PAGE !EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY__ SATURDAY, 'MAY 2, 192 i DAILY OFF IIAL BULLETI'N Publication in the 'Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the-University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Pres'ident until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdaya Volume is SATURDAY, -MAY 2, 1925 Nunibei 156 France Looks To 'Big Three' F'afculty Meeting, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The next regular meeting of the Faculty will he held.Monday, May 4th, at 4:10 in Room 2225, Angell Hail. Johnt R. Effinger. Uuiversity Women-H~ou se .Presidents: Signing-out slips for the month of April are due in the Office of the Dean of Women and should be ,brought in before May 10th. Jean Hlamilton, Dean of Women. ,Nigara Fall Lecture : Mr. W. K. Bradbury of the Niagara Falls Power Company will, speak in Natural Science Auditorium on Monday, May 4, at 7:30 P. M. under the auspices of the Student Branch of the American Institute of Electrical En- gineers. Mr. Blradbury will outline the historical background of power de- velopment at Niagara Falls, and will give considerable detail of the instal- lation of the world's largest hydro-electric units and the construction of the miniature model of the Falls built by the company for experimental pur- poses. The lecture will be well illustrated with slides. The lecture is open to all interested. James B. Johnson, Chin. Publ. Comm. House Presidents: There will be a meeting of the Board of Representatives of the Women'IV League on Saturday, May 2nd, at 10:00 sharp, in Barbour Gymnasium. Dorothy iMeFarlen, Vice-President, Women's League. Students in Aeronautical Engineering: Attention of the class is called to the following information just re- ceived by Major Carpenter from the War Department: Those students of Aeronautical Engineering, who at their time of en- trance into the advanced courses of any R. 0. T. C. unit express their inten- tion in writing of applying for commissions in the Air Service Reserve Corps at the completion of their course of training in the R. 0. T. C. may sub- stitute advanced aeronautical elective. courses for certain courses required in the R. 0. T. C. unit in which they are enrolled. These advanced aeronautical elective subjects are: Subject Hours Credit 4a Advanced Airplane Design...............2 7 Theory of Balloons and Dirigibles.............2 8 Design of Balloons and Dirigibles................. ...... 4 10 Design of Aerodromes and Hangars ...................... 2 11 Advanced Stability ....................................... 2 12 -Seminary....... ..................................... 2-4 14 Research ............. ................................. 2-4 .Any two of these subjects may be elected in lieu of any two of the R. 0. T. C. subjects listed b~elow: Coast Artillery MS-5, MS-6 Infantry MS-25, MS-26 Signal Corps MS-15, MS-17 or 18 Ordnance Other Engineering electives (Curse 41--Air Service i In addition to the substitution of two semesters of advanced aeronautical elective subjects for, two semesters. of R. 0. T. C. subjects provided for above, advanced aeronautical students will be. given Military Science 41, in lieu of one of the other advanced subjects of the unit in which enrolled. 1,:31)--Social hiour at the Presbyter- SeeksEa l M n WHAT'S GOING O ian church. Pol' etn t h al a Notices to'appear in this column must r Presbyterian church. poie fo ltproebfebe left in the box at the Daily office J 0 ltli itir evc i h o'clock toreceedine tit dchy of issue. (Con gregational church; Robert ________- --- -- -Mantell and Alma Rubens in "Un-I SATURDAY ?der the Redl Robe." 10 :00-1hoard of representativ~es of the !:. W~omen's League meets in BLarbIour[lD 11. :c- gym'nasium. ru; 2:Mf--Varsity bandl ;psentles at Nlor'. 14:4lHike adspprt .f'rs,, 0 IN! ANOFA. farmn, for students. Meet at hlarris y . ::<>; ;:,>. 1 al Poems which will atppeatrin the r;r:=:.:::: > i:00-8 :flO-TLper Room 13hIl class meets. at Lane hall. Howard Chap-1 atunbio h n~dicmu man o the Baptist church is th literary magazine, hav e been select-.- s pek r ed b th edtr oft e p bi .in,:00-Prof. J. R. Hayden speaks he-_ from manuscr ipts readct at a goup fore the Cosmopolitan club on meeting, or submittedi dir ectly to the "Democracy in the Orient," in Lane 1eio.Vrey swl secl Nall auditorium,.dtr anit~ swl secl 9i0-12(3t-Julorengneeingclas;lence, was considered in making se-I + dnceat ackrd ancng cadmylection a, according to Montgomery dneaPakrdainaadm.Butch art, '25, editor. ITo distinguish this final issue fromI SUNDAY the four preceding, the cover' will be! 1.!0:45 -- Dr. Anderson speaks Oil1 printed oil black pa per. Trie is E"Choosing a Life Work," at tha still time for contributors to submit 4 Presbyterian church. wood or linoleum block cuts for this 1l2:00-H. Y'. MeClusky leads stiden.', number. No definite time ha:3 yet discussion class at tile Presbyter-; been announced for publication. --.A ian church.aI Frank WV. Aldrich, banker, oft Me- 2:30-Phlippine club meets at Lain' Rochme C. Shehian, '24, has taken the Leani, Ill., is on his way to I grope in hall, agency for Washtenaw county of the~ a new search for traces of early man.' 5 :30-Student supper and fireside Citizen's Mutual AutomobiI).Insur- He goes as representative of the Am- chat at the Congregational church. ance company of Howell. le has er~ican School of Prehistoric Research. M The topic for discussion is "Fra-f opened offices in the National BankIR~)Tl 'lASFEIAS ternities and Sororities." building, Main street.REDTECAS1I DS France, apprehensive as a. resultof the success of pro-monarchists in the German election, is looking to this trio, the "big three" of the new French cabinet. Left to right: Paul Painleve, premier and minister of war; Aristide Briand, minister of foreign affairs; and Joseph Caillaux, fi- nance minister. This is the first photo of Caillaux_ in ministerial attire since his return to power. bean rwEintfgter vwit t 3pewU At Senior Banquet, May 20' Dean John R. Effinger, dean of the singing will be informally carried on 1 literary college, will be thle main without the use of a leader. After the speaker at the banquet of seniors of banquet is over, the seniors will go to 1 that school, to be held May 20, in tihe tihe library, for the last of the Sen- assembly room of the Union, it was ior Sings. Caps and gowns will be, announced yesterday by Edward N.+ worn.f 3Hartwick, '25, chairman of thle ban- An orchestra, which has not yet{1 quet committee. John Bennett, '25L,! been selected, will furnish music dur- i will act as toastmaster. ing the meal. Tile students selected to speak are Tickets sell for $1.50, and may be k Dick Lawrence, '25, president of the obtained at the Union today. A. class, Elsa Olhnmacher, '25, vice-pres- booth will also be placed in Univer- ident, William Roesser, '25, and Ly- sity hall later in tihe week. I~ -Special Price on Tennis Rackets --AT - 'WAHR'S UNIVERSITY - rrr.,orrrrrrr. .rt:rr.-,rrr., .,rrrs~.rrrrrr. .r, rr+r.,. .rri.,rr man Savage, '25. The speeches willf take the form of renminiscences of thle four years spent hlere, as this will be the last dniner the class will have together. Pamphlets of Michigan songs wil be distributed at thle tables, and tile Engineer Finishes d*000.1"Cle-ecom com.-C41. %un a,2 Cburcbhervtlce3 (Course 41, will be on tile Tactical Fu This announcement affects the so' Members of the university of Xichigan The Band will assemble at Morn-f Uniforms to include capes to lie worn. Foreign Students: Foreign Students who took the spr of the group taken at Lansing may pro worth, Commercial Photographs,. 1315 A sample copy may be seen in Room 30 G.radu.ate English Club: There will lie a meeting of theĀ£ evening, May 4, in room 302 of the M~ H._ C. Hutchins will read a paper on "T Read The Daily POSTPONE E lNTIO OF BlEUNTI MY Examination of William B. Bauer, charged with the murder of his broth- er Johin Bauer, has been postponed to May S. This motion was made for the defendant by Carl A. Lehman with _the consent of Prosecuting At- torn'ey William M. Laird, on the con- dition that if the defendant should be* held for trial at the examination, the trial should, be held during the May term of tile circuit court. WANTED!" Discarded Suits, Overcoats, and Shoes, Highest cash price paid,. Telephone 661 unctions of the Air Service. i JIQact nFentcoprer i phomores next fall. TAtrT ilbest' F.WBa lo i and: R. T. Liddicoat, of the engineering is Hall at two o'clock this afternoon. 'mechanics department, has completed Robert V. Halsey. D. 3[. a 150-pound 'mnodel helicopter after' several years of study. Tile model has given encouraging results in sev- rin trp ad wo wsh phtogaph eral trial. flights,. ocri n trpany wriightaphoCogaphn- Tile first model was comnpleted inl cureoneby ritng o R C.Leaen- 1922 but it was found that imiprove- W. Mich. Avenue, Lansing, Michigan.I ments were necessary to insure its 02 University Hall. success. The present model, which J1. A. C. ilhldner. j was completed a year ago, includes these imlprovements. In its first flight inl June, 1924, it was discovered Graduate English Club next Monday that the power plant needed remodel- Michigan Union at eight o'clock. Dr. ling and ini January the first success-I rhe Ethical Significance of H-amlet." fuli trial ,flight was made when the Pau MusehP, resden. imachine irose from the ground under Paul3lusehk, Pesidnt. its ownl power. Since that time sev- eral winld and , weather tests have been applied to thle machine. Fur- thier tests- will hie"madie this sprinlg1 Classified" Columns I amid if they prove successful Mr. Lid- dicoat will attempt a mlan-carrying; t model. ililil(11(!iil!1!li~!!Il!!!l~l~~ilillllllii~llili~lE(!~llillll~l~(1l1 Y' Wadhams &CO.Y 201203S. Main Street SClothiers, Hatters, .furnishers'~ j- w Yf I1Y Society Brand Clothes -$40 to $55_ w.9. FlneYTosr 1= Y=As Kikr $7tY1 Yi - YY_ _ _ _ _- TRINITY ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Fifth Av e. and William StL Ref. L~. F. G(UNI)ERMAN, Pastor BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) Fourth Ave. between William and Packard G. A. N EUMANN, Pastor 0 A. M.--Sunday school and Bible classes. 10:00 A. M.-English service. 11 :00 A. M.--German service. Pas- tor's subject: "Pilgrim's Pro- gress." 9:30 A. M.-Bible school. 10:30 A. M.-Worship. "How a Boy Helped A Message for Boys' Sermon: a Man." Week. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 409 Soutih Division St. 10:30 A. MV.-Sunday morning ser' vice; subject, "Everlasting Punishment." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday school follow- ing the morning service. 7:30 P. M.-Regular Wednesday evening testimony meeting. T1he Reading Room, 608 First Na- tional Batik building, is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except Sundays and legal holidays. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St., and Fi1fth Ave. E. C. S'TELL11ORN, Pastor 10: 30-Sermon on "The Seventh comumandment." 5:30-S~trdent Forumn. G:30 P. M.--Studenlt Foruma. Sub- ject: "What Shiall I Io With My Life?" Prof. HI. Y. Mc- Clusky.. 5:30-7:30 P. M.-Student Fellow-' ship Hour and Forum. Sub- ject: "Is the Bible Reliable in Matters Pertaining to Faith?" Leader, N. C. Bowersox, '27. No evening meeting. tion at Jackson. Y. P. conven-]I I I !I DISCIPLES CHURCH OFrCGRIST New Church-C'ar. 11W & Tappan KENNETH B. BOWEN, Mi1nister 9 :30 Bible School. 10 :30-MVornimng worship. Speakers, Mr. William 1B. iMamsajan, Mr. Kenneth B. Bowen. 12 :00-Students' Class--Prof. A. L. Trout. 6:00--Young Peple's Social Hour amnd lunch. 6 :30-Christian Endeavor. 7:30-Evening worshlip. The pas- tor~ wil speak. r UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Streets SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister. Phillip E. LaRowe, Musical Director 10:45 PROF. A. E. IIAYDON oft the Unlverslty of' Chicago Speaks on "A MODERN RELIGIOUS IDEAL" 4:30 ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and West Nuron Streets CARL A. BIRA JERt, Pastor 9: 30 A. Mv.--Sermon, German. 10:30 A. M.--Bible Class. 11:30 A. M. -- Sermon, English. Pa stor's subject: "Let Not Your Ih[arts Be 'Trioubled. I I L. Students' Union meets at church to go up if weather pernmits. the river, 5:30-7:30 P. M.-- Studenut meets at parsonage. ClubI I 01t. kibrrut'iiEphirtpat !Tu4 CO1VNER CATHERINE and DIVISION STREETS HIENRY LEWIS, Rector. H. L. LONSDALE, Assistant. RACHEL HAVIlLAND, Secretary for Student W{'ork, 8:00 A. M&.-Hohy Communion. 9 : 30 A. M.-Chlurch school. 11:00 A. M.-Morning prayer, Holy Communion and sermon by the Rector. '1:45 P1. M.---E. Y. P. A. picnic. Meet at the church. 5:00 P. Nl. Students' Hike and Supper. Harris Hall. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH HERBERT A. JIJMP, Minister. .E. KNOX MITCHELL, University Pastor. 10:915-Service of worship. Sermon: "Religion and Comnmon Sense." Frst n a series on "Religion and Five Senlses." The other topics will be on successive Sundays: "The Artistic Sense," "Thle Business Sense," "The Senlse of 11umloV," "The Spiritual Sense." 4:00-High School Federation. Perry Hayden will speak on "Positive Christian ity." 5: 30-4Studlent Supper with twenty Detroit younlg people of North Woodward Avenue Church, as guests. 'Topic: "Fr~aternities and Sororities." 8:00-Motion Picture service. Robert Mantell and Alma Rubens in "Under the Red Robe." I It. EDWVARD SAYLES, MINISTER HOWARD R. CHAPMAN MIINISTER TO STUDENTS FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Corner South State and East Washington Sturents REV. ARTHUR IV. STUALKER, 1). .I, :Mbiniter REV. IV. SCOTT WESTERMAN, Associate M1inister Rev. D~onald Tiuuernaaui Ellen W. Moore