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May 02, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-02

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k'KL(Ji fiVE CEN7 fTS!


VOL. XXXV. No. 156






D H. Haines of Journalism Depart-
ment Will Address Delegates at
Banquet Tonight
Starting the annual convention of
the Mid-West College Comic asso-
ciation, 40 delegates, representing 17
college humor publications, will as-
semble at 9:30 o'clock this morning
at the Union for their initial business
session. Conferences throughout the
day, a noon luncheon, and a banquet
will conclude the day's activities.
Of the 17 publications sending rep-
resentatives, 10 are members of the
association, among which are the
Gargoyle, University publication, the
Notre Dame "Juggler," the Minne-
sota "Ski-U-Mah," the Illinois "Si-
ren," the Ohio State "Sun Dial," the
Wisconsin "Octupus," the Chicago
"Phoenix," and others. The delega-
gation from each magazine will in-
clude the editor and business mana-
ger, together with other upper-staff
men. Delegates from similar asso-
clations in other parts of the coun-
try will also be present.
At the business sessions this morn-*
ing and this afternoon at 2 o'clock,
officers for the next year will be
elected, the admission to the associa-
tion of several petitioning magazines
will be considered, and an attempt to
obtain uniform advertising rates
among the members of the associa-
tion will be made.
In addition, the question of copy-
righting the publications, in order to
prevent wholesale and injurious re-
printing of material by professional
magazines of low standing, will be
presented to the conference. Trouble-
some encounters with advertisers has
given rise to the desire for uniform
rates, and in this matter reports
from national advertising agencies
will be heard.
At the banquet tonight, which will
take place at 7 o'clock in Joe Par-
ker's cafe, located at Fourth and
Huron streets, the delegates will hear
Donal Hamilton Haines, of the jour-
nalism department; John Pattee,
salesmanager of the Newcomb-Endi-
cott company, of Detroit; and repre-
sentatives of printing a.nd engraving
firms, whose work includes that of
two of the college publications.
The presiding officer of the present
convention, elected at last year's con-
vention at the Sheridan-Plaza hotel
in Chicago, is Russell W. Young,
business manager of the Ohio State
"Sun Dial." Arrangemnts here have
been in the charge of the Gargoyle
Week-end bus connections between
Ann Arbor and Lansing were estab-
lished yesterday, when two new high-
way coaches with a capacity of 20
people, made the trip, leaving the
Chamber of Commerce inn at 4:45.
Week end trips will be made until
June 1 when a daily schedule will
take effect.
Eastbound busses between Ann Ar-
bor and Detroit now leave here at
20 minutes to te hour instead of on

the hour.

Michigan Wins
Third Place In
Forensic Meet
(Special to The Daily)
Evanston, Ill., May 1. Philip N.
Krasne, '27, Michigan representative
at Evanston in the Northern Orator-
ical league conte;t, placed third
among the field of six orators who
competed for mid-west honors here
tonight. Illinois was awarded first
place and Minnesota second. Krasne
spoke on the subject, "The Emancipa-
tion of the Twentieth Century Slave."
Acording to a statement from Prof.
T. C. Trueblood of the public speak-
ing department, who accompanied
Krasne on the trip, "Krasne did his
best work and held the finest atten-
tion throughout his speech in a very
closely contested meet." The Michi-
gan representative was the last
speaker on the program which in-
cude orators from Illinois, Minne-
I sota, Michigan, Northwestern, Wis-
consin and Chicago.
Krasne, the third sophomore to
have represented Michigan in the
Northern Oratorical league contests,
won the honor by virtue of his vic-
tory in the University oratorical con-
ay9As Date
Fo r Promenade
Plans have been made by the Var-
sity band association for a formal
promenade to be held May 9 in Bar-
bour gymnasium. The grand march
well be led by Robert Halsey, '24,
drum-major of the band.
Music will be furnished by the Lan-
sing Pastime orchestra of 14 pieces.
Decorations are to be of oriental de-
sign in a maize and blue setting.
It is planned to make this formal
dance a yearly event, according to
Quentin M. Kline, '26L, president.
Each member of the band will be per-
mitted to invite one guest.
. Union Committee
Will Pick Ballot
Nominees Monday
Members of the nominating com-
mittee of the Union will meet at 7:15
o'clock Monday for the purpose of
considering applications from candi-
dates for the various Union offices
in the coming elections. All mem-
hers of this committee are urged to
be present at this meeting. The mem-
bers are John P. Bromley, '25, Ed-
ward Fox, '25, James Brooker, '27L,
Herbert Dumphy, '25, Perry Hayden,
All men who intend to become can-
didates for Union offices must have
their applications in the hands of
this committee by Monday night at
rthe latest.
Tonight at 12 o'clock the automatic
telephone dial system will be ushered
into Ann Arbor and the old method
will be entirely discarded. This city
is the first in the state to have a com-
plete automatic switching service, ac-
cording to authorities.
! The Daily will issue a supplement
Sunday which will contain the new
telephone numbers of the principal
business firms and markets in the city

Karpinski Tells of Map Collections;
Russell Attacks American
Story of Revolution
Historians who are attending the
eighteenth annual convention of the
Mississippi Valley Historical associa-
tion which opened Thursday in De-
troit, examined the University's col-
lection of historical documents during
the second day's session which was
held in the William L. Clements' li-
brary at 10 o'clock yesterday morn-
ing. The morning meeting was fol-
lowed by a luncheon at the Union and
an afternoon tour of the campus.
Randolph G. Adams, custodian of
the William L. Clements' library,
opened the meeting with an address
of welcome in which he explained the
purpose of the library, some of its
policies and the nature of the collec-
tion which it contains.
"The library now has one of the
most complete collections of docu-
ments concerning the American revo-
lution that there is in existence," the
librarian said. "Probably the most
important papers in this collection
are the Shelburn papers which are
being calendared and will be pub-
lished in the future,-probably this
Prof. Louis C. Karpinski of the
mathematics department told of "Map
Collections Relating to the History of
the Mississippi Valley." He de-
veloped his topic by use of Missis-
sippi valley maps which are in the li-
brary's collection.
A talk on the subject "Did Hamil-
ton Deserve the Epithet of Hair Buy-
er?", given by N. V. Russel of th
history department concluded the
program. Mr. lussll attackiced the
popular attitude of Americans toward
the history of the Revolutionary war,
the attitude of idealizing the Ameri-
can contestants and painting their
British opponents as villainous mci-
ters of the Indians to inhuman cruel-
ties. He showed that the truth of
the matter was that the Americans
were more guilty of this practice than
the British.
At the luncheon at noon at the
Union, Rober M. Reiser, assistant At-
torney General of Wisconsin, spoke
on "The Wisconsin-Michigan Boun-
dary Dispute." Ile used this historic
dispute to show the value of "applied
history," asserting that it is the duty
of legislative bodies to preserve their
historical records for the use of suc-
ceeding generations.
Candidates for next year's Varsity

Coolidge Seeks
Expert Advice
On Marine Bill
Washington, Illay 1. (By A. P.)
President Coolidge has been unable
to study carefully the plans of Chair-
man O'Connor of the Shipping Board,
to aid the American merchant marine
through government assistance in the
payment of seamen's wages. He feels
that such measures would be war-
ranted only if necessary to provide an
adequate naval reserve.
If the O'Connor plan is merely de-
signed to help American ship owners
{ meet labor costs, the administration
must determine, in the President's
opinion, whether it is willing to pay
seamen's wages any more than the
wages of farm and factory labor.
Convinced that the proposal sim-
mers down to one entirely of benefit
to national defense, the president, be-
fore giving any encouragement to the
scheme, would want to get the views
of the navy department.
"I am very much in favor of the
proposed plan to establish federal en-
couragement of the merchant marine
by the bonus method," said Prof. Ed-
ward M. Bragg of the marine en-
gineering department yesterday.
"Everyone realizes," Professor
Bragg continued, "that our present
merchant marine is inadequate and
incapable of competing with those of
foreign countries. The scheme of
paying a monthly wage bonus to
American sailors on merchant ves-
sels, as introduced recently by Chair-
man T. V. O'Connor of the Shipping
board would do much, in my opinion,
to remedy this unfavorable condition.
For the improvements and advan-
tages that it would bring about, the
amount of money necessary for the
realization of this plan is compara-
tively small."
Four Balloons
Start On Race
Across Nation
St. Joseph, May 1. (By A. P.)-Five
balloonists tonight were traveling
southeastward am ros the United
States in the national elimination
balloon race. Four of them were con-
testing for the honor of representing
the U. S. in the international races.
The fifth was in a pilot balloon that
led the way for the others.
A sixth pilot, Captain Raymond E.
O'Neill, saw his hopes blasted early
in the afternoon when the net around
his balloon, the S-16 of the army was
torn. The big bag was then ripped
open and deflated. It was Captain
O'Neill's first chance to participate
in a National Balloon race. In the
I race'of the contesting balloons, the
army balloon S-14 piloted by Lieut.
William J. Flood, took off at 5:59 p.
m. and sailed away to the southeast
before a stiff breeze. Lieut McCor-
mick is Lieut Flood's aid.
The Goodyear III, flown by W. T.
V n Orman with C. K. Wollam as aid,
got away 10 minutes later. Van Or-
man won last year's race.
Captain H. E. Honeywell, veteran
aeronaut soared away in the St.
Joseph at 6:42 A. M.



Captains Illini

$400000 INCLUDED


Kinderman, Called Hardest Hitting
Pitcher In Big Ten, To Take
Mound For Visitors

Adopt Increases in Measures For
College of Mines and Normal
Lansing, May 1. (By A. P.)-The
House and Senate today adopted a

- Michigan opens her Conference
cn feenecsitteefrportgan baseball season at 2:30 o'clock today
ing the University of Michigan $1,- with a game with Illinois;; a game
O80,000 for buildings and improve- which will determine the strength
I ments in the next two years. The of the Maize and Blue, for the Suck-
items specified were $400,000 for an ers have. one of the strongest teams
architectural building, $900,000 for a 'in the Big Ten.
museum, and $500,000 for land. The In the Illini, Coach Lundgren has a
appropriation now goes to the gov- team that is far above the average of
ernor for approval. the usual college team. He has a
The Senate refused to concur in team of heavy hitters, who have col-
House amendments proposing to in- jlected 15 hits in three of the four
crease the University mill tax appro- Captain L. J. Simonich, will lead Conference games in which they have
priation from $3,000,000, the present the visiting team into action on Ferry played; they field well, having but
rate, to $3,500,000 a year. The Senate field diamond this afternoon. He is a trifle more than two errors per
insisted that the University should first baseman on the Illini nine and game; and their hurlers are in mid-
get $3,700,000 next year and $3,800,- reputed to be a strong man on the I season form. In two of the games
I 000 the following year. A conference initial sack.- they won, the Illini pitchers allowed
committee will thrash out the differ- less than five hits.
ences between the branches, with the In Kinderman, who will pitch to-
probability that a compromise of $3,- day, the Suckers have the hardest
700,000 a year will be agreed upon. 111CIIG9 flLU i hitting pitcher in the Conference, and
A conference committee report, INone who has two Big Ten victories to
granting a few increases over the ur ~ I P P P his credit. Kinderman is a hurler of
original bills for buildings nad im- I average stature, who posesses good
mrovements for the College of Mines { control, and if he is in the same form
and the Normal colleges, was adopt--as in his other two wins, will be a
ed by the legislature today. The ap- Chase S. Osborn, Hon'11, Delivers Main puzzle for the Wolverine batters.
propriation bill now goes to the gov- Address Before 700 University Illinois' record to, date. includes
ernor for signature. !Bres three victories and one defeat, giving
-Graduates them a tie for second place with Iowa
mrno rrin the Conference standing. The
f W1LLOYD IS HONOR GUEST Orange and Blue team boasts one-
i sided victories over Iowa, and Indi-
rSpecil to The Daily)f Iana, and a 10 to 4 triumph over Wis-
nE Tr,1.ii I -ll'IIT n n Aconsin. Their only defeat came from



Funeral services for Mrs. Edith
Eastman Goodrich, wife of Prof. her-
bert F. Goodrich of the Law school,
were held yesterd y afternoon at the.
Unitarian church. Mrs. Goodrich G
passed away Wednesday after a
short attack of influenza -
In 1909 she entered lowa State uni-
versity, where her father Prof. Fred-
erick C. Eastman, was head of theE
Latin department. While there she
was a member of Pi Phi sorority,
Staff and Circle, the university
women's honorary society, and was
prominently identified with numerous
other activities. She married Pro-
fessor Goodrich, then a member of
the law faculty of Iowa State univer-
stiy, in 1916.
In the autumn of 1922, Professor}
and Mrs. Goodrich came to Ann Ar-
Mrs. Goodrich is survived by her1
husband, two daughters, Elizabeth
aged seven, and Charlotte Ann, aged}
two, of the immediate family, and
also by her mother, Mrs. Charlotte
Whitney Eastman, and by two sis-
I ters, Mrs. D. A. MacGregor of Wheel-
ing, West Va., and Mrs. W. C. Spies
of Bartlesville, Okla.

! !


debating teams will be given tryouts
Saturday, May 16, in room 302 Mason
hall, speaking on either side of the
question: "Resolved that the pro-
posed Child Labor Amendment to the
National Constitution be adopted by


Web And Flang
Initiates Sixteen
Junior Engineers


Chicago, 111., May i.-"Late ana
Education" was the topic of Chase S.1
Osborn, hon.'11, former governor of
Michigan, delivering the main address i
of the evening before more than 700
University of Michigan alumni at the
La Salle hotel here tonight. The ban-
quet marked the annual gathering of1
the University alumni club of this
city and the closing of the annual'
convention of graduates from Wiscon- ,
sin and Illinois.
Acting-President Alfred H. Lloyd of I
the University was the other guest of
honor and principal speaker. William
McAndrew, superintendent of Chicago
schools, acted as toastmaster for ,the
occasion, music for which was fur-
nished by 16 campus musicians who
came to Chicago specially for the ban-'
Special greetings were conveyed by
Prof. H. C. Sadler of the engineering'
college to the body of University of
Michigan epgineers of this city. He
took the place of Dean Mortimer E.
Cooley of the engineering college who
was unable to attend.
This banquet of the Chicago alumni
came at the conclusion of a busy day
at the La Salle, where the fifth dis-i
trict alumni gather from many of the1
Illinois and Wisconsin clubs.
Tomorrow the alumnae of the Uni-
versity will hold sway. Tea will be
served in Ida Noyes hall of the Uni-
versity of Chicago from 3 to 5 o'clock.
I The gathering will be addressed by
Former Governer Osborn. He will
r speak informally of his experiences
in Madagascar.
Twenty-five students of the College
of Pharmacy now on a two day trip
to inspect factories making pharma-
ceutical supplies, left Chicago early
this morning on the reutrn trip to
Ann Arbor.
The students visited the Kellogg
plant and the sanitarium at Battle
Creek Thursday, and the Bauer and
Black plant in Chicago on Friday.
Another trip which will take in the
1 Parke Davis plant in Detroit is plan-
ned for Wednesday. This trip will
be for one day.
Indoor and outdoor ranges of the
R. O. T. C. are open to reserve offi-

a return game with Iowa at the lat-
ter's stronghold, where the Suckers
were downed 7 to 4, but only after
they had made 15 hits. If they lose
again today, it will virtually mean
their elimination from this year's
race for the title.
Coach Fisher announced yesterday
that Jablonowski will do the hurling
for the Maize and Blue. Cherry will
do the receiving in as much as Bak-
er's hand has not sufficiently recov-
ered for him to work behind the
Michigan also boasts a heavy hit-
ting outfit, which is evident from the
record of the southern trip. The
Maize and Blue team is a team of
veterans, every man in the infield and
outfield having played last year, and
the inner defense Is without a doubt,
the best in the Big Ten. The catch-
ing department is amply taken care
of by Baker and Cherry, the work of
either of them being of high Confer-
ence quality.
Michigan's only weakness this sea-
son is in her hurling corps, as both
Benson and Jablonowski have been
slow in rounding into form. At this
time last season, both of them were
Coach Fisher is depending entirely
on his hurlers in today's game. To-
day, if Jablonowski is anywhere near
his last season's form, Michigan root-
ers will have a gala day; if not, dark
things can be predicted.
(Continued. on Page Six)
Terminal moraines and other glac-
ial formations made by ice lobes from
Lake Erie and Saginaw Bay after the
receding of the great glacier, will be
studied at first hand today by the
class in glacial geology under the
leadership of Frank Leverett, lectur-
er on the subject.
The Lake Erie moraine, at the edge
of Jackson county fifty miles west of
' Ann Arbor, will be explored first;
thence the expedition will proceed-
northward to study the boundary of
the Saginaw Bay ice lobe.
Cleveland 8, Detroit 7, 10 innings.
Chicago 9, St. Louis 5.
Washington 9, Philadelphia 4.
Boston 7, New York 5.

^Our~eather~an E
-believes continued fair weather is
in prospect.
Jason Cowles forgot to mention
that he found enough haberdash-
ery for Washington and himself,
ihrnh the Daily Classifleds. IfI


the United States." A talk of five
Craftsmen Will minutes will be required from each
Elect Officers tAp;oximately15 men and women
will be selected to form the intercol-
Officers for the Craftsman club will legiate debating class under the su-
be elected at a banquet-meeting to be pervision of G. E. Densmore, coach
held at 6 o'clock tonight at the Ma- , of the debating teams, for the Central
sonic Temple. League debate for men, and the Mich-
Speakers at the gathering will be igan-Ohio league debate for women.
Judge H. Newkirk, Rev. Merle H. An- All undergraduates who are eligible,
derson, and Mayor Robert A. Camp- Ito represent Michigan in an intercol-
bell, all of this city. The election legiate activity are requested to com-
will follow the banquet. All master municate with the public speaking de-
Masons are invited to attend. partment in room 3009 Angell hall.

I Fourteen junior engineers and two
Presented for the first time in Ann I(faculty men were initiated yesterday
Arbor, William Sandoz, world travel- into the mysteries of Web and Flange,
er, will offer his "autochrome" color- senior engineering honorary society.
ed photograph lectures here Wednes- The student initiates were R. L. Comb,
day night, May 13. Mr. Sandoz has Sidney DeBoer, J. M. Dunning, L. A.
previously appeared in many cities French, John Groshko, W. H. Heath,
throughout the coumntry, and in each C. F. Hilderley, K. B. Howe, Cletus
instance tielpress reports have indi- Galloway, A. T. Jensen, H. W. Mac-
te r iis programs.Duff W. V. Owe, M. M. Smith, and
Mr. Sandoz, a Swiss.has devoted the I(C. H. Will. The two faculty men taken
past 15 years of his life to travel, and into membership were Prof. A. H.
in that tinme has visited practically Blammchard of the highway engineering
every country of the earth, last winter and transport department, and Prof.
having traveled through eight nations A. J. Decker of the sanitary engineer-
of Soutm and Central America. He is ig depart ment.
thus enabled to obtain his own photo- After the initiation held at the En-s
graphs for presentation, and has a gineering arch in the afternoon, the
large variety of lectures prepared for nev men were banqueted at the
his public appearances. Union. H. A. Sheridan, '25E, presidedr
A specially constructed machine is 1 as toastmaster, introducing Prof. J.I
used to screen the photographs, which H. Cissel and Prof. A. H. Blanchard,
fall neither into the realm of ordinary each of whom gave a short talk con-
I stereoptican slides nor of moving pic cerning engineering. D. W. Smyser,
tures. Mr. Sandoz employs a process '25E, greeted the new men, while C.
which causes a vivid reproduction of! H. Will, '25E, responded for the in-I
each scene, without the necessity of 1 itiates.
retouching. -___ _

Otis Skinner Will Appear
Tonight In 'Sancho Panza'
Otis Skinner, distinguishcd Amer- goat herder, who becomes the fan-4
Ican comedian, will appear tonight at j tastic governor of a Spanish island.
the Whitney theater in Melchior This provides opportunity for the in -
troduction of an elaborate musical
Lengyel's extravaganza, "Sancho :core by iHugo Felix as well as sever-
e Panza," based on episodes from Cer- al ballet numbers.
vante's "Don Quixote." The play has, Mr. Skinner, who plays the title
been produced under the direction of role, has been recognized for many!
Richard Boleslawsky, formerly con- years as one of the country's artists,

Jewish Students
To Elect Officers

Kiwanians To Sell
Newspapers Today
More than 85 members of the Ann

AT A rnflT S r*r I £ fYTUf

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