3. V: THE MICHIGAN DAILY PG V PAGE FIVN ------------- op y C s _ A YET mom vim= Atom .... , REORSPRESENTED Al A A 11I PI MIILIITfl comtmittee. The offices filledI were: Mr's. N. a Tra vs. Iron Mion ta in. first vice-lvresidlC nt; Airs. R. A. Steven4ef,, Flint, secretary. I I manow PLAS OMLETD ORCommittees Named .._. .. For League Tea Sbe 13iId g e tea., which is to be' gvnStraafenoay9atAttractive floral decorations ini-# the home of Mrs, Josephi A. Bursicy, eluding potted flowers, fresh flowers, isth last big function to be spore- ferns and all seasonal varieties of sored by the Women's League. As,1 spring flowers will be uised to create the affair is to, be a feature of the - an appropriate atmosphere for the; week-end during which so many formal instajiation ceremony next! mothers will b~e in Ann Arbor all; Wednesday. the officers to be in- women are urged to take advantage stalled will takc their place on a of the entertainment and to engage platform erected for* the purpose andr tables for themselves and guests. As ~brief addresses will be made., Ac- the Bridge tea is to be held on !the! cording to the committee it is ex-! lawn of the Bursley home it will be pected outside talent from Detroit' postponed a week if the weathers will' be secured to 'direct' the singing, should be unsuitable for the occasion. 'rhe supper, preceding directly, the 1 The following committee has been initiation itself will begin promptlyi appointed to make artangements: at ;x:30; o'clock Wednesday in Bar-j Margaret Beal, '25 chairman; tickets, bour gymnasium. Most of the league; Elizabeth Nutt, '28; and Evelyn Mur-. houses, sororities, .and the Martha; ray, '27; Publicity, Marion Welles. Cook building,have. dispensed with '28; patronesses, Grace Clark, '26;, their regular dinner In order that the refb eshmients, Anne Seeley, '28 and women may bie encouraged to 'attend D)orothy Currie, '27. The tickets are the installation.. Committees In, 75 cents.' charge of the istallation are: Olive McKay, '25; general chairman; Hleleni A Russian noblewoivian who once 1V. Brown; '256, decorations; Ethel. had 'as many as 401 servants em- i Schroeder; '2r, 'tickets; ; Esther Do- ployed in her hxousehold, is now earn- Wit~t, posters, Marguerite Dittton, '26, ing $12 a week as a seamstress in publicity, and° Dorothy Cline, '26. Paris. efl.ii.U, VI. IUII ILII I JUJI At 12:30 o'clock the dIblegates W(re entertained at luncheon at the C'hurch -R efqhr st an d i u e i t l o l w n Request Dancers! Michigan branch of the Amierican the lunchieon theiafeno{,swn Associat ionl of University Women heldopnd For Play Try outs, their annual meeting yesterday at ;~eid wr aeb h j A nii emoialhal wen.40dele- Reports wr aeb h er- gates representing eight different senltatives of the branches represent.- TrC youts for the Senior Play which bri'~n1(hes we r icsent. edl-Ann Arbor.,JBattle Creek, Birmiing- is to be given following the Senior The mibp ing session opened at 10 h lam, Detroit,' Lansing, Port hluron. Breakfast during conmmencemnent i ('lock, presided over by Miss Fan- and Saginaw. Two Ann Arbor dede- week, are to be hield at 4 o'clock ira. Crocker, state president of thegae toheninlcnvtonC ModyadTedyiah Ultr association. The minutes of the lasit the A. A. U. NA. held in Indiananpolis Ilum of Newberry 11x11. l aial meeting held May 10, 1924. at, from April 8, to' 11, Miss Jea neftt According to Mrs.. Stanley Lowe, Last Lansing were read and approv- ler n r.Dte rnmd formerly Bernice Jones '18, who is to :r(1 eports on the work accomplisheda direct the play, it is expected that ed(1 Reurtsfthe stoerwercomplish-" 'teewill be several dancing lat d(uigtelatya eemd this meeting. The association then ther pars y the chairmen of the state commit- adopted the resolution that they supl- also ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ te anorotno heeprswl schoarships, finance, educa- (port the petition of Michigan State be hleld Sat'the same time. tina and legislative, and interna- college that they be recognized -in thew - tional relations. National organization. The meeting es Ottawa, May 2.-A resolution ap- Dri. Mary Thompson Stevens of D~e- proving a treaty between Canada and troit add ressedi the delegates onl thle the U.- S. providng for the "further; topic, "Why We As College Women. dlemarkationl of the international ' mould Stlluy the Problem of Staty boundary" was passed by the 1House !Institutions." The morning session of Commons Friday and referred to; adjouirnedi after the passing of a mo- SAT r n thLeae ion that the secretary cast a unan- k na LE DERNIEII- ('111! Tlhe - en, teslt fashion note is flit Iraiuslareiut doat, fiiiflore'din chiffon or georgette. One of these in dark blue or black worn over the seasonl's miost erotic prints mIak(es Uanexel.- I ionaiill 1 wearalIe cost umei for 2Nickecl,.qArcadtiI Plionie *I,2 -A Womiei's Hair - Shop *N- M. E. Sheahan tImport curly hair, $5.50 - . up.- -Hair Goods-- - Switches, Sick Pieces, - Curls. Mcvde of your own hair, $3.00. Switches made over. - Phone 4368 610 East Liberty- Mfemo tial hibrwary and the Lawyers' club to inspet 1)oth buildings. wvas then adjourned and thec delegates escortedl from there to Clements 1- 1VLAI READ) THE CLASSIFIEI) ADS, minus ballot for the reelection of the nominees named lely the nominating WHITNEY TH'EATER 574 Al SA -SJPECIAL-- ATTRATIONS TUES., MAY 5 STAE } I W II Y r l rl li w ll rfr X11 ^I i T"1 i V . '4 5 r: ii I Messrs Lee. and J. J. Shubert Are Proud to Offer GEORG IE BRENDEL MARGARET PRICE & BERT BREEN AND) COMPANY OF 100 IN' AMERICAS FOREMOSTF MUSICAL INSTITUTION 1heWINTER GANDER , fI YOM JETST GPATE.ST oJ P Jeo NTEVRTA 1NOYOF SpEk 5T ~IN THE Ij-EtSTAGE 0 A1inter fGrdeuiOrchestra 1PIVNGGHAQ 1JtI ,A BIEHEE and HASSON The Sheiks of Araby ! Offering the Most Sensational of Oriental Acrobatic Specialtilcs MORAN and MORAN Two from Harmony Land Will Render Popular Songs of Today - --An pct \Vith Pleasin~ Voicds and Personality. A I r r-p $15 Newest .for summer is the gayly printed or striped dress. Smart one and two piece styles of crepe and tub silk in all the season's most beautiful colors are lowo priced here. Only $15.00! SECOND FLOOR 'O DYA124 SOUTH MAIN , < - ,. .,.: _.. John Emerson Haynes Willi1am Pringle James Hamilton Jack Race Tera Doss Jan Noore Ann Loweiiworl h Louise Blakely Edgar Atchison.Ely Jack Hall Bob0) Gilbert Breen Brothers 50--WINTER GARDEN BEAUTY BRIGADE---O BIGGEST OF ALL SH-OWS Prodn-ced -Under the Personal Direction of Mr. J. J. Shubert S"EATS NOW ON SALE PRIVE-$L~), $.6~.$2.20, $2.73, $3~.34) I r iw:y ,~ ... . ,.. . ,.. FREE D)EMONSTRATION of BLANCO Sincere' Toilet Preparation. You are inivitied to visit Iny IHair ,shop on Wednes- day and Thursday, May 7 and 8, wherec:Mrs. Margaret Wilson, Spec:ial Representa- tive of the Blanco Co. of New York will. give you a Conpiintiar~i Facial to suit your Individual Require- mnent. MRS. T. L. STODDARD 707, N. University I DI A-L 4287 (Dcwntown ) 21816 (Press Bldg.) Swing your laundry bag over your shoul- der and bring it to our station in the Press Building. Ready for you when you want rt. Work guaranteed. !- I I Save I 5%c I He Traded UIpon Woman 's Honor Until He Jiet The Spitfire WHAT DOES EVERY MAN WANT? MUST A WOMAN BE EITHER A H UMAN IC ICLE TO OTHERS AND TOBASCO SAUCE WHEN IT COMES TO HIM? ALL STARS IN THIS BIG FILM ]Directed by William Christy Cabann Carries ]Dramatic Punch I Be Sure .. F and tread the ads on pages ten and fifteen about the LASTS'LAUGH I Open EIkenings until 8:oo© White Swan GREAT CAST BIWL SII i{ IA ROBIVERLTsiiiIIAN RB HIIeU 1 llWI1h VIVID DRAMA OAF LIFE AND LOVE, AMID COLORFlUL -TAG E AND' MODERN SOCIETY T _ - - I. Shows 2:00 I AUGHTER THAT WILL RAISE YoUR 'u"} SPIRITS MACK SENNETT PRESENTS //>N 1 < cI9 I!txi. Sth.. Foo I