SUNDAY, FEBRUARY, 15 ,1'19-25
- - ~ -
Ii l U~v~ _ nufing vxc.._(,; _!,riay
0 i . i~r;;ty ~ear by sha Boar d in
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively cn-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherw~se
credited, in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Enu~red at the postoflice at Ann Arbor,
M4ichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant P"ost-
mastcr (;eneral,
Subsci iption by carrier, $3.5o; by tmail;
)tlices: Ann Arbor Press 7l~iiin<, lMay.
nard' Street.
'h,nes .Editorial, 2 4_ Land 76-X1 ; ii
cness, 960.
Telephones 2414 anad 176.31T
E~ditor . ....."... John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor........Robert G. Ramsay
City E~ditor.,,.... ,...... Manning Housewortli
Night Editors
George W. Davis liatold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. 1_. Sparrow, Jr.
K~enneth C. Keller Norman 1<.Thal
Sports Editor ........ William H. Stonernan
Sunday Editor. ,........ Rouert S. ZManstieldI
Women's Editor.. ..... ..... Vernea 'Moran
Music and Drama...... Robert B. Hlenderson
Telegr aph Editor..... NWillianr ,j, Walthour
Louise6 Barley ;.le je. .lamy
Marion Barlow Regina Reilhina
Leslie S. Bennets 'Marie (teed
Smith Cady Jr. Edmarie Schrauder
Willard B. Crosby" Frederick 1-1 Shillito
't Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens
jam'es W, Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
Joseph 0. Gartner Herman Wise
Manning Houseworth Eugene. II. (!'r tms
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Robert T.P. e\ EiaehLubrrcan tne . t
Winfield H. Line Leonard C. ITAll.
C arl E. Ohlmacher Thomas V. Koykka
William C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagnier
sound' financial; basis. For sever'al at the honest man although the dis-
years the Regents, and the Athletic t I3 covery of the extent of their fame
association have been passim ,the6 IE& disturbed them.
buck to one another concerning it s., As the cab sped swiftly up the
support, the former refusing even to a HAPPYI winding road, the boys relaxed with
permit the students to pay a b)and fee TLNIV a sigh of comfort. Then camne the
itheir annual tuition. I has ap- f11 1Y campus, with its broad vista and en-
perdthat no one wanted the bandt~, Arriving briskly ,a t the office to ticingly new buildings shimmering
unless it could become selfsaipport- f nutiu ounw white among the green of the expanseI
j)otuld of0 ninutiosclun e1 ng h .iesiyws'iln of lawn.
ing. he Uiversty ws ~;iling t und ,'anting for us the finest mail
use it at Commencement and i h iisoyo hs eatet Dick ,Tom and Samin watched all(j
University functions, the AthIccas- ,"'Nrt4sfaknoenttewr with interest. Then the ever alert.
sociation gladly ccnt*111o"d the t1 "(:i- f Wiliam roome, or Bro nme either, Sam quickened his glance.j
tion of band niusi at the tea: ',a~it :~a' 'ue-x~. e shitntc "Silas Marner' 'he snapped "I'll
the ,stude Pt ody cenjo yed it. on al*i: c~'~c rt ft!swear' It was' 'he."--The boys stolei
I ea'iions, but as to atcr i rport- it tl' anxious glances t each other. -
te, riof Cowles are wrong.Washigton
I thtte .other fellow do it. *.* .;.Washington.
This fall a n ,w ora vas irug-s , The next column will appear on V,
ed. When it 'appeared cntn~1{i flc:wl5unday morning. 3Mr. Jasoni Cowles.I
ithe~~~T b11wudrgo'n~i to your attenti~ .my
,h:bn vbdhave to .fi xi os' oph1el1raal- ' o<<ce in t
pearance at the Illindeis game rt! ;wi Cht Iisaid i at TeMusr-In_______________________
business men came through with mo11re n at "h onQg
'By ereutse' Verhaps the aouts and-SI
than sufficient funds s, , h 3tf e- nrhro h ia
plus to purchase much-needed itr - inth hnstgr ANDAv'
ments. Th triptto bo st ira'4lau manner.,AN
ponsibl e o ly tp tou l~a wa i c IA A4 onormis1., Crooning, appealing, al- i 13 Rpo sile onl.bAsud. l~le A
and the fund from the grid-graph. A - threwa-acaefl islaIo
emiotional nuance, always a restraint .----_ _ __- -- f
I ~~ ~ ~ tr cosdral efctrean a 0Ihdw- truly artistic." Don't you THIS A FT.~ERNOON : The Faculty
sult 'of this trip. Plow the hus~lness t; ink, this shows an awfully nice StyleCneti 11 adtru t41
menoftheciy-tislim, he ut ;nd Formi and-Rhetoric, if you o'clock.
dealers ...ha -e do. ie 3 a sal le m i pi as
'ITEXT-BOOKS For All Colleges
,.. I-n,
1 .9
,_ , .. . .
r .
11101iv neno ciali wri1-: 1 %3!i i)'01 f)JV
a:>ro;E e ra pr'rni anenut sI'li ce of incomne.'
They are going to hold their annual
auto show in the Yost Field Htotum-
and turn the proceeds over to the
band. This with the regular rovenuc
obtainable from the grid-graph andl.
from the Athletic association should
make possible a continuation c° its
functions and activities. A teminorary
solution has been found,-perhaps a
permanent one. The University unites.
in a feeling of gratitudie to Anni Ar ,)i
husin-ss nmen for their intorest its and
Ywit(rial support of one of the TUt ve r-.
-Ali:> ore important institu2tions.
l' ;roight is a grcat at rile te for
;ccf ;~ in life ; in frlct, the a h .l ity to
Telelhone 160
Advertising .,,,... ,..,., : . F )"L
Advertising .................. . i
Circulation .. .............. W C.\in~
PublicatIon ...,..,. ......,..jhl(aii
I think it really remarkable to write ITEII JNIOIN GIR's
so stirringly, especially when *,they Four, five weeks from Tuesday thei
tell me, Sophie Braslan announced! annual Junicr Girl's Play, "Castles Inj
that she would take the liberty of1 Spain" this year, opens on Mlarch 161
sing-ing somnething else (neither son- at th~ Whitney theatre for a five days'
or"cus nor crooning) in place of Mous- ;run. It may not be a, good production I
,o ;cls' "l ft'ceuse." It must hav© -anyone connected with the' stag-a I
ag~od concert; I wish If had' knows better than to predict a :success
gene. in advance: "Tickled To Death," inI
Kindly send _me in the enc~osed' rehearsal, seemhed a sumre-fire., knock- I
stomped- and addressed envelope. the; 'em-cold hit--hut there is one excuse
second pamphlet, of your series. "How on which to base great exp ectations -
to IWrite Muisical Reviews.'? In, your ' Amiy- Loomis the, director.
first paxniphlc-t you recommended go- intefrs'lc, h snew-ta
in; to a concert occasionally. Is that means an entire'y different atnio-
really necessary. 1' lli-am Brooiiie. sphere, no more clock-fornma!ions in
~ **r the first-act finale, no more 0. ;.
T,en ire readl this: Davis scenery, no miore interminable
'.\Tv Dear Mr. Cowles: Although I encores-and she is fully in touch
know that -you are not a Beatrice !through her recent training at thel
iarayet having an abiding faith! Academy of IDramti Art in New
in~ your great sagacity and good judg- York with the latest influences on the
meant, I vcut'lre to present my prob- professional stage: flalieff and his
jin for your distin.,uished consider.-' Chauve Souris, M'ax Ie^, Andre Cliar-*
tion.lot, 2nd the "No, No. Nantette!*' school
Assistants ;te evrlmve h d-a h
P, W. Arnold W. L. Mi3iliins ~~esvrlmvsaedhshc h
W. F. Ardussi R F. Mast mkn fmnyacar inces
Gordon Burris 1i. l{. Ne',Vmann aigo mryacannz hs
F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead player andi his counterpart in natilonal
Philip Deitz . D" Ryan life, the statesnan . Thc-re 1.s such a
David Fox, Rosenzweig
Norman Frer-hlind Margaret- Sarfdburg thina, however, both :n ;a game ok
W. E. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfeld ?bs p~d the m?'neutveringofth
F. ,jobnson S. H-. Sinclairchs',gOte
L H. Kramer F. Taylor mnworl h oiia utne
ous W. Kramer me hIuetepltcldsiis
i -°-_--of the state and nation as an overdose
of apprehension and apparently one
_______________________________ of Michigan's state represcatatives,
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1925 Virgil A. Fitch of Ludington, has, been
--- overcome by such a potion when he
Night Editor-KENNETH C. KELLAR sees the British Empire as the real
Ev. erything o n the rCadens
Surnday. dininer menu'* is an
invitation to come and n
joy aI superb meal-at the,
usual low prics fcourse.'
Being in the not altogether distant
futur 2 destined to leave the classic
hiills of Michigan and the- intellectual
atmosphere of Ann Arbor, it has oc-
cunrred to mnc that perhaps mny educa-
tion V"Ill not. be 'comrplete if I depart
without ever having experienced what
of Musical comedy. The. principle of
the permanent. setting will heed5(.
andi if the Gods pare' good t he miost
beautiful girls in the class nndcisgmis-
0(1 by borrowe4l tuxedos andI frankly
in their own gentler.
!Of course, nothing dared b2e saidl
,is known in colleg;e parlance I -under-I about the
book save that its first act
a IUniveusitv (dormnitory, its
TILE ('ONVENTIO PASSED - otenCiaonaniary districtrom ( 4EiC-- o koin1nyo teac n pinsl t te;;s( c
b * of the ~species lastatinSaththefrtac
The annual convention of the Mich- fleeting the waters of Lake 1ichmian eit ter ere or i t Aat far country coltairs, according to their csto, - -- 2 + -r
igan Int~rscholastic Press, association through itsnseage aal. af cm!which I it Od ibears the .,uant a harge'mfon fcmu aie n1.'-
edd yestePrday and w3as, in m anm, netern i sagainf na eo pi msmwa tatescn c pns mantilla', ;T
was l to~dIlV 1'i al Ie tan, ,peett e F~ osas to how to aproeed epecially atea dors,"td and act.-t-e-Spanish
was iics.Aprandatec ,i) P o ivitale Sanisl - i -
2' i~c~,'hi - r K- lile1'schools th rcrIRl. \'' Zl ,ii 'dt o hisn Krr x at s T have no tux, no0 eiection of !lickety-click dances. To a certainix
3:t e .t a t - atterh-ed im' (anv (rrf c ri d^}iy Vh'nIfi' T l u rtt spches, no swelling bank 6c- extent, the production relies rmuh--,-
r - 'i; xr#c cc ht .they re;- i ii' - -rrr..n, ut.O fltxW^, count and no acquaintance w~xithtre more heavily (o.n the plot than in for- -
A zhi; zii'1 11:01 d ±tvn i Lawrine terw4ay, vwich will bT"terpsi horean art. either ould I ier years; in a sense it is a play with
Ca ~ te''''-s ~.ul~yinl5mdepsilifte aerhftv' furnmish a cigaret if requested. Is music rater than a revue with the i.
iri'iyicot tho mire convention , topped, and up the 1 etroit river to there ,any hope for me? storypekn around tie p~ei
hiat something was lacking. Run as l pa h lp fteDtotBa Anxiously yours, . ialtewoeamshr ilSEPAYWEEBT
=_tNvlq.etiet bystdetsmebes Club. Harki ng bach to theo good old1 - Ielluo Librorvm, be fast, the "I-Want-To-lb-hlappy
of Sigma Delta Chi, the professional- days of 11he War of 1812. Mr. Firtch re- m***-- kind of a* show with a great deal off T4E CLUB LUNCH
,ournalistie sciety-there was an a+"-. - inded the legirlture that T:0 'd Jst of-ha-mi, ir, your case looks jazz and a great deal of clogging for NarSaend akadSs
^ trouhou th enirepro Ierry once whipped the Bit.iok«n Ir lre a hardc one,. But consider: you thepony chors. After all this is the tar ttendPcrdS.
mosphere hoghu0heetrepo;
o edingseasily d teeted by those who, Lake Eriie " fteho rjt probably be in, ;havn enumera ted a great list of mae thing that makes a musical comnedy-
swere lots axe for it. of amateiirisi-- dhat some now Amei; ic s semman charms, none of which you have. Hi7ve go round-whistlig msic, cever sit- J1lIIIIII11111iIIIIIIIIIIfIIti1llllllhIhIIIII
would have to e made a Lord to w11iim
ness you thougt of the hundreds of fe- uations, °fast, fast, fast dancing, and-=
At thie'iinralI mieeling of the ('00'.en--j a imrilr fleet inn the' titil'iie" irihereabots who could reel ;o f rciclynoecre° ret irs--
If~r thus qUe uestion Was br'out it~ -i nra 1 le ,re - rIy stwice as long as yours of he for a background and beauiful set
wo,rlii it110,Beetter tolo ae the hanx'- Ieiir Uh eisa 1woh efemL.charms wich the Lord had tings.
V ng of the annual meeting on the ii((!1 bless;ed w1 t! he iaginat ion. or deniefl them? Four, five weeks from Tuesday the
shoulders of the department of jour- call i't fr"ight f yo'Iiwill, ofRel)-- The nrobiem of getting to know annual Junior Girl's Play, "Castles In -
nalismn? There is little doubt that this esntieFthndheby od some of themn is even easier to ,solve.' Spain" this year, opens on March 61=~
idea is a good one. Students have fati oraly on. Reresentative 1iowvell"-: All you have to do is to get religion at the Whitney theatre for a five day's --
neither the ability or the time to run reslution condemning the Chicago you go to the student sppers at any run. * * *_
such a convention properly; and, on wmater theft. cf te churches that have student sup-, AND TIE SEIOR tGIRLS =-
the other hand, the journalism facultyj pers-andl there you will find sirms . Disouraged,- perhaps, by ther
has both. If the change were madej of girls vvho would rather have a date ;mewlng production last year of "if TI Let us suggest that daintiest-
from student to faculty control, the sDITORt,I t o 1MINT" with you than eat or drink or fly. Were King" -a hackc meodrama far lunehreon for the Sunday night=
convention would be more of 'a sue-j Nor will they expect you be.- a tux beyond the reach of an al-girl cast-- supper.
cess in every way. -owiner, or the- manager of a collettion the Senior Girls have patly turned.
__________IAILt YlIAL of pretty speeceie, or-- wealthy, -or a d cow such an impressive, possible DiyAtronTa
TiEPOOO -The Hlarvard Crimson- dancer, or handsomne, or charming. ' play as "The Cradle Song, and deid- =25 South Thayer
TH PITOOElven editorial writers are prone to They w ill be gld'to see you just the) ed in this 'day of the higher education Phone 95111 .:
The eceit bytheBritish govern-' draw inadequate conclusions from thei sam. And they will tell you so. Ia d' a Muic - and Drama column to ~aiiiiuiiiiitiii~iii:iiii
ment of Canada's views concerning data in hand. Yosterdiay's issue of the * * produce a VAUDEVILLE SHOW as -1F1 1111.11i
the nwfmu eea Pooo Christian Science Monitor, aroused by Jtovers Redii! -: their annual performance. Gwd,f
drafted at the fifth annual assembly- advances in the price of wheat during TH Ij1,RB3SO AVPT; daiantta wet
of the LeagueofNtosltSptm the last six months, (demands, in the i i or * * *l
ber seenms to maea practically certain current vogue for cooperation in mar- Thwarting the Thwarters- "LITTLE JESSIE JAMESIG"
the rejection of the plan by the Brit- ' keting, the restriction of the profits "WAel here we are at -last." A rview hv Rohert Henderson. I
lrcade Cafeteria
N.irc k e. is
. c
'. -
C1 1 a CaC7
0 . ' ,cs r
' o
Headquarters s
['-,or Por tabkl and best grade
rebuilt and second-hand.
machines, including
L. C. SMITh-i and ROYAL'
Buy from us and save F'orty Dollars or more. Easy terms
if desired. Renting and Repairing a specialty. Initial rent
allowed on purchase of anly make.r
1 7 Nickels' Arcade
The Typewriter and Stationery Store
Open evenings.
a n n " a d"4IL - i-4 'INa i- I- ft, i -or 1
ish empire. Other self-governing por-' and charges for conveying gooeds fromx Such NAas the first remark of the ayo
tbons of the empire to offer similar' producer to consumer. T1he fact thamt startling Rcover boys as they detrained Jehsenthmes"roadCpanat"ittle
obeton ee utala ewZa the price of wheat haseen rising re- i'atthe picturesque tr; u ystation with its report rp aroseinthgat ,0 as riefunded I
land, and South Africa. All have de- suits, results inevitably in the con- inig road leading up to the city -toparn iniglitathem io
clared that they are not -opposed to elusion that "somneone's ('heating;." ,Iwhere nestled among the trees the c rity of the company. If this wan
the fundamental principles of arbitra- That "someone" must be foundi out cold, formal beauty of the University true, the same company presenting
tion and security,: but they express a and c hatised of ,cli-a the musical comedy at the Whitney
fear of interferance -in purely domes-; A report published yesterday by the I For the Rover boys had at last fore- theatre had been considerable re-east:
tic affairs because of the clause in- eooicrsarhbrauo3ta odgon=?etheir Lt f 4or adventure and, hay- Iitley ieJme"lstnghoa
jected by Japan at the last moment; Univesity points rsarhto auuen ct ire y dirter- jinm~ aued thae thrillinggaayo book and excertaidmatm-icing.lve
as aconitin o he aceptnce en case. he ntenatona pr('etliir exiloits with a final crushing Of course, there were some fright-
It is easy to understand this posi- of wheat has been higher than the' blow, at the dread villain Silas Mar- -flmmesi hetop-h ed
tion. The attitude taken by Japan American price. Until December thi e no and his crony Luke WGarmi, were ing mxan, the lady of the evening tak-
concerning the immigration question, rtsnCnainand Arg,,liin etonut with thi giteemn-i u h ato erlieFoe n
rae nCndcn Ag.tgi, i igtepr fGrliefor instance, was sufficient to alarm wheat shipped to Europe w~as above J tion, to secure the. polish that their m'resembling, despite the . homlines of d
th-wrl s o e itetin. tI,
th wrl s o e iteton. tthe price in the United States. hit tem.Pestuous live-s had thus far denied the pha :e omntth ng mext to a hen -
must be remembered, however, that shortages in Europe have Ue:d (1 ; themn. Tihe overs, our r eaders will na-haired turnip, and above all the;
froir Japan's point of view the re- ing surplus crops f'romi the rest oft)I the recall, !-ad by dint of greet cunning vplabl eeal ying is.Jm e.-te wa thr
striction on her citizens was a racial world. If the European crop"-; ar-'1 and effort, put to flight the seberaung Ihpayn --f. and th ss what"On ts--the I
insult. And besides, there is nothing -haynx al h meia rcha~m nNia-ga f ec~dlandi--nldytheJssiehamecons-ofthe
in the Protocol which would permit will recede fromn the presi'at high ;tlhii aged father fromi the,-wild Peru- !tatle, Juliet the ingenue, and Tommy
Japan to pitt something over on the1 mark. The explanation Of the sIneo- inaniiIndiains, an adventure no whit Tinker, a flapper (dancing-fool, were
world. Time Japanese amendment pro-1 tuations is -due to economic factors. lessened by !,he discovery of the longpIdeihtfl he a eroait n
vides simply that when a question in Meanwhile, the earnest edlitorimalists s oughlt Aztec lost, diamond mines (The' actual, spontaneous talent.-
dispute is held by the World Court of !will discover occult,' influco'sf at R lover foys. d lc,$.5,,o hsTom ikreaiywleI
the League council to be a matter ;work. Diabolic middleen n ar iing- Sclit:ap 's & Co.). away with time show: lie was a boob
solely within the domestic jurisdiction ing, the shekels fromt the i-on suner'a "Antd] now that we have safely put and a diletante, squeezing fromt every
of tile state this decision shall not pocketbook. That demon. Ineffic'iency.':,! wafihe villionu Marner" remarkh- line its final laugh, and lie gave the I
101-105 S.MAIN ST.--ANN ARBOR, MICH.--330 S. STATE
- -