SLTNDAY, MAY 2, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE 'SPYEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~PAoj~ s~v~?q COLUMN 1 N COLUMN CLOSES II CLOSES ; AT 3 PM.i ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M.., NEW PHONE NUMBJERS TFHEE --- ------- American Cigar Store 514 East Williiam Sit. T°H E AN 1) 4! A"DTICE ; EqpSALEFe ______________________________________Quick Tphe ladlies of ryHEiCHURCH OF! FOR SALE--4York C-Melody saxo -___ r__ ChRIIST Awill be pleased to serve phone. Good condition. $80. 312 E. luncheons to anyone desiring their JefesonSt Cll 83 bewen ;services. rThe Cosmopolitan Club and 1. has been a client of this institution. Service, courtesy and quality are !FOR 'SAL- -Canoe with equipment, - " guaranteed. For p~articuilars call Mrs. $20. Cali 3586 at 6 o'clock. 11. D. Boyd, 9392 (new number). Boks --_______--f FOR" SALV-1921 Ford sedan, excel- NOTICE TO BLOOD) DONORS-Noti- lent tires and p~aint, guaranteed fy University 26-.J of your change mechanically. "Hoover old Tel. 1069.J in telephone nuimber. c Dial 3543. A.'N ARBOR HAT ('LEANING' 'HlOE REPAIRING SHOP, :3393 snake, all hats look like new. service and1 reasonable prices 4Small Musical Instruments, } Sheet Music Grinnell Music' Co. .1725-6717) New Number Stationery, Party Favors, and Pennants Brown Book Co. ------ ---- I j "TPIE QUARRY" Drug and(1 Prescrip- tion Store, corner State and N.} University Ave. New number. 7611 and 7616. SUGDEN DRUG CO.--Drugs, Toilet articles, cigars, stationery, sodas, developing and printing. 1112 S. University Ave. Tel. 5831. YOU WILLI not be ashamed when you eat at Foster's Tea Room. New num~er, 9737. GE+,ORGE .. MOE-Complete line, of athletic; goods. New telephone num-I hier 691>. Va rsity LAundrv 4219-4210 f' Crippen's D~rug Stores 723 N. University Ave. Tel. 9797 219 S. Main St. Tel. 6411. 217 N. Main St. Tel. 8511. j and. NOW Cigaret tes Dunhill Pipes W~ill Your widow anud orphanuus live as well THEN as your wife and chljdren live NOW ! Gilbert Chocolates Ie C ream Cigars Tobaicco Yes, IF e'llu h life You leave 11151 ranele. You Should See Our BILLIARD Ma ek & Co. TAB LES iviaun cw ll V. Used Fords-See Walt for Fords--$25 ? - andl up The Fashion Center ,for College IN YOUR own colors-party favors, Women. Tel. 4161. crepe hats, serpenftine confetti, and ;e I Fords--Walter 113 P'earl St. 1-. Lathers-Fords Inioise makers. iBrown iBook Co., 2.10 Ypsilanti, Michigan; S. Main St. 'IJi'y our ; TENOR Banjo Uke, something new. Cheese seven inch head, sixteen brackets, ('l ilkeii $12.00. University Music House. llIuI:I. rg I FOR RENT FOR RENT-House with garage Sandwiches southeast part of city for July and .August. Phone 2663R. 806 Sylvian. Kewpee We deliver FOR RENT-L i g hv t housekeeping h. 799-31 apartment of four rooms with 'pri- % vat e ib.Phon 2ri-. Buy that new spring suit now at ~ Del Prete's 213 E. Liberty Phione 7636 rrvpw~'T~rg &Lt54 *ASAS ~ 1 USED CAR TYPEWRITERS Splendid machines. Best makes for rent or for sale. iHAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE~ Phone 342-R. Plone 866 For Typewriter Repairing Fall makes) 1 i , i i 1t 1 Stoddard Hair Shop 707 N. University New Number, 21212 Dr. C. J. Lyons of the dental col- BAG OPSANI ('AIN -~Dealer in Woodstock typewriter, ol 171 : FOR RENT--On one of the choicest I Standard and Portable adding .im AL~oA. NW SYLE E~l)BAG corners of Ann Arbor there is an chines. ALSOA NI.A' BED IA(K opportunity for someone wishing a Ann Arbor Typewriter Exchange AND NECKLACE AT,1. 9SangBnk3#in. TllE l'AIAIS ROYAL I godofieo store. I this mod- - _______________ 1I7V. LIBERTY jern building there are five offices ; TYPEWRITING-Iave your note ________________________________ and1 one store for rent at reason- adtei yerte o ~ SENI) for free copy of "Educational. able rentals. You should not allow ,adtei yerte o 0 C'olumns" of Church Doctrines. . this chance, to slip if you are look- page, Phone 1602M, 637 Oakland. S. Kellerman, Hotp Bottom, Pa. inlg for a favorable "location on the TALR Compacs, waches ad J~itures carltitls. Mr. Anldi ewv5,300 S. S(t te AhR Cc~npa~es, v~zil~esandpictresI St.' frames of the mos7t exqui:site jexelry _____ A TAILOR-HADiE SUI'T' selections. Tlhese are especially ( WANTEDI Will satisfy your taste, arnd fit. priced for the spring season. _ you best. A .R X I) L 1) WAl NTEID SALESlMAN IHDTHE'TAILOR slate Street Jeweler .stletyou have some spare I 113 South Main St. 8S Read the Want Ads' WEAR A TAI f . lege will leave Tuesday, May 5, for Boston, where he will conduct a ser- ies of clinics before the Massachus- etts State Dental society. BARGAINS iG TUESDAY a. I 1 .ti.. 4 . G} ' 1311y a Shazre in i1 icIhiga I's 174) A cre d Our moderate prices make it possible for all to have FRIESHTIHOME GNANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 122 E. Liberty. Phone 1630 B twa s Household Packing Co. Moving-Packing-Storage *Call us for long distance moving. Loads insured. Ii ship to all points. 525 Detroit St., Phone 1154 Rugs shampooed or dust cleaned. Ann A rbor Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 50. BEAUTlY SlIOPPES Permanent Waving and Marcell1ingj MACK AND CO.I 3rd Floor Main St. BITE BIRD) HA'IZ 811011, 5 NICKEL'S ARCAI)E -3:168 )TIMA T IA I 'EA U'I'Y 1101' offers .,oft wait or, ,. hflm)oos, especial at-l tention for on rly hair'. 1lair cut- t ing and waving by expert opera- time while you are going to college, souse of you will find it necessary to wvork this summer in order to make your expenses for next year. You ar'e the meni we want. Many of you. lhave had some experience in the sell- ing game. To those of you who have his p~roposition will he doubly easy. To those who have not we will teach YOU how. Our salesmen are mnakingI from two hundred to one thousand dolljars per' week. While you are go- ing to college you should make at least. seventy-five per week. WriteI or come in and have a.personal inter- vie'w with R.XW. AMcAlister. 1209-13 Majestic Bldg. IDetroit Phone 'Cadl 5962-3 WANTE!b) Womtan stuident to take 11sorority trade t et eetr tra d well established. Write Daily b)ox 101,. COLL4EG E student for outt-of-door simm i l poit ion. Write suite 309 Park Avye. Bldg.,, Detroit, 1,OST ' IIEI1MA1N THE TAILOR SUITS 825oth3tat-Stee I 80~2 oth tat-Stee t 1'tri7I / Z ~dN~ r I "Ai 'D'A AlAY ILETS A CIT'Y K)PLAY" ((4itii ted Iby Crilipens) These values cannot be e'qu6alled i Ann ,Arbor. We have made a great cut iused cars for this wveek only Su- dents and Instructors have an unusual (pportun i tyrt( ) urch tse a;RE .4 aujto-_ F ORD TOURING, 1921, $85. FORD TOURING, 1923, $17. FORD TOURING, 1923.$160 FORD TOURING--threeof them1- especially graced-$-50. IN YOUR OWN COLORS Party Favors, Crepe Hiats Serpentine Confetti and NOISE IMAKERS Ti Did you ever stop to ti nk; how much a GOOD hliircut .-adds to youir appl.ear- ance? fie sure it is good. Arcade iarber Shop, 6 Nickels Arcade FORD SEDAN, 1923, $300. BROWN BOOK 1 210 South Main St. CoJ FORD SEDANS-three of 'the m- speci ally p riced-$240. FORD* COUPE, 1922,.$195. Em 4 Noma" I (~UP c'~, i qYlrl onun vnnvl-r7 r. r ry y A d s 1. Folsone. Return R. A. \Vafter- Read the Walt« Ads KtIL_814 1)'iJ )ct~lone 9475. TIIE WOO DSTOCK SHREWD buyers of used cars EIECTRITI? ...look around . . .. compare carefully . . . consider the cost, The Modern Typewriter terms,, sellers rcuartmr, It Powered by Electricity and head for the usedcamr-I has all the advantages of thej Let in the rear of the Haunted finest standard mcieplus the Tavern, 41.7 East Huron street, speed and ease of electrical *...WHERE good used cars, operation. are priced from $50 up .... andj The touch is not changed for the terms easy .... the cars good eihrhayoCih ok . . . . and the fellows who sell ANN ARBOR 'em easy to get along with. StopI TYPEWRITER in ... . we'll show you. EXCHANGE 9 Savings Bank Block ___( Downtown ) 1 I 1 I r 1 _The IDeLano Shot) 4 Nickels Arcade 1Plione 4t81 Now is the time to get the Suits and Dresses-before hot weather is well upon us. Cover-ails, Play Suits and Children's needs in light undergarments and B. V. D.'s. Come in early. FORD COUPE, 19230 $275. E-OO 0S T ErRS, As Dodge Brothers repre- sentatives, it is only natural that we should take special pains to see that our Dodge. Brothers Used Cars are in. the best condition. Wq want every owner to be a booster. R. H. AL.'ER 206 W. Huron St. Phone 3115 DOD~e Bf OTti-eRS DEALERS 5eLL 50013 USED CARS FORID STR., 1923,9'$150. FORD RIVSTR ., 1923, $6. FORI) RSTR.,1924, $22.5. FORD TMUCK,9 1919, ,$60. FO ,RDBTRUCK 1922, $190. 1 FORD TRUCK, 1923, $1.95. FO'RD TR"UCK, 1923, $41(x. If we haven't what want, we will get it. New Phone 4881. You f IT WILL PAY YOU TO RSIDE- DECIDE IMMEDIATELY-ACT UPON YOUR DECISION. Men's 8050 Style S H 0 E 5 Comfort "A void Bunions--Make Your Feel anl Asset" BOSTON-M ADE These unusual values have been designed by Ray Hl-argis .of Ann Arbor. Shoes manufactured in the East are reputed to be the most well built of all. Ladies' .050 F ord Sales aild Service 316 E. HURON ST. Wu~erIt Arcade H-ARGIS BOOT ERY Wuerth Arcade Patronize These Advertisers - / "- S NIORS I