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May 03, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-03

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Sir 43an


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VOL. XXXV. No 157







1 tu












Washington, May 2, (By A. P.)- I
Cooperation of the American govern-
went with the League of Nations in a
number of its activities was urged
upon secretary Kellogg today by Rep-'
resentatives of the League of Nations
Non-Partisan association. I

APPOINT11E.NT The recommendations were consid-
ered in an address to the secretary
UNITY IS DESIRED by Manley O. Hudson, professor of
International law at Harvard, and
Mr. Kellogg told the delegation the
Action Would Eliminate Post Election proposals would receive careful con-
Crisis In Parliamentary sideration.
Situationi IOutstanding in the proposal were
.American adherence to the World
Hanover, Germany, May 2.-(By A. Court; registration of American
P.)-Political leaders who have been treaties with the Secretariat of the
League of Nations; prominent Amer-
in consultation with President-Elect
Von Hindenburg in\,the past few days
believe that he is determined to recon-
cile the German Catholic electorate to
the outcome of the election, and that ,
he will single out Doctor Marx of the
People Party for some prominent ap-
pointment or political honor in an at-
tempt to assuage the feelings of re-____
seitment provoked through the injec- )ayor (:amptIlbell fives Signal For
recent campaign. Clanging of AnnArmbor's
This procedure would not only be in 800 Inslruments
keeping with Field Marshal's desire -
for complete national unity, but would SWITCH AT MIDNIGHT
also insure continuance of neutrality
which the Center party has been ac- Promptly at 12 o'clock last night
cording the Luther government, thus
removing from the post election sit- Mayor R. A. Campbell touched an.
nation anything likely to endanger electric button in his oflice, and with-
a parliamentary crisis. in ten seconds the 8300 telephones in!
Von Hindenburg is said to have the city were "cut-over" from manual
quietly apprised a score or more Ger- .
man princes and lesser potentates to machine operation. Preparations
that he would be greatly obliged if for this had been in progress for .
they would spare him displays of ar- many months.
dent importunities anl other affec- The change was what is termed ini
tionate demonstrations ;egarding his
elc0tion. He has reassuredl them ofI
his devoted and respectful remem- Shortly before midnight the main dis-t
brance, but believes that their adula- patcher called the roll of the switch-
tions in the present situation were board electricians to iai' sur-o that:
bound to become a personal annoyance each man was at his post. Immedi-i
and an official embarrassment. ately after receiving the signal from1
Mayor Campbell, each electrician wasi
I i nai notified to "cut-over" his switch-
UI~~IIIV EEEboard, and by (letaching each cable
Un t i tu eisfr o m o n e t e r m i n a l a n d a t t a c h i n g t o l
! another, every telephone in the ,Atyj
SigA. FRESH A IR CMAvi was simultaneously switched to the

ican membership on certain league
committees; ratification of draft
treaties vital to the United States
and participation in efforts to outlaw
Protection against secret treaties
was one of the points made by Pro-
fessor Hudson in urging communica-,
tion of such documents to th-e League.
Among the committees on which the
delegation recommended, American
membership, economics and financial
committees, permanent mandates
committees, mixed committee on re-
duction of armaments, advisory com-
mittee on traffic in opium and
other dangerous drugs, and advisory
committees on traffic in women and






MId.West Association Closes Coxmveu-
tion With Banquet; Consider
New Applicatious
Granting exclusive reprinting rights
to professional magazines of recogniz-
ed national standing was the foremost
step taken by the annual convention
of the Mid-West College Comic asso- I
ciation as its business sessions yester-
day in the Union, while the considera-
tion of applications for, admission to
the association, the elect n of officersj
and general discussionsboccupied the
remainder of the assembly's day.
The convention wound up last night
with a banquet at Joe Paarker's cafe,.
at which talks by John Pattee, sales-
promotion manager of the Newcomb-
Endicott company, of Detroit, Donal
Hamilton Haines, of the journalism
department, and others were heard by


Fraternities And Sororities
House Parties For
Week End


Final arrangements for Mothers'
Day, Sunday, May 9, are being made
by the Student Christian association




. .. r rr r 1 4" r dial system. y
E Judge Franz C. uilm, 93J, prezi-
Effort to -lave every student and (l ent of the Michigan :Bell Telephone
member of the faculty, together with company, witnessedi the change from
the greatest number of townspeople ]manual to machine ochiation. Trhe
possible, wear a tag in support of the mfrtal o the nestem was
Student Christian association Fresh from Mayor Campbell to the police
Air camp on Lake Patterson will be and fire chiefs of Ann Arbor, offic-
made Tuesday by the camp financial ially notifyig them of the change in
committee which is launching its an- ser'vice. His call was immediately
nual one day drive for funds. Two
kinds of tags will be given out; n followed by a call from The Daily
for contributions of $1.00 or more and to the central office to verify the fact
another fo rcontributions under this that the change had actually gone io
sum. effect.
Harold Steele, '25, is in charge of . .
Tag Day. Students with tags will Blayney Advises
be posted all over the campus and ' Exten ion Al
city on Tuesday distributing tags in Extension Of All
return for contributions of any sum . Cultural Courses
Tag Day has been an annual event r
for the past five years. Poor boys of ---
Michigan cities who can not afford a "In American colleges we find, not
vacation period are sent out to the f th
camp free of charge and given a ten a survival of the fittest, but ofe ap-
day vacation. More than 400 boys parently fittest-quite a different
will be cared for this summer. j thing," writes Lindsey Blayney in a

' i
. +

which is in charge of the Mothers' the delegates.
week end, and a large number of Among the magazines admitted to a
wee en, ad alare nmbe ofprobation of. one year for membershipr
mothers are expected to visit Anti in the association is the "(reen
Arbor during this time. Edgar A. Onion" of the Michigan State college,
Guest, Detroit poet, has been secured while the "Dirge" of Washington i-
o versity, of St. Louis, was admitted to
to seakat he othrs'Day gather- i full memibrsliii. Others on the pro-
ing in Hill auditorium on Sunday. hation list are the Buffalo university
Many week end house parties for l "Bison," the Missouri university
visiting mothers are being arranged i "Hogan's Alley," the Ohio Wesleyan
by .ror.ities and .fraternities. Open- "Mirror," and the 1Denuison "Flamin-
ing with Swing-Out on Thursday, go." The admission of these maga-
the mothers will have many occas- zines will be considered at the next
ions to see traditional Michigan annual meeting, which was set yester-
events. On Friday and Saturday are day for Evanston, Ill.
the freshman-sophomore games which At the morning session. among the
always prove interesting to specta- various discussions, f. P. Williams.1
tors. On Saturday afternoon there are representative of the American Color
the 0. S. U.-Michigan track meet andt Printing company, spoke on "The P~os-
a tea given by the Women's League. sibility of a Centralized Bureau for
The Y. W. C. A. and other organi-|College Publication Engraving." Mr.
zations are cooperating with the com- Williams' talk indicated the gaining
inittee of the Student Christian asso- importance of college publications,
ciation to make the Mother's week 1 through the formation of national or-
end a success. James Miller, 25, is ganizations for their service.
chairman of the committee in chargej By adopting a complete copyright-
of the affair. Eugene Powers, '27, is ing policy for all members of the as-
organizing a tour of the campus forE sociatioli, the delegate; yesterday
Saturday afternoon which will leave initiated their fight against harmful
Lane hall at 2 o'clock. reprinting by unrecognized publica-
The chief event of the week end, tions, whose unrestricted use i the
however, will be the meeting in Hill past of original material in college
auditorium on Sunday afternoon. Ed- humor publications has exhibited a
gar A. Guest will be the principal tendency to injure the reputation of
speaker and will be introduced by the latter. In the copyrighting resole-
Fielding H. Yost. The Girls' Glee tion. exclusive reprinting rights are
club will sing at this meeting and granted only to "College Comics,"
several other features will be an- "College Humour," "Life," and other
nounced later. During Mothers' Day specified publications.
students will be given the opportunity A uniform advertising rate among
to buy single carnations at a reduced members of the association was also
price. For this reason, the commit-- considered, but no definite action was
tee expects practically all students taken. The matter has >een placed in
to wear a symbol of respect to their the hands of the executive committee,
mothers during that day. A pink car-h wi reportuponte matter
nation is to be worn if the mother is after further detailed study of the sit-
living and a white one if she is de- 'The officers named for the coming
ceased. I year are Clark Hazelwood, of the Wis-
consin "Octuput," president; John
Kiwanians Become Price, of the Ohio State university
7 "Sun Dial," vice-president; C. P.
Newsies For D 'a y !Bushnell, of the Northwestern "Pur-
ple Parrot," secretary-treasurer.
Kiwanians, in the role of newsboys,
sold newspapers yesterday afternoon Dr. W arden, Noted
to raise a fund to support charity
work among children in the hbspitals Pathologist, 1. es
of the city. The Anti Arbor Times- f

Bill Assures
New Buildings
And More Land
Lansing, May 2, (By A. P.)-Uni-
versity of Michigan is assured $1,-
800,000 for land and new buildings
during the next two years. The Uni-
versity was also the winner in the
legislative jumble when the mill tax
appropriation was increased from
$3,000,000 to $3,700,000.
The house Friday receded from its
stand against the senate's action in
increasing the amount for the uni-
versity and passed a measure grant-
ing $400,000 for an architectural
building, $900,000 for a museum and
$500,000 for land. The appropriation
bill now goes to the governor for ap-
The fifty third regular session of
the legislature came to a close at
4 o'clock - yesterday and when the
final bill was put through more than
300 new laws. had been enacted and
more than $100,000,000 appropriated
fox' all sta te purposes during the next
two years.
The appropriations by the present
legislature, when they are all figured
up, probably will be the largest total
in the history of the state but, ac-
cording to present indications, the de-
mands of the state will be taken care
of with but a small increase in the
tax levy.
The bills carrying tax clauses to-
tal $40,000,000 for the two-year per-
od, but these will be pared consid-
erably by the governor with his veto
power. About $25,000,000 has been
appropriated for various state build-
ings, but these measures do not carry
a tax clause, and few of the proposed
buildings will be built during the next
two years. Added to this total are
appropriations of about $16,000,000 a
year for highway purposes, bringing
the grand total well above the $100,-
000,000 mark.
Adelphi house of representatives
will hold their annual banquet at 7
o'clock Tuesday, May 5, at the Green
Tree Inn, during the course of which
members of the organization who have
been deemed worthy of distinction will
be awarded medals and gavels. Fol-
lowing the banquet 'nominations will
be made for officers for the ensuing
Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the politi-
cal science department will give the
main address of the evening with Ray
L. Alexander, '27L, -acting as toast-
master. Millard H. Pryor, '25, presi-
dent of the Oratorical association will
be presented with the annual Adelphi
award given to the most active senior.
Announce Sale Of
Senior Invitations
Seniors will be given another op-
portunity to purchase invitations and
announcements, due to an arrange-
ment with the printers completed yes-
terday, according to an announce-
ment by Howard E. Crowell, '25,
chairman of the committee, last night.
Both the invitations and annbunce-
ments will be on sale at a booth in
the corridor of University hall, to-
morrow and Tuesday. No orders can
be taken after Tuesday, as the final
number will be wired to the printer

that night. 'The invitations are fifty
cents, the announcements ten cents.
Panama, May 2.-Jose Lombardo,
featherweight champion of Central
and South America, h'as been matched
for May 5 with Joe Ramos, Panama

May 1; Is Date Set For Final
American ChIemieal Society
Program of Year
Prof. Herbert Freundlich, assistant
director of the Kaiser Wilhelm in-
stitute in Berlin has been secured by
the University branch of the Amer-
ican Chemical society as the speaker
for their last program of' the year to
talk on colloidal chemistry May 15
in the Chemical amphitheater.
The Berlin Professor is interna-
tionally recognized .as one of the
greatest living authorities on col-
loidal chemistry. In his work he has
especially investfgated the physical
side of colloidal phenomena and his
address here will stress this side of
the subject. ,
The purpose of Profesosr Freund-
lich's visit to this country is to at-
tend the Third National Colloid sym-
posium which will be held at Minne-
sota university during June. After
this meeting he intends to remain at
the Minnesota university to give a
course of lectures.
His visit here is one of a number
that he is making before June. Start-
ing in the middleof April he has
planned to visit 23 American cities
speaking in each one of them. Fol-
lowing his Ann Arbor address, he
will go to Lansing to speak before an
audience at the Michigan State col-
lege there.
Ohio Maintatins
L ead; Defeats
Wi sco nsin, 4-1
Columbus, May 2.-With Russ
Miller twirling wonderful ball, and
with his teammates giving him
equally good support, Ohio State
copped their fourth consecutive base-
b hll C nfa p virtnr thia ftpr

By William H. Stoneman
One scratch hit and a pair of errors in the sixth inning brought Mich-
igan to grief in its opening Conference game of the season yesterday after-
noon on Ferry field. The final scor e, Illinois 1, Michigan 0, tells the
story of one of the greatest games ever played on the local diamond and a
game which might have been Michigan's had it not been for the two
costly errors. It was a pitcher's battle between Jablonowski and Kinder-
man from start to finish with the Wolverine allowing only one weak hit

sixth, knocked a grounder down to
Jablonowski. It was to one side of
the mound and in his hurry to get
the ball to first, Jablonowski threw
wildly to Wilson. By the time the
ball had reached first Jordan had
touched the sack, and when the throw
was out of Wilson's reach he contin-
ued his journey to second. Worth,
the next man up, hit a terrific
grounder straight at Haggerty, and
his throw was also poor. By the
time the ball had been recovered Jor-
dan was across the plate and Worth
was at second. Michigan then rallied
and the next three Illinois' batters
went out in order. From that timle
on neither team was able. to score
although both threatened on account
of errors and passes. Neither team
was able to get a hit, and when the
game 'had ended both pitchers had
five strike outs to their credit. Cherry
was the only one in the game who
seemed able to hit the ball, and he
got two good singles in two official
times at bat. Giles got one single
out of the contest, and Jordan's weak
tap was the only other hit registered.
Worth, the first Illinois man to
come to bat in the game, was given a
pass and was held at first when
Haggerty threw Paxton out. Kinder-
man then sent a roller to Jablonow-
ski and the Michigan pitcher threw
Worth out at second. Illinois was re-
tired when Dillman took Margolis'
grounder. Michigan also failed to do
anything pretentious in the first
frame when Giles flied out to center
field, Bachman' rolled out, Jordan to
Simonich, and Haggerty popped a
weak fly ,to Jestes. The second inn-
ing was a repetition of the first. Si-
monich hit a grounder to Haggerty,
Godeke was out, Giles to Wilson, and
Major put a weak grounder down to
Jabby. Michigan also went out one-
two-three. Both Ryrholm and Dill-
man flied out to right field, and Herb
Steger fanned.

and the visitor three. Had Jablonow-
ski been given the support he deserv
ed he would have won his game de-
cisively. As it happened Michigan hit
poorly and fielded wildly at a cru-
cial time and Jablonowski's great
performance went for naught.
The Illinois score came when Jor-
dan, the first Illinois man up in the


Berlin, May 2.-Dr. Konrad Ilaen--
loch, Socialist governor of the District
of Wiesbaden andl former Prussian'
minister of education, died Tuesday
at Wiesbaden.
May 3.-Cane Day.
May 7.-Swing Out.
May 13--Senior Sing.
May 20.-Senior banquet, fol-
lowed by second Sing.
May 22.-Senior Ball.
June 12.-Class Day.I
June 13.-Senior Reception.
June 14. - Baccalaureate ad-
June 15.-Commencement.
Caps and gowns to be worn
(very Wednesday atter Swixig

recent issue of The North American1

This is due to our practice of allow-
ing technical courses to dominate our
curriculum, the writer believes. "We
have surfeited our educational systemj
with these courses, even though tech-
nical schools, industrial life and grad-



Dan onierence vicory Lus ai er
noon at the expense of the Wisconsin In the third frame Jabby threat-
Badgers. The final score was 4-1. ened to fan three in a row, but after
Iowa City, May 2.-In a game fea- Jestes and Jordan had both failed to
tured by light hitting, the University, oc h al ewsfre otk
ture bys 01d 1 r hal ptouch th'e ball, he was forced to take
of Iowa supported Marshall perfectly' Worth's fly to retire the side. Mich-
and - enabled him to defeat the Uni- rthenhy ts et che f.the
versity of Minnesota 1-0 in a Confer-gan t had its de of
ence baseball game here this after-- game. to put something on its side of
non. Gzey, pichings fote the scoreboard. Wilson, the first one
noon. Guzey, pitching for the up, sent a high fly to center field,
Gophers, had a slight edge on Mar- but Cherry knocked a Texas leaguer
shall but two errors in the second I into center field and went to second
inning allowed the Hawkeyes to when Jabby grounded out to Kinder-
score a lone run. Guzey held Iowa man. Buck Giles added to Michi-
to two hits and struck out eight men. gan's chances by sending a hard
Marshall :allowed eight hits. rounder past the shortstop and put-
Chicago, May 2.-The University ting Cherry on third. Bachman then

uate work offer them in abundant t
(uamntities," lie continues.
"We have seen fit to permit the un-?

News contributed the papers to the
dergraduate curriculum-te last ref- "newsboys" so all the oney that was Dr. Carl C. Warder, 95M, noted
uge in our educational system for received in return for these papers authority in the fields of pathology,
liberal culture-to be invaded by the w rty th.bacterioligy, and serology, who has
same spirit. It is no exaggeration to e i antthlu n. hg had charge of St. Joseph's Mercy hos-
exaggeation The Kiwanis club took nxo changepia'lbo'tmesine19,dd
assert that, so far as the true pur- during its sale of papers. A goal of pita is laboratories since 1919, died
pose of the undergraduate course islo $300 was set for the saleng illness.
concerned-the acquisition of liberal .h s esteray After receiving his IPh. B. degree
I culture---we might just as well carve ith this o t, a cil re'slba from the University in 1892, Dr. War-
ian the hospital can be completed, more
over the portals of many academic e oseden entered the Medical school from
halls the famous inscription of Dante: apos a frwhichlehe graduated in 1895. From
I n osil ul ierecreationalwhc
'Leave all hoe behind, ye who enter director can be secured. this date until 1912 le practiced at
here.' Ishpeming, Nashville, Tenn.. Battle
"In only a few of our institutions , Creek, and Los Angeles in the order
has the effort as yet been made to Picture Given By I named and took several post-grad-
remedy partially this defect by offer- T j uate courses at Paris and various
ing in the departments of history or O en eaS egue medical centers in Germany.
comparative literature a general sur- From 1912 until 1919 he devoted
vey of Man's cultural development. I Arramgenments have been made by j himself entirely to immunological re-
believe that in every institution of the Women's League to show the pic- search in the laboratories of the Uni-


of CUicago defeatedr urdue in a uon-
ference baseball game here today,
4-0. Purdue failed to advance a
single runner past second base. Both
pitchers walked four men and struck
out three.
Bloomington, Indiana, May 2.-In-
diana university amassed 14 runs in{
two big innings today and defeated I
Northwestern in a Conference base-
ball game, 14-2.
Give Pageant Of
Nations Tomorrow

drew a pass and filled the bases, and
with Haggerty the next at bat it
looked like some scoring in spite of
the fact that two were out. Captain
Simonich made a faultless job of Hag-
gerty's hard drive down the first base
line, however, and retired thre side
(Continued on Page Six)







Cane Day, the traditional cere=
mony commemorating the pass-


A. -i, ; Y 4 ,.




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