President Coolidge today.,,-. . Havanna, Feb. 14.-A bill has 'been! The subject of the conference was notI t~introduced providing that the archbis-; announcedl. Shop and other dignitaries of the Cathi- --________ -olic church in Cu-ba must be Cuban cit-I Don't delay--Pay your Subscription izens. I today'. Wenzel's, Convenient Payment Plan J-foPait-: - - New Wewtcl's - Payment Plan Arrangements: have now been perfected by W1=NZELUS whereby tihe painting of residential prop~erty may readily be arranged on a convenient payment basis. recognized busi- ness practise is now, therefore, made available to the property owner without difficulty or red tape. We'll be glad to give you further information regarding this unusual offer. wen 4 7207. Last Liberty I i ANN ARBOR YPSILAtNTI . . ,..~_ a '# a d Is ,j . s4 r$ 'a re H ERE are. two nev sembles that' are pi larly smart. Left-blacl white flannel, $49.50. -cork colored char $59.50. - Useful cost And very distinctive ! SECOND FLOOR GOOD YEA:, 124 SOUTH MAIN w en'- articu- Ik and Right rmeen, turnes.r Ics NOT USING CA OLINE IN ANY -FORM BENOLEMPLOYED - - -EXC LUSIVE LY featariv r- S3pport+d by -' HE ARVE DWAND AK4 ALL STAR CAST 3 f., -j 46- - -AL I I , 11 11 11